10.21.24- The Final Countdown
Jeremiah Hosea

A dignified life, or dehumanized technocracy -- which would you prefer for your children?

As you may have noticed, I do enjoy lists. I suppose they appeal to my sense of order. The following is a list of fundamental principles that were strangely, as if by hypnosis, abdicated during the Convid Scamdemic.

I hope you enjoy, as do I, the novelty (at least for this Substack) of presenting this particular list in countdown format! Read More

10.19.24- The Trojan Horse of “Public Health”
Thomas DiLorenzo

At the recent Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Hilton Head, South Carolina Tom Woods made some flattering comments about Yours Truly regarding my 2000 book coauthored with James T. Bennett entitled
From Pathology to Politics: Public Health in America (Transaction Publishers).  That’s the year 2000, not 2020.  Tom’s comment was the result of his discovery that my coauthor and I had smoked out the dishonesty and left-wing political gimmickry of the “public health establishment” nearly a quarter of a century ago. Read More

10.18.24- If Trump Wins, Guess Who Will Be In Charge Of Certifying The Election?
Michael Snyder

Do you know who will be in charge of certifying this election?  In January 2021, it was Vice-President Mike Pence, and we all remember how that turned out.  Well, an even more interesting scenario is shaping up this time around.  In January 2025, Vice-President Kamala Harris will be in charge of certifying the election.  In other words, if Donald Trump wins the person that he was running against will be in charge of certifying his victory.  This is a major defect in our system, and it could potentially set the stage for widespread chaos if things do not go smoothly. Read More

10.17.24- Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches
John & Nisha Whitehead

“What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security... And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.” Read More


10.16.24- Greed And How To Lose 100%
Of Your Money

Lance Roberts

In the movies, greed is a trait often exhibited by the rich and powerful as a means to an end. Of particular note is the famous quote from Michael Douglas in the 1987 movie classic “Wall Street:”

The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind.” Read More

10.15.24- How to Buy Gold for $900 per Ounce
James Hickman

Today’s letter is about how to go back in time.

A lot of us remember 2009 as a pretty tough economy. The whole world was in bad shape. Major banks had failed, panic had set in, governments were spending money hand over fist, and debts were rising fast. It was pretty brutal.

But if there’s anything nostalgic about 2009, it would be that, almost exactly 15 years ago, gold traded below $1,000 an ounce for the last time. Read More

10.14.24- “We Lose Total Control”
James Howard Kunstler

“We lose total control…” she said.

Hillary Clinton was recently on CNN calling for censorship of social media. Here’s her full quote:

We should be, in my view, repealing something called Section 230, which gave, you know, platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass-throughs, that they shouldn’t be judged for the content that is posted. Read More

10.12.24- Kamala Unwinding
James Howard Kunstler

“. . . we are facing a catastrophic collapse of governance. With democracy reduced to a tragedy or a farce (probably both things). . . ."— Ugh Bardi

“As the US increasingly resembles ancient Rome, being president is more and more dangerous. Something around 35 emperors met violent deaths, most from people in and around their courts. In other words, members of the Roman Deep State. An ugly situation is brewing in and around Washington DC.” — Doug Casey Read More

10.11.24- Globalists Are Taking The Mask Off And That’s A Bad Sign…
Brandon Smith

Remember the last time the globalists took the mask off?  It wasn’t that long ago, but some people might have already forgotten how the western world almost lost all individual freedom under the guise of an over-hyped health emergency.  When globalists are honest about what they truly want, it usually coincides with an engineered calamity. Read More

10.10.24- Debt Doom is Coming
Glenn Harlan Reynolds

Everybody knows it. Here's what to do.

Debt doom is coming, everyone knows it, no one is doing anything about it.

I see no way, under current political constraints, to keep the debt from growing to the point at which it is not merely unsustainable, but actually causing fiscal collapse.  As economist Herb Stein said, something that can’t go on forever, won’t. Read More

10.09.24- Recent Events Force Us To See The Reality Of Today’s Democrats
Vince Coyner

One of the most stunning moments I ever had watching a movie was during The Sixth Sense (spoiler alert) in the scene when the ring crashes to the floor and we suddenly realize that Bruce Willis’s character is dead. I was simply dumbfounded. It immediately made sense, but I couldn’t believe that I’d not recognized it the whole time. The movie flashes back over the different scenes from Willis’s newly revealed perspective, and it was as if I’d just watched a different movie than the one I’d actually seen. Seen through Willis’s eyes, everything was clearly there, but I simply hadn’t seen it. The signs were there, but I just didn’t recognize them…Read More

10.08.24- How Howard Marks Thinks About Risk... And You Should Too
Lance Roberts

When most people hear the word “risk,” they think about wild market swings, scary headlines, and losing money overnight, but Howard Marks, Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of Oaktree Capital Management, takes a different approach. In his new video series How to Think About Risk, Marks digs deep into what risk is and how investors should handle it. Spoiler alert: It’s not just about volatility.Read More

10.07.24- Moon Landing Fraud in 45 Minutes
Bart Sibrel

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10.05.24- The American Economy Just
Dodged A Bullet… For Now

Peter Reagan

You may have heard about the East Coast dockworkers’ strike that, fortunately, only lasted for three days. Considering the strike was simply postponed until January, it’s worth a look at what such a black swan event will have on the average American’s cost of living. You need to understand what’s at stake – and how to protect your family and yourself…

The evening news, 24 hour news channels, and news sites online have all been running stories about labor strikes, especially the dockworker’s union three-day strike, over the last few weeks. Read More

10.04.24- The Ghost of Harry Bridges
MN Gordon

Three Day Strike

Dockworkers on the East and Gulf Coasts went on strike on Tuesday. This marked the first major work stoppage by the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) since 1977. It halted about half the nation’s ocean shipping imports and affected 36 ports from Maine to Texas.

Bananas, socks, automobiles, booze, electronics, Christmas goodies, and everything in between. The disruption would have cost the economy billions of dollars per day, upset supply chains, and pushed up consumer prices. Read More

10.03.24- They’re SO Not There To Help
Vox Day

The federal government does not want to help you. It has been actively trying to kill you, and attempting to interfere with anyone who gets in the way. This attempt to shut down donations and volunteers in Tennessee is no different than the attacks on all the doctors, nurses, and people speaking out in public about the dangers of the vaxx. Numerous people on social media are reporting some form of the following:

The feds are confiscating donations in Tennessee Read More

10.02.24- Chaos As Cover

If you’re looking toward this election as anything other than a trigger event, you’re missing the point. It doesn’t even matter who wins in respect to your preparedness. Contact with the enemy is ensured either way. There is no peaceful path other than total and complete compliance; abandoning any hope for the future of the republic and human rights. Read More

10.01.24- Biggest Monetary Shock in 50 Years
Jim Rickards

I’d like to start today’s issue by extending my thoughts and prayers to those impacted by Hurricane Helene, which has devastated significant portions of the southeast with massive flooding.

The death toll is over 100 and may increase significantly. Let’s all hope the affected areas will recover. Read More

09.30.24- The Ladies Who’d Rather Brunch — Guest Post by Gaudia Certaminis
William Briggs

I cannot take credit for this insight, but the young people of today—and by young let’s say under 40—have a decision to make between having kids or going to brunch.

This is not meant to be a dump on the avocado-toast fanciers, but is a succinct way to describe the priorities of the generation who is supposed to be begetting the souls that will carry us forward as a nation. Read More

09.28.24- A Failed State and an Irresponsible Justice System
Baron Bodissey

posted on Wednesday about a young Moroccan culture-enricher who allegedly raped and murdered a French student named Philippine and then fled to Switzerland. The miscreant was apprehended by the Swiss police, and is now in custody. Read More

09.27.24- So what about silver?
 James Hickman

In the 6th century BC, during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II, Babylon flourished as a center of power, culture, and commerce.

We know this because the Babylonians were exceptional record keepers. And they chiseled everything down onto cuneiform tablets, many of which have survived through today.

Sadly the tablets aren’t tabloids. They don’t contain any juicy gossip or colorful stories of ancient times. Read More

09.26.24- The Stage Is Being Set For The Greatest Period Of Chaos In U.S. History
Michael Snyder

If chaos is what they intended, everything is coming together beautifully.  Major wars threaten to throw the entire planet into a state of turmoil, criminals are running wild in our streets, and in a little over a month the outcome of the presidential election is likely to cause an unprecedented explosion of anger.  If all of this wasn’t bad enough, our politicians have been allowing millions of desperate people to come pouring over our wide open borders.  Some of these “new arrivals” belong to international criminal gangs, and members of these gangs are being arrested for drug dealing and sex trafficking all over America. Read More

09.25.24- Hidden Agendas: Beware Of The Government's Push For A Digital Currency
John & Nisha Whitehead

“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes.” - Thomas Paine

The government wants your money.

It will beg, steal or borrow if necessary, but it wants your money any way it can get it. Read More

09.24.24- Will Israel “Recklessly” Seize the Day? “Have the Doors to a War Without Limits Been Opened?”
Alastair Crooke

Judging by Israeli statements, the consensus is that Hizbullah will retaliate, but in a way that is different from the way it has responded until now.

“After today [the day of the pager simultaneous explosions], there can be no talk about settlement and solutionswrites Ibrahim Amine, Editor of Al-Akhbar, known for his close contacts with the Hizbullah leadership: Read More

09.23.24- Coming US Election and What It Means for America’s Fiscal Future
David Stockman

When in the course of history’s twists and turns dire necessity becomes the mother of invention the hour is usually late. That’s the case with America’s septic fiscal derangement at the present time. There is simply not a snowball’s chance in the hot place that either the Trumpified GOP or the beltway blob-controlled Democrats will lift a finger to deflect America’s fiscal doomsday machine from its appointed rendezvous with disaster. Read More

09.21.24- Interest Rates Down, Markets and Gold Up, Nuclear War on the Horizon
Gerald Celente

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09.20.24- The Revolution Comes For Those Who Can’t Believe It. It Always Does.
Doug “Uncola” Lynn

The title of this post was found on page 88 of “Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions” by authors Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec.  Published this year, I discovered the book to be concisely written and well-sourced. Read More

09.19.24- These Are The World's
Top 10 Tax Havens

Tyler Durden

Individuals and corporations use tax havens to minimize their tax burdens and protect their wealth in low-tax or no-tax jurisdictions.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Bruno Venditti, shows the top 10 countries hosting the most offshore financial wealth, according to 2022 data from the Atlas of the Offshore World. Read More

09.18.24- Kamala Bucks
Jim Rickards

We’re still trying to process the latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump, which took place on Sunday in West Palm Beach. But while that’s important to dissect as the election gets closer, it’s important to consider a development I’ve been warning about for over two years.

President Trump has long been an opponent of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) or as I call them Biden Bucks. (Now that Biden is essentially out of the picture, maybe I should rename them Kamala Bucks.) Read More

09.17.24- Arabica Bean Hits 2011 Highs As Coffee Inflation Soars
Tyler Durden

Consumers are furious that ground beeforange juiceeggscocoa, and food in general have skyrocketed in price. For low—and middle-income households, a trip to the supermarket has become a painful experience in the era of Bidenomics. Adding to the strain, the cost of a cup of coffee will rise even higher into the end of the year and likely in the first half of 2025.  

Bloomberg reports that premium arabica beans are experiencing adverse weather conditions in top producer Brazil, pushing prices up in New York to a 13-year high.  Read More

09.16.24- The Impossible Dream: 70 Million Boomers Retire in Style
Charles Hugh Smith

The younger generations expecting to inherit the immense wealth piled up by Boomers in home equity and stocks may be in for a shock. 

I've reached the point in life where I see a sharp line dividing the adult populace: there are those of us who are old enough to retire who are taking care of very elderly parents / family members at home, and then there's everyone else. Read More


09.14.24- China Tariffs Won’t Save the Dollar; Gold the Only Real De-Dollarization Play
Doug Casey

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09.13.24- Easy Fixes for Social Security and Fair Taxes to End Deficits for Good
David Haggith

The bottom line is we need to pay for everything as we go and stop deficit spending, and there are only two avenues for doing that—raising tax revenues and lowering expenses. The closest we came was during the Clinton years when Bill Clinton wanted to solve the debt problem by raising taxes, while Newt Gingrich said, “Not so fast. Not without equal expenditure cuts.” The two hammered out a deal under considerable pressure that greatly cut expenses and reasonably increased tax rates to find the sweet spot. Read More

09.12.24- The Real Way to End Poverty and It’s Not by Government
Thomas A. DeWeese

If one truly wants to help eliminate poverty, perhaps it’s time to rethink the process. To begin, one should ask this question – why are some nations (and individuals) wealthy and others are so poor?

The reason the United States has led the world in wealth, standard of living, and abundance is that every resident of the United States has had the ability and the opportunity to invest and produce their own capital and build personal wealth. Why is that possible? And why has most of the rest of the world failed, and continues to fail, at such an attempt?  Read More

09.11.24- While The Left And The Right Fight Over Cats And Dogs In Ohio, What Is Going On In New York Is Far Worse
Michael Snyder

If you want to get people angry, just start a debate about immigration.  There are very few issues that are capable of arousing such passion right now.  In recent days, the left and the right have been engaged in an all-out war of words over what may or may not be happening in the city of Springfield, Ohio.  Haitian migrants now make up approximately a quarter of the city’s entire population, and many local residents have publicly expressed frustration about the chaos that these migrants have caused.  Of course many on the left are disputing these claims even though they don’t live in that community.  Read More

09.10.24- The Total State and the Twilight of American Democracy
NS Lyons

Reviewing Auron MacIntyre's new book, and why conservatives need the New Right

Even when our nation's dysfunction becomes too obvious to ignore, average Americans tend to comfort themselves with the story that it at least remains a democratic, constitutional republic. For such Americans, it's probably been a confusing summer. Read More

09.09.24- The Woke Plot
To Destroy Our Economy

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

“Woke” people claim that they want to wake up racial and sexual minorities to the way they are being discriminated against. Because of past and present exploitation, blacks and other “protected” groups are not getting what rightfully belongs to them. The solution to this is that the better off, especially if they are white, should have their wealth and income seized and given to those they are exploiting. Read More

09.07.24- Three Key Trends That Will Shape
the Future of America

James Hickman

You wouldn’t be especially impressed by someone’s insight if they told you that the world today is full of turmoil. That’s obvious— from wars and cultural clashes to cost of living crises and a pervasive sense of negativity.

More impressive is that William Strauss and Neil Howe predicted that the 2020’s would be like this nearly three decades ago in their 1997 book, The Fourth Turning. Read More

09.06.24- Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer
Frank Bergman

A celebrated medical professor has confirmed that the “wonder drug” ivermectin has successfully been used to treat and cure terminally ill cancer patients.

The bombshell announcement was made by Dr. Paul Marik, an American physician and revered professor of medicine. Read More

09.05.24- Creeping Towards Conscription: Senate Defense Bill Looks to Automatically Register Young Men and Women for the Draft
Cruz Marquis

Fiscal Year 2025’s National Defense Authorization Act’s Senate version contains an important item that is being ignored—young women between the ages of 18-26 will be automatically registered for the draft.

Previously, the House version of the NDAA passed (217-199) on June 14 and provisioned for the automatic registration of 18-26 year old men for the draft, but there was no item extending the order to women. Read More

09.04.24- The Regime’s War on Cash Could Destroy the Economy
Frank Shostak

According to some “experts,” there is an urgent need to remove cash from the economy. It is held that cash provides support to the “shadow economy” and permits tax evasion. Another justification for its removal is that, in times of economic shocks, which push the economy into a recession, the run for cash exacerbates the downturn—it becomes a factor contributing to economic instability. Moreover, it is argued that, in the modern world, most transactions can be settled by means of electronic funds transfer. Money in the modern world is allegedly an abstraction. Read More

09.03.24- 09.03.24- Cancer researcher: IVERMECTIN can overcome chemotherapy resistance of TURBO CANCERS caused by mRNA vaccines
Mike Adams

An oncologist, cancer researcher and author recently shared a study that chemotherapy-resistant turbo cancers caused by Pfizer and Moderna Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccines can be overcome by ivermectin, a controversial anti-parasitic drug known to ease symptoms of viruses such as coronavirus. Health authorities have been debunking this information and have not authorized or approved its use in humans for this purpose. Read More

09.02.24- The Euro Is A Frankenstein-Currency
Thorsten Polleit

In 1818, the English writer Mary W. Shelly (1797-1851) published her gruesome novel Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus, which became world famous. In the story, the scientist Dr. Victor Frankenstein pieces together a human-like creature from cadaver parts in his laboratory and succeeds in breathing life into its body. But Frankenstein would immediately like to eliminate the monster he has created. He sees it as a demon, calling it a “disgusting monster,” a “cursed Satan.” The monster immediately realized that it is excluded, outcast from human society. Read More

08.31.24- Texas PURGES one million ineligible voters from voter rolls, including non-citizens and dead people
Kevin Hughes

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott declared on Monday, Aug. 26, that more than one million ineligible voters have been taken out from the state's voter rolls in the past three years, including more than 6,500 noncitizens and 457,000 people who are dead. Read More

08.30.24- One In Three Americans Now Have A RUINED Retirement (Here's Why)
Peter Reagan

Is the dream of a work-free retirement gone for good? A new study reveals that more than one in three retired Americans are going back to work – and not because they miss the daily grind…

Traditionally, so long as you have the financial resources to do so, retirement is a fairly simple and straightforward endeavor. Read More

08.29.24- America’s Lab Rats?
Victor Davis Hanson

Half the country thinks something has gone drastically wrong in America, to the point that it is rapidly becoming unrecognizable. Millions feel they are virtual lab rats in some grand research project conducted by entitled elites who could care less when the experiment blows up.

Consider: Our military turns over $60 billion in state-of-the-art weapons to terrorists in Kabul and then flees in disgrace? Read More

08.28.24- Countdown to Crisis, Catastrophe and Collapse
Jim Quinn

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.” – George Orwell

“The future’s becoming muddled. The lines of vision are narrowing. But now they’re desperate. All paths lead into darkness.” – Frank Herbert – Dune Read More

08.27.24- Please, Sweet Merciful Jesus, send us a holy and manful Monarch
Ann Barnhardt

Slowly, slowly, I think more and more people are coming to the sick realization that “democracy” is and ever was a ticking time bomb built for the inside-out destruction of Christian Civilization. I think people are finally starting to sit down and think in stillness about the inner cities utterly devoid of any morality, about the SJW youth and their middle-aged and Boomer indoctrinators who are completely detached from reality, and at the luciferianism of the political class and realizing that “democracy” did this. And even more chillingly, that democracy can never, ever be the way out of this, and should never be returned to, because to return to it would be the proverbial dog returning to its vomit. Read More

08.26.24- The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End
Tom Gantert

Presented With Rise in Border Crossings, Kamala Harris Chose a Long-Term Approach to the Problem
Biden, watching tens of thousands of migrants from Central America reach the U.S.-Mexico border just a few months into his administration, tapped his second-in-command to help address the influx — a decision that has exposed Vice President Kamala Harris to one of her biggest political liabilities.
 Read More

08.24.24- Reuniting America? Forget it!
Al Benson Jr.

There was a time when America might have been mostly reunited. That time is gone. You will never come close to reuniting this country again. We have let in too many foreigners who refuse to assimilate and who want to remake America into their own image and will not be satisfied with anything less. And we’ve done that on purpose. No matter how much Trump or others try to make us all one people again it will not happen. Read More

08.23.24- 3 Retirement Red Flags You Should NEVER Ignore
Peter Reagan

As you near retirement age, one of the decisions you get to make is when to file for Social Security benefits and officially retire from the workforce. By this point, you’ve saved as much for your future as can. Your savings priorities change from growth to preservation.

Before officially embarking on your retirement journey, it’s smart to consider both the current state of our economy as well as the current state of Social Security. While both will certainly change during the years ahead, we don’t know with certainty how they’ll change. What we DO know is what’s happening right now – and that may be extremely important. Read More

08.22.24- 1 Million Square Foot Office Building In Center City Philly Appraised For 25% Less Than 2021
Tyler Durden

The 1 million square foot office building just blocks from City Hall at 18th & Market streets in Philadelphia, saw its appraisal value crushed 25% from $282.1 million in 2021 to $211.3 million this year, according to a new report from Bisnow.

Citing Morningstar, the report notes that Shorenstein Properties’ office space, about 80% occupied, has been in special servicing for a year, with another property at 1700 Market St. added earlier this year. Read More

08.21.24- Forty Centuries of Failure: Price Controls, Debasement and Tyranny
Mark Jeftovic

August 15th was the anniversary of the infamous “Nixon Shock”, when excessive spending and trade deficits had governments on the ropes, as prices climbed relentlessly, inflation soared into the double digits, while economic growth stalled.

In 1971 of that year, Nixon “temporarily” suspended convertibility of the US dollar for gold (still in effect), while simultaneously proclaiming a 90-day freeze on all wages and prices across the United States. Read More

08.20.24- 2.34 Billion Ton Discovery in Wyoming Could Unlock AI Wealth
Rex Moore

A shocking discovery on a small parcel of land in Wyoming might’ve just changed the world as we know it.

Over 2.34 billion metric tons of some of the rarest materials on earth was recently found in a mining operation in rural Wyoming, and analysts are already calling it ‘the mother lode’. Read More

08.19.24- Elon Musk Talks Silver: It’s Critical Role When the Dollar Dies
David Morgan

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08.17.24- BRICS, Inflation, Turmoil, and CDBC – What to DO?
Andy Sutton

Our column last week prompted so many questions from new readers that we decided to start from scratch. Long-time readers will recognize much of what we’re about to say, but we ask that you take the time regardless since we’re adding in valuable context that has been provided over time. Just looking at the world today, your first thought might be: crazy! However, compared with even a few years ago, things are much clearer. So, without further ado…Read More

08.16.24- US Living Standards In Grave Danger
Jeffrey Tucker

“Inflation cooled, lower than expected,” read the financial press on the release of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for July.

One only needs to look carefully: when month-to-month changes are down, those alone get the headline. When they are up, as they are in July, the headline focuses on the 12-month trend. Every time.

Based on the data release we have, the “cooling” is actually up from June to July, if you can believe it. Read More

08.14.24- Britain Is Proof: Globalists Plan To Use Migrants as a Mercenary Army
Against The West

Brandon Smith

Why do western officials insist on gaslighting the public on illegal border crossings? Why do they attempt to destroy anyone that publicly opposes mass immigration from the third world? The laws on the books support the public’s majority position on immigration – Come here legally or don’t come here at all. In Europe, the UK and the US polls show a majority of citizens want reductions in immigration and better border security. Yet, government officials, who often claim to be “protecting democracy,” brazenly ignore these majority concerns. Why? Read More

08.13.24- The Disaster Lottery
TL Davis

What we are facing is greater than war, greater than civil war, greater than genocide, greater than worldwide migration, greater than being conquered; it’s greater than recession or depression, dispossession, bankruptcy or collapse. It’s even greater than famine or disease. It’s all of these things at the same time. Either this is a coordinated effort by numerous nations across the globe, the maladministration of global elites (who have their fingers in everything) or some sort of mass psychosis. I don’t totally rule out a combination of these forces, either. Read More

08.12.24- Whacked by a Financial Two-by-Four
Michael Snyder

The stock market has stabilized after Monday’s major stumble — for now. Don’t sound the all-clear signal just yet.

Yes, the U.S. markets look temporarily stabilized… while the Bank of Japan suffered a major anxiety attack, declaring it would turn around the very modest 25 basis point interest rate lift that crashed their markets for three days by 20% — and also stated they would no longer even try to raise interest rates again. Read More

08.10.24- Americans are poorer: the United States Misery Index rises again
Daniel Lacalle

I frequently receive comments about the strength of the United States economy and the unfairness of perceiving things as less than stellar. Is it really the “strongest economy ever”? It’s evident that it’s far from being the “strongest economy ever.”

The United States unemployment rate has risen to 4.1%, the highest in three years, which is also significantly higher than the level seen in 2019. In June, a 70,000 increase in government jobs boosted payroll employment by 206,000. One-third of job creation is public sector jobs paid with more debt. Both the employment-to-population ratio and the labor force participation ratio are below the pre-pandemic level, and immigrants account for all the labor force growth since the pandemic, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Ned Davis Research. Read More

08.09.24- 2024 Echoes '1984'
Victor Joecks

The book “1984” is supposed to be a warning. Today’s leftists are using it as an instruction manual...

George Orwell’s classic novel is set in a dystopian world where Big Brother controls the population through information control and surveillance. See if any of this sounds familiar.

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” Read More

08.08.24- Israel Is in a Death Spiral. Who Will It Take Down with It?
Jonathan Cook

Israel’s zealots are ignoring the pleas of the top brass. They want to widen the circle of war, whatever the consequences

There should be nothing surprising about the revelation that troops at Sde Teiman, a detention camp set up by Israel in the wake of Hamas’s 7 October attack on southern Israel, are routinely using rape as a weapon of torture against Palestinian inmates. Read More

08.07.24- Donald Trump Says That A Great Depression Is Coming. He Is Right.
Michael Snyder

Do you believe Donald Trump?  He is entirely convinced that if we stay on the path that we are currently on we are heading into a “great depression”, and many believe that he is right on target.  Unemployment is rising, manufacturing activity is contracting, bankruptcies are soaring, home sales have fallen to depressingly low levels, the cost of living crisis never seems to end, poverty is soaring and homelessness is at the highest level ever recorded. Read More

08.06.24- And Suddenly Things Change
James Howard Kunstler

“The global economy is becoming unburdened by what has been.” — Jordan Schachtel on “X”

That two-by-four upside our country’s head you’ve been waiting to get whomped with? Looks like it’s landing now. We got a banger in 2008, but it didn’t make a much of an impression. Maybe you don’t even remember these people, but then Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Fed Chair Ben Bernanke came in like a code blue squad and hooked up the banks to an IV-drip speedball of cocaine and heroin, i.e., “money” that didn’t actually exist (a.k.a. “liquidity,” hallucinated capital), and that crew kept it coming for years. Read More

08.05.24- The Trigger For WWIII Just Arrived – What Are The Implications For Americans?
Brandon Smith

If the year of 2024 has proven anything so far, it’s that our worries about the potential outbreak of WWIII are absolutely reasonable. The skeptics making accusations of “conspiracy theory” and “doom and gloom” have been proven wrong yet again. The geopolitical atmosphere is turning sour fast.

I still don’t think a lot of people realize how truly volatile the situation is globally right now. From my point of view, WWIII has already begun, at least in economic terms. Read More

08.03.24- Into the Weird!
James Howard Kunstler

“What we are witnessing is nothing less than the failure of the greatest propaganda apparatus in history.” — Mattias Desmet

Have you noticed yet? — the weird thing about Veep Kamala Harris is how weirdly brisk her transfiguration was from a sit-com character to Wonder Woman, overnight in the reality-optional news media. In a party burdened with complex ideology, she was known only for tautology: “The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time,” she repeated solemnly on a tour of a Louisiana library in 2022. “So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.” Yes, ma’am. You nailed that ol’ coonskin to the wall, all righty! Read More

08.02.24- The U.S. Is Not Prepared To Fight One Major War, But Three Major Wars
Are Rapidly Approaching

Michael Snyder

What in the world has happened to our military?  When I was growing up, I was proud that my father was an officer in the U.S. Navy.  At that time we possessed the most powerful military in the entire world by a wide margin, and as a result nobody wanted to mess with us.  But now everything has changed.  Our military has been transformed into a “woke” joke, and we all saw what happened during the absolutely disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.  We desperately need to get our act together, because war is coming.  In fact, we could soon find ourselves fighting multiple major wars simultaneously.  Unfortunately, a study that was just released by a congressional panel concluded that we are not even ready to fight one major war at this point… Read More

08.01.24- BRICS Proposes Cryptocurrency "The Unit" as Alternative to the Dollar
Peter Reagan

A new major currency will be hitting the world stage soon as BRICS – being the economic block of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and a growing number of non-western nations – is coming closer to officially launching its collective tender. Details of the currency, which will be called The Unit, were announced during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June.  Read More

07.31.24- Your Enemy, The Deep State
Doug Casey

A lot of people would like political solutions to their problems, i.e., getting the government to make other people do what they want. People with any moral sense, however, recognize that can only create more problems. Clever players, therefore, use the government as a tool but do so from behind a curtain. They know that it's more effective, and a lot safer, to pull the puppet's strings from offstage. Sometimes, they step into the limelight, depending on the circumstances and the depth of their personal narcissism. But they're all about two things: Power and money. Call them the Deep State. Read More

07.30.24- This Is What The Final Stages Of A Bubble Economy Look Like Just Before A Collapse Happens
Michael Snyder

How does it feel to be living on the edge of a bubble just before it bursts?  Ever since the days of the Great Recession, our leaders have been going to extremes that we have never seen before as they attempt to keep our failing economy propped up.  The Federal Reserve has created trillions upon trillions of dollars out of thin air and pumped it into the financial system.  Our politicians in Washington have been on the greatest debt binge in the history of the world, and as a result our national debt has soared to truly horrifying levels.  On Monday, our national debt reached 35 trillion dollars, and even the New York Times is admitting that it is growing “more quickly than many economists had predicted”… Read More

07.29.24- The grizzly truth about the West We have forgotten the basic principles
of civilisation

Jacob Howland

The past month of American politics has been utter chaos. Former president Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt by a matter of millimetres. Joe Biden went to Las Vegas, reportedly got Covid, and disappeared completely from public view. A day after his campaign team insistedhe would stay in the race for president, he dropped out via a letter posted to X. Read More

07.27.24- US Is Going Bankrupt: 76% of Income Tax Goes to Interest on Debt
Maura Dowling

As Elon Musk says, the US is headed for bankruptcy. [Kamala strongly backs Joe’s economic plans.]

“Our honest Ph.D. Peter St. Onge explains in the clip that 76% of income tax goes to the interest on the debt. That means three out of every four dollars you currently give the IRS are actually going to China or Wall Street. The numbers come from the US OMB.” Read More

07.26.24- Elon Musk warns ‘America is going bankrupt’ as interest payments on US debt ate up 76% of June’s income tax revenue
Jing Pan

Rising national debt has long been a pressing issue in America, and it has caught the attention of Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

“America is going bankrupt btw,” Musk wrote in a recent post on the social media platform X. He was responding to a post by Billy Markus, the creator of Dogecoin. Read More

07.25.24- Trump Assassination Attempt and What Comes Next
Doug Casey

International Man: On July 13, there was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump. What’s your take on what really happened?

Doug Casey: The official narrative is still crystallizing, as all the government employees and bureaucrats who were supposedly responsible for Trump’s safety scurry about to ensure their careers aren’t adversely affected. Now that Kim Cheatle, the security hen in charge of the Secret Service, has resigned to collect her fat pension as a public mea culpa, the Secret Service and FBI will conduct internal investigations. A few people may be reprimanded and placed on administrative paid leave for a couple of weeks. A question will be asked as to whether it was a lone nut or part of a broader conspiracy. The odds are 99 out of 100 they’ll conclude the former, whether or not it’s true. Read More

07.24.24- Myths…
Neal Ross

Do you remember how, when you were a child, you used to believe in all kinds of silly things? We used to believe that some guy lived up in the North Pole, making toys all year long, to be delivered to all the children who had been good on Christmas Day. We used to believe that the Easter Bunny delivered colored eggs and candy for us to find scattered around our homes. We used to believe that if we left a baby tooth that had fallen out under our pillow, that during the night the Tooth Fairy would come along and exchange it for a quarter; at least it was a quarter when I was a kid. Read More

07.23.24- Goodbye Mr. Biden
Padraig Martin

As I am writing this article, Biden has stepped aside from his reelection campaign, and baring some kind of last-minute chicanery, Vice President Kamala Harris is the likely nominee. Whereas the optics will change from frail, older White man whose facilities have long since departed, to a younger (59) black-Indian female, the election dynamics will not change. Effectively, it is Trump versus the Establishment – or more accurately, the current Establishment in power (Harris) versus the Establishment out of power (Trump). The policies will not change much, regardless of the election outcome. Read More

07.22.24- Diversity hire Kimberly Cheatle demonstrates the deadly consequences of replacing duty with diversity
Patricia Anthone

Kimberly Cheatle, Biden’s diversity-hire choice to head up the Secret Service, has been subpoenaed by Congress to answer for her deadly dereliction of duty.

So far, this blithering idiot has done nothing but belch up lie after lie. Read More

07.20.24- The REPO Act: A Precursor To The Dollar's Downfall
Nick Giambruno

In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the US government has launched its most aggressive sanctions campaign ever.

The US government and its allies froze around $300 billion of the Russian central bank’s reserves—the nation’s accumulated savings. Read More

07.19.24- How The Economy Will End
Adam Taggart

What if a near-term recession & bear market are the LEAST of our worries?

History is full of examples where nations resorted to taking on ever-increasing amounts of debt to maintain a positive economic growth rate.

But it never works out well for those who do.

Most often, they end up sacrificing the purchasing power of their currencies in the process. Read More

07.18.24- The Secret Service Story is Starting to Stink
Stu Tarlowe

We’re now learning, among other things, that Trump’s Secret Service detail was made up of second- and third-stringers, with more experienced agents having been pulled away to protect “Dr.” Jill Biden, and that even the Secret Service director is a “DEI” (“Diversity, Equity, Inclusion”) hire, put in place under a doctrine that amounts to “Affirmative Action on steroids,” replacing meritocracy with “qualifications” based on identity politics. Read More

07.17.24- The Housing Market Hit A Wall In May/June – It’s Headed South Pronto
Dave Kranzler

The commentary below is from my weekly short seller’s newsletter. To learn more follow this link: Short Seller’s Journal

Housing market update – In taking a deeper dive into the existing home sales report for May, I noticed that the distribution of sales across the six price “buckets” shows a different story than the headline number broken out by sales region: Read More

07.16.24- Unanswered Questions About the Assassination Attempt on Trump
Jim Rickards

You’re receiving today’s issue early because it’s very important, and I want to make sure you didn’t miss it.

All Americans should be relieved and grateful that Donald Trump survived an attempted assassination at a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday. Read More

07.15.24- 7 Ways to Prepare Your Kids For the Coming Crisis… How to Set Them Up to Thrive
Maxim Benjamin Smith

Editor’s Note: Doug Casey and the International Man team have published extensively on the topic of the coming crisis, including actionable information and advice on how to survive and thrive. Today, we’re publishing an article written by 18-year old Maxim Smith on how to prepare your children for the difficulties ahead.

We urge you to read what he has to say…

Western civilization has been circling the drain for decades, but the time is coming where much that we now take for granted will be flushed away. Read More

07.13.24- Great Depression 2.0 -
Is It Already Here?

Peter Reagan

If you have that strange feeling like the full story about the U.S. economy isn’t being told, you’re not the only one.

You might even be feeling like things are much worse than the Administration keeps touting through the corporate media.

In fact, in this piece we’re going to explore several examples that illustrate just how the American public is being sold one version of the economic story, while being left in the dark about the rest of the story. Read More

07.12.24- Is Home Ownership the American Dream or an Opportunity for Government Control?
Tom DeWeese

Does your family live in a home located in a single-family neighborhood of your choosing? A place where your kids are safe to play in the yard, you can enjoy the sun in your own lounge chair, the grill is ready to be fired up for dinner, and your neighbors wave hello? Best of all, are you counting on the equity value growing with each mortgage payment, preparing for your financial future?

This is your home, your investment, your quality of life! Read More

07.11.24- China's Great Resource Grab - Will It Affect Americans?
Brandon Smith

With China and other foreign nations buying up farmland in the U.S., Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.us discusses the harmful ramification for Americans, and the future of our economy.

In the past three years China has accelerated export agreements and industrial operations in Africa, becoming the continent's largest bilateral trade partner. Given Africa's complete lack of development and GDP, the Asian rush to cement economic ties might seem strange. However, I would argue that China is adapting to events that haven't quite happened yet. Read More

07.10.24- China: The Helpless Giant
James Rickards

Myths die hard. Among these is the great myth that China’s poised to take over the world. Today I’ll debunk that myth.

No one seriously disputes the importance of China to the global economy. It’s the world’s second-largest economy after the U.S. and accounts for 17% of global GDP (or an even larger percentage if one uses an alternative accounting method called purchasing power parity). Read More

07.09.24- Is This Crypto’s Big Moment?
Or Big Breakdown?

Greg Guenthner

Instead of a sizzling summer rally, crypto once again finds itself at a crossroads.

The year began with hope and excitement. Bitcoin had just led stocks off their lows during the fourth-quarter melt-up rally, gaining more than 60% off its October lows. Crypto bulls were giddy as two big developments appeared on the horizon: the impending Bitcoin ETF approvals – courtesy of the Securities and Exchange Commission – and the halvingRead More

07.08.24- Commodities Halftime Report: Silver, Oil And Gold Were The Top Performers
Frank Holmes

If you were in charge of feeding everyone this Fourth of July, you probably noticed a hike in prices.

According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, the cost of a typical Independence Day spread for 10 people jumped to $71.22 this year, up 5% from last year and a whopping 30% from five years ago. Read More

07.06.24- America the Beautiful
David Haggith

How will we make America beautiful again?

Because it’s the Independence Day weekend, I’m going to provide a little more of today’s content through easy-to-watch videos and humor to go nicely with your weekend, and I’m going to take a different approach in my own editorial today as well. Read More

07.05.24- Is It Possible to Live Well Earning $30,000 a Year in America?
Yes--With These Conditions

Charles Hugh Smith

Can a couple of hardworking people live well in America on $30,000 a year in earnings? Yes, if they're willing to do what's needed to make it happen.  

Is It possible to live well on $30,000 a year in America? Let's start with the raw numbers. I am starting with a couple, not an individual, so we're talking about two people living well on $30,000 earnings a year. Read More

07.04.24- And Now, for Something Entirely Different: America’s True Patriots
Brian Maher

Here is the trouble with America’s jingos, warhawks, drum-beaters, glory hounds, world-improvers and idealists:

They are not patriotic.

A jolting, nearly scandalous claim, it is true. Do these Americans not cry tears red, white and blue? Read More

07.03.24- Green New Scam Is Dying
James Rickards

It’s no secret that the vast majority of the so-called elites are advocates of climate alarmism and are taken in by the Green New Scam.

Whether this preference is based on ignorance of the science, ideological zeal, a willful desire to hurt American growth or simple greed because of their investments in Green New Scam infrastructure varies case by case.

The typical upper-income supporter of the climate cult including academics, media figures and celebrities is probably ignorant of the fact that there is no evidence that CO2 emissions cause climate change and that the real causes are solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents and atmospheric moisture not caused by humans. Read More

07.02.24- The Debate Should Be a Wake-Up Call For Americans
Ron Paul, MD

There were plenty of surprises in last week’s presidential debate. For one, Americans who rely on the mainstream media for their news learned that they had been lied to for the past three years about President Biden’s capability to do the job he was elected to do.

The realization that the media has been lying for years about Biden is a positive development, as, hopefully, thoughtful Americans might begin wondering what else the media has been lying about. For example, they will find out that the media has been lying to them for years about Russia and Ukraine and about the Middle East and elsewhere. Read More

07.01.24- The Antifederalists
Were Right on Target

Al Benson Jr.

A couple days ago someone forwarded me an article from November 17, 2019 by Gary M. Galles about the Antifederalists who opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Mr. Galles felt the Antifederalists were pretty much on target with their objections to the Constitution and over the years I’ve felt the same way. The Christian statesman Patrick Henry, who I have high regard for, was an Antifederalist. Read More

06.29.24- 21 Facts That Joe Biden
Doesn’t Want You To Know

Michael Snyder

It takes a lot of gumption to go on television and repeatedly lie to more than 300 million Americans.  I honestly don’t know how Joe Biden does it.  I suppose that after you have been lying for your entire career, lying comes as naturally as breathing does.  Sadly, there are still millions of Americans that are falling for his lies after all this time.  Biden would like for us all to believe that the economy is “booming”, that the southern border is under control, that our communities are safe, and that Ukraine is going to win their war against Russia.  Our entire society is literally crumbling all around us, and Biden and his minions have brought us to the brink of global war.  I am entirely convinced that he has been the worst president in U.S. history, and that is really saying something.Read More

06.28.24- Odds Are High You’re Going To Need Your Survival Supplies in the Next Few Years
Brandon Smith

In 2020 at the onset of the covid pandemic scare and right before the lockdowns I’ll never forget going on a grocery run on a Friday afternoon only to find near empty roads and near empty stores. The few other people shopping had a glassy stare in their eyes, like they were dazed or shell-shocked. For me and those I know that prep, it was just another day; for those that hadn’t prepped it was a nightmare of uncertainty. Read More

05.27.24- If You’ve Got Money in the Markets… You NEED to Read This!
Graham Summers, MBA

Remember, never before has the U.S. shut down its economy voluntarily. Not during WWII, not during the Spanish flu, NEVER. So that alone was a game-changer as far as how our economy functions (and is measured).

Moreover, never before has the Fed and the Federal Government pumped $11 TRILLION into the financial system in the span of 20 months.  Consider that the U.S. economy was ~$20 trillion at the time… so we’re talking about policymakers putting an amount greater that 50% of GDP into the financial system. Read More

06.26.24- Retirement Nightmare! Hordes Of Older Americans May Need To Go Back To Work Just To Survive
Michael Snyder

The Social Security program was instituted to help elderly Americans thrive during their retirement years. Unfortunately, millions upon millions of retired Americans are finding that their monthly Social Security payments are simply not enough as the cost of living spirals out of control. 

One recent survey found that a whopping 85 percent of U.S. adults now consider inflation to be one of the most important political issues that we are facing, and seniors are being hit particularly hard.  In fact, a different survey that was just conducted by the Motley Fool discovered that 44 percent of  retired Americans are thinking of going back to work because they need more money to survive… Read More

06.25.24- Mass Inflation Ahead —
Save Your Nickels!

James Wesley Rawles

I’ve often mused about how fun it would be to have a time machine and travel back to the early 1960s, and go on a pre-inflation shopping spree. In that era, most used cars were less than $800, and a new-in-the box Colt .45 Automatic sold for $60. In particular, it would be great to go back and get a huge pile of rolls of then-circulating US silver dimes, quarters, and half dollars at face value. (With silver presently around $30 per ounce, the US 90% silver (1964 and earlier) coinage is selling wholesale at 22 times face value–that is $22,000 for a $1,000 face value bag.) Read More

06.24.24- Judge Judy Says Trump's NYC Hush Money Trial Was "Nonsense"
And She "Resents" It As A Taxpayer

Tyler Durden

There's going to be a lot of conflicted daytime TV viewers who count both The View and Judge Judy in their daily lineup after this one...

One of Manhattan's favorite judges, TV icon Judge Judy Sheindlin, weighed in on Donald Trump's criminal "hush money" trial last week in an interview with Chris Wallace, calling the spectacle "nonsense".  Read More

06.22.24- She’s Baaack!
Ben Garrison

The answer is yes. She's running again.

Hillary Clinton made a appearance at the Tony Awards, looking like a old car that just got a new paint job. Her hair was done in a more flattering style then the usual severe straight bangs. Hillary looked like she had lost weight and wore a dress that wasn’t her usual ‘shower curtain’ style. This immediately started tongues wagging about whether Hillary is being considered as a possible replacement for the Depends wearer in Chief, Joe Biden. Read More

06.15.24- Sick of and Done With
James Howard Kunstler

“Biden is not well. Everyone knows this even those who support him…the difference is they don’t care and that’s the most frightening aspect of this situation.” — Edward Dowd

They’re kidding, right? That “Joe Biden” is capable of being president? Not just for another four-year term, but right here and now? This has got to be the most pitiful case of national gaslighting since 218-AD when the Romans installed 14-year-old Heliogabalus to front for their empire. Like “JB,” he reigned for four years. Read More

06.14.24- Kyle Rittenhouse is Named Outreach Director for Texas Gun Rights
Jose Nino

On June 11, 2024, Texas Gun Rights announced Kyle Rittenhouse as the pro-gun organization’s outreach director.

“Joining Texas Gun Rights is an awesome opportunity to continue advocating for our constitutional freedoms,” Rittenhouse declared in a press release.
“I am excited to work with TXGR to mobilize Texans in support of their right to keep and bear arms. Together, we can ensure that our voices are heard and our rights are protected in Austin and D.C.” Read More

06.13.24- Surveys Show That The American People Absolutely HATE What Is Happening To The Economy, And This Is Why…
Michael Snyder

The health of the economy has been one of the primary determining factors in many presidential elections, and it will be the same this time around too.  Of course that is really bad news for Joe Biden, because the American people absolutely hate what is happening to the economy.  Even though the media is constantly telling us that the economy is doing just fine, the vast majority of the population is not buying into the propaganda.  Hordes of small businesses are failing, retailers are shutting down thousands of stores, and poverty is explodingall over the nation.  But inflation is the biggest reason why Americans are so dissatisfied with the economy.  According to one recent survey, it is “far and away”the biggest issue for American voters… Read More

06.12.24- The Five Stages Of Denial When Skeptics Are Faced With Economic Collapse
Brandon Smith

In light of the recent resurgence of inflation on top of increasingly rigged employments stats, declining manufacturing and stagnant wages I think it’s important to revisit a fundamental question: What does an economic collapse look like?

As I have said for years an economic collapse is NOT an event, it’s a process. When people think of a historic crisis they usually imagine something like the stock market crash of 1929 at the beginning of the Great Depression. However, there were numerous indicators and warning signs leading up to that crash that should have tipped people off. There were even a handful of economists that voiced concerns about impending instability, yet they were ignored. Read More

06.11.24- The Greatest Theft in World History
Brfian Maher and Jim Rickards

We remain besieged by responses to our D-Day coverage.

Certain readers nearly chain us Mr. Benedict Arnold. Reader B.H. — for example.

From whom:

I find the comments about D-Day very disturbing. There was no need to disrespect D-Day on that day. Whatever your views on D-Day they could have been discussed at any time than on that day. You do all Americans a disservice when you have to dig into every aspect of the shortcomings of American troops and service during war. Read More

06.10.24- Our Crisis of Competence
Charles Hugh Smith

Money being scarce saves us from many pernicious forms of mischief, and having too much money/credit leads to catastrophe. This is of course the exact opposite of the conventional belief that having lots of money makes life not just easier but expansive and, well, as perfect as human life can be.

On the scale of nation-states, having too much money/credit leads to the catastrophe of wars of choice, as having a couple million silver ducats to play with opens the door to imperial temptations, for example, assembling a great fleet of warships and sending this Armada to conquer troublesome England. Read More

06.08.24- And Now, for Something Entirely Different: Obese Woman Wins Miss Alabama And People Have Questions
Paul Joseph Watson

An obese woman has won Miss Alabama, with the organizers of the contest insisting that the intention of the beauty pageant was to “foster a positive self-image.”

Yes, really.

After Sara Milliken learned that she had won the competition and would go on to represent her state at the national level, she hit back at critics who questioned her weight. Read More

06.07.24- U.S. Must Continue Solar Growth to Meet Decarbonization Goals
Haley Zaremba

A solar energy boom is reshaping the United States’ energy transition. Solar still only accounts for 6% of the United States energy mix, but it’s already disrupting energy markets in major ways. The rapid rise of this variable energy form has also instigated a rapid rise in energy storage batteries and is forcing grids to become more flexible, acting as a catalyst for wide-sacel energy systems transformation in the United States. Read More

06.06.24- Money Is Power, And The Global Balance Of Power Is Rapidly Shifting
In Favor Of The Ultra-Wealthy Elite

Krishan Gopaul

If  you have enough money, you can buy just about anything.  And when you are in a position where you can buy just about anything, you wield an enormous amount of raw power.  Today, our world is completely and utterly dominated by those at the very top of the economic pyramid.  Those in the top one percent of the top one percent are pretty much able to do whatever they want, and the rest of us are pretty much powerless to stop them.  Read More

06.05.24- Scam Watch: The Rise of
Social Engineering Fraud

Birch Gold

A new scam technique called social engineering fraud is growing fast. The latest generation of AI tools makes it easier than ever for scammers to impersonate a friend or loved one. Here’s what to watch out for…

In 2023, people in the U.S. reported losing over $12.5 billion to online fraud. This is a big increase from the previous year, showing that these scams are becoming more common. The FBI gathers this information from people who report fraud to their Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), which received over 880,000 complaints last year. However, many scams are not reported, so the actual number is likely much higher. Read More

06.04.24- Which Movie Will It Be?
James Howard Kunstler

“It’s almost as if the principals (prosecutors and judge) were performing for their political audience — with a wink, a nod and a stage whisper (“watch this!”) as they ignore yet another fundamental element of American due process.”— Jack DeVine on “X”

The ninnies of Bidenworld seem to not understand that by subjecting Mr. Trump to a kangaroo court they’ve made him the kind of outlaw that Americans revere above every other archetypal hero. He’s the new American Robin Hood, the people’s outlaw — with “Joe Biden” relegated as the wicked Sir Guy of Gisbourne, master of foul play and servant of the evil regent Prince John (Barack Obama). Read More

06.03.24- It's Falling Hard Now
David Haggith

All over the economy, metrics of all kinds are rapidly tripping downward.

So, the bad news keeps rolling in for the stock market, even on a good stock day when the Dow soared 575 points because we caught an inflation beat that nudged down. This time it was in the PCE report. Last time it was in CPI. The CPI number didn’t look anywhere near as helpful once you looked beneath the surface, and I suspect this one won’t with the same kind of Deeper Dive. So, I’ll be covering that this weekend. Right now, I want to focus on what happened in the economy this week and in stocks as related news continue to pour in today. Read More

06.01.24- From Mad (Social) Scientist
to Mad Zionist

Thomas DiLorenzo

“First of all, don’t target civilians.”

~Murray Rothbard’s first principle of just war in his essay, “Just War”

Like Hans Hoppe I have been a friend of Walter Block’s for decades. I co-authored a book and an article with him, sponsored a guest lecture by him at my university; lectured twice at his invitation at Loyola University New Orleans; wrote dozens of online articles in his defense when he was libeled by the administrators of Loyola University Maryland for giving a world-class (but non-woke) lecture on the economics of discrimination; and wrote in his defense against the New York Times smear of him. Read More

05.31.24- Fiscal Armageddon looms and no one in power wants to talk about it. Here’s why you should be afraid
Frank Giustra

U.S Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s ebullient take on the economy, writes Frank Giustra, is akin to the captain of the Titanic acknowledging they were scraping alongside an iceberg but that the ship is intact — barring a few minor tears in the hull. >>

For the better part of two decades, a small group of us fiscally prudent types have been relegated to the wilderness for having the temerity to sound the alarm. Read More

05.30.24- Get Up, Stand Up, Don’t Give Up the Fight: Know Your Rights
or You Will Lose Them

John & Nisha Whitehead

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.—Thomas Jefferson

If America’s schools are to impart principles of freedom and democracy to future generations, they must start by respecting the constitutional rights of their students

Take the case of Lucas Hudson. Read More

05.29.24- Rancher: Record High Beef Prices May Be 'New Norm'
Matthew Lysiak

Regulations and economic factors drive beef prices up as small farms struggle.

Beef prices skyrocketed to a new record high this Memorial Day weekend as industry experts warn costs could continue to rise even higher if current regulatory and economic conditions remain unchanged.

Recently released data shows that “all fresh beef retail value,” a composite value based on choice beef, other beef, and hamburger retail prices, shot up to $794.90 in April, according to the Economic Research Council, the highest price on record. Read More

05.28.24- Quantitative Brainwashing
Jeff Thomas

We’re all familiar with the term, “quantitative easing.” It’s described as meaning, “A monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply.”

Well, that sounds reasonable… even beneficial. But, unfortunately, that’s not really the whole story. Read More

05.27.24- Giving Ukraine Missiles to Shoot Into Russia Is a Declaration of War
Mike Whitney

Congressman calls for direct strikes on Russia —House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul shows a map of potential targets in Russia >>

In a desperate attempt to stave off a humiliating defeat in Ukraine, “Secretary of State Antony Blinken has reportedly asked President Biden to greenlight Ukrainian missile strikes on targets deep inside Russia.” The change in policy will have no material impact on the ongoing ground war in Ukraine, although it could trigger a response that would put NATO in direct conflict with Moscow. In short, Washington’s looming defeat in Ukraine has compelled administration decisionmakers to implement a strategy that could precipitate a Third World War. Read More

05.25.24- The Electric Car Revolution is Coming Crashing Down
Will Jones

The state-subsidised electric car market has crashed in China and the country is trying to dump the vehicles on the West, but the same is happening here as well. For manufacturers it’s going to be a blood bath. Ross Clark has the details in the Spectator. Read More

05.24.24- Loose Talk About The End Of Everything
Victor Davis Hanson

After a recent summit between new partners China and Russia, General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin issued an odd one-sentence communique: “There can be no winners in a nuclear war and it should never be fought.”

No one would disagree, even though several officials of both hypocritical governments have previously threatened their neighbors with nuclear attacks. Read More

05.23.24- Un-Cancel Robert E. Lee
Gib Kerr

Cancel culture is all about tearing things down. It is inherently destructive. It builds nothing. It creates nothing. It only destroys.

Like the Vandals who destroyed Rome, cancel culture is destroying American culture. Systematically, it seeks to target and eliminate America’s heroes. It rages against symbols of our cherished traditions, urging its hateful mobs to “burn it down!”  It is fueled by anger, bitterness, envy, and vindictiveness. Read More

05.22.24- The “Old Money” Secret to Wealth
James Rickards

I believe that we’re heading for another liquidity crisis or financial crisis. That doesn’t mean it’ll happen tomorrow, but there are disturbing signs that it might not be too far off.

It doesn’t mean the world’s going to end. But investors who aren’t prepared could see large portions of their portfolios wiped out. It could take years to rebuild them, and many investors just don’t have the time to recoup those losses. Read More

05.21.24- People Have Woken up
James Howard Kunstler

The miasma of anxiety befogging so many brains in our troubled land begins to lift as every narrative served up by the US fascist intel blob goes annoyingly stale and impotent.

The worst media meme — that a vicious officialdom is “defending our democracy” — gets laughed out of the room now when repeated incessantly by such regime shills as Jen Psaki and Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC. Read More

05.20.24- ‘Billions’ of Vaxxed Will Die in ‘Onrushing Death Wave,’ Analyst Warns
Frank Bergman

A leading analyst has raised the alarm over concerns that an “onrushing death wave” will soon wipe out “billions” of Covid-vaccinated people around the world.

The warning was issued by Dr. Richard Sauder.

Sauder is an American researcher with multiple degrees and the author of several books. Read More

05.18.24- Ray Dalio believes there’s a 35% or even 40% chance of a civil war in the U.S.
Louis Goss  

Hedge-fund billionaire can foresee people moving to states that align with their political views while refusing to abide by rules made by federal authorities whose politics they disagree with

Hedge-fund billionaire Ray Dalio believes the U.S. is “on the brink” of a civil war and sees a 35% or even 40% possibility of an internal conflict breaking out. “We are on the brink,” Dalio, who started Bridgewater Associates in 1975, said in an interview with the Financial Times. Read More

05.16.24- Academic Psychosis: ‘Epistemological Violence’
Ben Bartee

Of course, a lot, rather any one thing in particular, has gone off the rails within Western intelligentsia — which was once, a long time in the past now, the noble vanguard of the Renaissance and Enlightenment and the envy of the civilized world.

So this isn’t anything like a holistic autopsy of the institutionalized pursuit of knowledge, as that would fill volumes longer than the Bible. Read More

05.15.24- Two Serious Pieces
Of Financial Advice

Karl Denninger

Let's do the easy one first: There are plenty of people talking about taking Social Security early because it is likely to "go broke."

I'm going to make an assumption here: You're either not working or intending to not when you take it.  If you are working and have employer-provided health insurance then this doesn't apply to you, but if not it most-certainly does. Read More

05.14.24- I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
Michael Every

Ideally, I would have written this on May 4th not 14th, but I am going to talk Star Wars.

I was a fan in 1977, kept the flame alive when only battered VHS cassettes of the original trilogy existed, and was delighted to get prequels. Until the opening crawl announced, “The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute.” I recall thinking, “This is my job - boring!” But the prequels were better than the sequels and all the TV shows I don’t watch. Indeed, the prequels’ clunky theme of democracy crumbling into autocracy, dispute over trade routes, then war, seems even more prescient than my 2016 ‘Thin Ice’ report, which underlined how the 21st century could echo the 20th, and our more detailed fragmented ‘World in 2030’ report in 2020. Read More

05.13.24- 9 Most Dangerous Cities in the US
Madge Waggy 

The Consequences Of Being In These Places Can be Devastating, If You Don’t Know What to Expect!

This article was created for educational purposes and I suggest you take these tips and information with a good heart because it can help you prevent an unpleasant situation! Read More

05.11.24- How Much Emergency Cash Should You Keep at Home?
Clark Barnes

If We Have A Regional Disaster Where You Can Bug Out to A Safer Location, Your Cash Should Serve You Well.

It is the final backup plan for a lot of us in the case of a disaster. A generous supply of cold hard cash to buy our way out of trouble, pick up as many last-minute supplies as possible or to acquire resources that are unavailable to anyone with a credit card in a world where the electricity is out and the internet is down. We frequently talk about having cash for emergencies, but how much cash should you have if the grid goes down? What will you be able to purchase with your doomsday supply and how long would it last in the first place? Read More

05.10.24- The Reality of Economic Collapse, and Why Skeptics Deny It
Brandon Smith

In light of the recent resurgence of inflation on top of dwindling employments stats, declining manufacturing and stagnant wages I think it’s important to revisit a fundamental question: What does an economic collapse look like?

As I have said for years, an economic collapse is NOT an event, it’s a process. When people think of a historic crisis they imagine something like the stock market crash of 1929 at the beginning of the Great Depression. However, there were numerous indicators and warning signs leading up to that crash that should have tipped people off. Read More

05.09.24- A Coming Recession Worse Than 2008? - Once In A Lifetime
Chance To Build Wealth

Codie Sanchez

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05.08.24- Bad News, I’m Afraid
James Rickards

Most economists don’t believe we could have stagflation today. The prevailing view is that recessions are characterized by higher unemployment and reduced spending, and inflation is triggered by full employment and increased spending and therefore they cannot both happen at the same time.

This prevailing view is wrong, as I explain today. Yet it’s a powerful narrative that blinds most analysts to situations where stagnation and inflation are both happening at the same time. Read More

05.07.24- The Left’s Three-Pronged Attack on Property, Family and Religion: Part 1
Dr Sherri Tenpenny

Nearly 60 years ago in Chile, a group of conservative Catholics led by Fabio Vidigal Xavier da Silveira declared that the Christian Democratic party became a communist tool to socialize all of Latin America. Vidigal wrote a book about it which was banned by the government at the time (hint: it was the Christian Democratic Party.)

Sound familiar?

It’s happening now in America and the biggest prize of all – creating a communist America – is at stake. Read More

05.06.24- UN Plans Tyrannical Future for You
Greg Hunter

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the new best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” says the UN’s quest for total tyrannical control of your life is coming sooner than you could imagine. Newman explains, “The bigger story here that people are not paying attention to is the UN is coming together in September . . . and they are having ‘The Summit of the Future.’ They are telling us they are going to bring out radical drastic reforms in the structure of the UN . . . and the power of the UN . Read More

05.04.24- Has pay kept up with inflation?
Wendy Edelberg and Noadia Steinmetz-Silber

There are various ways to evaluate recent trends in real pay (i.e., nominal pay adjusted for inflation), including using different measures of pay, measures of inflation, and reference periods. These factors can lead to conflicting conclusions about the trends in real pay in the United States. In October 2023, we published a detailed analysis breaking down these differences. Read More

05.03.24- American Families Are Running Out of Time
Peter Reagan

As tired as are of hearing about inflation in these days, it’s taking a turn for the worse.

Here’s the short version: The overall inflation rate is heating up again (officially 3.5%), which is almost double the Fed’s target rate of 2%.

On top of that, personal budgets are getting tapped out (including credit cards), which could mean consumers won’t be able to keep up with increasing prices for much longer. Read More

05.02.24- Was Hitler Controlled Opposition?
Piere Simon

As long as the lie remains in our hearts,

it will not be possible to build a better world.

- Michele Camposeo

The roots of the “Hitler-Controlled-Opposition” myth go back to the 1920s and 1930s in the circles of Hitler’s political rivals, namely the German and Soviet Communist Parties, the leftists of the West and the hard left faction of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP).[1] The intention was obviously to prevent Hitler and the NSDAP from being elected, so, Hitler sued the socialist newspaper Berlin Vorwaerts that was defaming him with slogans such as “Hitler Got Jewish and Ford Money,” and won his libel case for which he was ironically awarded 6 million marks.[2] Read More

05.01.24- U.S. Colleges And Universities Are About To Go Completely Nuts Because Israel Is Planning A Really Big Move
Michael Snyder

What we are witnessing throughout the nation right now is truly sad.  At colleges and universities all over the United States, crazed protesters are setting up encampments, attacking Jewish students, replacing the American flag with the Palestinian flag, and illegally occupying buildings.  Unfortunately, these protests are likely to become even more heated in the days ahead because Israel is preparing to make a really big move.  No matter how negotiations for a temporary ceasefire in Gaza turn out, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is promising that the IDF will go into Rafah and eliminate the Hamas forces that are hiding there…Read More

03.16.24- From Capitalism to Corporatism
Jeffrey Tucker

In the 1990s, it was common to ridicule the government for being technologically backward.

We were all gaining access to fabulous things, including the web, apps, search tools and social media. But governments at all levels were stuck in the past using IBM mainframes and large floppy disks. Read More

03.15.24- 5 Big Tax Breaks for Older Americans
Peter Reagan

The last few years have featured heavy doses of economic turmoil for most older Americans trying to save for their retirement. That turmoil includes persistent (possibly long term?) inflation, pandemic panic, and even the potential for a near-term recession.

So let’s take a moment to cover a bit of good news.

Today, we present five meaningful tax breaks for older Americans. After all, you have better things to do with your money than let the government spend it! Read More

03.14.24- Net Zero, The Digital Panopticon, & The Future Of Food
Colin Todhunter

The food transition, the energy transition, net-zero ideology, programmable central bank digital currencies, the censorship of free speech and clampdowns on protest. What’s it all about? To understand these processes, we need to first locate what is essentially a social and economic reset within the context of a collapsing financial system. Read More

03.13.24- Is The Soaring Cost Of Living Stressing You Out? U.S. Households Are Spending An Extra $11,434 Per Year Just To Maintain The Same Standard Of Living
Michael Snyder

I used to really enjoy going to the grocery store.  I would relentlessly hunt for deals, and I would show off what I was able to find when I got home.  But now all of the bargains are gone.  Instead, there are ridiculous prices and there are even more ridiculous prices.  The prices for some of the things that I normally buy have doubled.  In other cases, the prices have almost doubled.  Of course the soaring cost of living is the direct result of decisions that our leaders have made.  They just kept borrowing, spending and flooding the system with money, and now the cost of living is wildly out of control. Read More

03.12.24- One Career Economist Exposes The Lies Of Modern Economics
Michael Every

Damascene Conversion

Today is all about US CPI. I’m not sure why given markets, and President Biden(!), believe G7 central banks --except Japan-- are going to cut rates soon, despite: sticky services inflation; the Red Sea crisis not being ‘In Deep Blip’; other brewing geopolitical crises, from fears of Iranian nukes to Armenia asking to join the EU(!); our base case of a Trump election victory, with inflationary higher tariffs forcing the Fed to stop cuts; and what's trying to play out in the global financial architecture, which gold and Bitcoin point to. Read More

03.11.24- The End of Safe Banking: What You Need to Know Now
Peter Reagan

After several major bank failures that ended the first quarter of last year, regulators are supposedly seeking to minimize the odds of another banking crisis.

(Hint: They weren’t very successful preventing what happened last year, the Fed’s cure ended up being worse than the disease.) Read More

03.09.24- Textbook Communism: American Version
Thomas DiLorenzo

The same U.S. government that spent hundreds of billions of dollars and squandered tens of thousands of American lives in its “cold war” to supposedly defend against a communist takeover of America also spent hundreds of billions on communist indoctrination in American schools for the past sixty years.  Higher education in America is essentially a socialist institution thanks to pervasive government funding, even for schools like Johns Hopkins University, the recipient of hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars annually, that laughingly call themselves “private.”  Grove City College and possibly Hillsdale College are the only two real private colleges left. Read More

03.08.24- The largest psychological warfare in history, and YOU are the experiment
Dr. Stephanie Coxon

The concept of classical conditioning originated from the experiments of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Pavlov was a physiologist who noticed that his dogs would begin to salivate over objects the dogs associated with food. Perhaps you are more familiar with the more recognized theory name, Pavlov’s Conditioning. Essentially, actions or behaviors are learned by connecting a neutral stimulus with a positive one. In his case, when a bell was rung, the dogs expected to receive food, and they would start to salivate in anticipation. You have been trained like this throughout your lifetime and perhaps haven’t caught on… yet. Let me help you. Read More

03.07.24- Covid Showed Us
Who Really Rules America

Ryan McMaken

This month marks the fourth anniversary of one of the most disastrous assaults on human rights in American history. It was on March 16, 2020 that the President Trump issued "guidelines" for "15 days to slow the spread" which stated that "Governors of states with evidence of community transmission should close schools in affected and surrounding areas." The administration instructed all members of the public to "listen to and follow the directions of your state and local authorities." Read More

03.06.24- Here's Why Government Should Stop Throwing Money at Green Energy
John Stossel

In California, which has a slew of renewable energy regulations, the cost of electricity increased three times faster than in the rest of the U.S.—and the state still doesn't even get reliable energy.

"We're building a clean energy future," says President Joe Biden.

Who is "we"?

Well, you pay for it. Read More

03.05.24- ‘Net Zero’ Is WEF Plot to Destroy Food Supply
Frank Bergman

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” agenda is actually a plot to destroy the food supply and eliminate the working class, a new report has warned.

An investigation by the Institute for Community Studies (ICS) found that unelected globalists at the WEF and United Nations (UN) are using “climate change” fears to seize control of the masses. Read More

03.04.24- Never Go Full Weimar: America’s Monetary Base Has Grown 6 Times Larger Since 2008
Michael Snyder

A lot of people have been waiting for a meltdown of America’s financial system, but the truth is that it is already in the process of melting down.  As you will see below, the size of the monetary base in the United States has gotten more than six times larger since 2008.  If we continue down this road, it won’t be too long before we start looking like Germany during the Weimar Republic.  But if we stop creating money at a feverish rate, we won’t be able to service our debts and we will plunge into a very deep economic depression.  Read More

03.02.24- From Trucker Boycotts To Grid Down, There’s Only One Way
To Survive A Food Crisis

Brandon Smith

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Prepper Beef

If there is one reality that Americans need to accept, it’s that every system has a breaking point and there are no exceptions. Human beings are built to adapt and this has given us incredible resilience, but it also means we have a tendency to wait too long to fix the parts of our society that are broken. Instead, we let the problems build and fester until, sadly, the final straw falls and everything comes crashing down. Read More

03.01.24- Biden’s Coming for Your Cures
Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY)

As 2024 presidential election cycle kicks into high gear, it is important to note that we all share the goal of making prescription drugs more affordable for hard-working Americans and their families. Policy solutions can achieve both lowering the cost of everyday prescription medications while promoting access to future innovation for vulnerable patients. Read More

02.29.24- How The Economy Changed: There's No Bargains Left Anywhere
Alasdair Macleod

What changed in the economy is now nobody can afford to get by on working-class wages because there's no longer any bargains.

The economy has changed in many ways, and it's difficult to track the glacial movements over decades. One change that few seem to recognize or discuss is the disappearance of bargains: cheap rent, cheap meals at hole-in-the-wall restaurants, cheap transport, cheap travel, cheap services--all gone. Read More

02.28.24- Understanding the Difference Between Credit and Real Money
Alasdair Macleod

Due to its abuse pariculaly by governments, it is credit which presents the greatest risk to our finances today. To appreciate why this is so requires an understanding of what credit represents, and how it differs from real money, which is physical gold without counterparty risk. Credit is always matched by debt: your financial asset is always someone else’s obligation. The collapse of credit’s value happens when a currency (which is also credit) is not attached by exchangeability to gold. That is the danger facing the entire dollar-based financial system today, now that we see the US dollar is ensnared in the US Government’s debt trap Read More

02.27.24- Home Price Still 30-40% Too High
with Nick Gerli

Adam Taggart

Well, the average home price in America remains just about as unaffordable as it's ever been.

In fact, a recent report from real estate data provider ATTOM examined the median home prices last year for roughly 575 U.S. counties and found that home prices in 99% of those areas are beyond the reach of the average income earner. Read More

02.26.24- Are You Ready For Neo-Collectivism?
Mark E. Jeftovic

“Two-thirds of young people would like to live under an explicitly socialist economic system”

Even worse: They have no idea what socialism is.

Not long ago we looked at The Future Laboratory’s report on travel that predicted carbon passports and limits on personal CO2 emissions as a way to mitigate climate change. Read More

02.24.24- Americans Yearn for What Was
Once a Normal Life

Scarlen Valderaz

Americans nationwide are nostalgic for the “normal days” we once experienced. The days when children went to school and learned how to get along with everyone. The days when it was okay to disagree with others without the fear of losing your friendship. The days when meritocracy was championed and anyone could achieve their American Dream through hard work. Read More

02.23.24- The Biggest Threat to Dollar Dominance Isn’t What You Think
Phillip Patrick

Over the last year and a half, we’ve been watching the global dedollarization trend very closely. Peter Reagan has written about the BRICS nations’ R5 currency project, and we’ve seen Saudi Arabia dismantle the petrodollar pact. A growing number of nations are signing bilateral trade agreements for international trade in local currencies (effectively bypassing the dollar as an intermediate currency).  Read More

02.22.24- The Pitfalls of Central Planning
Charles Hugh Smith

If Central Planning can't expand its power, it expands its budget, at the expense of its programs.

Central Planning has an ominous totalitarian undertone, but there is a place for it in the social toolbox. The federal Interstate highway system was central planning, and so is Social Security. Many view America's patchwork electrical grid as not serving the national interest or its citizenry, and a dose of central planning to expand the grid's resilience and capacity might be the best way forward.  Read More

02.21.24- You Only Need To Cage A Bird If It Knows That It Can Fly
Caitlin Johnstone

One point I keep trying to drive home here in as many ways as I can is that this is the dystopia we were warned about. The main difference between this mind-controlled dystopia and the fictional dystopias in novels like 1984 is that in 1984 people knew they weren’t living in a free society, whereas in this dystopia the people believe they are free.Read More

02.20.24- Who Is the WOAT
(worst of all time) President?

Tom Raabe

A survey for your Presidents Day amusement.

I don’t know about you, but I’m all worn out with this GOAT thing. Every category has a greatest of all time. And while it makes for pregnant discussion, it does get a little exhausting arguing whether Michael Jordan or LeBron James is the GOAT of pro basketball. Whether Tom Brady earns such a monicker, or if the designation should go to Joe Montana or, now, after his Super Bowl LVIII triumph, Patrick Mahomes. And then, a couple of weeks ago, two GOAT football coaches left their jobs on the same day, Nick Saban and Bill Belichick — one voluntarily, the other not — and everything in the media was GOAT, GOAT, GOAT — all GOAT all the time. Read More

02.19.24- Should We Celebrate Presidents’ Day, or Washington’s Birthday?
Gleaves Whitney

People ask why a few of us presidential junkies would like to see Presidents’ Day changed back to Washington’s Birthday. The technical explanation has to do with a misguided law called HR 15951 that was passed in 1968 to make federal holidays less complicated. The real answer is simply this: George Washington is our greatest president, and too few American children know why. Read More

02.17.24- Positioning for an
Economic Hard Landing

Chris Martenson

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02.16.24- Defusing the Derivatives Time Bomb: Some Proposed Solutions
Ellen Brown

The “protected class” is granted “safe harbor” only because their bets are so risky that to let them fail could crash the economy. But why let them bet at all?

This is a sequel to a Jan. 15 article titled “Casino Capitalism and the Derivatives Market: Time for Another ‘Lehman Moment’?”, discussing the threat of a 2024 “black swan” event that could pop the derivatives bubble. Read More

02.15.24- They Just Don't Get it!
David Haggith

Neither investors nor politicians have a clue about what the nation needs.

As I kind of anticipated, it didn’t take long for the delirious stock market to latch onto a new narrative and start recovering ground. Momentarily, stocks and bonds became a little more grounded in reality yesterday, but a new narrative was trotted out today to restore their hopium high. Read More

02.14.24- Senate: $60 Billion For Ukraine,
$0 For US Border

Ron Paul

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02.13.24- Think About It
James Howard Kunstler

“It’s not enough to be against globalism or the WEF, we have to also be for something better.” — Tom Luongo, Gold, Goats ‘n Guns

Mr. Luongo makes an important point. I want you to think about this: there is a reason that the WEF-Globalist cabal is losing the battle to control and dominate the rest of us. They are trying to power straight into the opposing currents of reality. Above all, they seek to centralize power and decision-making. But the world is moving in the opposite direction. All of the WEF’s aims founder on the macro trends unspooling in history. Read More

02.12.24- BRACE FOR WAR:
Civil War 2.0 cannot be avoided

Mike Adams

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02.10.24- Eventful Events
James Howard Kunstler

“Putin confirms: ‘The United States is not run by its elected officials.’” The Vigilant Fox on “X”

Historians of the future, gathered round their campfires poaching armadillo tail-flaps in their own shells, will harken back to the wondrous day in 2024 when they could watch and compare two heads of great nations present themselves to the world for assessment. There was Mr. Putin of the land called Russia, calmly discoursing in fine detail on a thousand years of his country’s history. And there was Mr. Biden of the USA, facing the White House press pool, angrily refuting a special prosecutor’s glum conclusion that the President was not mentally competent to be tried in court on the finding that he’d indeed mishandled classified documents. Read More

02.09.24- Household Belt-Tightening: Will The Trickle Become A Flood?
Charles Hugh Smith

The top 0.1% will weather a recession just fine, but that will offer cold comfort to the other 130 million American households.

It seems at least some households are realizing they need to rein in spending. This reality is obscured by statistics which distort the financial security of average households. As always, we have to separate the top 10% who collect 40% of the income and own about 90% of the financial assets from the bottom 90%, as the top 10% distort the risks faced by the bottom 90%. Read More

02.08.24- Even Better Than Goldilocks!
Brian Maher

We stand before the gates of Elysium. Paradise is in view.

Here are some recent headlines:

“U.S. Labor Market Sizzles With Blowout Job Growth, Solid Wage Gains”… Read More

02.07.24- The 5 Global Powers That Vie To Crush Each Other And Their Subjects
Patricia Adams and Lawrence Solomon

In the 1930s, the world had three powers that aspired to dominate the world: the communists of the Soviet Union under Stalin, who sought a worldwide proletariat revolution that redistributed wealth to the masses; the Nazis of Germany under Hitler, who sought to establish a global top-down fascist regime; and the United States under FDR, who sought to spread free-market capitalism throughout the world. Read More

02.06.24- Standard Chartered Sees Ether HItting $4,000 By May, When Ethereum ETF
Is Approved

Tyler Durden

One month ago, Standard Chartered predicted that with ETF approval in the rearview mirror, bitcoin would eventually rise up to $200,000. It has since turned its attention to ether and the inevitable ethereum ETF approval, and while it does not follow up with a similarly bombastic forecast, it nonetheless sees ETH rising to $4,000 by May 23, when it expect the Ethereum ETH will be approved. Incidentally, we agree. Read More

02.05.24- The Asset that Soared 100X Past Gold
Brandon Smith

If you’re a seasoned investor, you’re no stranger to market bubbles. From the Dot-com bubble in 2000 to the housing bubble in 2008, to the crypto mania in 2017, each one has striking similarities.

But even these modern bubbles have nothing on the strange market mania that overtook the Netherlands in the 1600s. This peculiar piece of history was one of the first examples of a market mania, offering some important lessons we can take today. Read More

02.03.24- Biden’s Budget Coverup – New Details Reveal Their Economic Sleight Of Hand
Peter Reagan

President Biden’s economic legacy might boil down to his administration getting in its own way.

By the looks of it, things could get much worse for the foreseeable future, before they get any better. On top of everything else that has transpired during Biden’s first term, even more disturbing facts are starting to come to light.Read More

02.02.24- The US has a $6 trillion problem over the next twelve months
James Hickman

Yesterday the Treasury Department announced that they expected to increase the national debt by a whopping $760 billion this quarter alone… and another $202 billion next quarter.

In short that means almost $1 trillion added to the national debt just in the first half of this year. And, again, these are the Treasury Department’s own estimates.Read More

02.01.24- The Biggest Government in History
Brian Maher

Today we sink to both knees… in gobsmacked awe.

We genuflect in praise. And we sing hosannas to the government of the United States.

Why? Read More

01.31.24- Scam Watch: The 4 Financial Scams to Watch Out For in 2024
Alex Kotliarskyi

  • In 2023, fraudulent activities inflicted over $7 billion in losses to American consumers within the first nine months, up 5% from the year before.

  • Studies indicate that being informed about a particular scam makes you 80% less likely to fall for it. Read More

01.30.24- The Second US Civil War
David Haggith

Chaos is building quickly for the US in wars abroad and in the US. The Houthis managed to route a US military ship that was escorting two Maersk ships to turn and skedaddle further out to sea, showing the little Houthis still have the upper hand. The US ship shot down two Houthi missiles but apparently failed to get a third, which hit the water and maybe exploded right beside one of the Maersk ships. (Accounts are by the military’s intention a little vague.) Read More

01.29.24- And Now, for Something Entirely Different: Biden Demands Texas Stop Repairing Potholes in Federal Highways
James Hickman

What follows below is purely satire. But just barely. We hope you have a good laugh after a long week.

Texans have long complained about the pitiful condition of many of US federal highways that pass through their state.

But eventually the state government grew tired of waiting around for the Biden administration to repair the federal highways, prompting Texas Governor Greg Abbot to take matters into his own hands. Read More

01.27.24- Will We Ever Get the Truth?
Jeffrey Tucker

Donald Trump will certainly get the Republican nomination. With that the issue of truth and honesty about what happened on March 13, 2020, and beyond will likely not be pushed by the executive branch even if Trump wins.

No one in his circles wants any talk of this subject, even if just about every bit of the current national crisis (health, economics, cultural, societal) traces to those grim days of lockdown and the ensuing disaster. We are very far from gaining anything like transparency on what precisely happened. Read More

01.26.24- The Two Worst Retirement Savings Traps – and How to Avoid Them
Peter Reagan

Americans who are saving for their retirement have been having a rough time, mainly thanks to the economic turmoil that never seemed to end after the 2008 financial crisis.

But there could be a silver lining here…

There are two things that you can start to manage today, which could help to improve the stability in your retirement portfolio. Those two things are: Risk and expectations. Read More

01.25.24- Texas Defies 'Lawless' Biden, Invokes Right To Self-Defense From 'Invasion' With More Razor Wire
Tyler Durden

Texas Governor Greg Abbott just drew a hard line in the sand, putting the Biden administration on notice that he's declared the migrant crisis an "invasion" and invoked Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself.

According to Abbott, "That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary. The Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel are acting on that authority, as well as state law, to secure the Texas border." Read More

01.24.24- An Ethereum ETF May Be Coming Sooner Than You Expect
Lucas Kiely

Bitcoin ETFs were delayed because of politics. Now that we have clarity - along with seven deadlines between May and August - Ethereum ETFs aren't far away.

We finally have a Bitcoin spot ETF — an event few of us thought we would see in our careers — the industry has now turned to the approval of an Ether spot ETF as its next target. Those gearing up for another decade of juicy headlines, though, will be disappointed. Read More

01.23.24- All-Time Highs For Stocks As Bitter Economic Headlines Persist
Lance Roberts

As the stock market hit all-time highs this past week, there remains an interesting disconnect from the more dour economic concerns of the average American. A recent survey by Axios, a left-leaning website that supports the current Administration, addressed this issue. Read More

01.22.24- David Stockman on The Recent Attack on Yemen…
And Whether The US is Starting Another War

David Stockman

Here we go again. The “Joe Biden” thing just started another war in Yemen without a constitutionally compliant declaration by Congress. And it/they did so against a rag-tag tribe of desert insurgents who cannot possibly harm the liberty or security of the American homeland.

After all, the most fearsome missile possessed by the Houthi is the Burkan-3, which has a maximum range of 750 miles. Yet the last time we checked, the distance from Yemen to Washington DC was 7,200 miles. So why is the GOP leadership branch of the Uniparty saluting Sleepy Joe with a chorus of attaboys? Read More

01.20.24- Bidenomics Coverup –
Latest Inflation Report Hides Something Big

Peter Reagan

After 3 years of relentless (sometimes historic) inflation, it’s about time some good news made its way through the economic carnage.

Some categories of goods have finally moved into deflationary pricing. That is, a handful of items are starting actually decline in price. Read More

01.19.24- Will Davos Elites Use YOUR Money To Survive The Economic Collapse?
Peter Reagan

Even though Biden is touting a strong U.S. economy (it isn’t), the global economy is continuing its multiyear slide.

In fact, major institutions are shedding light on years of decline, high interest rates, lagging performance, and much more.

Let’s start with the World Bank, which has issued a report on what’s happening globally: Read More

01.18.24- Are There US Quarantine Camps Right Now?
Jeffrey A. Tucker

"The problem is not only the abuse; it is power itself."

Two years ago, attorney and Brownstone Fellow Bobbie Anne Flower Cox took note of the New York State executive order to permit the building and use of quarantine camps. The litigation against it is still in process. We might have supposed it was an outlying case. That, sadly, is not true. Read More

01.17.24- Are You an Enemy of the State?
George F. Smith

Donald Trump, Julian Assange, Alex Jones, and Rudy Gulianni are in deep trouble with the US state.  How about you?

Most likely you feel safe because your voice hasn’t attracted a large following.  What would the state’s enforcers gain by attacking a little guy?  They’re big game hunters.  Pull the plug on the big guys and their everyday followers float away like bathtub water down a drain. Read More

01.16.24- Cheers to You, WEFers of Davos!
James Howard Kunstler

"I have decided to unilaterally rebrand Disease X! It is now Disease DIC! Debt Implosion Cover-up” - Edward Dowd

The nabobs and panjandrums of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meet up at Davos, Switzerland, the next several days to lay plans for their latest assault on humanity. This year’s theme is “Rebuilding Trust.” Did you just blow your coffee through your nose? The outfit that coordinated the world-wide Covid-19 response (that perhaps birthed the very concept of Covid-19 itself), and especially pushed mRNA vaccines on the credulous global public — this gang of super-wealthy, super-connected, super-important celebrity punks, poohbahs, pricks, and predators wants a cuddle. Read More

01.15.24- Americans Bought Nearly 16 Million Firearms Last Year in Defiance
of Biden’s Gun Control Push

Levi Mikula

The latest statistics for firearm sales is in, and they show that Americans bought nearly 16 million firearms in 2023 — despite Biden’s gun control push.

According to the FBI’s National Criminal Background Check System, 29,854,186 background checks were logged in 2023. This beats 2022, which saw 28,904,713 background checks, Guns.com reported on Thursday. Read More

01.13.24- The Doors of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything
Tim O’Shea

Aldous Huxley’s inspired 1956 essay detailed the vivid, mind-expanding, multisensory insights of his mescaline adventures. By altering his brain chemistry with natural psychotropics, Huxley tapped into a rich and fluid world of shimmering, indescribable beauty and power. With his neurosensory input thus triggered, Huxley was able to enter that parallel universe described by every mystic and space captain in recorded history. Read More

01.12.24- Why 2024 Will Be
the Year of the Illegal Alien

William J. Davis

The Biden administration’s self-inflicted crisis at the border has devastated America over the past three years, but the worst is still yet to come.

The border crisis has escalated even further in recent months as more than 300,000 illegal aliens crossed the southern border in December, shattering a new record for monthly border crossings. After setting records for illegal crossings in 2021 and 2022, the Biden Administration’s anti-border policies once again likely facilitated a record number of illegal crossings at the southern border in 2023, although the official numbers for last year have still not been released. Don’t expect the records set in 2023 to last very long either, because 2024 is likely to be an even worse year for border security. Read More

01.11.24- Avoiding the next inflation may now require a Zombie Apocalypse
Simon Black

Earlier this week, leaders from both major parties in the Land of the Free announced a grand bargain that, in theory, should avoid a government shutdown later this month.

According to their agreement, Congress will supposedly cap its ‘discretionary’ spending at $1.6 trillion for Fiscal Year 2024. That’s down from about $1.7 trillion in FY23. Read More

01.10.24- 5 Must-See Predictions
Greg Guenthner

Everyone and their brother is making predictions for 2024. Take it all with a big grain of salt, but here are mine.

1: AI will have an enormous effect on the economy. I spoke to the CEO of freelance‌.c‌om, the largest freelancing site in the world with over 60 million freelancers vying for gigs.

“A logo designer used to take a week to make a logo. Now she can make 10 logos in a day,” he told me. “Same goes for programmers, copywriters, animators, etc.” Read More

01.09.24- Let the Games Begin
James Howard Kunstler

“To an authoritarian ruling elite insane narratives serve as both loyalty test and humiliation ritual.” —Kit Knightly

The ordeal of the holidays, and the void of action that attends it, is over. Now, history resumes its awesome out-spooling. Will it be tyranny, collapse, war, civil war, renewal? Probably some wicked combo of all that. The players are taking the field again. The great engine of the game comes back to life with a cough and a rumble. Read More

01.08.24- A brief recap of America’s 2023 fiscal train wreck
Simon Black

Jacques Turgot must have cried himself to sleep the night that he reviewed the French government’s annual financial report in early 1775.

The numbers were gruesome; France was so heavily indebted by the mid-1770s that the entire nation was on the verge of a major financial crisis.

But Turgot was smart. Borderline brilliant. So, if anyone could restore France to its former glory, it was him. Read More

01.06.24- Weekend Rant: 5 Bizarre Features
of the Modern Left

Jeffrey Tucker

The political left that I came to know in college — that one that rallied around free speech, reason over faith, fairness to all and peace — seems to have evaporated completely.

I barely recognized what’s replaced it. Truth is, I cannot make heads or tails out of any of it. It seems like this chaotic assembly of seemingly random biases, all shoved together in a package like a grab bag of the bizarre and dangerous. Read More

01.05.24- America’s Empire Of Money Has Reached The Endgame
MIchael Snyder

We did it Joe!  It took a tremendous push down the stretch, but the U.S. national debt was able to hit the 34 trillion dollar mark before the end of 2023.  At this moment I am just so overwhelmed that I don’t know who to thank first.  Over the past few years, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chucky Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kevin McCarthy and so many other hard working spenders have been instrumental in helping us reach this remarkable achievement.  And we never would have gotten here without the relentless help of CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, the New York Times, the Washington Post and all of the other mainstream news outlets that kept assuring the American people that it was okay to steal trillions of dollars from our children and our grandchildren. Read More

01.04.24- Bold Predictions for a Turbulent 2024
Doug Casey

International Man: How would you summarize what you see coming in 2024?

Doug Casey: I hate to sound a pessimistic note, but you have to call them as you see them. News flash: There are storm clouds on the horizon. I’m tempted to say the presage “The Perfect Storm,” but the phrase has become hackneyed… and it understates the case. Instead, let me say I think it will be worse than even I think it could be. Read More

01.03.24- Why 2024 Will Be
"The Year of Chaos"

David Haggith

There is no center to hold.

Many of us thought 2023 was a horrible year, and we are glad to bid it good riddance. 2024 certainly has started off as a year of chaos with a massive Japanese earthquake and tsunami. That is not the kind of event one can predict, so I am not suggesting, in the least, that it provides evidence for my “Year of Chaos” prediction for 2024. Rather, it symbolically foreshadows what I believe this year will look like everywhere due to all the pressures that built up in 2023 that still have to play through beneath whatever new troubles swoop in on top of us in a US election year that is certain in nearly every view I come across to be the most politically tumultuous and divisive year we’ve seen in our lifetimes. Read More

01.02.24- Fasten Your Seat Belt
Jeff Thomas

Imagine you’re in mid-flight on a passenger jet, and the captain flies directly into a Category Five hurricane.

The flight attendant calmly says, “The captain has turned on the ‘Fasten Seat Belt’ sign, as we may be expecting some turbulence.”

Of course, the above situation is absurd, as no passenger jet pilot would ever put his passengers in such danger. Read More

01.01.24- Taking Stock of Where We are as We Enter the Unknown
David Hggith

Reflections on the path we've travelled since the Covidcrisis transformed our world.

I truly never thought the US would go this entirely crazy in so short a time. I had no doubt it would go crazy, but the speed at which we slipped down the rabbit hole since Covid hit in 2020 is head-spinning: The massive pile-up of government debt at an exponential rate exceeded everything we have ever experienced—even when trying to save ourselves from The Great Recession and its crashing behemoth banks. The exposed follies of the Fed as it claimed inflation was transitory with all the public willingness to let it keep printing mountains of money, which so obviously would fuel inflation in a time of shortages, was a monstrous error that has cost us all in the form of skyrocketing inflation. Read More

12.30.23- Why 2024 Is the Most Important Year for Wealth Preservation
Peter Reagan

Investing to grow your wealth is an essential part of any retirement plan. Depending where you are in the three phases of retirement saving, you may be more focused on wealth preservation than growth.

During times of economic turmoil, investors generally tend to become more conservative, more risk-averse. As we close the books on 2023 and look ahead to 2024, we expect there will be a major shift in focus to investing for wealth preservation. Read More

12.29.23- Real Estate Scams: Criminals Target Your Down Payment
Birch Gold Group

Joyce and Ben, a couple in their 60s, who asked that their full name not be used to protect their privacy, had finally found a perfect home. A tidy townhouse near their grown children and grandchildren. Better yet, they could afford it  – if they took out a second mortgage on their home to buy the new property in cash (as required by the seller). They made an offer, which was accepted. They were overjoyed. Read More

12.28.23- The Greatest Gift of All
Paul Craig Roberts

The decorations and gifts of Christmas are one of our connections to a Christian culture that has held Western civilization together for 2,000 years.

In our culture the individual counts. This permits an individual person to put his or her foot down, to take a stand on principle, to become a reformer and to take on injustice. Read More

12.27.23- Recession 2024: What to Watch and How to Prepare
Wayne Duggan

Recession chances remain elevated heading into 2024.

Any investor who hasn't been living under a rock for the past year is already aware that the primary economic risk factor heading into 2024 is inflation.

The U.S. economy is on relatively solid footing heading into 2024 compared to a year ago. Inflation has cooled, labor markets have remained stable and the Federal Reserve has opened up to the possibility of decreasing interest rates next year. Read More

12.26.23- And So Ends an Era
James Howard Kunstler

“The old politics of right versus left, and Republican opposed to Democrat have now given way to a new existential struggle: Americans must choose between civilization—or its destroyers.” –Victor Davis Hanson

Now that you, the lucky ones, are beyond your steaming platters of pancakes and mighty rashers of bacon, and perhaps even a dram or two of grog in your coffee. . . and clawed your way through the bales of presents. . . a merry Christmas to all. . . and here’s something else to think about this morning: Read More

12.25.23- The Cost of Insouciance Is Death
Paul Craig Roberts

I received an email Christmas greeting from the Warden of my Oxford College.  She tells me that the money and postage the college saves on mailing Christmas cards will be donated to charity.  This is a noble thing to do.  But look what it tells us:  It tells us that we now see our obligations to strangers as a stronger claim on us than our obligations to our group.  It shows further weakening of our survivability. Read More

12.23.23- The Looming Global Digital ID Agenda
Ryan Cristian

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12.22.23- Prepare or Die
Gib Kerr

I awoke this morning from an unusually disturbing dream.  In my subconscious mind, I was on the 30th floor of a downtown Kansas City apartment tower when the lights went out. All of them. Not only inside the building, but as far as I could see across the urban landscape. Nary a light to be found.

The suddenness of it all struck me.  In an instant, darkness consumed my world, on the darkest week of the year, no less.  Worse yet, without power, I was unable to communicate with anyone, including loved ones who came to mind at once. Read More

12.21.23- How the AI Revolution Will Change Your Retirement Plans
Peter Reagan

There is a phrase you will hear a lot over the coming decade: Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Not that you haven’t heard it already. But thanks to multiple major breakthroughs in 2017, like how language is used across different AI development efforts, innovation has accelerated at a breakneck pace.

And there’s no sign of it slowing down. Read More

12.20.23- Americans Understand Inflation
James Rickards

Everyday Americans understand inflation perfectly. But the egghead economists and policymakers who govern their lives don’t.

That may be because inflation is one of the biggest concerns of those who live in the real world, and it may lead to a political earthquake next November in the presidential and congressional elections.

Here’s the reality and here’s the political narrative: Reality is that prices have been going up at the fastest rate in 40 years and they are still going up. Read More

12.19.23- Congress’ ‘Gift’ to America
this Christmas

Dr. Ron Paul

Just before leaving town for Christmas break, the US House gave Americans a last-minute holiday gift: a nearly trillion dollar military spending bill filled with lots of goodies for the special interests and the military-industrial complex. Unfortunately, the rest of America got nothing but coal in its stockings.

With Constitutionalists like Rep. Thomas Massie on the House Rules Committee, Speaker Johnson made the unusual move of bringing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) under suspension of the rules, which bypasses the Rules Committee but requires two-thirds of the House to pass the bill. Read More

12.18.23- The Great Replacement Theory?
Fed Up Texas Chick

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy drew attention in the recent debate when he called out the Democratic Party for its Great Replacement Theory. It was one of a litany of “conspiracy theories” mentioned by Vivek, including the “inside job” of January 6 and the stolen 2020 election by Big Tech. Specifically, Vivek said this: “The great replacement theory is not some grand right-wing conspiracy theory but a basic statement of the Democratic Party’s platform.”

Immediately, anyone who Googles the phrase receives an onslaught of fact checkers telling us the theory was baseless and that it originated with white supremacists. That’s not exactly true. Read More

12.16.23- The Truth About The Economy That The Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You
Michael Snyder

If it seems to you that the economic headlines that we are being fed by the mainstream media are completely and utterly disconnected from reality, you are definitely not alone.  They tell us that inflation is under control, but I was just at the grocery store today and I could hardly believe the prices.  They tell us that unemployment is “low”, but large companies are laying off workers in droves.  And they tell us that things are getting better for the middle class, but the truth is that by mid-2024 the vast majority of Americans will have less money than they did in 2019Read More

12.15.23- The World is Running Out of Reliable Sources of Energy, Prices Will React
Steve St Angelo

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12.14.23- Underestimating Debt Traps
Alasdair Macleod

The sharp decline in US Treasury bond yields anticipates a pivot in Fed policy, which appeared to be justified this week by Chairman Powell’s dovish tone. But in truth, the Fed is not in control of events.

Given that it was US monetary policy which led the way up in interest rates, the dollar was strong against other currencies, creating opportunities for interest rate arbitrage. There is no knowing its scale, but we can expect it to be unwound post-pivot and should not be surprised at continuing dollar weakness. In short, a floor is being put under US price inflation through the exchange rate. Read More

12.13.23- INSTANT POVERTY FOR ALL: Supreme Court decision could impose taxes on PAPER GAINS for all assets
Mike Adams

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12.12.23- The Current State Of “Freedom
In America

Al Benson Jr.

For decades we have been fed the political spin that America is the freest country in the world. After 9/11 George Bush told us that the Muslims who are supposed to have perpetrated that heinous act “hate us because of our freedoms” and then the Bush regime proceeded to remove as many of those “freedoms” as they could get away with, starting with the infamous “Patriot Act.” Notice how they always manage to give noble-sounding titles to programs that eviscerate American liberty. For longer than most of us have been alive the Washington swamp has been telling us they work to preserve our liberties while in reality almost everything they do is geared to removing those liberties. Read More

Chaos Everywhere in 2024
Doug Casey

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12.09.23- We're Starting To Find Out What's Beneath The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We've All Been Taking For Granted
Michael Snyder

Our society is absolutely teeming with predators, crime rates are soaring all over the nation, millions of Americans are afraid to leave their own homes, and hordes of drug addicts are literally pooping in the middle of our streets whenever they feel like it.

In some of our largest cities, highly organized groups of criminals are constantly invading homes.  Of course when these thieves encounter a homeowner that is actually armed it can result in a deadly confrontation… Read More

12.08.23- The "American Dream" Isn't Dead -
10 Steps To Achieve It

Lance Roberts

The “American Dream” is dead.

It would certainly seem to be the case if you believe surveys like Gallup that showed nearly 50% of the younger generation favor socialism over capitalism. To wit:

“Since 2010, young adults’ positive ratings of socialism have hovered near 50%, while the rate has been consistently near 34% for Gen Xers and near 30% for baby boomers/traditionalists.”  Read More

12.07.23- Western Academia Is Just As Morally And Intellectually Corrupt As Congress,
If Not Worse

Michael Every

The US ADP employment report, the week’s second second-tier labour data ahead of initial claims today and payrolls tomorrow, came in weaker than expected at 103K vs. 130K, with slight downwards revisions to back data. Anyone would have thought a giant red LED sign saying ‘DEFLATION!’ had appeared over the economy, because that’s how it was taken by some. Indeed, taking the ADP the other way, Treasury Secretary Janet ‘Magic Mushroom’ Yellen just stated: “Economists who’ve said it’s going to require very high unemployment to get this done [meaning lowering inflation] are eating their words… It doesn’t seem at all like it's requiring higher unemployment." Read More

12.06.23- Saving America Starts with
Rejecting Digital Currency

Scott S. Powell

America in the twenty-first century has been on an accelerating descent not unlike what befell ancient Rome. For some four centuries Rome’s Senate and constitution provided continuity which sustained the Roman Republic through various challenges. But in the end, what befell Rome from barbarian invasion, political corruption, and mobs that were manipulated and used by its Caesars, was a rampage against reason and freedom, leading to the Republic’s demise and transition to a centralized imperial authority under emperors. Read More

12.05.23- US Trade deficit 2024
Alasdair Macleod

No one is talking about the US trade deficit in the current fiscal year, but it is likely to be another record, bringing with it new rounds of trade sanctions and protectionism.

In this article, I explain why the twin deficit hypothesis will apply, bearing in mind a likely budget deficit outturn of $3 trillion and a negative savings rate. Read More

12.04.23- We Feel Poorer Because We Are Poorer: Here's Proof
Charles Hugh Smith

Measured by the purchasing power of our wages/work, we're definitively poorer, as it takes far more hours of work now to pay rent.  

Let's not over-complicate what's straightforward: we're becoming more prosperous when our wages / labor buy more goods and services, most especially the essentials of life: shelter, food, energy, utilities, transportation, higher education, healthcare and childcare. If the money we have left after paying for essentials buys more discretionary goods and services, we're getting a lagniappe of prosperity. Read More

12.02.23- Bidenomics Is Bankrupting Americans, and Here’s the Proof
Peter Reagan

Despite President Biden’s insistence that the U.S. is experiencing the “greatest economic recovery ever,” the evidence suggests otherwise.

In fact, the U.S. economy could be heading for one of the most painful periods of economic turmoil of the last 15 years. And it’s all thanks to the disastrous policies known as “Bidenomics.” Read More

12.01.23- Dollar Is On It's Last Days
David Morgan

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11.30.23- The Ancient Solution to America’s Debt Crisis
Brian Maher

“American Taxpayers Are Now Slaves to Interest Payments.”

So the Heritage Foundation informs us. More from which:

Interest on the federal debt is now so immense that it’s consuming 40% of all personal income taxes. The largest source of revenue for the federal government is increasingly being devoted to just servicing the debt, not even paying it down.

Forty percent of all personal income taxes! Read More

11.29.23- America’s Fate Is In OUR Hands
Justin O. Smith

If we are supposed to be the shepherds and owners of our government, we must reject entirely any push by these tyrants who manage to insert themselves into high offices to abrogate our inalienable God-given rights, such as those enumerated in The Bill of Rights.

Government, any government, can only exist and survive if ‘We the People” accept and allow it, under honest circumstances. But given what has arisen in our election system of late, we cannot go on and we must not go on, until such time, and only if, our election system is repaired to a point where honest and free elections can be guaranteed. That has most usually always been the case. Read More

11.28.23- The Deeper Dive: The US Debt Doom Loop Is a Gordian knot
David Haggith

This mess of loops upon loops will unravel disastrously during the current recession.

I said in a recent editorial that I might include some discussion in a “Deeper Dive” on the way Treasury buyers are drying up, which is highly predictive of a return to rising bond yields. That will have the effect of pushing all interest rates back up higher, regardless of what the Fed does. 

I’m covering that today as just one aspect of the complex US sovereign debt doom loop. The fact that we are already going into a recession will add to the debt problem something many will find as an unlikely effect of recessions: It will drive interest rates higher. Read More

11.27.23- Coming Soon: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances
Mark Jeftovic

“Experts suggest” your standard of living be reduced by over 85%

A report on the future of travel and tourism, co-authored by a travel agency called Intrepid Travel and The Future Labs Institute, posits a future deeply impacted by climate change and restrictions on tourist travel to combat it. Read More

11.25.23- HOT SCOOP: Top Netanyahu Advisor May Moonlight as Non-Binary Social Justice™ Professor
Ben Bartee

Top Netanyahu advisor Mark Regev’s vocal cadence, the accent, the nerdy demeanor, the mannerisms, the facial structure — since he emerged as a staple in corporate state media as a war propagandist in the aftermath of October 7, it all reminded me something fierce of someone… but I couldn’t quite put my finger on who. Read More

11.24.23- The US is Still Playing Checkers While Putin is Playing Chess to Weaken the Dollar
Christopher LaBorde

On Tuesday (Nov. 22), during a an emergency virtual BRICS meeting Putin declared that US unilateralism has wrecked all chances of peace in the Middle East. The statement was made with the support of China, BRICS nation supporters, the Arab world and much of the Global South. Read More

11.23.23- Top 3 Dangers to Your
Retirement Savings

Peter Reagan

With all of the unanswered questions floating around in today’s economy (like “When will the recession start?), one thing is fairly certain…

Today’s economic uncertainty is likely to stick around for a while.

With that in mind, at some point you might wonder if you’ve saved enough to enjoy a comfortable and stress-free retirement in the face of that uncertainty.

Is saving $500,000 enough? $1 million? What about a cool $2 million? Read More

11.22.23- No, Don’t Do It!
James Rickards

Almost 10 years ago, I sat in a secure conference room at the Pentagon and explained to a group of U.S. national security officials from the military, CIA, Treasury and other agencies that the overuse of the U.S. dollar in financial warfare would eventually drive countries away from using dollars in international transactions for fear that they could become the next target of U.S. displeasure.

I said to the military and intelligence community, “I don’t think other countries can destroy the dollar, but we can do it ourselves. We are our own worst enemy.” Read More

11.21.23- A Bidenomics Thanksgiving! Turkey Prices Decline Slightly … But Still UP 321% Under Bidenomics
(Save The Neck For Me, Clark!)

Anthony B. Sanders

President Biden reminds me of Cousin Eddie, the dimwitted cousin of Clark Griswold’s wife in the Vacation movies. Except that Cousin Eddie is a nice dimwit while Biden is a nasty dimwit. And politcal stooge.

Given that turkey prices are up 321% under Biden, the famous Thanksgiving line “Save the neck for me, Clark” is most appropriate since we will be forced to eat every part of the turkey. Read More

11.20.23- Defying Authority
Jim Quinn

Stanley Milgram’s experiment was conducted in 1963, before the internet, social media, and the complete takeover of the U.S. by the Deep State. His estimate that only 20% of the population have the critical thinking skills to defy authority may have been true in 1963, but I think it is far lower today. The powers that be (invisible government per Edward Bernays) utilize every tool at their disposal to make sure their authority is not defied. They have perfected Bernays’ propaganda techniques, integrating lies, misinformation and fear into their formula of control. Read More

11.18.23- We’re All “Flagellants” Now
Jeffrey Tucker

The old FedEx envelope was clever, a work of art even, optimistic and colorful, signifying speed and progress.

What a beautiful contrast to the plainness of the U.S. Postal Service. For years, I can recall dropping off these treasures and paying maybe $10 to assure their delivery across the country, even the world. For me, it was a fabulous symbol of an improved life, living proof that progress was baked into the historical trajectory. Read More

11.17.23- Non-Compos Mentis
Charles R. Dickens

The literal definition of this Latin phrase is Not sane or not in one’s right mind:

Classically, not having control of one’s mind.

It was first used in thirteenth-century English law to describe people afflicted by madness, the loss of memory, or the ability to reason.

My interpretation… Read More

11.16.23- The Catastrophic Death of Fairness
J.B. Shurk

Some social psychologists believe that humans are biologically wired to seek “fair” relationships with others.  Some theologians believe that the soul’s capacity for distinguishing right from wrong leads a moral person toward the same result.  Whether genetically or spiritually inclined to prefer fair outcomes, we humans are not comfortable around those who cheat and prosper from duplicity.  Cheating is ugly and therefore despised. Read More

11.15.23- Are There Too Many People
Or Too Few?

John Rubino

With financial collapse and global war inching closer every day, you’d have to be an anxiety junkie to worry about distant things like demographic trends.

Still, the population debate is interesting, with economists, statisticians, and techies disagreeing over whether the world of 2100 will have too many people, too few, or just the right number. To summarize the three scenarios: Read More

11.14.23- Do NOT Surrender (Your Portfolio)
Greg Guenthner

As stocks continue to explode off their October lows, powerful rallies are rippling through the markets, triggering some much-needed FOMO amongst the unwashed masses.

If you’re one of the unfortunate souls who loaded up on bearish bets into this face-ripper, you’ll need to perform some evasive maneuvers to limit your losses as the melt-up rally accelerates into the holiday shopping season.

Fortunately, all is not lost. Read More

11.13.23- Rich Man's War. Poor Man's Blood
Jim Quinn

Whether it is a distinguished general who came to his senses in 1935, after doing the bidding of the monied interests by initiating conflict throughout the world to fill their coffers with blood money, or a rock & roll star fifty years later writing a hit song about the exact same theme, the song remains the same. The wealthy always benefit from war, the poor always die in their wars, and politicians are bribed to continually foment conflict, hate, and railing against whoever their puppet masters choose as the enemy of the moment. This is not a recent development, it has spanned centuries, just the sums of money feeding the military industrial complex are now astronomical. Read More

11.11.23- The Will
TL Davis

It occurs to me that there is a lot easier way to deal with illegal immigration than we have tried so far. Trump implemented something like this with his “Remain in Mexico” policy. Granted, the reason the US has been unsuccessful in stopping illegal immigration comes not from a lack of ability or understanding of how to build a wall, but from the lack of desire. The regime in power wants to dilute the strident patriotism of the average American. After several generations of working away at the elementary school level to erode love of country with propaganda, the communists have thrown in the towel and went for straight importation of foreign nationals to accelerate the timeline to 2024. Read More

11.10.23- Tips for Planning Your Retirement Like a Billionaire
Peter Reagan

While the odds of your retirement wealth growing over one billion dollars is likely to be slim (but not impossible), you can plan your retirement like a billionaire would.

It’s fairly simple, but not easy to do.

We can start with some initial thoughts that were provided in a U.S. News article outlining the billionaire retirement strategy: Read More

11.09.23- What to do? What to do?
David Haggith

How do you prepare for the crash of the Everything Bubble when nothing is safe?

Many have asked me over the years what we jump to for safety if stocks are crashing, bonds are crashing, and housing is set to crash some more while inflation is still rising so the purchasing power of the dollar is crashing. When all the bubbles (hot-air balloons in size) are falling, where do you go? Read More

11.08.23- The Dark Side of Globalization:
How You Pay the Price

Peter Reagan

Globalization is an economic miracle made possible by our technological achievements. Information, trade and capital circulate worldwide every second of every day. It’s easy to take this for granted!

Stop for just a moment and reflect on the sheer number of miners, manufacturers and shipping companies that contributed to a single finished product – say the iPhone in your pocket. Each iPhone contains 60 different elements, from antimony to zinc. A total of 43 countries on all six populated continents provide raw materials and finished subcomponents, each of which has to be transported from its origin to its destination. Read More

11.07.23- The FBI Controls EVERYTHING
Mr Reagan

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11.06.23- The Great Reset, Part 1: The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
Simon Elmer

‘The technologies at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are connected in many ways — in the way they extend digital capabilities; in the way they scale, emerge and embed themselves in our lives; in their combinatorial power; and in their potential to concentrate privilege and challenge existing governance systems.’

- Klaus Schwab, Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2018 Read More

11.04.23- Plandemic
Dr. Joseph Mercola

Late in May 2020, media producer Mikki Willis released the first part of his documentary “Plandemic,” featuring Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., a cellular and molecular biologist1 whose research revealed many vaccines are contaminated with gammaretroviruses, due to the viruses being grown in contaminated animal cell lines. The 26-minute film was banned on every social media platform after going viral.2 August 18, 2020, Part 2, titled “Plandemic — Indoctornation,” was released. Read More

11.03.23- The Consumer is Being Consumed; So Is the World.
David Haggith

We are intensely fighting inflation, and we are intensely fighting each other all over the world.

The fires of inflation and the fires of war are ripping the world apart. Today’s news reveals both are getting worse. Read More

11.02.23- The Global Explosion Of Hate Is Yet Another Sign That We Really Are
Living In The End Times

Michael Snyder

What we are witnessing is truly frightening.  In my entire lifetime, I have never seen as much hate as I have over the past few weeks.  It is almost as if a very large chunk of the global population has suddenly gone mad.  But of course all of this hate did not come out of a vacuum.  It has been simmering for many years, and now the war in the Middle East has brought it to the surface.  Humans were created to love and to be loved, and so if you find yourself consumed with hatred you are part of the problem.  Of course we knew that this global explosion of hate would be coming.  The Bible warns us repeatedly about what the condition of humanity will be like in the end times.  One example of this can be found in Matthew chapter 24… Read More

11.01.23- Here’s What the Fed Will Do Tomorrow
James Rickards

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) is meeting today and tomorrow for the purpose of discussing the economy and setting monetary policy going forward.

Today I’m giving you a preview of the meeting, a forecast of Fed policy and what it means for the economy going forward. Let’s start with what’s happening tomorrow with the Fed… Read More

10.31.23- Wider War Will Bring Inevitable Attempts At Martial Law In America
Brandon Smith

Not long ago at the height of fear over the global pandemic the US underwent a change that many people argued would never happen. For years I have heard people say that authoritarian controls in America are “tinfoil hat conspiracy theory” and doom mongering – All the prepping, all the talk of community organizing, all the guns and the gear and the training were for nothing. Then…the covid agenda hit like a freight train.

Our constitutional rights were no longer set in stone, but mere guidelines that government officials could bend or break in the name of “public health safety.” Laws no longer had to be passed through a series of checks and balances; mandates could be implemented as if they were laws without public oversight. Read More

10.30.23- The Origin of a Dynasty
Neal Ross

For almost as long as there has been money there have been bankers; those whose chosen profession is to profit off the use of other people’s money. One aspect of banking that people do not pay much attention to is money changing; the exchanging of the currency of one country for that of another. Much has been written and said about these predatory vipers, but there are two specific instances that I feel are worthy of discussion. Read More

10.28.23- US Leadership Wreaks Mayhem and Destruction Across the World
Vasko Kohlmayer

“US leadership holds the world together,” declared Joe Biden in a recent televised address to the nation.

Of all the untruths that Joe Biden has uttered in his term as president this one is perhaps the most egregious. It is enough to look at the past two decades to see just how wrong President Biden’s claim is.

Instead of holding the world together, America’s political leadership has, in fact, inflicted wholesale chaos, death, and destruction in many places across the globe. It has attacked and invaded sovereign nations, shattered societies, created instability and caused the deaths of millions. Read More

10.27.23- "We Are In A Dangerous New World Of Armed Conflict And Power Politics... The Old World Isn’t Coming Back"
Benjamin Picton

Old World, New World

Yesterday was a day of contrasts. The ECB left the deposit rate unchanged at 4%, citing a weakening labour market, weak growth and further risks to the outlook from geopolitical factors. Meanwhile, the USA recorded annualized 3rd quarter growth of 4.9%, substantially higher than the consensus estimate of 4.5% even as the core PCE deflator fell by more than expected to just 2.4%. Read More

10.26.23- Let Them Eat… Bugs?
Sean Ring

I must disclose this immediately: I utterly loathe the World Economic Forum. To quote Obi-Wan Kenobi, “You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”

From Jacinda Ardern, the Woman Who Would Be Queen (of New Zealand), to Chrystia Freeland, granddaughter of one Nazi and chief cheerleader for another, to Justin Trudeau, the chip off the old block, all who associate with the World Economic Forum have proven themselves to be authoritarian nightmares. Read More

10.25.23- The Profitable Destruction of Americans' Health
Charles Hugh Smith

Who needs a healthy populace rich in well-being when you can have trillions in annual corporate profits? 

The destruction caused by decay is just as catastrophic as the destruction wrought by calamity. The difference is we don't notice the decay until it's too late. When a wood-frame house is knocked down by a hurricane, earthquake or bulldozer, we are stunned and mortified by the destruction. But when termites or dry-rot eat away the framing for years until the house collapses, no single event triggers a response: we set aside evidence of the eventual negative consequences and reckon we can deal with it later. Read More

10.24.23- Six predictions from the last week’s horrific Treasury report
Simon Black

By the time Philip II ascended to the throne of Spain in the year 1556, the empire he inherited from his father was already the most dominant superpower in the world.

Spain had a formidable military, and its famous naval armada struck fear in the hearts of its adversaries. Read More

10.23.23- Government’s Worst-Kept Financial Secret (They’re Robbing Us Blind)
Peter Reagan


The Treasury has borrowed so much to cover its multi-trillion-dollar deficits that debt service payments are becoming the federal government’s largest expense.

Higher interest rates and high inflation can only decline when the government’s deficit spending ends.

Most governments spend more on critical services like defense and healthcare than on interest payments on debt. Read More

10.21.23- Off the record: silver looks better than gold in 2024 according to LBMA survey
Neils Christensen

Although the Federal Reserve is expected to maintain interest rates at restrictive levels through most of 2024, geopolitical uncertainty will continue to support gold prices in the next 12 months, according to sentiment during the London Bullion Market Association 2023 Global Precious Metals Conference.

According to the LBMA’s annual end-of-conference survey, conference participants said they expect gold to outperform within the precious metals market. However, anecdotal observation and comments during the conference show solid support for  silver, with analysts saying it is cheap compared to its fundamentals. Read More

10.20.23- BRICS Pay Propels Half the World into Dedollarization
Birch Gold Group

If you don’t already realize that dedollarization is happening, there’s no clearer proof than BRICS Pay. BRICS Pay is a new blockchain-based payment system that enables members of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and their partners to make financial transactions in a whole new way.

Prior to BRICS Pay, residents of these countries had limited choices in how they would make purchases, trade, and take loans from outside of their country. The dollar has been the “overwhelming” choice for international trade for decades, serving as the primary medium of exchange. That’s been a problem for countries who have faced sanctions on SWIFT, the international currency platform owned by the Western economic bloc. Read More

10.19.23- US Embassy Tells Americans In Lebanon 'Get Out While You Still Can' As 20 Hezbollah Rockets Land On Israel
Tyler Durden

Regional media is reporting that since midnight, and after President Biden departed Israel yesterday, Israeli forces have intensified their strikes across the Gaza strip, starting with Rafah, which according to Al Jazeera killed 33 people.

There are reports that Biden in private comments told Netanyahu he has a "green light" from Washington to launch a fuller offensive, at a moment Israeli media continues to report a ground incursion is "imminent".  Read More

10.18.23- Is the World Falling Apart?
Jim Rickards

Is the world coming apart at the seams? It would seem so.

Of course, there are always wars going on somewhere and hot spots waiting to erupt. That’s the steady state of the world. But some periods are far more dangerous either because the conflicts are more intense, or there are more of them or both.

The best analytic approach in such situations is not just to compile a list of conflicts but to consider their interconnectedness and weigh the risks of escalation. Is it just another bad patch like the 1960s with Vietnam, or are we on the brink of something truly catastrophic like World War II? Read More

10.17.23- Headlines Will Be Your Downfall
Greg Guenthner

We’re searching for snapbacks as the October market chop continues this week…

Stocks are already attempting to recover from last week’s slump as the major averages all posted strong gains on Monday. The much-needed September pullback has passed and traders are waiting and watching for the market to tip its hand. Read More

10.16.23- This Way for the Genocide,
Ladies and Gentlemen

Chris Hedges

Washington and European governments are cheerleading Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza. The failure to intervene to halt the carnage threatens to ignite violence throughout the region.

I have been in urban warfare in El Salvador, Iraq, Gaza, Bosnia and Kosovo. Once you fight street by street, apartment block by apartment block, there is only one rule — kill anything that moves. Read More

10.14.23- Everything is Breaking Everywhere!
David Haggith

Markets are finally starting to get it to such extant that Bank of New York Mellon just coined the term "Pantophobia" to describe the fear flooding the global marketplace.

Suddenly many voices — some of them the big ones — are agreeing with me that we are in for a world of hurt for the very reasons I have been focusing on throughout my publication of The Daily DoomToday, JPMorgan’s chief said that the burgeoning US debt and “the largest peacetime fiscal deficits ever” present a huge problem for the US and the world in addition to the Ukraine war and Israel war.  Read More

10.13.23- US Cities On High Alert Amid Hamas' 'Day of Rage' Threats
Tyler Durden

Local and federal law enforcement agencies across the US are increasing patrols after a former Hamas leader called on supporters to unleash chaos in what is being called a 'day of rage.' 

In New York City, Morgan Stanley employees were allowed to remote work today as an "All Out For Palestine" rally in Times Square, near the bank's headquarters, presents security risks, according to Bloomberg. Read More

10.12.23- 4 IRA Mistakes That Could Destroy Your Savings
Peter Reagan

Once you receive a retirement plan distribution, then you have some planning to do.

One part of that planning is deciding how you are going to roll over the funds into any new vehicle(s) and begin to enjoy the fruits of your labors. The IRS website nicely summarizes the main reason why many Americans who are saving for a stress-free retirement would do this: Read More

10.11.23- Your Econ Professor Lied to You
Greg Guenthner

Stocks are once again caught in a vicious chop this week as emerging geopolitical strife throws new wrenches into the market’s gears.

No, we’re not tumbling into the abyss. In fact, I would characterize what we’re seeing as a normal pullback. The averages marched off their lows and didn’t look back during the entire first half of the year, with many stocks continuing higher into the late summer. It was an easy time to find snapback runners and other strong trends. Read More

10.10.23- 110 and done?
Giuseppe Filotto

My personal opinion is that the (((usual suspects))), in their usual, supremely arrogant stupidity, assumed that by false flagging Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran, they would take out the last remnants of Palestinians, knock out Iran, and dominate the middle East, all while ushering in their Messiah (the antichrist to you and me).

As is always typical for these global gypsies (with apologies to actual gypsies) they miscalculated, and now, they will need to limit their response to blasting Palestinian civilians lest they get obliterated by the surrounding Arab world, which has about had enough of the proxy wars that Israel has attacked them with by using the USA as its war-dog. Read More

10.09.23- War Breaks Out in the Middle East –
Beware of the U.S. Media One-Sided Coverage

Brian Shilhavy

Tensions in the Middle East escalated this week, and it appears that a full-blown war has now started with the attacks in Israel earlier today.

Attacks that have killed hundreds of people started before the attacks in Israel today, however.

Earlier this week, at least 100 people in Syria were reportedly killed in a deadly attack at a military college in Syria’s Homs province. The Syrian Government said it was a terrorist attack by “known international forces,” which implies they were funded by the U.S. who has had a military presence in Syria for over a decade now opposing the current Syrian Government. Read More

10.07.23- Americans Slowly Start To Figure Out The Myth Of “Authority”
Mac Slavo

The mainstream media is lamenting that the American citizens (slave class) are figuring out that authority is a myth. Dropping the belief that someone has the right to rule them is starting in the form of no longer trusting the science given by the rulers to control everyone else.

In an opinion piece by the New York Times, Americans are “losing trust” when it comes to the science given to them by their masters. It’s all become to much to believe anymore and even the most devout statists are questioning some things. Read More

10.06.23- Our Revolting Elites
Charles Hugh Smith

The 'revolt of the elites' has reversed the source of social disorder from the masses to the elites. 

Prescient social critic Christopher Lasch's 1996 book, The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy, laid out a blueprint of social decay that continues to inform our descent into social disorder. Lasch excoriated our revolting elites for abandoning the foundations of social stability, upward mobility, the middle class and democracy in their race to enrich and insulate themselves in protected enclaves--neighborhoods, corporate suites, foundations and institutions--of fellow elites. Read More

10.05.23- Why Synthetic Food
Is Very Dangerous

De, Joseph Mercola

Do you know what’s in the food you eat? Remarkable as it may seem, 99% of the components making up whole food are a complete mystery. As reported by New Scientist in July 2020:1

“We know next to nothing about the vast majority of compounds in our diet … ‘Our understanding of how diet affects health is limited to 150 key nutritional components,’2 says Albert-László Barabási at Harvard Medical School, who coined the term nutritional dark matter. Read More

10.04.23- Something “Big and Stupid”
Is Coming…

James Rickards

With debt levels reaching all-time highs in major developed and developing economies, and with debt-to-GDP ratios also in record territory (not including contingent liabilities such as Social Security, health care and other entitlements, which make matters worse), it seems time to consider just how nations will deal with this problem.

The debt crisis may not be imminent, but it is unavoidable. When it happens, it may present the greatest financial disaster of all time. It’s never too soon for investors to consider the fallout. Read More

10.03.23- Why I QUIT Investing
Greg Guenthner

I have a special note for you today.

But first, let’s take a look at the markets…

As I type this note, stocks are attempting to post a modest bounce following another rough trading week.

But the rally isn’t drumming up too much excitement. Most stocks are sinking as the September struggle remains in full effect. Read More

10.02.23- British Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine
The Conservative Treehouse

First the backdrop.  Let us not pretend a confluence of events do not all go in one direction.

U.S. troops are conducting military exercises in eastern Moldova {link}.  The CIA and State Department are the operational mechanism for all Ukraine military operations, and in total control of the Ukraine government.  American contracted mercenary troops operating in Ukraine are being treated at U.S. military hospitals in Germany. U.S. military operations are flying drone missions above Ukraine, and U.S. satellites are coordinating the battlespace.  Additionally, the U.S. is sending Abrams tanks, F-16 fighter jets along with support and training teams, and long-range missile launching systems into Ukraine. Read More

09.30.23- The Psychology of Inflation: What Makes You Say, "No Way Am I Paying That"?
Charles Hugh Smith

Value varies. Invest in what's valuable.  

It's a well-recognized human bias to feel losses more acutely than gains. Perhaps something similar occurs with inflation. As essentials soar in cost--i.e. non-discretionary expenses such as shelter, food at home, utilities, childcare, healthcare insurance, etc.--our only response is sighing resignation: yes, it's a ripoff but there's little we can do about it without making major changes in our lives.  Read More

09.29.23- Anti-Deepfake Law Proposal Threatens Memes and Parody
Didi Rankovic

There is a new legislative proposal, the DEEPFAKES Accountability Act, re-introduced by a Democrat, that seeks to criminalize the use of a certain type of generative AI content.

Creators targeted here would be those who fail to label their work as required by the bill, namely, as “malicious deepfakes,” while all content of this kind would have to be labeled regardless. Read More

09.28.23- Americans Are Being Led By a Lying Media and Corrupt Political Class
Philip Giraldi

Is a Gadarene Swine moment coming for many of us?

Each morning I do a quick scan of the headlines coming over the wire services, clear my emails and Facebook entries, and then take a closer look at The New York Times online, paying particular attention to the opinion pages. I usually am not disappointed in my belief that the President Joe Biden Administration as well as ex-President Donald Trump, have been and continue to be collectively destroying what was once an admirable nation, something like flushing us repeatedly down the toilets of their ambition and greed. Read More

09.27.23- Life In America Has Never Been More Unaffordable Than It Is Right Now
Michael Snyder

Our standard of living is being systematically destroyed, but for a lot of years many Americans didn’t fully understand what was taking place because it was happening so slowly.  But now we have reached a stage where the purchasing power of our money is collapsing and the cost of living has become exceedingly painful.  Thanks to our rapidly rising cost of living, the middle class is becoming “the impoverished class”, and the poor are increasingly being pushed out into the streets.  If we do not find a way to turn these trends around, it won’t be too long before we have tremendous societal turmoil on our hands. Read More

09.26.23- Slouching Towards Beelzebub
James Howard Kunstler

So, here’s what you might have learned over the weekend if you ventured into the thickets of alt news: in April and May of 2021, the president (“Joe Biden”), the whole White House Covid Response Team (Andy Slavitt & Co), and everyone in the WH communications office, the US Surgeon General (Vivek Murthy), senior officials of the CDC including director Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, head of NIH, and Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID were all freaking out, holding crisis meetings, and sending blizzards of emails among each other after being informed by a Pfizer safety report that the miraculous new mRNA Covid vaccines produced significant cases of myocarditis and blood-clotting abnormalities. Read More

09.25.23- How Blackrock Conquered the World
James Corbett

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09.23.23- Weekend Rant: Flies, Poop and Incomprehensible Numbers... A Tidy Little Story on Magnitude of the US Debt Disaster
Christopher LaBorde

There are things so large in this universe that the average mind does not have the capacity to understand. Stars in the universe 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 , gallons of water in the oceans 3,500,000,000,000,000,000 and now the official US debt 33,000,000,000,000. In one of my prior articles, I mentioned that even an exceptional mind that has not been trained in exponential growth has almost no chance of possessing a feel for it. In the same vein, a person that has spent a lifetime in numbers with a maximum of 6 to 7 zeros in it will have real difficulties comprehending numbers with 12 zeros in them. For my own learning I decided that I needed to try to ground myself in these massive numbers, and then had some fun wrapping them into a colorful little summary.  Read More

09.22.23- Clues for removing GRAPHENE OXIDE and other dangerous COVID “vaccine” ingredients from your body
Ethan Huff

There has been a lot of talk lately about the hidden graphene oxide component of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" and how it interacts with, and is even activated by, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) such as 5G – but do not panic: there are ways to rid your body of the stuff naturally. Read More

09.21.23- The Unabomber
vs. liberal psychology

Ben Bartee

Having previously read and his manifesto some years ago, I have been revisiting the Unabomber’s treatise on technology and its toxic effects on society and individual psychology.

(I feel compelled — not out of moral obligation, because I believe any rational person is capable of separating the message from the messenger but because of rampant targeting by the state of so-called “domestic terrorists,” a category to which I have surely been relegated on some government list somewhere – to caution that I do not endorse mailing bombs or any variety of offensive violence in any form.) Read More

09.20.23- Could WWIII Begin in Black Sea?
James Rickards

I’ve written frequently in the past about the risks of escalation in the war in Ukraine. Of course, all wars carry such risks and often the escalation plays out exactly as feared.

World War II began with the conventional weapons of the time (infantry, ships, aircraft, artillery, etc.) but eventually escalated to fire-bombing major cities like Dresden, annihilating entire army groups on the Eastern Front in Europe with millions of dead and the use of atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Read More

09.19.23- Parsing the Telescreen, Slouching into the Gulag
Fred Reed

Sez I, we are barreling into a world of mixed unreality and invited surveillance, not quite noticed but at warp speed. The unreality? We can now do politicians in video software and make them convincingly say things more reprehensible then they would themselves. The surveillance creeps in like a barely noticed smell. It creeps and will creep. Consider:

Several years ago Vi and I bought a sixty-five inch LG screen that we use for watching YouTube and Netflix. It has search-by-voice. Thus by pressing a button on the remote to wake it up, we can say, “Tianjian automated Chinese seaport,” and it will find the relevant sites on the web. Read More

09.18.23- "This Is Bad, Really Bad..."
Matthew Piepenburg

Real BRICS Threat + The Worst Macros I’ve Ever Seen

In many recent articles and interviews, I’ve warned that Powell’s “higher for longer” war against inflation will actually (and ironically) lead to, well… greater inflation.

That is, the rising interest expense (nod to Powell) on Uncle Sam’s fatally rising 33T bar tab will inevitably need to be paid with an inflationary mouse-clicker at the Eccles Building. Read More

09.16.23- Rickards Raises Hurricane Flag
Brian Maher

Moans reader Michael R.:

“What’s the point of reading these lengthy remarks about the demise of our economy? All I’m seeking is specific stock tips.”

A fish prowls the depths in pursuit of lunch. It seeks its own “stock tips” to guide the hunt. It lacks all curiosity of the greater ocean through which it slithers. Read More

09.15.23- The IRS Is Coming For You
Sean Ring

Everyone pronounces “IRS,” a three-letter agency, as if it were a four-letter word. And for good reason.

Because no matter how you slice it, America is a police state writ large now. And police states look an awful lot like the mafia.

What’s legal isn’t always moral. Read More

09.14.23- Making the Chicken Run
Doug Casey

“Making the chicken run” is what Rhodesians used to say about neighbors who packed up and got out during the ’60s and ’70s, before the place became Zimbabwe. It was considered “unpatriotic” to leave Rhodesia. But it was genuinely idiotic not to.

I’ve written many times about the importance of internationalizing your assets, your mode of living, and your way of thinking. I suspect most readers have treated those articles as they might a travelogue to some distant and exotic land: interesting fodder for cocktail party chatter, but basically academic and of little immediate personal relevance. Read More

09.13.23- The Smart Money
David Haggith

Those in the know are betting on rising inflation and rising rates for longer.

What does it mean when the largest investment-grade corporations are issuing huge amounts of bonds and when America’s wealthiest family funds are piling into bonds but shedding pubic-corporation stocks? These are among the so-called “smart money” — the ones who know how to preserve their wealth and their credit ratings. Read More

09.12.23- Paper Tiger
James Rickards

The story of China’s explosive growth from 1978 to 2008 is well-known.

China’s GDP surged from less than $150 billion in 1978 to over $3 trillion by 2008. China’s average annual growth rate exceeded 10% from 1978 to 2005. During this period, over 600 million people escaped poverty to obtain at least a stable if low-income standard of living. Read More

09.11.23- The Continued Deadly Effects Of 9/11
Tyler Durden

Over twenty years have passed since 2,977 victims lost their lives to the September 11 terrorist attacks

Part of this number, the New York fire and police departments count a total of 343 and 23 personnel, respectively, among the fallen that day.

However, as Statista's Martin Armstrong reports, since then though, over 650 more have lost their lives to illnesses related to their participation in the rescue and recovery efforts on and in the aftermath of 9/11. Read More

09.09.23- Are You Suffering from Learned Helplessness?
Peggy Ryan

Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev once bragged, “We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”  This plan to conquer us “without firing a shot” was put in effect, and Manchurian candidates took up positions in our government, media, education, and entertainment sectors. Read More

09.08.23- The Dream Is Dead
James Rickards

The global desire to move away from the dollar as a medium of exchange for international trade in goods and services has gone from a discussion point to a novelty to a looming reality in a remarkably short period of time.

It’s impossible to check headlines without seeing a new story about major trading partners planning to substitute their local currencies (or in the BRICS case, a newly formed currency) for the U.S. dollar in payment channels supporting world trade. Read More

09.07.23- The Next Crisis Is Anyone’s Guess, But the Government Is Ready to
Lockdown the Nation

John Whitehead

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken

First came 9/11, which the government used to transform itself into a police state. Read More

09.06.23- Expressionless Babies, Bored Lovers
Naomi Wolf

And Other Changes in the Human Condition

I feel that I make notes every day on mourning a world that has passed – and at times on noticing a new world that is barely stirring. So I mourn, and at times I hope.

I’ve been traveling, and now I am home; so I have observed my fellow humans recently in airports, and on airplanes; on trains; in crowds; and in smaller gatherings. Read More

09.05.23- “Mad Max” Conditions Are Coming: Desperation Is Rising As The Economy Rapidly Deteriorates And Food Costs Soar
Michael Snyder

How far would you go to feed your family?  Hopefully that is a question that you will not have to answer any time soon, but right now we are seeing millions upon millions of people become more desperate as economic conditions rapidly deteriorate and food costs soar.  At this point, most Americans are just barely scraping by from month to month, and in poorer countries on the other side of the world there are people that are literally starving to death.  As I have detailed previously, the UN has reported that 2.4 billion people did not have enough food to eat last year, and 900 million of them were facing severe food insecurity.Read More

09.04.23- How They’ll Sell Lockdown 2.0
Jeffrey Tucker

National Public Radio was in a frenzy the other morning but it felt like the movie Groundhog Day: they were spreading tremendous alarm about the rise of Covid cases.

We have to stop the spread, the announcer said, and that’s why masks are coming back to classrooms. However, they added, relief is on the way in the form of a new vaccine.

Rinse, repeat — as the shampoo bottles say. Read More

09.02.23- The Sailing School of Investments
10 Investment Lessons I Learned
Sailboat Racing

Christopher LaBorde

I do not believe that being a great sailboat racer makes you a great investor or vice versa, but there are some broad concepts that can be learned on the water that cross-over between the two activities. However, unlike investing, sailboat races are typically executed in a matter of hours from start to finish and if you lose your shirt in one race you still get to reset and try again in the next one. Ie: you will never have to explain to someone that you just lost the house. Read More

09.01.23- Ivermectin Is a Proven Cure for Covid.  Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Different.
Paul Craig Roberts

During the years of the Covid-19 Deception, I reported that Covid was rare in those parts of Africa where Ivermectin was used weekly as a preventative of river blindness and HCQ was used as a preventative of malaria.  I also reported that large parts of India used Ivermectin as a preventative and cure and was little bothered by Covid.  The same in Brazil and Peru.  Wherever Ivermectin was used there were no excess deaths.  Eventually the Japanese recognized Ivermectin’s virtue and adopted it as the official cure as the much touted “vaccine” proved to provide no protection but posed a serious threat to life and health. Read More

08.31.23- The Great Wealth Migration
Sean King

Greetings from a gorgeously cool and autumnal Asti.

We’ve only had a six-week summer here in Italy. It was cool until mid-June, and as I stand here typing, it’s a mere 69F (20C).

The global warming nuts are having a tough time with this. The weather maps are blue and green, even in environMENTALGermany. Read More

08.30.23- Neither Comply Nor Resist
Charles Hugh Smith

The decay of social norms and status quo systems triggering an authoritarian tightening of the screws is a well-worn pattern throughout human history.

What do I mean by Neither Comply Nor Resist? Let’s start by noting society functions by our voluntary compliance with a spectrum of social norms–what’s socially acceptable and unacceptable–some of which are institutionalized into legally defined rules that impose judicial consequences on those who break the rules. Read More

08.29.23- A New Covid ‘Variant’…Just in Time for Election Season!
Ron Paul

Just four and a half months since President Biden declared an end to the Covid “emergency,” the media is suddenly full of stories about the return of Covid. This time a new “variant” is being rolled out and the media, in collusion with big Pharma and the fear-industrial complex, are churning out stories about how forced masking is making a comeback.

Also, the “unvaccinated” are again to be denied basic human rights in the name of fighting a virus that the vaccine demonstrably does not protect against. Read More

08.28.23- BRICS 11 - Strategic Tour de Force
Pepe Escobar

Chinese President Xi Jinping defined all the major decisions embedded in the 15th BRICS summit in South Africa as “historic”. That may be seen as an understatement.

It will take time for the Global South, or Global Majority, or “Global Globe” (copyright President Lukashenko), not to mention the stunned collective West, to fully grasp the enormity of the new strategic stakes. Read More

08.28.23- BRICS 11 - Strategic Tour de Force
Pepe Escobar

Chinese President Xi Jinping defined all the major decisions embedded in the 15th BRICS summit in South Africa as “historic”. That may be seen as an understatement.

It will take time for the Global South, or Global Majority, or “Global Globe” (copyright President Lukashenko), not to mention the stunned collective West, to fully grasp the enormity of the new strategic stakes. Read More

08.26.23- A Crisis of the Vaxxed
Tom Renz, Esq.

Today the story is COVID-19. COVID-19 is everywhere. Headlines on more lockdowns, new vaccines, and endless corruption. This is a crisis of the vaxxed.

In 2021 I started talking about how the vaccines were going to cause COVID-19. The vaccines were going to damage the immune system that creates the spike protein, and this was going to result in the vaccinated getting COVID-19 and being more susceptible to it. That is all true. Read More

08.25.23- "On Stupidity"
Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theory explains much of contemporary politics and culture.

In 1943, the Lutheran pastor and member of the German resistance, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was arrested and incarcerated in Tegel Prison. There he meditated on the question of why the German people—in spite of their vast education, culture, and intellectual achievements—had fallen so far from reason and morality. He concluded that they, as a people, had been afflicted with collective stupidity. Read More

08.24.23- “No” Is the Magic Word
Sean King

Happy Thursday!

I’ve been running around Europe lately with the family.

But there’s one skill that I’m so pleased I’ve developed. And that’s negotiation skills. Because even in Europe, people try to take advantage of you. Read More

08.23.23- The 'Oliver Anthony' Gap
Tom Luongo

Give me life, give me pain, give me myself again

–Tori Amos, “Little Earthquakes”

So, the story of Oliver Anthony and his song, “Rich Men North of Richmond” just keeps getting better and better.

Oliver’s folk anthem for what Gary North used to call “The Remnant” and what Ron Paul deemed “The Silent Majority” has not just jumped containment it’s become a living, breathing thing. Read More

08.22.23- We Won’t Be Fooled Again
James Howard Kunstler

“Good faith people are willing to be corrected (because the Truth is important); not so the liars of course (they know they are wrong) or the ideologues. So the ideologues therefore don’t act in good faith, though they think they do.” — Truman Verdun

Of all the vicious lies spun around the Covid-19 operation, among the most damaging was the campaign to demonize ivermectin, a Nobel Prize-winning true wonder-drug, among the safest known pharmaceuticals ever, effective against disease-causing parasites and also a potent anti-viral agent — which was exactly why the CDC and FDA turned on it. It very effectively subdued Covid-19 infections. Read More

08.21.23- In Praise of Conspiracy Theorists
Brian Maher

Due to professional obligations we take aboard an overplus of daily “information.”

Some of it — perhaps more than some of it — sorts into the “conspiratorial” category.

For example: the theory that space lasers set Maui on fire. Read More

08.19.23- Why Americans Are Getting Poorer
David Haggith

And it's far more insidious and chronic than rip-your-face-off inflation.

Two stories in today’s news combine to illustrate how bankrupt American thinking is. One is a story about how Americans cannot stop living from paycheck to paycheck because real wages (i.e., adjusted for inflation) for 90% of America have only risen 15% since 1979. Yet, the truth is worse than the story tells: Once you adjust the adjustment for real inflation (i.e., what inflation would have been over all those years if it were still calculated the more honest way it was back in 1979), real wages have gone backward. Read More

08.18.23- How Economic Witch Doctors Convince Everyone They’re Neurosurgeons
Doug Casey

International Man: The average person doesn’t care about economics. But to the extent that he does, he only reads mainstream publications like The Economist and editorials in The New York Times.

In these publications, the average person will find so-called economists advocating upside-down and destructive concepts like negative interest rates, banning cash, debt-fueled consumption, government spending, and rampant money printing as the cures to economic ailments. Read More

08.17.23- If you’re not thinking about real assets, you’re going to get left behind
Simon Black

“Scary” is the word that the Wall Street Journal used this weekend to describe the looming financial crisis in the US.

They said bluntly, “Washington has laid the seeds of a crisis that Wall Street can no longer ignore.

I’ve been writing about this for 14 years; back then, it was highly controversial… almost conspiratorial… to suggest that the US government was in deep financial trouble. Today it’s front page news in the most prominent financial publication. Read More

08.16.23- Middle Class Meltdown: Thanks To The Reckless Policies Of Our Leaders, 'Average' Americans Are In Huge Trouble
Michael Snyder

The middle class in the U.S. has been steadily shrinking for decades, but in recent years our leaders have greatly accelerated that process.  In 2020, 2021 and 2022 they absolutely flooded the system with new money, and almost all of that new money went into the pockets of the wealthy.  The gap between the wealthy and the rest of us is now larger than ever, and that isn’t a good thing for our society.  Even if you are still making as much money as you did a few years ago, you have lost a lot of ground financially, because the cost of living has been rapidly eating away at our standard of living. Read More

08.15.23- Do You Live in One of the Most Scammed States in the U.S.?
Birch Gold Group

Forbes recently compiled a list of the most scammed states in America, and the results are less than thrilling. We don’t just say that because they ranked California first and the only state with 100 on a 100-point index…

As the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report notes, the scams themselves are as varied as ever, with some changes. Read More

08.14.23- The Taxpayers Bailed Out Yellow Trucking. It Went Bankrupt Anyway
Doug French

After ninety-nine years in business, Yellow, one of the nation’s biggest trucking companies, shut down. The company has more than twelve thousand trucks and employed thirty thousand, with twenty-two thousand of those jobs held by Teamsters.

If you are a taxpayer, you know all this, your government is a 29.6 percent shareholder of Yellow and all. The Trump administration’s Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act dished out $500 billion to businesses, states, and municipalities as a result of the coronavirus. Yellow Corporation received $700 million of the $735.9 million set aside for national security loans. Read More

08.12.23- David Rubenstein says there's only one solution to US debt: inflation
Filip De Mott

The US won't climb out of its $32 trillion debt, David Rubenstein said. Instead, its best bet is to lean on inflation.

"We aren't going to cut expenses in the government. We aren't going to increase taxes that much. We aren't going to go to a bailout with the IMF, that's not realistic. And we're not going to default," the Carlyle Group's co-founder told Bloomberg TV. "The only alternative is to inflate your way out."  Read More

08.11.23- Threading Narratives Together
Nicholas Creed

Having written about various intersecting agendas at play on the world stage, I wanted to gather my thoughts in weaving it all together as I currently see the state of play. I may well be wrong about this – I often am – but I do keep an open mind and try not to write off any new information; even when it can be painful to acknowledge new depths of depravity and evil.  Read More

08.10.23- Food Prices Are Crazy High Now, But They Will Soon Go A Lot Higher
Michael Snyder

Over the past few years, we have seen food prices in the United States and other wealthy countries do things that they have never done before.  Unfortunately, this is just the beginning.  Global food supplies are getting tighter, and meanwhile global demand for food just continues to increase.  For decades, many among the elite were optimistic that someday we would be able to eliminate global hunger completely because tremendous progress was being made.  But then right around 2015 things started to reverse, and now the trend is very much going in the wrong direction. Read More

08.09.23- The Commercial Real-Estate Dam
is Breaking

David Haggith

So are stocks. So are bonds. So are banks. The deluge is washing everything away!

The image above shows the badly swollen Mendenhall River, which has risen to something like a thousand-year/never-happens level as an ice dam on Mendenhall Glacier has given way, dumping a raging torrent from the glacier’s trapped lake at Suicide Basin into the river. That is a fitting symbol of what just happened in commercial real estate and to its bankers today. Read More

08.08.23- More Americans say
they can never retire

Daniel de Visé

A growing share of working Americans don’t think they will ever retire, recent surveys suggest. 

Retirement is a time-honored life stage and a near-universal expectation in working America. Yet, a comfortable retirement requires savings, and many workers fear they don’t have enough. 

In a July poll conducted jointly by Axios and Ipsos, 29 percent of workers under 55 answered a retirement query with, “I don’t think I will ever retire.”  Read More

08.07.23- The Rise and Rhetoric of
the Climate Chicken Littles

Dr Roger W Koops

For those who may not recall Chicken Little (aka Henny Penny), the character was derived in the 1880s and was meant to be an allegorical character. Chicken Little was never intended to be the whimsical Disney fantasy character that it became. Chicken Little was infamous for over-exaggerating threats to existence, most notably, with the phrase “the sky is falling”.  

As I watched the BBC a couple of days ago, I could not help but notice that the alias of the BBC should be ‘Chicken Little’. Read More

08.05.23- The Bizzarro Effect
of Universal Insanity

Gary D. Barnett

“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

How many times in our lives has it been said or thought that things could not get worse, weirder, more absurd, more dangerous, more immoral, more brutal, more controlling, more restrictive, more perverted, more murderous, or more insane? Can those thoughts even be considered in this day and age of complete and total lunacy? What has happened to mankind, and can it all be blamed on brainwashing and indoctrination by the ruling class over the rest of society? Read More

08.04.23- Here’s Why Inflation Is About to Return with a Vengeance
Brandon Smith

Perhaps one of the most bizarre recent developments in economic news has been the attempt by establishment media, on behalf of President Joe Biden, to declare U.S. inflation “defeated” despite all the facts to the contrary.

Keep in mind that when these people talk about “inflation,” they are only talking about the most recent consumer price index (CPI), which is allegedly a measure of current inflation growth rather than inflation already accumulated. The official CPI is easily manipulated, though, and to focus on that single measurement is a dishonest way of misleading the public regarding the true economic danger.Read More

08.03.23- "These are BABY factories" Ukraine baby bunker exposed!
Clayton Morris

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08.02.23- Yes, It’s a Bubble
James Rickards

There are signs of recession everywhere and these are good indicators. It’s not just sentiment or guesswork.

I’m not going to get into the weeds here, but things like inverted yield curves and negative swap spreads, among other indicators, are all pointing to recession. In addition to those technical indicators, manufacturing is down, global trade is down, etc. Read More

08.01.23- Blobulation
James Howard Kunstler

“Biden has restored the integrity of the Department of Justice” — Dan Goldman, Congressman from New York

Surely Merrick Garland is not running the Department of Justice, but which gloopy pseudopod of the Blob is? My guess would be some Intel Community politburo made up mostly of people you’ve never heard of. The trouble is these geniuses confuse political fuckery with the operations of law. Read More

07.31.23- Inflation will return
Alasdair Macleod

It is an error to expect inflation to continue to fall in America. All financial market values in the US and elsewhere are predicated on this hope.

The misunderstanding is to assume that the widely expected recession will lead to further falls in consumer price inflation, and that therefore interest rates and bond yields will decline. These hopes are based on Keynes’s rejection of Say’s law, which simply points out there is no such thing as Keynes’s general glut because the unemployed stop producing. Read More

07.29.23- Artificial Intelligence:
Adapt or Be Terminated

William T. Puplava

The global Artificial Intelligence (AI) market has grown from $1.5 billion in 2010 to $136.6 billion in 2022. The market is expected to continue to grow at a rapid pace, reaching $1.81 trillion by 2030. As the growth of AI continues, it is likely to have a significant impact on our lives, helping to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems.  Read More

07.28.23- “Bad Day At Black Rock”
Al Benson Jr.

The title for this article was taken from an old 1950s movie starring Spencer Tracy which maybe some of you have seen. Regarding what this article is about I felt it was appropriate. Awhile back I read an article on the net that mentioned that BlackRock was a “woke” company. I didn’t know much about BlackRock except that I had seen it advertised on Fox News quite a bit. Now I’m beginning to understand why.

It seems that BlackRock owns a chunk of Fox News – 45.7 million shares of Fox News stock.  Read More

07.27.23- Governments Targeting Retirement Funds… and What You Can Do About It
Doug Casey

International Man: Most Western governments, especially the US, have debt loads and spending commitments that guarantee they will eventually—likely someday soon—try to grab as much wealth as possible.

Retirement savings are a juicy target. But, unfortunately, they’re among the lowest-hanging fruit for any desperate government. Read More

07.26.23- World Oil Supply Set To Decline In Coming Decade
Art Berman

If you're watching this, whether you're a fan of fossil fuels or not, there's no denying that modern society is still immensely dependent on them -- particularly oil. Look around you -- practically everything you see required oil somewhere along the process of being mined, manufactured or transported to get to where you are.

Even the food you ate today. Oil is still the lifeblood of the global economy.

Yet after hitting $120/barrel a year ago, its price has since dropped nearly in half. Read More

07.25.23- The Purple Hour
James Howard Kunstler

“I have a dream that the people we elect to run the government will be the ones who actually run the government.” — Vivek Ramaswamy

The hour is late for “Joe Biden.” His sojourn in America’s highest office was one long twilight of pretending to be effectual, or merely present, and now even that abject pantomime slips into a place of nullity, where all is still and dark. What does he do these languorous weekends at the fabled Delaware beach house? Stare out at the empty Atlantic horizon over an uneaten egg salad sandwich with the crusts cut off? Does he even suspect that the world is already turning without him? Read More

07.24.23- The Downfall of Blobism
James Howard Kunstler

“If it weren’t for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all.” — Jeff Childers of the Coffee and Covid blog

You might not know it these lazy, hazy, muggy days of midsummer, but things are getting pretty wildly out-of-hand in our republic. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. blew up the Democratic Party yesterday in the House Subcommittee on Weaponization of Government hearing, acting like a normal human while being set upon by a flock of harpies desperately screeching “Russia, Russia, Russia,” as if that means anything anymore. Read More

07.22.23- Deflation While Food Prices Are Going Up? You Cannot Be Serious
Russell Clark

I was ordering my Pimms at Wimbledon, which I discovered would cost me £11 - and was extremely tempted to rant “You cannot be serious!”. But I sucked it up and paid. 

The next day I was drinking a £7 pint at my local, I looked at my phone and was assailed by financial commentators and substack writers with news that inflation was cured, and even deflation and rate cuts were looming on the horizon. Deflation you say? No one had told the drinking establishments I frequent. UK inflation index might be saying slowing inflation. But prices have not actually fallen. Read More

07.21.23- New York Fed Reports Surge In Credit Application Rejections
Brian Maher

“The world is not driven by greed. It’s driven by envy.”

Here you have the sage conclusion of Mr. Charles Munger, aged 99 and one-half years.

Mr. Munger is of course the business partner of Warren Buffett and legendary vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway.

This ancient draws his conclusion from many, many decades of penetrating and microscopic observation. Read More

07.20.23- Lessons from The Great Depression
Charles Hugh Smith

The risks of gambling in speculative frenzies and depending on serial asset bubbles continuing forever are easily observable, yet few act to reduce these risks. 

Longtime correspondent Ishabaka recently shared key takeaways from a classic on-the-ground account of The Great Depression in the U.S.:The Great Depression, a DiaryRead More

07.19.23- Navigating the long shadow
of high household debt

Mathias Drehmann, Mikael Juselius and Anton Korinek

The global tightening cycle that started in 2022 to curb surging inflation has been unprecedented in speed, size, and international synchronicity. While higher interest rates can dampen activity through many channels, one often-neglected channel may turn out to be particularly important going forward: rising private sector debt burdens associated with past borrowing. Read More

07.18.23- Falling China, Falling Dollar,
Falling Inflation

David Haggith

What is going down the hardest?

As some of today’s news stories show, there is plenty of reason to believe the Fed’s inflation fight is far from over. The same can be said for its impact on the dollar, which rose in value when the Fed was increasing its interest hikes and then started falling in value as the Fed started backing down its rate hikes. That is almost as inevitable as math. Whenever a central bank raises interest on bonds issued in its own currency, it has the effect of strengthening the value of that currency. Read More

07.17.23- Are You Willing To Starve
For The Greater Good?

MN Gordon

Central planners are pulling double shifts.  Contriving plans and proposals to control what you consume, how you travel and cook, where your money is spent, and much, much more.

You know who we’re talking about.  The Davos WEF crowd.  The UN, IMF, World Bank, and central bankers.  Washington lobbyists, NGOs, public/private partnerships, technical advisory committees, nonprofits, and everything in between.  We’re also talking about your meddling neighbor, and many others. Read More

07.15.23- Vast Hordes Of Americans Are Being Forced Out Into The Streets As The Middle Class Disintegrates
Michael Snyder

How many people will be sleeping in homeless shelters, on the streets or in their vehicles where you live tonight?  That is the sort of question that not a lot of us like to think about.  But the truth is that homelessness is growing at a very rapid pace all over the country right now.  But if you have lots of money, life probably seems pretty good to you at the moment.  You may eat at a different restaurant every night, and you may be one of the approximately 10 million Americans that currently own a second home. Read More


07.14.23- In Investing, It's All About
Market Timing

J Kim

I know that we've all been told market timing is impossible but I'm here to prove this is just another industry lie.

To begin this critical investment lesson today, let’s review the important part of my pinned comment I wrote on 27 June 2023 to this article:  

(1) This is about understanding where prices will go from here ($22.30 synthetic). I'm very confident they will be higher and much higher in 12-18 months, so this is not “take a loss for the team”. This is about doing something good for ourselves AND for all of humanity. I 'll revisit this post in a year to 18 months to prove my point that all will miss a massive opportunity; Read More

07.13.23- The Original Leftists
Sean Ring

Tomorrow is Bastille Day. And with all the recent trouble in France, it’s interesting to revisit the beginning of communism. They’re not communists there, you say? Perhaps not. But one bright historian called the French Revolution the “Proto-Communist Revolution.”

Didn’t Marx and Engels start it all? Nope. They just wrote those stupid ideas down.

But thanks to this historian of fantastic ability and insight, we know that the French Revolution was nothing like the American Revolution: The French Revolution was the beginning of the downfall of The West. Read More

07.12.23- Why 100+ million deranged Americans are dumb enough
to trust Mark Zuckerberg

Simon Black

On the 26th of February in the year 1401, an English priest named William Sawtrey was hauled before his Archbishop to learn whether he would live or die.

Sawtrey wasn’t a witch or satanist, or even a criminal. He was, however, an early leader in a breakaway religion known as Lollardism, which both the Church and the English government viewed as a major threat. Read More

07.11.23- The Globalists Are Making Really Big Moves Which Would Fundamentally Change How Our Society Operates
Michael Snyder

While everybody else is distracted, the globalists are making absolutely enormous moves.  Previously, I have written about the UN’s new worldwide system for cracking down on “misinformation” and about their desire to implement a global system of digital identification that is tied to our bank accounts.  I realize that these things sound really wild, but they aren’t being done in secret.  In fact, the globalists are very proud of what they are doing.  But only a small percentage of the population is even aware of this insidious agenda that they are pushing through, and so there is very little debate about it. Read More

07.10.23- The Atrocious Nature of the Mindset and Actions of the Psychopathic Criminal Element of This Country
Gary D. Barnett

“The eyes of a psychopath will deceive you, they will destroy you. They will take from you, your innocence, your pride and eventually your soul. These eyes do not see what you and I can see. Behind these eyes, one finds only blackness, the absence of light. These are of a psychopath.” ~ Dr. Samuel Loomi Read More

07.08.23- Millions Of Americans Are Relocating Just Prior To The Great Chaos That Is Coming
Michael Snyder

Summer is moving season for millions of Americans, and many will end up relocating to an entirely different state.  In the old days, such long distance moves were often prompted by an employment change or by a desire to be closer to family.  But now political and ideological considerations are motivating many Americans to search for greener pastures.  Just about all of us can feel that something has gone horribly wrong in this country.  All around us our society is literally coming apart at the seams, and it has become exceedingly clear that great chaos is comingRead More

07.07.23- Globalists Are Engineering a Financial Shock, and Here’s the Proof
Brandon Smith

At the end of June government leaders from around the world met at the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact in Paris. Participants include United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and World Bank President Ajay Banga.

The supposed purpose of the summit was to find financial solutions to the goals of tackling poverty while simultaneously curbing “planet-heating emissions.” As with all climate change related events the discussion in Paris inevitably turned to international centralization of power and the formation of a global consortium to fix the problems that they claim sovereign nations cannot or will not fix. Read More

07.06.23- “Pride” Is A Thinly Veiled Color Revolution To Destroy Western Civilization
Brandon Smith

The term “color/colour revolution” is often associated with covert efforts among US and European interests to foment civil unrest within enemy nations (and sometimes allied nations) as a means to destabilize their societies and governments. It is essentially 4th generation warfare, a concept expanded on by Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino (a self professed satanist) in a white paper titled ‘From Psyop To Mindwar.’  The goal is straightforward – To go to war against a foreign country (or one’s own country) by attacking the citizenry rather than its armies. Or, to exploit the target population as a weapon to trigger instability. Read More

07.05.23- Who Wins And Who Loses In A Deep Global Recession?
Charles Hugh Smith

Globalization and financialization have fueled the global economy for 40 years. Now they're in the decline phase of the S-Curve.

Does anyone benefit from a deep, prolonged global recession? Perhaps not in absolute terms, but in relative terms we can say some will suffer less than others. We can also say that some will strengthen their relative positions vis a vis competitors and others will lose ground / weaken, with potentially fatal consequences if the recession leads to systemic instability, i.e. phase change or tipping point. Read More

07.04.23- Bud Light's Disastrous Pro-Trans Marketing Sparks Major Job Losses
As Bottle-Suppliers Start Shutting Down

Tyler Durden

Bud Light's self-destruction after its botched TikTok promotion with clownish, male-to-female trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney, resulting in what Deutsche Bank analyst Mitch Collett recently said is a permanent loss of nearly 25% of its business, has forced one of its glass bottling producers to shut down plants. Read More

07.03.23- Questions
T.L. Davis

Here are some questions I have that when I ask them of my representative or senator, I get BS answers, but this is only because not enough people are asking these questions. 

Part of resistance to treason is recognizing what resistance is. I think of it like a simple electronic circuit, current flows from point A to point B in a direct route and it’s considered “open.” If you add a resistor into the circuit, it slows the current down, add enough and the flow of the current stops all together. That’s the point of resistance, but it has to have enough resistors for it to work. Right now, there’s too few and the circuit, while hampered, continues to flow with objectives that are not beneficial to the people. Read More

07.01.23- Is Anarchy the Ideal?
Ben Bartee

Anarchy –a combination of the Latin prefix meaning “without” and meaning “ruler” or “government”  defined most simply as “absence of government” — has influenced Western political philosophy for centuries.

Far from merely the superficial, rebellious ideology embraced by punk rockers, anarchism informed major political events throughout history such as the French Revolution and the short-lived breakaway state of Catalonia in 20th-century Spain. Read More

06.30.23- EU Warns Against Potential "Unintended Consequences" Of Geoengineering
Tyler Durden

An increasing number of climate alarmists who trust "global warming science" have pitched the idea of large-scale interventions such as solar engineering to reverse 'climate change.' They believe human activity is the sole reason for the Earth's increase in temperature and say large-scale intervention is immediately needed to stop the planet's destruction. Some have even called for fleets of planes to spray chemicals into the atmosphere to deflect the sun's rays as the world's last hope for survival. Read More

06.29.23- What’s Really Making Many Americans Fat, Sick, Poor, and Stupid
Doug Casey

International Man: Nearly half of Americans have at least one chronic condition—and that number is growing.

One in three Americans are either overweight or obese.

Why do you think so many Americans are overweight and sick?

Doug Casey: I don’t pretend to be a medical expert. But I can assure you that it’s better to be young, healthy, rich, and smart than old, sick, poor, and stupid. Read More

06.28.23- This Is Actually Terrifying
James Rickards

The “coup” in Russia is over but there’s a very worrying development going on in Ukraine right now that should frighten everyone.

That’s the growing risk of a nuclear war. I’m not being hyperbolic.

Let’s break it all down… Read More

06.27.23- The Corruption of POTUS, SCOTUS and SCROTUS
Charles Hugh Smith

Until we reach that point of social transformation, we're passengers on a ship of state doomed by rampant, systemic corruption and the collapse of moral standards and the rule of law.  

Political corruption isn't hard to define: confidentially leveraging the power of one's position in the State for private gain. This covers the spectrum of using State power for personal gain from freebies, bribes, sweetheart deals, obtaining insider information, revolving doors between private sector and state positions, influence-peddling, selling tax breaks, subsidies, permits, etc., bloated speaking fees and so on, in a nearly limitless profusion of private financial gains generated solely by one's position of power within the State--the legislative and regulatory government, central bank, military and judiciary--gains that are cloaked from public disclosure and scrutiny. Read More

06.26.23- A Catastrophic Implosion...
Of The Rule Of Law

Roger Kimball

Instead of proper rule of law we are living with that Orwellian alternative, Our Rule of Law - an arbitrary enforcement of the laws and use of the coercive power of the state...

Like some other commentators, I have in recent years several times quoted a famous exchange from Ernest Hemingway’s first novel, The Sun Also RisesRecent developments in the Biden family money laundering scheme, the implosion of a boutique underwater expedition to the Titanic, and a possible coup in Russia prompt me to wheel it out once again. Read More

06.24.23- Yes, It CAN Happen Here
James Rickards

I’ve warned repeatedly about the dangers that central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) pose to personal liberties.

I’ve warned how they would allow governments to monitor every transaction you make, which basically means a surveillance state.

This facilitates the creation of a social credit system that allows governments to punish those who engage in unapproved activity such as buying guns, donating money to the wrong political party, buying unapproved literature, etc.

The government will even know your physical whereabouts at the point of purchase. Read More

06.23.23- And Now, for Something Entirely Different: OceanGate Titan submarine SINKS during voyage to Titanic because racist CEO Stockton Rush didn’t want to hire
“50-year-old white guys”

 Ethan Huff

OceanGate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush said ex-military submariners weren't 'inspirational'

The "Titan Tragedy," which they are now calling it, probably would not have happened had the OceanGate submersible company's CEO, Stockton Rush, not hired affirmative action diversity employees rather than the "50-year-old white guys" he despises to man the vessel. Read More

06.22.21- We Must Act Now
Brian Maher

This we are told by Kyiv Post correspondent Jason Jay Smart, American by birth.

Who are “we”? Why must we act — now? How must we act? Against whom must we act?

And how might this fellow’s counsel wreck us all?

These are the central questions we tackle today. Read More

06.21.23- Can Artificial Intelligence Solve The Socialist Calculation Problem?
James Hanley

I was recently told that humanity is “rapidly advancing” toward solving the socialist calculation problem. I wasn’t told why, but around the same time, economist Daron Acemoglu suggested that artificial intelligence could be the solution.

To get literary, perhaps we are on the verge of creating the Machines, the artificial intelligences that plan the global economy in Isaac Asimov’s short story, “The Evitable Conflict”. Read More

06.20.23- First Tangible Sign that NATO "Exercise" May Go to LIVE WAR with Russia
in 4 Days

Hal Turner

The first tangible sign that the ongoing NATO "exercise" dubbed "Air Defender 2023" will go "live" to direct war with Russia, has come out: British mass-media outlet SKY NEWS is running a piece calling for Western Air Power to directly enter the Ukraine war and bomb Russians. Read More 

06.19.23- To Many Americans, It Already Feels Like We Are In A Deep Recession
Michael Snyder

Are you deeply struggling right now?  If so, I want you to know that you are not alone.  The things that I am about to share with you are not meant to be depressing.  Rather, I hope that you will be encouraged to see that there are countless others in the exact same boat.  Over the past few years, the cost of living has been rising much faster than paychecks have, and this has put enormous financial pressure on millions of American families.  In some cases, families are dealing with extreme financial stress even though both parents are working good jobs.  Virtually everything has become substantially more expensive, and so our money is not going nearly as far as it once did. Read More 

06.17.23- Why Are Americans Falling for Retirement Illusions?
Peter Reagan

We’ve spent a lot of time discussing financial anxiety and planning for financial security quite a bit over the last few years.

Today, we’re going to shift gears.

Instead, we’re going to discuss affluent Americans who are confident in their financial stability and believe their savings are secure enough to weather any economic storm. Read More 

06.16.23- 10 Very Important Questions That We Should All Be Asking Right Now
Michael Snyder

We live in a society where we have been trained not to ask the hard questions.  Instead, we are just supposed to relax and let others do our thinking for us.  If you do insist on asking pesky questions, you are likely to be labeled a “conspiracy theorist” or something even worse.  And even those labels are a form of control.  Very few of us are eager to be labeled “one of those people”, and so most of us just go along with the program.  You see, the truth is that those in power do not want us to be independent thinkers.  They want us to be sheep.  But the good news is that more people than ever are waking up to the fact that the elitists that are running things are rotten to the core. Read More 

06.15.23- US Consumers Are Facing A Crushing Debt Servicing Problem
Tyler Durden

US econowatchers have been stumped by a bizarre divergence in the US economy in recent months. On one hand, the aftermath of the March bank crisis which destroyed two of the largest California banks, led to a crippling tightening in credit standards at least according to the SLOOS survey.

On the other hand, after a brief airpocket three months ago when credit card debt saw its lowest increase in over two years, revolving consumer credit has exploded higher and the last two months have seen a near-record increase... Read More 

06.14.23- Default by Inflation Is the Real Drama in the Global Debt Market
Brendan Brown

The real drama of default in global markets has not been the federal debt ceiling negotiations in Washington but the write-off by inflation. The issue of whether it turns out that the US Treasury for a few weeks has been slow in servicing its debts—with all delays subsequently rectified—is a sideshow. We could regard this as camouflage for the ongoing real write-off operation. In this, countries led by the US, where a great inflation emerged during the pandemic and Ukraine war, have achieved big reductions in the real value of their debts. Read More 

06.13.23- Cut the Chains of Financial Serfdom
Charles Hugh Smith

Ours is a neofeudal economy of financial serfs in servitude to a Financial Aristocracy.

The Financial Nobility/Aristocracy own all the debt and the serfs owe the debt to the Aristocracy. The serfs own assets that don’t generate much income, the Aristocracy owns assets that generate trillions of dollars in income. The serfs pay high tax rates if they make above-poverty wages, the Financial Nobility pay low taxes thanks to tax-avoidance scams arranged by the Aristocracy’s toadies and lackeys in the Central State. The serfs create value, the Financial Nobility is parasitic. Read More 

06.12.23- Future Headline:
President Harris appoints
“Drag-Queen-in-Chief” to top military brass

Simon Black

In a world full of unimaginable absurdity, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future… and to where all of this insanity leads.

“Future Headline Friday” is our satirical take of where the world is going if it remains on its current path. While our satire may be humorous and exaggerated, rest assured that everything we write is based on actual events, news stories, personalities, and pending legislation. Read More 

06.10.23- How the Obesity-Industrial Complex Keeps Americans Sick, Fat, and Sad
Ben Bartee

The United States spends more money per capita on healthcare than any other country on Earth – almost twice as much as Germany and triple Japan. To emphasize, this is the average spending on an individual level, so it’s triple the spending of Japan per person.

And what do Americans get for all that spending?

The US is the fattest and the sickest in terms of chronic disease rates in the world. Per Statista, “the CDC estimates that six in ten adults in the United States currently live with a chronic disease such as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes.” You probably know someone personally – in all likelihood, multiple people – who suffers from a chronic health condition. Read More 

06.09.23- Woke Marvel Eliminates The Punisher Due To "Problematic" Conservative Fan Base
Tyler Durden

A year ago progressive news outlets were calling the idea of the culture war a “right-wing conspiracy theory” that had no basis in reality.  Yet, the injection of far-left politics into entertainment media had already started years previous, with noticeable propaganda efforts in movies, streaming television, children's shows and books, even commercial advertising was replete with progressive ideological imagery by 2016 onward.

The goal is relatively obvious – To erase competing ideals and viewpoints while saturating the market with only one political vision; a woke vision.  It's called social engineering, and anyone who claims this is not happening in the US today is gaslighting. Read More 

06.08.23- A prophetic interview with Sir James Goldsmith in 1994
Charlie Rose

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06.07.23- The Virtual Reality Race Is On
Greg Guenthner

A small buyout proposal quietly unfolded late last week, as 3D Systems Corp. (DDD) offered $1.2 billion for rival Stratasys Ltd. (SSYS).

Some analysts say the proposal could start a new bidding war in the 3-D printer space. Stratasys has already rejected a potential takeover from Nano Dimension Ltd. (NNDM), another company that’s also apparently working on a merger with Desktop Metal Inc. (DM).

But I don’t really care. Read More

06.06.23- A Short History of Virology
Tyler Durden

This article is pulled from the 15 day Troubles Away program of short videos and games designed to remove troubles from your life.  

Considering recent global events does a short history of virology support the central insight of Troubles Away, namely that troubles appear when we believe in something that is not true? Read More

06.05.23- The Fiscal Irresponsibility Act
Brian Maher

House Republicans have been awarded their very first Emmy Award for outstanding performance in acting like runaway government spending makes them sad.

“I’m so humbled to be receiving this prestigious award,” said a giddy Kevin McCarthy, holding the golden statue aloft. “This award belongs to all of us – every Republican who has gone on Fox News to complain about the national debt or give impassioned C-SPAN speeches to an empty House floor to convince the American people they care about this stuff, your acting really paid off.” Read More

06.03.23- Globalists Hide Behind the Jews, Claim all Resistance to Corrupt Tyranny
is Anti-Semitic

Alex Jones

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06.01.23- AI: Good News for Bad Guys
James Rickards

In fact, AI and GPT together are almost the only drivers of positive stock market performance today.

A small group of companies with advanced capabilities in AI/GPT (Microsoft, NVIDIA, Google, Apple, and a few others) are rallying sharply on the profit and productivity potential offered by the new technology.

If the AI/GPT plays were removed from stock market indices, the remainder of the stocks would be down on a year-to-date basis. Whether this performance is a bubble or a genuine leap based on fundamentals remains to be seen. Read More

06.01.23- The Debt Deal Disaster
Tom Renz

Why are we funding 87,000 new IRS agents, the green new deal, the DOJ/FBI persecution of Donald Trump and the J6ers, & pharma (still)? Corruption… we the people, want the GOP to quit negotiating terrible deals and start acting like winners.

Why are so many companies continuing to push this woke nonsense regardless of the boycotts? The answer is BlackRock, Vanguard, and the globalists are propping up their stocks despite the decline in revenue. This is planned, and we either fight back, or they will continue to buy off our nation. Read More

05.31.23- This is the End of a Mega-Cycle
Michael Snyder

Have we finally reached the end of the road?  When it comes to the economy, most of us focus on short-term cycles.  In recent years there have been times when the economy has been growing and there have been times when the economy has been shrinking, but all of those short-term fluctuations have happened in the context of a long-term trend of debt-fueled “growth”.  We have been relentlessly stealing from the future in order to make the present more pleasant, and most of us pretend that the piper will never have to be paid.  But of course the truth is that a day of reckoning is fast approaching, and that day of reckoning is going to be immensely painful. Read More

05.30.23- The Metaphysics Underlying
the Sunset of the West

Doug “Uncola” Lynn

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.

-Proverbs 16:25

The heart is deceitful above all things…

-Jeremiah 17:9

When small men cast big shadows, it means the sun is setting.

– Lin Yutang, Chinese philosopher Read More

05.29.23- 'The Official Truth': The End Of Free Speech That Will End America

If legacy news corporations fail to report that large majorities of the American public now view their journalistic product as straight-up propaganda, does that make it any less true?

According to a survey by Rasmussen Reports, 59% of likely voters in the United States view the corporate news media as "truly the enemy of the people." This is a majority view, held regardless of race: "58% of whites, 51% of black voters, and 68% of other minorities" — all agree that the mainstream media has become their "enemy." Read More

05.27.23- America Is on Suicide Watch
Daniel Baranowski

A once proud America is lamentably on suicide watch, and half of the nation is going about its business, thinking national problems are the usual and will eventually work out. They always have. We mistakenly hold this view of the nation’s problems as inevitably valid. That is, until that day, it’s no longer valid. And then there is darkness, whaling, and the gnashing of teeth. The death of a great moral society is an evil, ugly, and often crushing tragedy. But like all sudden death, no one thought it possible, yet all the signs were prominently apparent. Read More

05.26.23- Why Exactly Does the Government Dump Toxic Fluoride Into ¾
of the US Water Supply?

Ben Bartee

73% of the US population, according to official estimates, has its drinking water fluoridated.

“Water fluoridation” means that the government adds a synthetic form of the potentially toxic chemical fluoride into the water under the guise of Public Health™. Read More

05.25.23- Next Gen Money, Part 1: Texas Re-Imagines The Dollar
John Rubino

Digital currency might be a good thing in the right hands...

With all the (completely justified) angst surrounding central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), it’s easy to forget that the concept of digital money isn’t the problem. It’s just a tool like any other and can be used for good or evil, depending on who’s wielding it. Read More

05.24.23- Are You Ready For a Real Recession?
Charles Hugh Smith

In a real recession, what seemed safe and rock-solid melts into air.

We haven’t had a real recession in forty years (1981-82) and so only those who were in the workforce back then have any experience of how far and how fast things we think are solid can unravel. What’s a real recession? In the most basic terms, a real recession is an organic, i.e. unmanipulated by central banks, completion of the credit cycle, also known as the business cycle. Read More

05.23.23- Discredited But Massively Wealthy SPLC Working with Corrupt FBI
Robert Spencer

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is one of the Left’s premier, well-heeled, and most dishonest and ruthless attack dogs. It relentlessly smears legitimate conservative individuals and groups by labeling them as purveyors of “hate” and lumping them in with the likes of the KKK and neo-Nazis. Its name-calling and defamation would be just more of the same rubbish that comes daily from the Left were it not for the fact that the social media giants and numerous other major corporations still take the massively discredited SPLC seriously and use its smear pieces as a guide to shun and deplatform various dissenters from the Leftist agenda. So the SPLC sounds like the perfect organization for the Biden regime to work with, right? Oh, absolutely. Now this sinister and hateful group is partnering with the equally corrupt and politicized FBI. Read More

05.22.23- Is Self-Defense Becoming Illegal?
Joshua Philipp

If someone you love were threatened, or physically attacked, do you have the right to defend them? And even more so, when police are being defunded and when criminals are being released on the streets, do you have a right to protect yourself?

Do you have to just let things happen?

Must you just watch while innocent people are victimized by criminals? Read More

05.20.23- Where’s the Justice?
Jeffrey Tucker

Three years ago, in the depths of lockdowns, it became obvious that we desperately needed a new citizen movement with a different focus.

Prevailing ideological forms were simply not adapted to the enormous exogenous shock to the system that lockdowns implied. It was unexpected, especially under the guise of public health. Read More

05.19.23- How Many Dominoes Must Topple Before One Falls on Us?
Charles Hugh Smith

Everything’s abstract until it happens to us.

Dominoes falling are abstractions until one falls on you. Lines of dominoes toppling are an apt analogy to highly centralized systems that are tightly bound, that is, all the transactions that flow through the centralized hubs are interconnected, so when one domino falls, it topples chains of dominoes that then topple other chains. Read More

05.18.23- "The Reset That Is Planned...Is From Evil, To SUPER Evil"
Mike Maloney

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05.17.23- Dollar dominance ‘coming to an end’
Jim Rogers

US policies and mounting concerns over creditworthiness are dragging down the greenback, the investor says

The US dollar is starting to lose its leading position across the globe, as Washington has become the world’s largest debtor, famed investor Jim Rogers told Sputnik news agency on Wednesday.

The co-founder of the Quantum Fund noted that more and more countries are growing hesitant about the greenback, as deep reliance on its use can lead to various problems. Read More

05.16.23- Godfather of AI Issues a Warning
Greg Guenthner

The hype surrounding artificial intelligence is getting out of control.

I figured choppy market conditions would put a lid on some of the crazier AI discourse pundits have tossed around since these stocks first started running earlier this year.

But it’s only getting worse. Read More

05.15.23- We are probably not prepared ENOUGH for the events now approaching
Health Ranger Report

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05.13.23- Rise to Rebellion -
A Fourth Turning Perspective

Jim Quinn

“I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. … Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. ” – John Adams Read More

05.12.23- A New America Needs Old Hickory
Sean Ring

In the summer of 1997, three songs were played over and over and over again on the radio. They were Building a Mystery by Sarah McLaughlin, Sunny Came Home by Shawn Colvin, and Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? by Paula Cole.

All day. Every day. On every radio station, it seemed.

And good songs, they are. Colvin’s Sunny Came Home is about renewal, while McLaughlin’s Building a Mystery is a love song. But Paula Cole’s song seemed the neediest. Read More

05.11.23- Regional Bank Turmoil In The U.S. Is Far From Over
Mayra Rodriguez Valladares

Interest rate hikes by key central banks around the world and tightening credit conditions will put pressure on U.S. regional banks’ capital, credit quality, and profitability. Globally systemically important banks (G-SIBs) are benefiting from the diversity of business lines they have, as well as from the various sources of funding they can access. However, many regional banks, by definition, do not have the asset diversity and funding advantages that G-SIBs enjoy. Read More

05.10.23- The Biblical Story of the
First Bank Run

Lance Wallnau

Recently I was rereading the story of Joseph – remember, he led the Israelites out of Canaan during a famine and settled, with the Egyptian pharoah’s permission, in the land of Goshen.

Now, of course I’m familiar with the story. What I hadn’t remembered, that struck me this time, was there was some kind of monetary crisis going on. Here, let me show you:

Genesis 47:15 (KJV):

And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth. Read More

05.09.23- Where Not to Be in a Crisis
Jeff Thomas

For many years, there have been those who have been prognosticating an economic crisis – not just a recession lasting a year or two, but a full-blown Greater Depression that would eclipse any major event we’ve seen in our lifetimes.

That may appear to be an overstatement, but historically, it’s the norm for a time of major upheaval to occur every eighty years or so. And although some of us began analysing and commenting on the Greater Depression many years ago, it’s clear to all of us that we’ve now entered the leading edge of the crisis. Read More

05.08.23- The Singularity. Will it bring
Utopia or Dystopia?
Doug Casey

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05.06.23- AI – Artificial, yes. Intelligent? 
We’ll get back to you!

David Leibowitz

Lately, every other news story is about artificial intelligence and how AI is going to take over the world.

No less an eminence than Elon Musk has warned: “One of the biggest risks to the future of civilization is AI. But AI is both positive or negative — it has great promise, great capability, but also with that comes great danger.”

Me, I call BS on such predictions — for now, at least. Why? Because I enlisted ChatGPT, the easiest way to interface with AI, as my co-author for this week’s column.  Read More

05.05.23- The Worst Inflation of All:
Record Levels of Debt

Hal M. Bundrick, CFP

High consumer prices are one thing. Inflation has taken its toll on most household finances. But add high interest rates on top of soaring consumer debt, and the financial pressure increases even more.

How soon should you take action if you're struggling to pay your bills on time? Days not weeks. Read More

05.04.23- The US Is No Longer a Democracy
Paul Craig Roberts

The GEOFOR editorial board asked Paul Craig Roberts, chairman of the Institute for Political Economy, USA, PhD in economics and U.S. undersecretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration to comment on the prosecution of Donald Trump, and to find out whether it could lead to the former president’s actual incarceration, and how it would affect the presidential election in 2024.

GEOFOR: Dear Mr. Roberts: At the beginning of the 20th century, Eugene V. Debs already ran for president of the United States while in prison. In the 21st century, they are trying to exclude Donald Trump from the presidential race in every possible way. To what extent will the ongoing investigation hinder him in his quest to occupy the Oval Office and what consequences can Alvin Bragg’s desire to put the ex-president behind bars lead to? Read More

05.03.23- Another Zombie Bites the Dust
James Rickards

Another one bites the dust…

First Republic Bank closed yesterday, with the majority of its operations sold to JPMorgan Chase at fire-sale prices.

It was the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history. It was also the third bank failure in just six weeks, following Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank. Read More

05.02.23- ‘One Health’ — The Global Takeover of Everything
Dr. Joseph Mercola

In the March 22, 2023, video above, Dr. David Bell, Ph.D., a PANDA Science Sense Society1 executive committee member,2 reviews the new international pandemic treaty proposed by the World Health Organization — what it is and the impact it will have on democracy and freedom across the world — and the proposed amendments to the WHO’s international health regulations (IHR).3 As noted by PANDA:4 Read More

05.01.23- Will The US Lose Its Global Dominance?
General Wesley Clark

Learn more about General Clark's non-profit for revitalizing public & political discourse: https://www.renewamericatogether.org

On this channel, we spend most of our time focusing on the macroeconomic picture.

But the economy doesn't exist in a vacuum. Read More

04.29.23- Invisibility Cloaks, Metamaterial Crystals, and Plasma Sheaths
Joseph P. Farrell

I figured that while we’re on the subject of strange science and technology this week we might as well talk about another subject near and dear to my inclination for high octane speculation: invisibility. I’ve written a whole book on the subject in connection to the Philadelphia Experiment (Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory), and on occasion I’ve blogged about the subject. It’s a subject that has captured the imaginations of others as well, as a cursory glance at the book titles on the subject will attest. Read More

04.28.23- Statist Intervention – The Consequences
Alasdair Macleod

This article looks at our current economic condition from the viewpoint of classical economics. It is now 87 years since classical economics were dismissed by John Maynard Keynes in his “General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money”.

Central to Keynes’s opus was a desire to create a role for the state, intervening in economic affairs. In searching for this objective, he had to traduce the law of the markets — Say’s law. We show why this was mistaken. The error has been at the root of the accumulated errors of monetary policies ever since. Read More

04.27.23- Fire Joe Biden, Not Tucker Carlson!
Peter Schiff

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04.26.23- Where We Are in the Big Cycle: On the Brink of a Period of Great Disorder
Ray Dalio

A year and a half ago, when I put out my book Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order and an animated video of it, I described the five big forces that have driven and are driving just about everything: 1) the credit/debt/market/economic cycle, 2) the internal peace/conflict cycle that shapes the domestic order, 3) the external peace/conflict cycle that shapes the international order, 4) acts of nature (e.g., droughts, floods, and pandemics), and 5) human inventiveness/technology. I explained how these interact together to drive just about everything in what I called the “Big Cycle” and how lessons I learned from studying history led me to believe that we are on a path toward a period of great disorder that includes financial turbulences and great conflicts within countries. Read More

04.25.23- Tucker Carlson Explains How To Understand What The People Wrecking Our Country Are Doing
Tucker Carlson

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04.24.23- The Ruling Classes Are Inflation Deniers and the Ship of Fools Sails On
Kevin Van Elswyk

Consumers’ behaviors cause the consumer price index (CPI) broad heading of food to understate the real or wallet level of inflation. It is much worse than the top line statistic—it is a serious offense to the poor and fixed-income citizens.

The CPI measures nominal dollar changes based on month over month and year over year for 299 items. The year ending December 2021 posted an overall CPI of 3.4 percent. Food at home was up 6.5 percent during this period. For the year ending 2022 the CPI rose 6.5 percent while food rose 10.4 percent. Compounding the two years the CPI rose 11 percent, and the food at home category rose 17.6 percent. Read More

04.22.23- Biden Plays Russian Roulette With Your Family’s Future
Peter Reagan

Depending on the source you check, the U.S. debt ceiling has been lifted or modified approximately 102 times since its inception in 1917.

By June of this year, that number is likely to increase by one, and that means the U.S. debt is poised to skyrocket after it happens.

But what if things don’t go according to plan? That’s what we’re going to examine briefly in this article. Read More

04.21.23- The Most Dangerous Man on Earth
Brian Maher

After extended and painful deliberation… we have arrived upon an unshakeable conclusion:

The most dangerous human being on Earth is the ideological human being.

It is the ideological human being — the human being set aflame by theory and belief — that most menaces our individual and collective happiness. Read More

04.20.23- Should You Fear AI?
James Rickards

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage these days.

You can’t read headlines or turn on the news without hearing about how machines with vast computing power, access to billions of books and documents, the ability to teach themselves and blinding processing speeds are now poised to take over the world.

Last night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson even had an in-depth conversation about AI with Elon Musk. Musk didn’t have an optimistic take.

I’ve been studying AI and its potential for years. Read More

04.19.23- Aaaach-tung!!!!
Charles R. Dickens

Attention – Danger!!!!

This commentary speaks to America’s parallel with events that began in 1930s Germany and resulted in the meteoric rise of a right-wing group that eventually became the Nazi Party. But in America, it’s not the Nazis that worry me; it’s the Licentious Left that is most worrisome.

America’s takeover by Left-wing Socialists and the impending financial collapse they caused will destroy this country. The parallel to 1930s Germany is unmistakable and undeniable. Read More


04.18.23- Harmful Until Proven Otherwise
Raw Egg Nationalist

How different would things be – how much healthier and happier would we be, as individuals and as a society – if we took the approach that innovations to our way of life were likely to be harmful until proven otherwise?

I really mean this. What past harms might we have prevented by waiting for tests or studies, by having been less eager to take things at face value, and by thoroughly having assessed new and needed innovations for unforeseen consequences?  Read More


04.17.23- And Now, for Something Entirely Different: Budweiser Ad PARODY
Mr. Reagan

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04.15.23- The Dark Side of Transhumanism: Merging Humans and Machines
Joe Jarvis

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04.14.23- The World’s About to Change

Byron King

By now you’re certainly aware of the recent intelligence leaks of secret and top-secret U.S. military assessments of the ongoing Russian military operation in Ukraine.

If we blow through the puffery, the bottom line is that military experts in Washington all but predict that Russia is set to prevail, and Ukraine is set to lose. Read More

04.13.23- Why the US Is Headed Into Its Fourth Turning
Doug Casey

International Man: The economic, political, social, and cultural situation seems to have become increasingly volatile in the United States and more broadly in the West. Is this a unique situation or part of a recurring historical cycle?

Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe introduced a popular theory in their book, The Fourth Turning, outlining the recurring generational cycles that have occurred throughout history. Read More

04.12.23- A Nervous Hiatus
James Howard Kunstler

“Having lived through a reality-optional period of history, it will come as an ecstatic shock to learn that the world requires us to pay attention to what is really happening and to act accordingly.” —JHK

On Easter Sunday, fate put me on the Jersey Turnpike at 5:30 in the morning. I was motoring home from our nation’s capital where I traveled for the memorial service of a favorite aunt who passed away last month at ninety-five after a richly rewarding life. Her husband, my favorite uncle, enjoyed a long and colorful career in America’s Intel Community, and passed-on back in 2002. They recruited him at the founding of Spooks Inc in the late 1940s, since he came out of the army intel corps in Southeast Asia during World War Two. Read More

04.11.23- The Curse of Rousseau
Paul Craig Roberts

The UK Telegraph on March 31, 2023, reported “Joe Biden’s America is splitting at the seams.”  The article reported results of a new survey of Americans undertaken by the National Opinion Research Center and the Wall Street Journal.  The survey finds startling declines in Americans faith in America, their communities, religion, and a sharp drop in patriotism.  Americans who prioritize patriotism fell from 61% to 38%.  Community involvement collapsed to 27%. Religion dropped from 48% to 39%, and those to whom starting a family is important fell from 43%to 30%. Read More

04.10.23- Bondage Is Cruel
MN Gordon

Did you know that San Francisco’s recently completed 1.7-mile Central Subway cost $1.95 billion?  That amounts to over $217,400 per foot.  On a per inch basis, this is over $18,000.

Is $18K per inch a good deal?

Currently, less than 3,000 daily riders take the Central Subway.  This represents about 0.37 percent of the city’s total population.  Perhaps for these riders it’s a good deal.  For everyone else it’s a complete rip off. Read More

04.08.23- Ready Yourself for the 2024 Storms
J. Robert Smith

The end of the Marxist-infiltrated Progressive Era isn’t happening with a whimper, but with bangs.  In 2024, it’ll happen with convulsions, likely violent.  What follows is up for grabs.    

The foreshadowing occurred again in Nashville last week.  Will the leftist-stoked and Democrat/establishment sanctioned 2020 riots prove merely a preview to a calamitous and pivotal 2024 presidential election year? Read More

04.07.23- These 5 states will be the first to kick residents off Medicaid starting in April
Tami Luhby

Millions of Americans are at risk of losing their Medicaid coverage in coming months, but residents in Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, New Hampshire and South Dakota will be the first to bear the brunt of the terminations.

States have been barred by Congress from winnowing their Medicaid rolls since the Covid-19 pandemic began. That prohibition ends on Saturday, and some states are moving much more swiftly than others to kick off those deemed ineligible for the public health insurance program for low-income Americans. Read More

04.06.23- Franklin D. Roosevelt's Gold Heist
Avi Gilburt

Yesterday (April 5) marked the 90th anniversary of the signing of  Executive Order 6102 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was touted as a measure to stop gold hoarding, but it was in reality, an attempt to remove gold from public hands.

Many people refer to EO-6102 as a gold confiscation order. But confiscation is probably not the best word for what happened in practice. Read More

04.05.23- Stop Searching for Heroes
Padraig Martin

One of the reasons so many people love Trump is that he became an accidental hero to an angry electorate. Trump, unlike every other tired politician in 2015/6, did not balance his words, consult with polling data, or regurgitate tired old conservative talking points. He came across as a genuine, albeit flawed man. When his Administration failed on so many levels - especially in 2020 - much of it was understandably the result of bad administration selections. Trump was placed in a position to hire all of the Bush rejects to field his White House. But much of that goes back on Trump, himself. After all, the buck stops with the boss, which is why so many others are disappointed in him - especially as it pertains to his inaction in 2020 regarding both the extraordinarily violent leftwing rioting around these United States and the Fauci-driven Covidian totalitarianism. Read More

04.04.23- An Unbridled Leftist Government
Is Now Out of Control

George McClellan

Now is the time for constitution-loving Americans to fish or cut bait. We are at the very cusp politically, where honest Americans should no longer simply tolerate or acquiesce to the mismanagement of our government by grifters, incompetents, thieves, and Chinese agents of influence like Joe Biden. Conservatives everywhere must seek, indeed, demand the immediate end of Biden’s government because they are so dangerously wrong to the point that even the remaining twenty months of Biden’s corrupt presidency stands as a clear and present danger to our Great Republic. As Lincoln predicted, America is being destroyed from within, and it must be stopped. The tools are in the Constitution. GOP, use them! Read More

04.03.23- FAA Alerts and Air Incidents
and the You-Know-Whats

Joseph P. Farrell

Those who know me well know that I have this love-hate relationship with flying. In fact, the last time I was on an airplane was in 1986, coming back from the United Kingdom where I had just finished my doctorate and was gearing up for the final rewrite and submission. I vowed then and there never to set foot on nor travel by airplane again, and I haven’t and won’t. I’m just one of those people that is afraid of the whole danged process, and all those arguments about it being statistically the safest way to travel fall on my very unsympathetic ears. Suffice it to say my experience with flying has been less-than-optimistic, and I’ll be happy to recount those experiences for anyone willing to listen to them. Read More

04.01.23- Weekend Rant: CBDC is a universal remote control over behavior.
Vincent Lanci

Why MMT and CBDC Are Dangerous

When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns or dollars. Take your choice – there is no other.”-  Ayn Rand

Given that CBDC is an important topic, this is a good time to describe basic MMT beliefs as applied through CBDC use. Read More

03.31.23- America, Arm Your Schools Now!
Chuck Baldwin

Tragically, it has happened again. A mentally deranged woman (who called herself a man) walked into a private Christian church-school and killed three nine-year-old children (one of whom was the church pastor’s daughter) and three adult school employees. And once again, the shootings took place in a gun-free zone. Read More

03.30.23- Artificial Intelligence:
The Dark Side… or the Light?

Sean King

In 1968, HAL 9000 did for computers what Jaws would do for sharks seven years later…

…Scare the living daylights out of everyone.

I wasn’t yet born in ‘68, so I was lucky enough to miss the whole “HAL” thing. But for people who watched 2001: A Space Odyssey, the fear felt justified.

Fear of what? We’ll get to that in a bit. Read More

03.29.23- Why the Dollar-based International System Is Breaking Up
Paul Craig Roberts

The Federal Reserve’s higher interest rates after 12 years of zero interest rates are devaluing the asset side of banks’ balance sheets.  This frightens depositors and they withdraw their deposits.  Depositors also are withdrawing their money because they can get much higher interest rates on safe US Treasuries. According to some reports, $1 trillion has already been withdrawn from US banks.  Bloomberg is reporting rumors that Schwab’s $7 Trillion empire based on low rates is cracking from bond losses.  In the face of this vulnerability of the financial system, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates further. Read More

03.28.23- A Matter Of Trust
Benjamin Picton

“I’ve lived long enough to have learned,
The closer you get to the fire the more you get burned,
But that won’t happen to us,
‘Cause it’s always been a matter of trust”
  – Billy Joel

So we made it through a Friday evening without a bank collapse. This obviated the need for another weekend of regulatory scrambling, but if the price action is anything to go by we’re not out of the woods just yet. European bank shares took another dive on Friday after Deutsche Bank called a tier 2 bond and lit the fuse on more selling. The decision makers at Deutsche must have thought that early repayment would engender confidence. But this market is suspicious of promises, and promise-makers. Read More

03.27.23- US Officials Really, REALLY Want You To Know The US Is The World’s “Leader”
Caitlin Johnstone

In response to questions he received during a press conference on Monday about Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin cementing a “new era” in strategic partnership between China and Russia, the White House National Security Council’s John Kirby made no fewer than seven assertions that the US is the “leader” of the world.

Here are excerpts from his comments: Read More

03.25.23- The Career of a Keynesian Mediocrity
Byron King

The standard Keynesian policy solution to economic inefficiency is that government takes active measures via a (supposedly) wise and knowledgeable central bank, one filled with people who hold Ph.D.s in economics from top-notch universities.

Because they know stuff.

These central bankers act in tandem with fiscal policy emanating from a (supposedly) all-seeing, all-knowing government, one filled with well-intended political actors. And politicians know stuff, too. Well, that’s what they tell you, anyhow. Read More

03.24.23- My Preferences For Defensive Firearms
Chuck Baldwin

As an author, columnist, radio talk show host and pastor who is outspoken in my support of the Second Amendment, I often receive inquiries from people asking for my personal preferences regarding firearms. This column is devoted to answering some of those inquiries.

I’m sure this column will not provide anything new for the firearms aficionados out there. However, we are living in a violence-prone society, and more and more people (especially ladies) who never paid much attention to guns before are sensing the need to arm themselves but often don’t know where to start. I hope this column helps these folks. Read More

03.23.23- Get Woke, Go Broke?
It’s Time To Talk About SVB’s Ties To
The World Economic Forum

Brandon Smith

After the implosion of the FTX crypto exchange run by Sam Bankman Fried, questions of due diligence and competency immediately arose, suggesting that perhaps the company mishandled assets “accidentally” and that Fried was naive and “in over his head.” Numerous central bank officials and globalist organizations jumped into the debate almost immediately, arguing that FTX was a perfect example of why centralized regulation of crypto and digital currencies was necessary. They claimed that without oversight by banking elites, disaster was inevitable. Read More

03.22.23- Powell's Problem: KISS Vs 'Too Clever By Half'
Peter Tchir

KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) seems perfectly American, while Too Clever by Half is quintessential British!

I think Powell needs to deliver one simple message:

  • There is zero chance that you will regret keeping your deposits at your existing bank. Read More

03.21.23- Get Ready for the Distressed Equity Bonanza
Simon Black

This isn’t over yet.

Last week after Silicon Valley Bank went poof in a matter of hours, I wrote that this financial catastrophe is just getting started:

“Like Lehman Brothers in 2008, SVB is just the tip of the iceberg. . .”

Within days, several other banks were on the verge of collapse. And now today, of course, major banks in the United States (including JP Morgan) are rallying to save the First Republic Bank. Read More

03.20.23- Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse proves the US is in obvious decline
Simon Black

Throughout history, whenever there has been a major shift in the world, it has usually been accompanied by a single iconic event that is associated with that change.

For example, historians often point to 476 AD as the year that the Western Roman Empire fell, when Odoacer and his barbarians forced the abdication of the Emperor Augustus— even though it was obvious that Rome was in decline way before 476. Read More

03.18.23- SVB + FTX + SBF = WTF?
James Howard Kunstler

“Deny, deflect, minimise & mock your enemies questions. Don’t engage them in good faith, they’re attacking you with a view to undermining you. Don’t fall for it. Don’t give them an inch.” — Aimee Terese on Twitter

The net effect of all the lying propaganda laid on the public by the people running things lo these many recent years is a peculiar inertia that makes us seemingly impervious to gross political shocks. Momentous things happen and almost instantly get swallowed up by time, as by some voracious cosmic amoeba that thrives on human malignancy. Case in point: the multiple suicide of several giant banks just days ago that prompted “Joe Biden” to nationalize the US banking system. Read More

03.17.23- Real Deposit Insurance
Byron King

Some people have big bucks in the bank. But certainly not most American families. Indeed, the average American has more or less zero savings. You’ve probably seen stories about how most Americans cannot afford $500 to repair their car or move from one apartment to another. That’s the general, sad state of the U.S. economy these days.

At any rate, it’s fair to say that these well-heeled, over-$250,000 clients of SVB were not exactly Joe the welder down at the factory, or Nancy the single mom who works at a diner. Not to put too fine a point on it, but there’s no SVB branch in East Palestine, Oh.Read More

03.16.23- 'Time Is Not Our Friend': Solvency & Liquidity Meet Liquency & Solvidity
Peter Tchir

We are hearing a lot about Liquidity and Solvency right now. Often people talk about them as though they are two different things. That can be true at times, but in many cases, there is a complex relationship between the two. That is particularly true for financial companies and banks, which is where this discussion is centered.

Solvency & Liquidity

Let’s start with extreme and obvious examples. Read More

03.15.23- Watch Israel, Because I Believe That Events Of Historic Significance Could Soon Happen
Michael Snyder

I would encourage all of us to watch Israel very carefully in the coming days, because I believe that we could soon see some incredible events take place.  In particular, I am specifically watching for a couple of things.  Rumors of an imminent war between Israel and Iran are starting to reach a crescendo, and I am entirely convinced that such a conflict could potentially erupt this year.  Also, I am closely watching for an announcement about the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant.  Needless to say, such an announcement would be the greatest archaeological bombshell in history. Read More

03.14.23- Mass
Clif High

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03.13.23- The Collapse Of SVB
Portends Real Dangers

Jeffrey Tucker

Thus far in this 3-year fiasco of mismanagement and corruption, we’ve avoided a financial crisis. That’s for specific reasons. We just had not traveled there in the trajectory of the inevitable. Are we there yet? Maybe. In any case, the speed of change is accelerating. All that awaits is to observe the extent of the contagion.

The failure of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), $212 billion in assets until only recently, is a huge mess and a possible foreshadowing. Its fixed-rate bond holdings declined rapidly in market valuation due to changed market conditions. Its portfolio crashed further due to a depositor run. And it all happened in less than a few days. Read More

03.11.23- Is SVB Just the Beginning?
Brian Maher

Our guard should have gone rocketing up last month — when Mr. Jim Cramer recommended Silicon Valley Bank stock to his listeners.

That is because the fellow is a nearly perfect “contrarian indicator.” If he says x you can very reliably wager on y.

SVB stock was trading hands at $320 that day. Today it trades hands at $0. It has vanished from existence. Read More

03.10.23- Could Fauci Be Charged With Negligent Homicide For COVID Crimes?
Ben Bartee

Josef Mengele — the Nazi “Angel of Death” — was hounded to the ends of the Earth by the US and other Western governments in the aftermath of WWII for his sadistic medical experimentation on Jews in his custody during the war. That’s how America used to treat psychopathic war criminals. Read More

03.09.23- The Truth They Won’t Tell You About Social Security
Peter Reagan

Here’s how Social Security is supposed to work: You and your employer pay a portion of your wages (through mandatory payroll taxes) into the Social Security program, which is stored in a “trust fund” where they grow over time. Then, when you retire, you apply for your benefits and collect a monthly check.

Maybe you think that’s how it does work? If so, I’ve got some bad news for you. Read More

03.08.23- Parents Majoring In The Minors
Al Benson Jr.

Articles about the horrible quality (on purpose) of what passes for education in public schools have become so prevalent that people now tend to take this inferior education for granted and so are tempted to just ignore it.

We recently were informed that some schools are now ending their honors programs so they can promote “equity” (racism). It seems that lots of the white kids do well in the honors programs so that now must cease and we must begin to enforce a stultifying conformity, a “one size fits all” program they have mislabeled as “equity,” Read More

03.07.23- How A Country Goes Bankrupt...
In 10 Steps

John Rubino

The past few decades of unnaturally easy money have created a world of “moral hazard” in which a ridiculous number of people borrowed far more than they should have.

Now, with money getting tighter, not just businesses and individuals but some governments are staring at the “suddenly” part of that old saying about bankruptcy. Read More

03.06.23- A Nanny State Idiocracy: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best
John & Nisha Whitehead

“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military.”—Simone Weil, French philosopher

It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves), a kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that has little regard for the rights of American citizens), or if we’ve gone straight to an idiocracyRead More

03.04.23- Fly Away from Your Own Destruction
Justin O. Smith

Well … the more things change the more they remain the same.

I don’t think any of us really knows what it’s going to take to turn life in America around and place it back on a more reasoned and moral path, but it’s a certainty that the nation will soon self-destruct, if it doesn’t soon abandon the policies being implemented by Joe Biden’s anti-American regime. There isn’t any nation that can survive forever being torn between two antithetical ideologies in such a nonsensical, irresponsible and subversive and treasonous manner. Read More

03.03.23- Inflation Smokescreens
the Economic Dumpster Fire

Brandon Smith

The inevitable outcome was clear for a decade at least, but in the run up to the Covid lockdowns there were many economists in the corporate media that outright denied the reality of an inflationary or stagflationary crisis. Joe Biden, Janet Yellen, Paul Krugman and a host of journalists claimed that concerns about inflation were “overblown” and that the Federal Reserve had everything under control.

Some might say they were ignorant. Read More


03.02.23- When Nations Collapse
Doug Casey

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03.01.23- Market Morons Finally Forced
to Face Reality

David Haggith

Investors have been slower than a tank of turtles swimming in molasses when it comes to grasping reality, but they may be getting the message on inflation and the Fed’s fight ahead at last. That said, one should never underestimate the resolve of people to enshrine their wishes as unholy doctrines in order to continue chasing the phantasms of their greed like drunken gamblers in a smoke-clouded casino. This bear market — now well over a year long — has produced many rallies that were exemplary in demonstrating that unattractive quality of the human condition. Read More

02.28.23- Biden aims to shatter record for fastest tax increase
Simon Black

In 1969 while testifying to Congress, US Secretary of the Treasury Joseph Barr called out 155 Americans who were not paying their “fair share” of taxes.

Those 155 Americans had managed to reduce their federal tax liability to essentially zero by using perfectly legal deductions and credits in the tax code. Read More

02.27.23- The Next Bear Market Shoe
Is About To Drop

Quoth the Raven

Somebody once described equity pricing to me as a dog that walks on a leash with a man, down a path through the woods.

The path represents the underlying fundamentals of the company or the market, and the dog represents investor sentiment and market valuation about said company or market.

As the man walks down the “fundamentals” path, the dog strays wildly, side-to-side, on the leash. First to the far left side of the path, then back to the right - and in the interim, everywhere in between. It’s distracted, chases woodland creatures, tries to smell items and is just generally excitable. That’s investor behavior. Read More

02.25.23- Weaponizing Global Depression
Charles Hugh Smith

Today, I’m going to talk about weaponizing global depression. That’s right, global depression can be weaponized. The key to this dynamic is the asymmetries built into the global economy.

One important asymmetry is energy, with exporting (producer) nations on one end and importing (consumer) nations on the other. A very small number of nations/regions occupy the middle: they export or import relatively little energy, as they are largely self-sufficient and can make do with what they produce themselves. They aren’t reliant on exports for income or imports to keep their economy from collapsing. Read More

02.24.23- The World vs. the Khazarian Mafia
Jim Willie

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02.23.23- The Lesser Rewriters
of a Great Author

Sean King

Good morning on this fine Thursday.

I bring news from my other adopted country, the United Kingdom.

You may know I lived in London for nearly ten years and consider myself a cultural Anglophile. (But not a political one; the British polity lost the plot ages ago.) Read More

02.22.23- Pfizer Knowingly Allowed Dangerous Components in its Vaccines (Part 1)
Yuhong Dong, M.D., Ph.D.

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine contains mRNA fragments called “truncated mRNA.” This is a serious issue on top of the vaccine’s life-threatening safety events. Stunningly, Pfizer submitted falsified mRNA analytical reports to multiple health authorities.

The issue of truncated mRNA led the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to raise a “major objection” before its December 2020 conditional approval of the vaccine. What has happened? How have these issues been considered resolved? This two-part series article will address the matter in depth and examine its potential consequences for human health. Read More

02.21.23- The United States And Russia Are At War. You Do Realize How This Is Going To End, Don’t You?
Michael Snyder

Joe Biden just made a surprise visit to Kyiv during which he announced that the U.S. is going to be involved for “as long as it takes” to win the war against Russia.  Meanwhile, the Russians have now pulled together far more forces than they originally invaded Ukraine with a year ago.  They intend to fight for “as long as it takes” too.  There are no peace negotiations and there aren’t going to be any peace negotiations.  Both sides are counting on the other side to eventually back down.  But what happens if both sides just keep escalating matters until a “point of no return” is reached? Read More

02.20.23- Here’s Your Proof of a Rigged and Stolen 2020 Presidential Election
Wayne Allyn Root

Of course the 2020 election was stolen. Just look around. The proof is right in front of your eyes.

I’m not talking about millions of mail-in ballots with no Voter ID, no safeguards in place, and no signature match. Nor am I talking about ballot harvesting or ballot drop boxes- both literally criminal enterprises that would make the Gambino Crime Family blush. Read More

02.18.23- PPI: Told ‘Ya So
Karl Denninger 

I told you this would happen.....

The index for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services rose 0.6 percent in January 2023, the largest advance since moving up 0.9 percent in March 2022. For the 12 months ended in January 2023, prices for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services increased 4.5 percent. The days of "hide the sausage" fiscal policy irrevocably ended with the Ukraine/Russia conflict as a direct result of our, and Europe's, sanctioning actions.  It's gone and not coming back. Read More

02.17.23- The Question
Even I Haven't Dared To Ask

Tom Woods

If you can forgive a little crudeness, dear reader, I’d like to summarize in a few words what the Covid fiasco made me fully come to terms with over the past few years:

The amount of b.s. in the world is truly off the charts.

You and I are accused of “misinformation” by people who couldn’t stop lying if their lives depended on it. Read More

02.16.23- The Horrifying Endgame in Ukraine
James Rickards

In yesterday’s issue, I addressed the biggest and most complex topic on the geopolitical landscape today — China.

But today I’m discussing what is by far the most alarming topic on the geopolitical landscape today. That’s the war in Ukraine and the dangers of escalation. Read More

02.15.23- How to Survive AI Mania
Greg Guenthner

Artificial Intelligence has blossomed into a full blown mini-mania over the past few weeks.

The frothy action has launched several languishing stocks back into the stratosphere. Traders are gobbling up shares of every AI-adjacent stock they can find. The financial media are cranking out fantastical stories of a bold future filled with sentient chatbots able to write term papers for lazy students – and even pass the bar exam.

Growth speculators can’t get enough of the hype. They’re waking from their 2022 hibernation, ready to bet the farm on tech’s next big thing. Read More

02.14.23- Capitulation All Along The Watchtower
Charles R Dickens

There is a point in every life where nothing is worth the effort it requires to give chase.

I’m there.

I’ve had enough.

I’ve been venting, ranting, and writing about topics I judged worth my effort for about fifteen years. My fervor is dead. I’m fighting too many battles on too many fronts.

I’m picking the battle that is most important to me ~ ME! Read More

02.13.23- BREAKING: US Government Issues Travel Advisory –Warns All US Citizens to Leave Russia Immediately
Jim Hoft

The US Department of State issued a top-level travel advisory for Americans in Russia. The Biden regime warned all US citizens to leave the country immediately.

The White House warned of the potential for harassment and the singling out of U.S. citizens for detention by Russian government security officials. Just like the Biden administration does to January 6 Trump supporters. Read More

02.11.23- Weekend Rant: What Can We Learn From the Biggest Lies People Believed About Covid?
Brandon Smith

At the very beginning of the covid event in late 2019 to early 2020 the public had little to no information on the details surrounding the outbreak in Wuhan, China and what kind of virus the world might be facing. The virus was coming to western shores and so the public had to prepare for the potential consequences.

People were supposedly dying en masse in China, but the communist country refused to give accurate data on the situation and to this day their reported covid death rate is highly suspect. After a period of uncertainty, suddenly, there was a rush by the media and by government officials to predict the worst case scenario. Read More

02.10.23- MUST READ - Setting the Record Straight; Stuff You Should Know About Ukraine
Mike Whitney

On February 16, 2022, a full week before Putin sent combat troops into Ukraine, the Ukrainian Army began the heavy bombardment of the area (in east Ukraine) occupied by mainly ethnic Russians. Officials from the Observer Mission of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) were located in the vicinity at the time and kept a record of the shelling as it took place. What the OSCE discovered was that the bombardment dramatically intensified as the week went on until it reached a peak on February 19, when a total of 2,026 artillery strikes were recorded. Keep in mind, the Ukrainian Army was, in fact, shelling civilian areas along the Line of Contact that were occupied by other Ukrainians. Read More

02.09.23- The Banksters Want Your Money
Sean King

Happy Thursday from lovely Northern Italy!

I’m sure you’re wondering, “Why the hell is he writing about bailouts? Isn’t this an ancient topic?”

I don’t blame you. Back in 2008 in the US, bailouts were the order of the day. And in 2011 in the European Union, depositors at Cypriot banks were bailed in.

Allow me to set the stage… Read More

02.08.23- How "Prosperity" Ends

There are two kinds of prosperity, one fake, one real. Bogus “prosperity” depends on credit-asset bubbles inflating, magically creating “wealth” not from labor, production or improving productivity, but from the values of assets soaring as bubbles inflate.

This bubble-generated “wealth” then fuels a vast expansion of credit and consumption as assets soaring in value increase the collateral available to borrow against, and the occasional sale of soaring assets generate capital gains, stock options, etc., which then fund sharply higher consumption. Read More

02.07.23- Maine Town Declares
Food Sovereignty

Sedgwick, Maine has done what no other town in the United States has done. The town unanimously passed an ordinance giving its citizens the right “to produce, process, sell, purchase, and consume local foods of their choosing.” This includes raw milk, locally slaughtered meats, and just about anything else you can imagine. It’s also a decided bucking of state and federal laws. Read More

02.06.23- A History of how Corruption has Grown in the Federal Government
Wallace Garneau

The Federal Government of the United States has always been corrupt. President George Washington was the largest whisky producer in the country – he used his power as President to tax all whisky produced, except his own. This sparked what became known as The Whisky Rebellion, which Washington put down using federal troops. Other whisky producers moved across the Appalachian Mountains, producing whisky illegally and smuggling it to market, and American whisky is still primarily made in Kentucky and Tennessee as a result. Read More

02.04.23- Just Beneath
Caitlin Johnstone

Don’t let the fraudulence of this civilization eclipse the supernova of authenticity hidden just beneath that thin membrane.

Don’t let the vapid artificiality of mainstream culture cause you to miss the weird magic of life as it actually is.

Don’t let the barrage of advertisements screaming “THIS IS NEVER ENOUGH” distract from the symphony of joy in your cells at simply being alive. Read More

02.03.23- US pension funds are on the brink of implosion – and Wall Street is ignoring it
David Sirota

As public officials across America prepare to funnel even more of government workers’ savings to private equity moguls, an alarm just sounded for anyone bothering to listen. It is a warning that Wall Street executives, busy skimming fees off retirement nest eggs, want you to ignore. The longer the warning goes unheeded, however, the bigger the financial time bomb may be for workers, retirees and the governments that pay them.

Earlier this month, PitchBook – the go-to news outlet of the private equity industry – declared that “private equity returns are a major threat to pension plans’ ability to pay retirees in 2023”. Read More

02.02.23- The Forgotten Lessons of 2008:
Seth Klarman

Conor MacNeil

Two years after the great financial crisis of 2008, Seth Klarman shared a memo explaining how he felt that investors were quick to forget the lessons learned from one of the greatest financial meltdowns in modern history. He would remark that these lessons “were either never learned or else were immediately forgotten by most market participants”. Not quite a like-for-like comparison, but today we are ~2 years post one of the strangest exogenous shocks to ever hit the market. In this short time, we witnessed excess, despair, and everything in between. Some are now calling for a recession and a prolonged bear market while others suggest we are on the precipice of a young bull market. Read More

02.01.23- The Cancellation of a Civilization
Paul Craig Roberts

Few Americans understand that their society has been revolutionized.  America is no longer what it was.  Wherever you look everything has been overthrown.  I will illustrate it with three articles from the City Journal, published by the Manhattan Institute.  Two are by Heather  Mac Donald and one is by John O. McGinnis.  Heather Mac Donald explains what has happened to museums (Winter 2022) and to the medical profession (Summer 2022).  John McGinnis (Spring 2022) explains what has happened to the legal profession.  Both writers are good at their task and have done their homework.  My account is a poor second to reading their articles. Read More

01.31.23- An Idiot’s Guide to Bitcoin (Part 1)
Greg Guenthner

It’s one of the most frequent critiques lobbed my way on social media, email, and even delivered in person via scathing, spittle-soaked tirades…

You’re wrong about crypto! 

Yes, I am wrong. In fact, I’ve ignored crypto for years – so I’ve been wrong. The only positive aspect of my crypto-indifference is the consistency. Even when bitcoin was mooning, I remained skeptical. Read More

01.30.23- There is Far More Going On Behind the Scenes Than Most People Ever Imagined…
Michael Snyder

In secret facilities all over the planet, scientists are pushing the envelope far beyond what most of us thought was possible.  They are developing technologies that are decades ahead of what the general public has access to right now, and in many cases little regard is being given to any moral or ethical lines that are being crossed.  Unfortunately, many of these new technologies are being designed to be used on us.  The “Big Brother control grid” that we see all around us is going to continue to evolve, and each new “improvement” will give the elite even more control.  Ultimately, the goal is to get everyone to be completely and utterly dependent on the system that they have created, and anyone that chooses not to be a good servant of that system will be dealt with ruthlessly.Read More

01.28.23- Nearly Everyone Fails This Basic Diversification Test
Peter Reagan

One strategy that can help you succeed while saving for your retirement is proper diversification of your assets. One of the most common diversification methods is to invest in a low-cost index fund tracking a major equity index, usually the S&P 500. Read More

01.27.23- Dangerous Days
for Freedom and Liberty

Justin O. Smith

Everywhere I’ve looked of late, the news reads like a Who’s Who in a long list of tyrants who want to impose some new insane, nonsensical idea that harms the average American but enriches them and their cronies and grows their power in some way. This is a level of corruption that surpasses even the massive corruption seen in the FDR and Obama administrations, and it begs the question: Just how much more will conservative, Christian and independent American patriots sit still and watch a continuation of more of the same. Read More

01.26.23- Welcome to the Hotel California, Where You Can Check Out,
but You Can Never Leave

Robert Spencer

It really is a lovely place, California, but it’s so disastrously misgoverned now that the Left has gained total control over the state that it’s no surprise that people want to flee it as quickly as they can. Now, however, it turns out that the Eagles’ Don Henley and Glenn Frey saw something coming that the rest of the world missed: in their notorious 1977 song “Hotel California,” they say: “You can check out any time you like / But you can never leave.” Read More

01.25.23- A Bit of Good News
Paul Craig Roberts

Ekaterina Blinova Reports “Globalization has died and Davos 2023 was its funeral.” Read her report:

The neoconservative attack on Russia and China has a silver lining.  It has killed Globalism.  Russia and China and the countries dependent on Russian energy and Chinese goods and financing have been cut off from the WEF’s effort to unify the world under US hegemony.  Globalism was never anything but a way for Washington to exploit the rest of the world.  As Ms. Blinova says, the World Economic Forum is an elite club that intended to dictate Washington’s rules to the rest of the world. Washington would rule under the guise of “globalism.” Read More

01.24.23- Valuable Lessons For Life In 2023
Ben Garrison

All too often in life we try to force things. If you look around you, nature never forces (not to be confused with forces of nature) but rather nature adapts. Often this takes time, and it’s that time part that most of us struggle with in life.

In a world of instant gratification, all of us, including myself, become impatient. We want results, and we want them now. Read More

01.23.23- We Are Witnessing An Enormous Wave Of Bankruptcies And Layoffs
During The Early Stages Of 2023

Michael Snyder

Is your job safe?  Right now, we are witnessing so much turmoil is so many different sectors of our economy.  The housing market is crashing, the cryptocurrency industry has imploded, the tech industry is laying off workers at an extremely frightening pace, and some of our most important retailers are heading into bankruptcy.  The information that I am about to share with you is deeply troubling.  It has become exceedingly clear that our economy is in huge trouble, and I fully expect that our problems will accelerate even more as the year rolls along. Read More

01.21.23- Weekend Rant: The Price History of Campbell's Tomato Soup
Political Calculations

Campbell's Condensed Tomato Soup is one of America's most iconic consumer products. First introduced to American consumers by Campbell Soup (NYSE: CPB) in 1898 after having been formulated by John Dorrance the year before, it now ranks as the company's second-most popular soup, selling 85 million cans each year. Read More


01.20.23- How The Economic Machine Works
Ray Dalio

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01.19.23- Biden Bucks and Gas Stoves
James Rickards

I’ve been warning my readers about Biden Bucks coming soon as a threat to your physical cash and your freedoms.

I’ve also written frequently about the false science of climate change and the extreme climate alarmism embraced by global elites and their flunky pseudo-scientist collaborators. They’re meeting right now in Davos, by the way, figuring out new ways to try to run your life.

The Biden administration itself has a long history of using this alarmism to try to control your life. Their most recent offense might just be their worst… Read More

01.18.23- Net Zero Will Lead to the End of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist
Chris Morrison

A damning indictment of the Net Zero political project has been made by one of the world’s leading nuclear physicists. In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said it would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary”. The stakes, he added, “are enormous”. Read More

01.17.23- Too Wet? Too Dry?
It's All Climate Change!

Brian C. Joondeph

Climate change, as defined by the United Nations: “Refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle.” That’s actually a good definition. But not willing to leave well enough alone, the UN goes further, spoiling a simple and straightforward definition with: “But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.” Read More

01.16.23- CyberAttacks and
the War On Gas Stoves

Doug Casey

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01.14.23- What Is The US "Gas Stove Ban" Really About?
Kit Knightly

What sounds like overeach in itself, is actually a cover for something potentially far, far worse...

The Biden administration is apparently looking to ban gas stoves, calling them a “hidden danger”. But while that sounds bad enough, a deeper dive shows – as usual – it’s not really about what they say it’s about.

Talk of banning gas stoves and “unregulated indoor air quality” could be a Trojan horse designed to get even more “smart” monitoring technology into your home.

Let’s jump in. Read More

01.13.23- Decline of Empire: Parallels Between the U.S. and Rome, Part 2
Doug Casey

Like the Romans, we’re supposedly ruled by laws, not by men. In Rome, the law started with the 12 Tablets in 451 BCE, with few dictates and simple enough to be inscribed on bronze for all to see. A separate body of common law developed from trials, held sometimes in the Forum, sometimes in the Senate.

When the law was short and simple, the saying “Ignorantia juris non excusat” (ignorance of the law is no excuse) made sense. But as the government and its legislation became more ponderous, the saying became increasingly ridiculous. Eventually, under Diocletian, law became completely arbitrary, with everything done by the emperor’s decrees—we call them Executive Orders today. Read More

01.12.23- Americans Don’t Realize
They’re Being Cooked

Brian Maher

Your editor entertains a theory:

We Americans are frogs. We are frogs wallowing blissfully in a pot of fatally warming water.

We boil gradually away, unaware… comfortable… arrogant… and ignorant.  Read More

01.11.23- Insurrection Anybody?
James Howard Kunstler

“One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we’ll need a new definition.” — Alvin Toffler

Insurrections galore spark off all of a sudden, and 2023 was just born days ago! Want to know why? Because the business model of the global economy is broken and the supposed remedy for that is centralized control of populations and super-strict regulation of all their activities — that is, techno-tyranny (with Marxist characteristics, as the Chinese like to put it). Not everybody wants to ride that bus, and so an epic economic problem becomes an arduous political struggle, here and elsewhere in the world. Read More

01.10.23- The Benefits of a Saving Culture
Alasdair Macleod

Savings are a vital component of any successful economy, and the foolishness behind the paradox of thrift is exposed in this article. It has been a huge error for Keynesian policy makers to discourage savings in the interests of temporary boosts to consumerism.

It is probably too late now but encouraging people to save by removing all taxation from savings makes an enormous contribution to reducing price inflation and trade deficits, while enhancing national wealth. This is evidenced empirically and demonstrated by reasoned theory.  Read More

01.09.23- Fear Of COVID Is
The Opiate Of The People

Mark Oshinskie

After all of the criticism I’ve directed toward Coronamaniacs and the Vaxxmongers over the past three years - in-person and online - I know that many of them have wished that I’d get very sick and die “from Covid.” If I had, they would have gleefully jeered me, as many did when lockdown critic Herman Cain died. Bear in mind that Mr. Cain was 74 and had Stage IV cancer.

But I haven’t died “from Covid.” Like the super-vast majority of people, I was never at any risk of doing so. Read More

01.07.23- 11 Signs That The Economic "Tipping Point" That Everyone's Been Waiting For Has Arrived
Michael Snyder

How bad do things have to get before people start realizing that we are in the midst of a full-blown economic crisis?

The “experts” on television are endlessly debating about whether or not we are going to have a “recession” this year, and meanwhile economic activity is imploding all around us.  The number of homes being sold in this country each month has already fallen by a third.  The number of job cuts in November was 417 percent higher than it was during the same month a year earlier, and at this point even Amazon is laying off thousands of workers. Read More

01.06.23- Are You Prepared
For A Hard Landing?

MN Gordon

The New Year brings both optimism and hope.  A chance to start fresh.  To turn over a new leaf.

The sentiment is welcome.  The outcome, however, can be a grave disappointment.

If you recall, 2022 was supposed to be a year of redemption and prosperity.  After the ugly coronavirus fiasco, the economy was finally reopening.  The general belief was that the resurgence of economic activity was going to bring a new boom and a new cycle of prosperity. Read More

01.05.23- Decline of Empire: Parallels Between
the U.S. and Rome

Doug Casey

Part I

As some of you know, I’m an aficionado of ancient history. I thought it might be worthwhile to discuss what happened to Rome and based on that, what’s likely to happen to the U.S. Spoiler alert: There are some similarities between the U.S. and Rome.

But before continuing, please seat yourself comfortably. This article will necessarily cover exactly those things you’re never supposed to talk about—religion and politics—and do what you’re never supposed to do, namely, bad-mouth the military. Read More

01.04.23- How to Be Your Own Bank: Holding Actual Custody of Your Digital Assets
Ben Bartee

Take warning! If you’re holding your crypto assets on big exchanges like Binance, CoinBase, or Kraken, you’re well-advised to get them off and into a privately-held wallet for a few reasons that we’ll survey here.

I realize a lot of hardened crypto veterans will probably roll their eyes as if to say “duh.” But I didn’t realize this stuff when I got into the uncharted technological territory that is a cryptocurrency, and it has important implications for your financial health. Read More

01.03.23- Predictions –
What Won’t Happen in 2023

John Wilder

“In that time, I have something to say. How long before the Halkan prediction of galactic revolt is realized?” – Star Trek, TOS

I just read that it’s the law that if it’s raining in Sweden you have to have your headlights on.  How am I going to know if it’s raining in Sweden? Read More

01.02.23- It's Not a Lie if You Believe it
Jim Quinn

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.” – George Orwell, 1984

“Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Read More

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