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The Disaster Lottery
TL Davis

What we are facing is greater than war, greater than civil war, greater than genocide, greater than worldwide migration, greater than being conquered; it’s greater than recession or depression, dispossession, bankruptcy or collapse. It’s even greater than famine or disease. It’s all of these things at the same time. Either this is a coordinated effort by numerous nations across the globe, the maladministration of global elites (who have their fingers in everything) or some sort of mass psychosis. I don’t totally rule out a combination of these forces, either.

The only ones seeming to suffer from this worldwide psychosis are the Western societies. I don’t even particularly blame the immigrants flooding our shores with the encouragement and subsidies offered by the Western governments. It is the Western governments themselves that carry all the blame and deserve the retribution of a besieged people. Going out to fight against a third-world population is as pointless as shooting oneself in their own foot. Setting aside, of course, immediate and devastating punishment for crimes committed against one’s family or neighbors. The immigrants were brought here, the doors opened for them and often even rescued by government agencies.

The governments take our taxes, largely willingly offered in a lot of cases, but will rip it from one’s very hands if necessary. That is a flaw of the system in itself, because it allows for no political leverage. The opposing party is supposed to use leverage of the purse to satisfy their constituents, but long ago they had found that they could all do much more if neither side hindered spending. 

If one wants to look at the overall trend since 1787, they will find an increasing and intentional sapping of political leverage the people might exert against the irrational and self-serving interests of politicians. They just take the money and do with it whatever they will, relying on some future election to sort itself out as to whether it was an egregious enough theft to warrant a replacement.

The system now, especially since the enactment of the Patriot Act, that can be used to label anyone a terrorist and subject them to any amount of horrors dreamed up by the blue-suited tyrants, is designed to suppress the one legitimate means of expressing discontent left, the protest. It is, as always before in human history, the interest of the government to stifle and deter criticism at all costs. It didn’t work very well in early America, but it has been refined and with the ubiquitous surveillance state, much more efficient. 

So, what is left? Revolution, or in this case, counter-revolution. The actual revolution was a slow-moving, incremental imposition and deprivation of rights over an extended period of time during which the courts fiddled with definitions of clear and plain words to mean the exact opposite. Bravo, it’s a feat of self-deception that will stand for centuries as an example of governmental lunacy.

Keep in mind, it is the governments themselves that have left us with no choice, no resort other than outright resistance to anything they say or intend to impose upon us. It just has to stop right here and start a reversal and that is impossible unless people realize that counter-revolution is the only way to secure the homeland and one’s property, even lifestyle. I don’t care if this counter-revolution is begun by individual states making agreements to create confederacies, or it’s begun by individuals just having had enough, who know that their lives will never be better; that every moment they live past a certain point (already past in my mind) that each moment will be worse, more restrictive and dangerous.

The disaster lottery is being held right now. Will it be nuclear war, famine, disease, economic collapse, civil war (election) or a combination? Something will break and all of the governments will try to contain it, restrain their people from reacting to save their own lives and the lives of their families, but that’s exactly the moment one must leap upon the chaos from which they sought to impose ultimate control and reverse it on them. Take advantage of that small lapse in control to pursue individual liberty.

There really is no question as to what they intend to impose, they’ve done it all before, the death jab, the immigration of third-world peoples, many recently released from prison, the starvation caused by exploding food processing plants, the chemical spills, the desire to eradicate cows, all just to hurt the people, to force them to accept something else. There is no limit, except on the people they pretend to serve. That is a lack of logic that cannot be overlooked.

There are no bulwarks against the destruction of everything that has worked in the past. Yes, some corporations and people have been diabolical and harmed others, none even compare to the plan for us right now. We will either stand on the bones of those who wish to subject the American people to annihilation or we will not exist. The devastation of that, worldwide, will be something America’s detractors can even imagine now and will come to regret. 




A novelist, screenwriter and film producer writes about politics and American culture.

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