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Neal Ross

Do you remember how, when you were a child, you used to believe in all kinds of silly things? We used to believe that some guy lived up in the North Pole, making toys all year long, to be delivered to all the children who had been good on Christmas Day. We used to believe that the Easter Bunny delivered colored eggs and candy for us to find scattered around our homes. We used to believe that if we left a baby tooth that had fallen out under our pillow, that during the night the Tooth Fairy would come along and exchange it for a quarter; at least it was a quarter when I was a kid.

Why is it that we no longer believe those things? The simple answer is; we no longer believe them because we grew up; we learned the truth. Sadly, those myths were only replaced with others; such as:

* Man cannot live without government

* Your votes matter

* If we could only get back to constitutional principles all our problems would go away.

Sadly, most people still believe those myths; they have not yet outgrown them and discovered true freedom. While the myths of our childhoods entertained us, the myths people believe today enslave them. 

People are so emotionally invested in these myths that their minds simply cannot comprehend a world without government; at least a government run by men. Not only can they not comprehend such a world, the actually fear it; attacking those who propose the idea that people would be much better off without government.

Yet there was a time in mankind’s youth when people did live without any earthly form of government. If you were to look at the timeline of events in the Bible you would see that, when God created man, and plunked him into the Garden of Eden, there was no government; man had only the LORD to tell him what he could and could not do. Yet the LORD gave man freewill, and man soon disobeyed God’s will; leading to his banishment from the Garden; to lead a life of toil and suffering.

This pattern of banishment continued after Adam and Eve left the Garden. When Cain killed his brother Abel, the LORD banished him; for murdering his brother was a crime unto the LORD; and the LORD cannot tolerate evil. Then, as mankind began to grow in numbers, the people chose not to worship the LORD; becoming wicked and unsightly in the eyes of God; so He sent a flood unto the world to kill all life; save Noah and his family.

After the flood waters receded, the LORD commanded that Noah and his family go out unto the world; to be fruitful and multiply. Yet over the course of about 400 years man once again succumbed to temptation; becoming wicked once again. In Babel the people thought they could build a tower that reached unto heaven; which was the LORD their God’s throne. The LORD saw what they were doing and scattered man across the face of the earth; confounding their language so that they could no longer understand one another.

Throughout all this time, all mankind was considered as the LORD’s people; it was not until Abram that the LORD chose him to father a nation who would become a peculiar people; separated unto the LORD. Yet not all followed God; some followed their own hears, while others followed the temptations of the adversary; Satan. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the LORD for their wickedness; showing us once again that the LORD cannot abide evil.

A year later the LORD began to fulfill His promise to Abram with the birth of Isaac. When the LORD asked Abram to offer up his only begotten son as a sacrifice unto the LORD, Abram did not hesitate to obey; whereupon the LORD made a covenant with Abram; telling him that he would become a mighty nation; that from his seed all the nations of the world would be blessed, “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.” (Genesis 22) It is important to note that the LORD made this covenant with Abram because he obeyed the LORD’s voice; hesitating not to do what the LORD commanded of him. People ought to keep that in mind when they ask God to bless these states United; for we shun God’s law for our own; we shun God’s kingdom for an earthly empire run by men.

To speed things up a bit, even the LORD’s chosen were not spared His wrath when they disobeyed Him. So it was that the LORD’s people found themselves in bondage to Pharoah; that is until the LORD heard their cries and sent Moses to lead them to the land He had promised to Abram all those years ago. Yet, even after they had been freed of their bondage, they rebelled against the LORD; building a golden calf to worship while Moses was upon Mount Sinai receiving God’s Law. (The Ten Commandments)

Yet a law implies a government; does it not? Well, the LORD was their king, and men were appointed to ensure that God’s law was adhered to; appointed to settle disputes between individuals. At first, Moses took this duty upon himself; only to be rebuked by his father, Jethro, told him that what he was doing was not good. Jethro told Moses to appoint ‘…able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens…

Thus, the judges were born, and they were the only form of government the Chosen People had; that is until the people came unto Samuel and asked him to appoint a king over them. This thing that the people asked of him displeased Samuel, so he prayed unto the LORD about it. The LORD’s reply is quite telling, “Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.” (1 Samuel 8:7, Emphasis added)

Therefore, if earthly rulers were a rejection of the LORD back then, are they not a rejection of the LORD today; for the LORD is constant and unchanging. Malachi 3:6-7 not only proves that, it tells us what we must do if we seek the LORD’s blessings upon us:

6 “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

7 “Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts.”

That sounds a lot like what we read in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Do either of those passages say that to ‘heal the land’ or solve all our problems, we should vote for ‘good’ men to hold political office; so that they can pass ‘good’ laws to ensure that order is maintained? No, they say we should bow down and repent of our evil ways; we should return unto the LORD.

Psalm 146 gives a lengthy description of why man should not place his trust in other men to rule over him justly:

Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.

His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.

Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God:

Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever:

Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The Lord looseth the prisoners:

The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the righteous:

The Lord preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.

Do not verses 7 & 8 sound a lot like the things people expect of government today? Yet sadly they do not want to forsake their evil ways to attain those blessings; so they put their trust in princes, in earthly government; which if you recall what you read in 1 Samuel, is a rejection of the LORD God as our sovereign King. Yet people have the audacity to drive around town with their ‘God Bless America’ stickers on their cars. Why should He when we reject His sovereign authority and bow down before earthly rulers?

James Madison

Any government that is not based upon God’s immutable, and unchanging, law is doomed to fail; for it will have been created by men, and it will be subject to the same temptations that men, as individuals, are subject to. Although I am no fan of James Madison, he hinted at that when he said, “If men were angels, no system of government would be necessary.” (Federalist 51) Madison’s flaw was in thinking that men could produce a system of government that would be superior to the one that governed Heaven.

That flaw has become painfully obvious to anyone who is still not trapped by the myths we were taught about our system of government. Those who participate in choosing who should ‘govern’ over them refuse to look beyond the confines of their partisan ideologies to what function government should serve. All they see is Democrats and Republicans; believing that the answer to all our problems is to boot the bad guys out, and replace them with good guys.

In his book Tragedy and Hope, Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley wrote about the fallacy of that belief, “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies… is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”

Look at government, if you dare, from that perspective. Sure, the two parties may appear to be totally different in their platforms, but put that aside for a minute and look at the similarities. Both believe in using military intervention in the affairs of other countries. Some say this is to secure peace at home, but Smedley Butler tells us otherwise, “I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.”

Who profits from war? Certainly not the soldiers who go off to fight and die in them. These poor souls are brought home and left to suffer all manner of physical and mental problems, or to beg on the streets, because they cannot find a job. They are left in POW camps; abandoned by their government after serving their country. Tell me, is that how a nation treats those who it calls upon to defend their freedom? If so, that is not a country that is worth defending!

No my friends, it is not those who put their lives on the line in the defense of this country who profit from war, it is the bankers who finance these wars, and the military industrial complex who builds the planes, tanks, ships, bullets and bombs that benefits. And, if you were to look at the policies of both the Democrats and the Republicans over recent years, you will find that both sides pursue the same policies; just as Quigley said.

Sadly, that is not the only way the two parties are similar. If you were to do some research into who funds the political campaigns of the candidates you vote for (regardless of which party they belong to) you would find something interesting; the big money contributors are all big business and unions; not we the people; whose contributions amount to nickels and dimes in comparison to the money they pump into the system.

Look at who funds these candidates; either with direct contributions to their campaigns, or by filtering it through contributions to the political parties; thereby avoiding the campaign contribution limits imposed upon them by law. Regardless of which side of the aisle you are looking at, you will see big tech, big pharma, the oil companies, and an assorted who’s who from among the Fortune 500. Tell me that those you elect represent you; tell me that those who invest that much money into political campaigns do not expect something in return for their investments. Tell me, I dare you!

Now I can almost hear the Magtards (Trump supporters) saying, ‘Well that’s not true about Trump; he financed his own campaign.’ That may be true about the first time he served, but not this time. Before the recent ‘staged’ assassination attempt, Trump said the following at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, “I love Elon Musk… he endorsed me recently. He’s greatI read he gives me $45million a month. I talked to him a while ago, and he didn’t even mention it.”

Yeah, he’s great. He’s the guy who wants to turn us all into controllable drones by inserting chips that hook directly into our brains. Sorry, I’m not gonna vote for anyone (assuming I even bothered to vote) who says that Musk is great…it just ain’t gonna happen! In any case, once again you see how Quigley was right; that both parties are bought and paid for by the same financial interests; essentially leaving the government to be controlled by the industries who finance their political campaigns.

Where is the difference between Trump and Biden in regards to an untested MRNA vaccine that, not only has proven to be ineffective in preventing people from getting Covid, but is also responsible for untold numbers of sudden deaths among otherwise healthy people? Biden pushed the vaccine hard, and Trump gave us Operation Warp Speed. Recently Trump was booed by an audience when he announced he recently got a booster shot; yet those boos probably won’t be enough to stop the faithful from showing up on election day to cast their vote for him.

If either party were truly different from the other, why is it that laws passed by one party do not get repealed when the other party assumes control of the system? If the Republicans are such staunch supporters of our right to keep and bear arms, why don’t they repeal all the existing gun control laws? It is my fear that, justified by the recent attempt upon his life, that if Trump wins he will only infringe upon that right even further; possibly going so far as to fulfill his comment of ‘take the guns now, give them due process later.’ How will the party faithful feel about him should he do that? What kind of mental gymnastics will they put into play to justify his betrayal?

Party over principle; it is what happens all the time; with nobody bothering to examine the principles of their party!!! It is why we are in the mess we are in; for nobody wants to put aside their partisan ideologies and take a long hard look at the system; and the document that produced it.

While the Democrats pay lip service to the Constitution, it is the Republicans who make the claim to be ‘constitutional conservatives.’ So, while Democrats are free to continue reading, this next section is addressed to these, so-called, constitutional conservatives.

If the Constitution outlines the best system of government the world has ever seen (as many of you believe) how is it that the other party, the enemy, can get away with doing so many bad things; where are the checks and balances that are supposed to prevent that kind of thing from happening?

I hear all kinds of excuses concerning that question; with the two most common being; ‘we have not held those we elect accountable’, and ‘those we elect have not adhered to the limits the Constitution imposes upon them.’ While both of those may have some truth to them, it still does not answer the question of; ‘If the Constitution is so bloody good, how does it allow for this to happen?

That is the question neither side, especially the Republicans, refuse to address; it is the third rail, the elephant in the room that nobody wants to address; how is it that such a good system allows for so many bad things to happen? That is why I continue to quote from Spooner, who spoke the truth when he said, “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.”

As of yet I have not gotten one single response in regards to people’s thoughts on what Spooner said; although I did get a comment recently that I was taking his words out of context; therefore what Spooner said was a moot point; not to be given any serious thought.

Out of context? A moot point? Spooners entire pamphlet where those words are found is an indictment against the Constitution; declaring that it has no authority over us today. Those are the kind of mental gymnastics people will go through to avoid examining their core beliefs; their faith in a system that is either so severely broken and corrupt that it needs to be abolished, or one that is doing exactly what it was designed to do; which also means it needs to be abolished.

Yet that kind of talk scares the living hell out of most people; for they are trapped within the prison that has been erected around their minds; preventing them from growing up; growing beyond the myths they were told about government, and the document that produced it.

Which, in case you haven’t realized it by now, is also why they will never fix things; why they will never experience the kind of freedom that the Founders fought for in the Revolution. Today is the best it gets, for tomorrow it will only get worse; until people free their minds from the prison that keeps them enslaved.

As Morpheus told Neo in the film The Matrix, “I can show you the door, but you’re the one who has to walk through it.”




Neal Ross, Student of history, politics, patriot and staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Send all comments to:

If you liked Neal’s latest column, maybe you’ll like his latest booklet: The Civil War: (The Truth You Have Not Been Told). Life continues to expand for this prolific writer and guardian of TRUE American history.


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