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Kamala Bucks
Jim Rickards

We’re still trying to process the latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump, which took place on Sunday in West Palm Beach. But while that’s important to dissect as the election gets closer, it’s important to consider a development I’ve been warning about for over two years.

President Trump has long been an opponent of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) or as I call them Biden Bucks. (Now that Biden is essentially out of the picture, maybe I should rename them Kamala Bucks.)

I called them “Biden Bucks” because I wanted Biden (and his partner Kamala) to take full credit for what I consider to be crimes against American citizens. More on that shortly. For now, let’s focus on Trump.

At a New Hampshire campaign rally earlier this year, Donald Trump reiterated what he’s been saying for months: CBDCs are dangerous and he would never allow one if elected.

For too long, the average American has been squeezed by the big banks and financial elites. It’s time we take a stand — together. This would be a dangerous threat to freedom, and I will stop it from coming to America. Such a currency would give a federal government absolute control over your money. They could take your money, and you wouldn’t even know it was gone.

In fact, Trump recently pledged to ban CBDCs, promote the creation of a national crypto reserve and guarantee that the government will not sell crypto obtained through law enforcement seizures.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: “Welcome aboard, Mr. President.” Again, I’ve been sounding the alarm about Biden Bucks for over two years. I’ve been warning about Joe Biden’s plan to control your money and take away your privacy rights completely.

A Threat to Your Freedom

President Trump is right. Biden Bucks are a dangerous threat to freedom. They’re a threat to our constitutional liberties and give the government total control of our private financial information.

A change in leadership is probably our last hope in stopping this madness from continuing.

Maybe you’re a new reader who’s not familiar with Biden Bucks, or maybe you’re an existing reader who hasn’t thought of them for a while. To catch you up, here are the basics: They would replace physical cash with new electronic currencies.

These Biden Bucks would have the full backing of the U.S. Federal Reserve. To be clear, they won’t just be a complement to cash. They will entirely, or very nearly entirely, REPLACE the cash (“fiat”) dollar we have now.

In other words, the dollar will be strictly digital. This digital dollar would be the sole, mandatory currency of the United States. What does this mean for you?

It would put your money under direct government control as President Trump has said. You could use it only at the government’s discretion.

We are already seeing how many retailers are no longer accepting cash across America. What happens when physical cash is eliminated from any payment transactions?


Imagine this. To further advance the Biden/Harris Green New Scam, what if the Dems and their deep state enablers decide that gasoline needs to be rationed?

Your Biden/Kamala Bucks could be rendered useless at the gas pump once you’ve purchased a certain amount of gasoline in a week. You want gas, but all you get is a one-word message: Declined.

How’s that for control? That’s just one example. Biden Bucks would create new ways for the government to control how much you can buy of an item or even restrict purchases. They would keep score of every financial decision you make.

In a world of Biden Bucks, the government will even know your physical whereabouts at the point of purchase. It’s a short step from there to putting you under FBI investigation if you vote for the wrong candidate or give donations to the wrong political party.

If any of this sounds extreme, fantastical or otherwise far-fetched, I promise you it’s not. It’s happening right now. And given all the abuses of power the government’s engaged in over the past few years, why should you be surprised that Biden/Kamala Bucks wouldn’t invite even more abuse?

Kamala Would Be Even Worse

I don’t want to exaggerate, but the U.S. is moving closer and closer to an authoritarian-style government. We’re not there yet, but things are trending in that direction. And if you thought it was bad under Biden, it’ll be worse under a possible Kamala Harris presidency.

Biden was basically a puppet of top Democratic insiders, mostly holdovers from the Obama administration. He never had any real core beliefs, he just did what he was told to do. He just wanted to be president.

Harris is different. She’s a true believer in the progressive causes the Biden administration put forward. You’d never know that if you listened to her running for president (she’s trying to position herself as a centrist), but you just have to look at her record.

As a senator, Harris had the most liberal record, even further left than Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Pertaining to Biden Bucks specifically, she pushed unsuccessfully in 2020 for a 400% funding increase for the U.S. Digital Service, an agency that did early work on payment technology, setting the stage for a central bank digital currency.

So Kamala is all in on Biden Bucks and the threat to your money and freedoms. With Biden Bucks, a Harris administration and the Federal Reserve would become both money printer and central bank, destroying any checks and balances to their power over Americans’ financial holdings.

You CAN Fight Back

But we can fight back against Biden/Kamala Bucks by adopting a variety of alternative currencies including cash (while it lasts), gold coins, silver coins and commodity barter.

That’s one reason the government is trying to eliminate cash and kill crypto. It may come down to gold and silver. I urge you to get yours while you still can.

The bottom line is the federal government is coming after our money and rights. Again, that’s not hyperbole or some conspiracy theory. We can already see it happening.

It’s up to us to preserve our freedoms as Americans and fight back. No one will save us but ourselves.




James G. Rickards is the editor of Strategic Intelligence. He is an American lawyer, economist, and investment banker with 35 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street. He was the principal negotiator of the rescue of Long-Term Capital Management L.P. (LTCM) by the U.S Federal Reserve in 1998. His clients include institutional investors and government directorates. His work is regularly featured in the Financial Times, Evening Standard, New York Times, The Telegraph, and Washington Post, and he is frequently a guest on BBC, RTE Irish National Radio, CNN, NPR, CSPAN, CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox, and The Wall Street Journal. He has contributed as an advisor on capital markets to the U.S. intelligence community, and at the Office of the Secretary of Defense in the Pentagon. Rickards is the author of The New Case for Gold (April 2016), and three New York Times best sellers, The Death of Money (2014), Currency Wars (2011), The Road to Ruin (2016) from Penguin Random House.


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