The Root of Your Economic Problems
"The prime function of government is the protection of the different and unequal
faculties of men for acquiring property."
ising debts and increasing bankruptcies are the result
of Congress suspending the free coinage of metals - into money - and switching
us to bank credits as our medium of exchange. These acts converted our
nation from a wealth monetary system, where people created money for society's
benefit through the fruits of their labor, to a monetary system, where
now ....
All new money is loaned into circulation as an interest bearing debt.
Since this system only creates the principal and never the interest, the
debt is always greater than the money supply.
This fraudulently created debt forces American citizens to borrow constantly
so the system can function. Eventually, the process becomes unworkable
as society, mortgaged to the hilt, can no longer afford to borrow. This
debt creates extreme stress for us as we struggle to meet impossible money
obligations. The results are: a constantly rising cost-of-living, layoffs,
bankruptcies, family breakdown, increased drug and alcohol use, an increase
in crime and a general moral breakdown.