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Paradise Lost Practically all of the problems in our country can be attributed to the continuing subjugation of the U.S. Constitution. Had the remedies for such actions, which are provided in the text of the Constitution, been applied, many of our former, (as well as current), leaders would have been prosecuted and removed from public office. One of the main reasons that the American people have allowed the wholesale dismantling of their freedoms and liberties stems from the effectiveness of the all pervasive misinformation campaign that has been waged for over 100 years. We are not being shepherded by altruistic wise men, but, rather, herded by megalomaniacal desperadoes. MORE
Great Silver Heist Silver is as important a strategic commodity as oil. The need for a supply of silver in times of war is so essential, that a shortage of the metal could pose dire consequences to continued well being of our country. With the evolution of technology, silver has become so important, that a lack of it will adversely affect America's national security. Meanwhile, as a result of the collusion between industrial users, central bankers, the Commodity Futures Trade Commission, the Chicago Board of Trade, and government regulators, spanning the past fifty years, inventories have all but disappeared. MORE
Hippies Today is Saturday, October 22th, 2011. We are quickly approaching the tenth anniversary of the Silver Bear Cafe which will come in January, 2012. Over the last ten years your editor has scoured, sourced, verified, formatted, re-formatted, adorned, posted and archived over twenty thousand essays and articles from the minds of gracious free thinking pundits around the globe. Most of these patriots are ignored by the mainstream media (an industry that, coincidentally, happens to be owned by the "Darkside"). MORE
to Light a Candle, than to Curse the Darkness For the last seven years, I have spent almost all of my time trying to get a handle on the "big picture". The "little pictures" are made up of effects, and sometimes causes, but rarely motives. Its funny how all the "little pictures" don't always coalesce into a greater understanding until, all at once, the truth becomes blatently obvious and undeniable.In my attempt to determine "motives" I needed to assertain the true meaning of "real wealth". MORE
I have received quite a few emails in response to my recent article, "Light a Candle". In that articleI suggested that, as a result of a pandemic national apathy, "the Game" was overwhelmingly in the control of "the Dark Side". I posed a question near the end; "What purpose would a revolution serve. Who among us has a solution?" MORE
The Nature of Money & Our Monetary System
Illuminati and the House of Rothschild
...Johnny Silver Bear
The Patriotic and Moral Imperative for Owning Gold and Silver I pledge allegiance to the flag...Remember when you learned those words? It was back when everything was simple. The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, the circulation manager of the Boston based "The Youth's Companion" magazine. The end of the Nineteenth Century was a much simpler time. The world was a much simpler place. It not so simple anymore. When we recite those seemingly patriotic words, what are we really pledging our allegiance to? To the flag? To the United States? To the Republic for which it stands? MORE
And Whether Pigs Have Wings, Part 1: Something Wicked This Way Comes...
...Johnny Silver Bear
And Whether Pigs Have Wings, Part Deux: Those Who Would Be Kings...
...Johnny Silver Bear
And Whether Pigs Have Wings, Part Three: When the Bough Breaks...
...Johnny Silver Bear
All the King's horses and all the King's men, Part One
I have come to the conclusion, after having attempted to absorb the thoughts and prognostications of many highly intelligent people, that there are basically four groups that are involved in determining the future of the US Economy. Some of that determination is a result of either pushing or pulling, although most of it is a result of doing nothing, which is the collective contribution of the largest group. The largest group is made up of the sheeple, with the occasional good and bad clown popping up every now and then. MORE
All the King's Horses and All the King's Men, Part Two:
I have been searching for answers regarding the continuing degradation of our economy since the stockmarket crash of 2000. Realizing that there was a lot more to the financial markets than met the eye, I started diligently studying the flow of money throughout the world. My research has uncovered much more than simple malfeasance. An orchestrated conspiracy has emerged and the consequences have become more apparent, day by day. I could have never embarked on this fact finding mission without the aid if the internet. I have become somewhat obsessed with finding out who, what, where, and when. MORE
(Editor's Note: We recently received an email from a reader who voiced the same concerns that I expect most of our readership shares, about their retirement savings and how to best secure their assets and deal with the demise of empire. You folks are fortunate in that you have awakened and realized that there was something very, very rotten going on. There is still time to do something. In an attempt to answer her questions, I found my self slipping in to one of my rants. I decided to post it for you all to enjoy. - JSB) .MORE
Better to be pissed off than pissed on.
The Dumbing Down of America
When attempting to understand the public's lack in this regard, we are reminded that there are powerful organizations (especially religious and political organizations) that don't want us to think critically, don't want us to ask questions, don't want us to challenge their authority. The powers that be can not stand up to being criticized, so they do every thing they can to interfere with those thought processes that would allow critical thought to flourish. Most students today, the ones in public schools that are subsidized by the federal government, face, not only the burden of basing their foundations on revisionist history, but also putting up with being admonished if they ask the tough questions. They are told told to shut up, or to stop disrupting class, or something to avoid the fact that the teacher has no good answer for that question.
The Ultimate Enemy We Must Take On & Out
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." If you are like me, you know of many folks that are aware of the plethora of problems facing America, and you even have an idea as to what some of the solutions might be. I didn't say you knew many folks like that, just that you knew of many folks like that. You probably know of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Jim Willie, Brandon Smith, Catherine Austin Fitts, Bill Bonner, Anthony Wile, James Howard Kunstler, and many others (please forgive me if I left you out. There are just too many enlightened members of our community to mention). But you probably don't personally know many people like that. Neither do I. I have met many that fit that bill, but I cannot say that I know them. I don't hang out with them. Out of all the folks I see on a regular basis, only two have a clue when it comes to being aware of the threats our country faces from the inside. I would like to add that the exceptional quality of my friends allows me to bask in their glow. They are, in most cases, intelligent, compassionate, well mannered and well heeled "class acts", but for some reason, they remain clueless as to the actual nature of the threats to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of property" that we face, that originate from inside the United States today (read in, Washington DC). Why do you reckon that is?
"The effluent is about to hit the affluent."
I would like to make an admission. I now believe that I jumped to a partially wrong conclusion several years ago when I thought that I had pinpointed the cause of our economic woes. When I set out on my quest, in the summer of 2000, to find out the truth about the failing economy, and the dissolution of our retirement accounts, I was immediately drawn to the actions and activities of the Federal Reserve. Not coincidentally, it was soon after I had been introduced to G. Edward Griffin's book, the Creature from Jekyll Island (an absolute must read for anyone who has retained the power of critical thought).
"If you truly seek the Truth, there is one thing you must have above all else: Our Collective Awakening...
I have been at this, on a daily basis, from more than a decade. I sometimes forget that those who are just now awakening, might have missed the the lectures during (metaphorically speaking) our freshman course studies such as "Tyranny 101", or "Fascism 101" which provide the first glimpses into the evil that has become all pervasive in America. Information pertaining to those subjects (and dozens more) can be found in the archives of the "Bear". It is information we provided way back when. I apologize for sometimes assuming that everyone reading my rants is already wide awake.
Waxing philosophically
I fancy myself Jeffersonian Constitutionalist, a champion of liberty, and a seeker of the truth. The combination of these three dutiful involvements provides me meaning and satisfaction, and coalesce into a condition that I consider wholesome, fulfilling, and one that I aspire to continue to achieve. There are too few truth seekers, although the attraction to the truth seems to be spreading in the face of an overtly devolving social condition.
Bear Tracks Archive (Editor's Note: Bear Tracks is a weekly newsletter comprised of a reflection on the past week's news as well as commentary and projections. MORE
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