Spread the Word and Do Something to Fix Things.
The "almost hidden" conspirators in politics, religion, education,
entertainment, and the news media are working for the banker-owned United
States, in a banker-owned World under a banker-owned World Government!
(This is what all the talk of a New World Order promoted by Presidents
Bush and Clinton is all about.)
Unfair banking policies and taxes will continue to take a larger and larger part of the
annual earning of the people and put them into the pockets of the bankers and their
political agents. Increasing government regulations will prevent citizen protest and
opposition to their control.
It is possible that your grandchildren will own neither home nor car, but will live in
"government owned" apartments and ride to work in "government owned"
buses (both paying interest to the bankers), and be allowed to keep just enough of their
earnings to buy a minimum of food and clothing while their rulers wallow in luxury. In
Asia and eastern Europe it is called "communism;" in America it is called "Democracy" and "Capitalism."
America will not shake off her Banker-controlled dictatorship as long as the people are
ignorant of the hidden controllers. Banking concerns, which control most of the
governments of the nations, and most sources of information, seem to have us completely
within their grasp. They are afraid of only one thing: an awakened patriotic citizenry,
armed with the truth, and with a trust in God for deliverance. This material has informed
you about their iniquitous system. What you do with it is in your hands.

