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07.20.13- Debt is normal. Be weird.
Johnny Silver Bear As the editor of the Silver Bear Cafe, I spend most of my time researching current events. I explore the markets, the economic war that is being waged on the middle class, precious metals, the Federal Reserve, energy, and how to go about surviving financially. In this weekly column I will attempt to condense the week's events and examine how the news might affect your pocketbook. JSB Financial Markets
There is such a wealth of high quality discussion going on, all over the globe, that is easily accessible via the internet, that, for those of us who have both the capacity for critical thought, and the inclination to find out what's going on, it would be inexcusable to retain the blinders that we have been issued by the state. This week's featured missive, from the Financial Markets Forum, is a brief taste of GEAB's projections for the next five years, provided by James Sinclair. This is not what I would consider breaking news as we have be reporting on the development of these conditions for years. For most of us , this is like telling Noah about the flood. But for the "just now waking up group", The GEAB's latest appraisal of our situation is disconcerting, to say the least. Failing to take heed and prepare, however, could only be the result of an individual's voluntary and yet devolutionary loss of natural defense mechanisms. Everything old is new again...
On the Economic War Front
The apparent lack of will, or ability, to contain and control the rampant spread of corruption, has resulted in the gutting the foundations of our Republic. The inability to curb the felonious appetites of, not only the banksters but also, those members of the House and Senate, the Judicial and Administration branches, including all law enactment, and enforcement, has left the nation breathlessly gasping, on the brink of its demise. Most blatantly, the cowardly and appalling lack of remedy exhibited by all of the above, provides evidence that these afore mentioned miscreants, are not only treasonous but, are also terrorists of a most vile nature. This week, Adam Taggart revisits the fact that "The Banks have Blood on their hands." In a compelling interview with Chris Martenson Mr. Black lays out out the remedies that have, here-to-fore been so lacking. The world, led by Central Bankers and rogue governments is currently mired in various stages of disintegration. This trend will only be reversed by the routing out and elimination of the evil influences that currently hold us in an incidious death grip. Not until the decent members of world society rise up and forcefully exterminate the parasites that have been, and continue to, suck our life's blood, will we rectify our current dilemma. "Love your rage, not your cage."
Precious Metals
One of the most important aspects of your financial survival concerns your understanding of the nature of money. If you believe that precious metals do not constitute "money", you may have been misled. If you have been misled, who misled you? Why? And "What's wrong with this picture"? What is money? The whole point of money is suppose to be the provision of a convenient and liquid medium that can be exchanged for less liquid value. It is a go between. One strives to accumulate money so it can be exchanged for something else. In our illustrious history, we humans have tried everything from salt to sardines as a medium of exchange, but nothing has seemed to work as well as gold and silver. A person bringing a relatively illiquid item to market could swap it for gold or silver, secure in the knowledge that the metal would retain its value for as long as he chose to hold it and would be accepted as payment for anything he wanted when he chose to spend it. The condition that your gold and silver will retain its value for as long as you chose to hold it is the most valuable characteristic of the "barbarous relics", and provides the fodder for me to champion the cause of precious metals ownership, and for my ensuing attack on the debasement of the American dollar. Man has an innate desire to obtain and own gold and silver. That we seek to possess precious metals seems as naturally entrenched in our collective psychic as any other instinct. The possession of wealth, in the form of gold and silver, has always represented power and control. There is nothing wrong or unnatural to desire power and control. The power to control one's destiny through the accumulation of wealth is not only natural, it is healthy. This natural desire is the basis of our capitalistic system. The gold standard, as prescribed by our Constitution, is "the Law" that insures that the "power and control" that is provided by wealth, cannot be abused. Those who would seek to abuse the power of wealth would consequently have to break "the Law." "The Law" has been broken. In 1792 the U. S. Coinage Act was passed by Congress. It invoked the death penalty for anyone debasing money and provided for a U.S. Mint where silver dollars were coined along with gold coins beginning in 1794. The text of Coinage Act of 1792 states: "The Dollar or Unit shall be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current," that is, running in the market, "to wit, three hundred and seventy-one and one-quarter grains of silver." To repeat, A"dollar" is a silver coin containing three hundred and seventy-one and one-quarter grains of silver — and it cannot be changed by constitutional amendment, definitionally, any more than the term "year" can. Even at the current suppressed value of silver, ($19.52/troy ounce), a "dollar is worth $17.57. The fact that a currently circulated Federal Reserve Note of a "One Dollar" denomination is not worth $17.57 is evidence that a radical debasing of money has occurred sometime in the past and begs the questions: Who was responsible for the debasement, why did "we the people" allow the debasement to occur, and why weren't those responsible prosecuted? Fiat money, (money not backed by anything), was something so abhorrent to our Founding Fathers that they didn't even discuss it as an option. The Constitutional gold standard provided that the Country's citizens could not be robbed by means of inflation. An interesting original draft by the Founders would have allowed for "bills of credit", or paper money but that was struck out. It seems that during the Revolutionary War, when paper money had been issued, a promise to back the notes for gold or silver was a "no confidence" disaster, causing counterfeiting by the British and other forms of fraud. The end result were notes of no value, plummeting to less than a penny per dollar. Sound familiar? This is why the Founding Fathers decided to mint only gold and silver coins as "money." They provided for a U.S. Mint where silver dollars were coined along with gold coins beginning in 1794. In this week's post, Mr. Schiff wisely reiterates the ever-pressing need to re-embrace the bimetallic system of trade and finance.
Energy ![]() There is a multiplicity of would be/could be disastrous scenarios currently unfolding globally that will eventually culminate and wreak havoc on our planet and the manner in which we inhabit it. As previously covered in this week's Bear Tracks, the lack of governmental regulation is one of the prime causes of many problems being experienced globally. Most of our environmental catastrophic occurrences are also caused by a woeful lack of regulation and remedy. BP's Cataclysmic Deepwater Horizon oil spill is still leaking, The U.S. Coast Guard is still spraying chemicals on the gulf to insure that the oil sinks below the surface so we can't see it. News has just surfaced that a flesh eating virus is breeding in corexit laced tar balls that, of course, would continue to wash ashore on the beaches of the gulf states. Seafood, harvested from the gulf, has been shown, repeatedly, to be contaminated with both benzine and corexit (the cocktail of toxins being applied). There are reports that the dolphin population in the entire gulf has been decimated. Fukushima is still the source of leaking radioactive materials which continue to contaminate the oceans of the world. Both the management of Tepco, the electric company who owns of the facility as well as General Electric, the manufacturer of the reactors that malfunctioned are, understandably, hesitant to let be known anymore than can be contained. Meanwhile, the contaminated ground water continues to poison people, crops, livestock, fish and marine mammals at an ever-increasing rate and geographic area. The levels of radiation of the groundwater in the vacinity are ninety times the levels measured before the meltdown and are substantially higher in areas as far away as Toyko. These original disasters were extremely unfortunate, but what kind of twisted deviates would preside over the coverups and allow the disasters to continue, unabated?
The Fed
The economy is about to implode, as a result of the moronic and twisted machinations of Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke and all the other criminal members and participants who aided and abetted the abomination we know as the Federal Reserve. Bernanke has created a situation where, if he ceases supporting the markets with counterfeit money, the markets will collapse. It's all smoke and mirrors. Anyone, still participating in this market is either a criminal or an idiot. The world has become increasingly fed up with the short end of the stick. Without the world's continued cooperation the charade cannot continue. "And when the bough breaks..." Here again, I must take the opportunity to "sing to the choir". The Federal Reserve is the greatest enemy of humanity the world has ever known, and remains the greatest threat to the survival of America way of life that exists today. The Federal Reserve has always been a threat to the future of America since its inception in 1913. It was then a greater threat than all of this country's foes in both the first and second World Wars. It provided a greater threat to our liberties and freedoms than communism. It remains a greater threat to our future well being than the imagined foreign terrorist threat, the real terrorist threat posed by those in Washington, DC, Agenda 21(although that's right up there) the bird flu, global warming, global cooling, gay marriage, alien invasion (which could be a current dilemma), as well as any comets that are on course to collide with the Earth within the next 100 years. The Federal reserve was conceived to help the Darkside conquer the world. It serves a satanic cult of Zionist Illumanists (is that redundant?). If we do not get off our asses and deal with these bozos real soon, they will bring about the end of the world as we know it. Now let me tell you what I really think...
Financial Survival
You must, for your sake and for the sake of those you love, open your eyes to the reality of the situation. Entire cites are going belly up. Entire states are about to default. There is a conspiracy afoot to depopulate the gulf states. There is another group that intends to depopulate the earth. There exists, on many levels, what I would consider insane agendas, but that many consider the only answer. The pandemic apathy that exists throughout this country is, perhaps, the main cause of our current conundrum. To refresh your memories, I will re-post a noteworthy quote from Albert Einstein:
This week's Financial Survival Forum's article choice for highlighting is provided by Graham Summers, and, as you might expect, deals with our greatest threat, the Federal Reserve.
You must first realize that there are, present in our lives, enemies. You must then know who those enemies are and act accordingly. Eliminate as much debt as possible, especially variable rate debt, such as credit cards and lines of credit. Interest rates will be rising, so the elimination of debt offers a real return of escaping rising rates by creditors. Get some control over some fresh water. If you are depending on Social Security, stop. Follow the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well...
More next week... May the Great Spirit be with you always, Johnny
Silver Bear Disclaimer All statements and expressions are the sole opinions of the editor and are subject to change without notice. A profile, description, or other mention of a company in the newsletter is neither an offer nor solicitation to buy or sell any securities mentioned. While we believe all sources of information to be factual and reliable, in no way do we represent or guarantee the accuracy thereof, nor the statements made herein. The staff of Silver Bear Cafe are not registered investment advisors and do not purport to offer personalized investment related advice. The publisher, editor, staff, or anyone associated with, or associated to the Silver Bear Cafe may own securities mentioned in this newsletter and may buy or sell securities without notice. |
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07.20.13- Debt is normal. Be weird.
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