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03.30.13- A word to the wise isn't necessary -
it's the stupid ones that need the advice. Johnny Silver Bear As the editor of the Silver Bear Cafe, I spend most of my time researching current events. I explore the markets, the economic war that is being waged on the middle class, precious metals, the Federal Reserve, energy, and how to go about surviving financially. In this weekly column I will attempt to condense the week's events and examine how the news might affect your pocketbook. JSB Financial Markets I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to wake up the slumbering minions. I, obviously, have my opinions, but those opinions are based on the opinions of superior thinkers, and as such are much smarter than me. In an attempt to substantiate these opinions, I continuously refer to their essays and articles that provide these ideas "straight from the horses mouth", so to speak. The economic pundits that are featured on this site are seasoned veterans when it comes to the intricacies and nuances of modern day commerce. It is, for instance, given the nature of the banking community today, very easy to understand the motives of the criminals that currently run the world. Although they continuously attempt to "change the rules" so that their transgressions appear legal, they are simply desperados, buggers and thieves that are out to steal all the wealth of the world.
On the Economic War Front
There is a war being waged, by the power elite, against the middle classes everywhere. My understanding of the term "Middle Class" relates to a group of persons, who exist throughout the world, that has attained upward mobility. Upward mobility is attained through, by hook or by crook, the acquisition of capital. That capital can then be applied to production which will, in turn, result in more capital. Capital equals power and power in the hands of individuals, poses a threat to the powers that be. Rather than applying their power in an altruistic fashion, which would result in raising everybody up, they have chosen to stifle the natural evolutionary process and instead, attempt to rule the world. Consequently, not unlike that of Hitler, their vision is warped and, if allowed to prevail, will result in the ruination of the planet.
Precious Metals I realized, long ago, that the most popular section of the Silver Bear Cafe was the Precious Metals section. It has become apparent that, although the Financial Markets provide noteworthy news on a daily basis, and news about the stranglehold that the Energy Markets have on the world economy are extremely pertinent to our day-to-day struggles, Precious Metals seem to transcend normalcy and appeal to a much wider audience than even my rants about the Federal Reserve or how we are, collectively, being ripped off on a daily basis as a result of the Economic War that is being waged against us. Because Precious Metals pose the greatest threat to the illegal, unconstitutional fiat money regime, the suppression of their price has been, and continues to be a process that is ongoing and is supported by the government. This reprehensible situation will soon be righted by natural market forces in spite of the bankster bozos and their administration suck ups.
In order to continue to survive, Japan must have access to outside sources of energy. The recent Fukushima catastrophe has left the country in worse shape than ever. As a result of this incident, and many other dominoes that have already fallen, the economic future of Japan is bleak. Consequently, the ramifications of an all out economic collapse in Japan will have a profoundly negative effect on the World's economic condition. A Japanese default will adversely affect your pocketbook...
The Fed It appears to me that the markets are rigged. All games that can be rigged will be rigged, sooner or later. The Fed, working in league with the U.S. Government, rigs the U.S. markets. But don't think for a second that the Fed has some kind of monopoly on a situation where rapacity pervades honest reason. All markets are rigged. Central bankers, the world over, are primarily involved in fleecing the people. The fact that the Fed is the most powerful of the Central Bankers, and that they are primarily responsible for perfecting the insidious contrivance called inflation, has not kept the rest of Central Bankers of the world from entering into a game of "catch up". As far as they are concerned, there is only one motive, and that motive is economic world domination. Which Central Bankers will dominate will depend on which ones end up with the most. That's just the nature of absolute corruption. That is the reason that whole world is currently strapped with a fiat system. The ability to create money, out of thin air, provides for absolute economic power. Absolute power equals absolute corruption. It's as simple as that. By rigging the markets, through various forms of intervention, the central bankers have set up a scheme whereby the wealth of the world could be siphoned off at will. The reason that this fiat system has become so all pervasive in the world is the lure of an uncapped, unending source of credit that is availed to all governments who are willing to play the Central Banker's game.
Financial Survival A wise man once told me "It is easier to gain forgiveness for being wrong than it is for being right". I took that to mean that there will be no solace when I am left with the single option of saying "I told you so". I think my motivation over the years has been just as much out of selfishness as altruism. I have always feared being unable to instigate change without the help of many others. We (those of us that have and exercise the ability to engage in critical thought) probably represent around 1% of the U.S. population now. Not enough. The world is beginning to wake up however. The travesties of the Darkside are becoming more and more apparent with events like Cyprus filling the airways.
You must first realize that there are, present in our lives, enemies. You must then know who those enemies are and act accordingly. Eliminate as much debt as possible, especially variable rate debt, such as credit cards and lines of credit. Interest rates will be rising, so the elimination of debt offers a real return of escaping rising rates by creditors. Get some control over some fresh water. If you are depending on Social Security, stop. Follow the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well...
More next week... May the Great Spirit be with you always, Johnny
Silver Bear Disclaimer All statements and expressions are the sole opinions of the editor and are subject to change without notice. A profile, description, or other mention of a company in the newsletter is neither an offer nor solicitation to buy or sell any securities mentioned. While we believe all sources of information to be factual and reliable, in no way do we represent or guarantee the accuracy thereof, nor the statements made herein. The staff of Silver Bear Cafe are not registered investment advisors and do not purport to offer personalized investment related advice. The publisher, editor, staff, or anyone associated with, or associated to the Silver Bear Cafe may own securities mentioned in this newsletter and may buy or sell securities without notice. |
03.30.13- A word to the wise isn't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
03.09.13- Yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again.
03.02.13- Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.
02.23.13- Don't be afraid to take a big step;you can't cross a chasm in two hops.
02.16.13- The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
02.09.13- We May Be Lost, but we're making good time
02.02.13- If we don't change course, we may end up where we are heading
01.26.13- Opportunities always look bigger going than coming
01.19.13- There's too much youth; how about a fountain of smart
01.12.13- Sixty-five-year-old, one owner, needs parts ...Make offer.
01.05.13- Lead me not into temptation, I can find it by myself
12.29.12- Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups