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Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large
As the editor of the Silver Bear Cafe, I spend most of my time researching current events. I explore the markets, the economic war that is being waged on the middle class, precious metals, the Federal Reserve and energy. In this weekly column I will attempt to condense the week's events and examine how the news might affect your pocketbook. JSB Financial Markets The Fiscal Cliff is not only a distraction. The "fiscal cliff" is a myth. Instead, what we are facing is a descent into lawlessness. Wikipedia notes:
Indeed, the IMF has already performed a complete audit of the whole US financial system, something which they have only previously done to broke third world nations. Economist Marc Faber calls the U.S. a "failed state". Indeed, we no longer have a free market economy … we have fascism, communist style socialism, kleptocracy, oligarchy or banana republic style corruption. Yes, it is an excuse to milk the middle class for more taxes, but it fails to address the bigger problem. The global economic system is broken, almost beyond repair. That is the conclusion being pedaled by the eminent Boston Consulting Group in a new paper headed 'Ending the Era of Ponzi Finance'. Boston Consulting Group comes to Armageddon conclusion about a coming global economic reset. These are hardly flat-earth, conspiracy theorists. BCG has most of the world's top companies on its client list. It says:
It's tempting to say run out and buy as much as you can on credit and then default. Yet what works for nations may not work for individuals who might just find themselves bankrupt, as they would not keep the assets bought on credit in a crash. Actually you want to be debt-free in case interest rates sky rocket. How do we become debt free? What do you have that you don't really need? What do you have that you don't even use? All assets will plunge in value relative to gold and silver – if past precedents of previous resets is followed – so that is what you need to own to come out on top. Otherwise it is hard to see much good coming out of this reset for most people. Anybody living in a credit bubble with a lifestyle sustained on cheap money will suddenly be subjected to a very painful wake up call. On the Economic War Front We all have a responsibility to insist on the vigilant protection of our Liberties. This, given the present state of affairs, means that we must protect them ourselves. Consequently, protecting our rights and Liberties also means protecting the rights and Liberties of our neighbors, even if they remain, metaphorically, asleep. My attempts to wake you up to the tyrannies and misgivings of the criminal cartel that is calling the shots is not selfless, but rather tempered with selfishness. I need lots of help! From Tom Chatham:
Precious Metals The metals markets have been generally disappointing of late, trading sideways. With the giant bullion banks (JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs) breaking security laws with impunity, due to lack of regulation, those of us who are silver stackers are being blessed with bargain basement prices. Russia and China are accumulating as much as they can without tipping their hands. A Comex default is in the wind, and such an event will trigger a unprecedented event. From Matt Insley: Gold dropped $30 yesterday, $60 in the past three days, $110 in the past month, and $130 in the past three months… Before you ask "Hey! What the heck is happening!?" Let's take a step back and take a look at the big picture… It seems like just last week we were discussing the future direction for gold. Wait a second. It WAS last week when we were discussing the future direction to gold! Luckily with that "best time to buy gold" discussion in our back pocket we can frame this week's downward pressure on gold. If you recall, last week we discussed two scenarios where gold would be a solid buy. First was on the upside: if gold broke above $1,745. With the price of the metal falling precipitously below $1,650 we're much further away from that upside price target.
Getting back to this week's drop in prices, don't get all worked up. The long-term trend for gold is higher. The medium-term trend for gold is also higher. That's why buying at a technically-sound price point is our best advantage to playing this market. Better still, light holiday trade could make these moves easier to take advantage of. Looking over the past five years, December trading – including the holiday week – has hosted some substantial price moves. With this week's pullback in mind, I'd be a gold buyer at $1,575. Don't shut your computer down for 2012 yet, my friend. Instead, keep an eye on these lower ranges and if we see prices dip into bargain territory pick up some bullion. Energy The use of corn ethanol for fuel is a very bad joke. Not only is it a horrendous waste of food when people all over the world are starving, it is also horrible for your car's engine. From Hugh Pickins:
Gas station owners don't like it very much either, because they'd likely have to upgrade their equipment to use it. Nor are environmental groups big fans of the EPA's decision, arguing that increasing the use of ethanol can drive up food prices, and isn't the best means of reducing our reliance on foreign fuels. The ethanol lobby is the only group that really seems to like the new rule. 'We've force fed a fuel into every American's car that benefits a few thousand corn farmers and ethanol refiners at the expense of virtually every other American,' says Scott Faber." The Fed The
Fed has painted itself into a corner. "Bubbles" Bernanke
knows that he cannot continue to keep
the bubbles inflated, if bond prices continue to
tank as the buyers wise up to his shenanigans.
The bond market is huge compared to the stock market.
In fact, it is way too big to be controlled by any
one entity. It is controlled by speculators, which
include countries like Japan, China, India, and
Russia, among many others. Get out of equities. After the stock market falls. the bond market
follow, and when the bond market implodes the
decimation of the dollar is going to blow the economy
to bits. This is not a matter of if, it
is just a matter of when. Financial Survival Buy anything, buy gold, buy silver, buy land, buy silver, buy commodity stocks, buy silver, buy diamonds, buy silver, buy a '56 Chevy. Buy any damn thing but get out of dollars! If you can't think of anything else, you might consider buying some more silver... Live within your income, or below it, if possible. The only way that this economy will recover is by increasing our rate of savings. Todays rate of household savings has dropped to .4% from 7.7% in 1992. We need to resurrect the virtue of thrift. EverBanks FDIC-insured World Currency Deposit Accounts and CDs denominated in any of the world major currencies, including the euro, Swiss franc and New Zealand dollar offer you an incredibly simple and efficient way to invest in to many attractively priced currencies. Simply
exchange your dollars for the currency or
currency basket of your choice, and receive
interest rates several times as high as those
offered on dollar deposits. Eliminate as much debt as possible, especially variable rate debt, such as credit cards and lines of credit. Interest rates will be rising, so the elimination of debt offers a real return of escaping rising rates by creditors. Get some control over some fresh water. If you are depending on Social Security, stop. Follow the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well...
More next week... May the Great Spirit be with you always, Johnny
Silver Bear Disclaimer All statements and expressions are the sole opinions of the editor and are subject to change without notice. A profile, description, or other mention of a company in the newsletter is neither an offer nor solicitation to buy or sell any securities mentioned. While we believe all sources of information to be factual and reliable, in no way do we represent or guarantee the accuracy thereof, nor the statements made herein. The staff of Silver Bear Cafe are not registered investment advisors and do not purport to offer personalized investment related advice. The publisher, editor, staff, or anyone associated with, or associated to the Silver Bear Cafe may own securities mentioned in this newsletter and may buy or sell securities without notice. |