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06.15.13- How Can I Miss You if You Won't Go Away?
Johnny Silver Bear As the editor of the Silver Bear Cafe, I spend most of my time researching current events. I explore the markets, the economic war that is being waged on the middle class, precious metals, the Federal Reserve, energy, and how to go about surviving financially. In this weekly column I will attempt to condense the week's events and examine how the news might affect your pocketbook. JSB Financial Markets
The obvious lack of regulation has left, undefended, the freedom saving tenets of the rights to private property. We didn't get here by accident. Choices were made by some very wealthy and powerful people. Alas, under the ruse of "political correctness", the sheeple have willingly lined up for their fleecing, distracted by the attraction of bread (snap cards and other federal subsidies) and circuses (never ending wars and false flag terrorism). 50 million Americans now live in poverty Over half of all Americans are going to depend on food stamps at some point in their lives 13 million more Americans are expected to lose their homes before the current crisis runs its course Last Monday night, 06/10/13, the Senate passed a five-year farm bill that contained $4.1 billion in cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) over ten years. This ensures that the only debate now will be about how much to cut—and it's likely to result in cuts much deeper than $4.1 billion. The House Agriculture Committee passed a farm bill last month that cut $20.5 billion from SNAP by removing "categorical eligibility", which would take food stamps away from 2 million Americans and hundreds of thousands of children. It has been my contention, for quite some time, that "a perfect economic storm" will result from a combination of rising interest rates, which will complete the decimation of our already fragile economic condition, and the chaos that will ensue when the food stamp program is, for political budgetary reasons, undermined. It matters not how you, personally, feel about welfare. Your concern should be how you, and yours will be affected when surrounded by the tumultuous nature of wide spread insurrection.
On the Economic War Front
Precious Metals
Just how committed should you be to holding gold (and silver)? Are you holding too much gold as it is…and not enough U.S. dollars? Or should you be holding anything BUT gold (and silver)? Beyond the cash you need to pay your monthly living expenses, should you hold cash at all? Should every bit of your savings be held in ounces of precious metals? And every bit of your investments be in shares of the companies that drag those precious metals out of the ground? It might have seemed like an extreme position a few years ago. Heck, it may seem extreme now! But SRSrocco is here to explain why it could be the most sensible, most conservative thing in the world to do…
The point is, as a civilization, we already have the technologies that could provide pollution free energy at no cost. Technologies that could eliminate greenhouse gases, desalinate all the water humanity could ever need and pump this water to any location on the planet, at no cost! We could grow unlimited quantities of food in heated greenhouses, clean up the environment, and eliminate the causes of disagreements and wars worldwide. Where are these technologies? Why is mankind being deprived of their benefits?
The Fed The Federal Reserve is solely responsible for all the inflation in the U.S. The Federal Reserve is a criminal cartel controlled by multinational interests. They have, for 100 years , progressively gutted thr coffers of our treasury. They may be thieves, but they're our thieves. Central Bankers, and others of the same ilk, have been robbing us since the tenth century. They started, however, plying their trade a thousand years before that. We have all heard the story of the money changers being evicted, from the temple, by J.C...
Financial Survival
The Silver Bear Cafe provides resources to prepare, maintain, and embellish systems to survive the imminent global financial collapse, and counteract the effect of both currency inflation and globalist control. Our comments and essays are compiled daily and feature the foremost authoritative experts in the world. The Silver Bear Cafe is intended to provide an educational resource relating to the conservation and preservation of capital. Understanding the inner workings of the markets will supply the empowering knowledge necessary to make strategic financial decisions and counter the adverse effects of geopolitical turmoil and global financial meltdown. Our promise to you is that we will responsibly verify the veracity of each and every article that is posted on the "Bear". We will continually authenticate the sources of all the information that is contained on the website. We will gratefully accept ideas and suggestions that will make the Silver Bear Cafe a more valuable resource.
You must first realize that there are, present in our lives, enemies. You must then know who those enemies are and act accordingly. Eliminate as much debt as possible, especially variable rate debt, such as credit cards and lines of credit. Interest rates will be rising, so the elimination of debt offers a real return of escaping rising rates by creditors. Get some control over some fresh water. If you are depending on Social Security, stop. Follow the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well...
More next week... May the Great Spirit be with you always, Johnny
Silver Bear Disclaimer All statements and expressions are the sole opinions of the editor and are subject to change without notice. A profile, description, or other mention of a company in the newsletter is neither an offer nor solicitation to buy or sell any securities mentioned. While we believe all sources of information to be factual and reliable, in no way do we represent or guarantee the accuracy thereof, nor the statements made herein. The staff of Silver Bear Cafe are not registered investment advisors and do not purport to offer personalized investment related advice. The publisher, editor, staff, or anyone associated with, or associated to the Silver Bear Cafe may own securities mentioned in this newsletter and may buy or sell securities without notice. |
06.08.13- How Can I Miss You if You Won't Go Away?
06.08.13- If the Good Lord's Willing and the Creek Don't Rise...
06.01.13- Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.
05.25.13- Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
05.18.13- House Guarded By Shotgun 3 Days A Week. Guess Which Days.
05.11.13- Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
04.27.13- A dyslexic man walks into a bra...
04.20.13- "The economy is so bad the Mafia is laying off judges."
04.13.13- "There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men."
04.06.13- A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on Paul's Support.
03.30.13- A word to the wise isn't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
03.09.13- Yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again.
03.02.13- Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.
02.23.13- Don't be afraid to take a big step;you can't cross a chasm in two hops.
02.16.13- The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
02.09.13- We May Be Lost, but we're making good time
02.02.13- If we don't change course, we may end up where we are heading
01.26.13- Opportunities always look bigger going than coming
01.19.13- There's too much youth; how about a fountain of smart
01.12.13- Sixty-five-year-old, one owner, needs parts ...Make offer.
01.05.13- Lead me not into temptation, I can find it by myself
12.29.12- Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups