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05.11.13- Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Johnny Silver Bear As the editor of the Silver Bear Cafe, I spend most of my time researching current events. I explore the markets, the economic war that is being waged on the middle class, precious metals, the Federal Reserve, energy, and how to go about surviving financially. In this weekly column I will attempt to condense the week's events and examine how the news might affect your pocketbook. JSB Financial Markets
Unfortunately, through an insidious misinformation campaign, we have been duped by those whose wealth and position have allowed them to be tempted by, and then to succumb to, the lure of avarice and greed. They have decided that anything less than everything is not enough. "The Dark Side" has thwarted the essence of capitalism by engineering the demise of the Gold Standard. Through their incipient use of "political puppets" they have, over the course of the last two hundred years, finally succeeded in channeling the wealth and property, which comes as a result of human toil, into their coffers. The producers and savers of our county, it's life blood, are being methodically fleeced. Soon, the last meaningful productive job in America will be exported to China. On that day American society will become a zoo, and we, as citizens, will be reduced to the station of animals in a cage, totally dependent on the zoo-keepers for our food and shelter.
On the Economic War Front
There are two fatal flaws in our current system. Curiously, they would seem to be offsetting on the surface, but upon closer examination they emanate from the same collective mind set. If these two flaws could be remedied, our Constitutional way of life could be preserved. Unfortunately, the underlying causes have been so ingrained in the system, that their effects are probably irreversible. The first flaw was initiated by FDR when he started handing out taxpayer money and thereby created "the dole". Since then politicians have refined their ability to use taxpayer money to buy votes until it has evolved into a catastrophically successful ploy to redistribute the wealth of, and as a result decimate, America's middle class. If "We the People" demanded that a law was enacted that would prohibit anyone from voting, in a national election, so long as they remained "on the dole", (OTD), half of the problems with our "bastardized democracy" would immediately go away. If the people couldn't vote for a hand out, politicians couldn't simply pander a handout in return for a vote, which is essentially all they do now. I'm not simply talking about welfare recipients, although they make up a significant portion of those who should not be eligible. I'm talking anyone who is OTD. Any receiver of any Federal support should not be eligible to vote. The Constitution provided no Federal support for anyone, period. This would include grant recipients, those who receive Federal entitlements, farmers receiving subsidies, employees of any Federally subsidized business, even employees of companies benefiting from trade sanctions. Taken to the extreme, we should un-entitle Federal employees including members of the Armed Forces, Congress, Federal Law Enforcement, Treasury Department, Justice department, and the Judicial Branch. You see, each one of these persons harbors a personal agenda and is apt to vote for whoever promises him/her more. When you're OTD, staying OTD is job one. Have you noticed the most important thing for a politician to accomplish while in office these days, is to get re-elected. That's the problem with the "Free Lunch" mind set. There is no such thing. The second flaw concerns the passing down of institutional wealth. The "Dark Side" is peopled with old money. The patriarchs that initially created the wealth were probably deserving of the power that came with it. Their wealth came as a result of their courage, intellect, creativity, ambition and perhaps even ruthlessness. Their progeny, on the other hand, are not deserving. In fact, it is the unentitled wielders of this "institutional wealth" that, to a large degree, make up the controllers of the Fabian Socialists. These are the people that pull the strings behind the scenes in Government, and whose main goals include world domination. It is vanity and narcissistic nepotism that can motivate an individual to suppose that his offspring are more capable of directing the course of humanity than anyone else. This is total hooey. Rather than maintaining some altruistic vision for the future, these, "I didn't do anything that would make me qualified to rule the world other than I was born into it" elitists are generally far less qualified, having never been confronted with the need for mustering of the courage required to create the wealth in the first place. The system, as it stands, provides for the perpetration of a monarchial power structure that should have been abandoned with our first revolution 228 years ago, but wasn't. I do not suggest that the heirs of a fortune should not be able to reap the benefits of their parents successes, but rather that they be restricted from misusing the power that comes with the institutional wealth their parents amassed. How about a system where you could leave your children $50,000,000.00 each. That ought to be enough to get them started in this cold, hard world. If they can't get by on that much, they surely aren't qualified to handle any more. I suggest that if a person has more in his estate than enough to leave his spouse and each of his children $50,000,000 when he/she goes to the happy hunting grounds, (or where ever he/she goes), that it should be directed toward the renewal of our country's infrastructure, its roads and bridges. Its water purification and delivery systems. There is a myriad of directions that the wealth could be directed that would not constitute a socialistic trend, but rather a positive evolution to a better standard of life for all Americans. With the elimination of people OTD affecting the outcome of an election, and the restriction of the passing of institutional wealth, which effectively provides for the support of a monarchial system, the American System of Democracy could be an efficient and just system. Until these changes are made it will not be.
Precious Metals
The bankers foreclosed on America. I know what you're thinking. Me too. On March 9, 1933, the U.S. declared bankruptcy, as expressed in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260. On April 5th, 1933, one month after his inauguration, President Roosevelt declared a National Emergency that made it unlawful for any citizen of the United States to own gold, (see death penalty above), and "unconstitutionally" ordered all gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates to be turned into the Federal Reserve banks by May 1st under the threat of imprisonment and fines. This was technically, a national confiscation of gold and silver. This unlawful precedent set by Roosevelt would eventually lead us to the catastrophic situation we find ourselves in today. Our bankrupt nation went into receivership and was reorganized in favor of it's creditor and new owners, a private corporation of international bankers. (Since 1933, what is called the "United States Government" has been a privately owned corporation, and the property of the Federal Reserve / International Monetary Fund.) Without a word of truth to the American people, all our good faith and credit was pledged as the surety for the debt by the same slime ball Congressmen who created the mechanism that allowed it to occur. Those Congressmen, knew such "De Facto Transitions" were unlawful and unauthorized, but were mysteriously coerced into sanctioning, implementing, and enforcing the complete debouchment of our monetary system, and the resulting changes in all aspects of government, society, and industry in the United States of America .Since the thirties, the problem has grown exponentially and has become one of an "international nature".
What most people do not realize is that 60% of all hydrocarbon resources have be applied to food production. Through the use of petrochemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, diesel fuel for tractors and harvesters, gasoline for farm-to-market transport, gas generated electricity for refrigeration, plastics for packaging and storage, the lion's share of this resource has been used for food production. Here's the rub. Through the application of the world's petro-resources in this manner, "the Dark Side" has enriched itself by artificially creating a market to sell to. Oil based agriculture is primarily responsible for the world's population exploding from 1 billion at the middle of the 19th century to 6.3 billion at the turn of the 21st. As oil production went up, so did food production. As food production went up, so did the population. As the population went up, the demand for food went up, which increased the demand for oil. The price of food will now skyrocket because of the cost of fertilizer will soar. The cost of storing (electricity) and transporting (gasoline) the food that is produced will also soar. In order for the planet to continue to support humanity, it's numbers will have to be reduced dramatically. Because of the misinformation campaign that was launched in the first quarter of the game, "the Force" is way out of position. As I stated earlier, most don't even know there's a game going on, much less that they're playing. I foresee many lives being snuffed out within the next two decades as a result of the inability to afford food, (starvation), or through the involvement in the dozens of disputes that will arise over allocation of the world's remaining hydrocarbon resources, (war). Remember, "the Dark Side" is on both sides of all wars. Population contraction is absolutely essential to the planet's ability to support human life.
The Fed There are two groups in the U.S. that don't pay taxes. Those two groups consist of the very poor, and the ultra rich. As a result, the middle class has been bestowed with the sole economic responsibility of repaying the obscene abomination known as the national debt. It's not enough for the middle class to support those who are unable to work as well as those who choose not to, but to also provide the a major source of wealth that is being siphoned off by the Central Bankers and distributed to the elitists. I believe their motives have always stemmed from a desire to redistribute the wealth of the middle class to the ultra rich. This is a basic ploy right out of the collectivist's handbook. In this way they are, in the words of Omar Khayyam, attempting to "tear it down, and rebuild it in their own image." They are preparing for the intended eminent worldwide financial Armageddon. In order to continue to supply the Government with more and more funny money, the Fed has to keep creating it. Obviously, the more they create, the more it is diluted and the less valuable it becomes. They have positioned the U.S. dollar on a huge playground slide, placed a piece of waxed paper under it, and let it go. Its accelerating decent has become big news. Even the sycophantic rah-rah rooters on CNBC are talking about it. The dollar is visiting lows not seen in almost twenty-five years.
Financial Survival
Fast forward to the present. Real unemployment is running around 12%. Wages have been stagnant for the past five years. Almost everyone who wanted to refinance has already done so. Their refi money has already been spent. The automotive industry, and the housing industry are both slowly sinking. Rising energy costs, which are a result of a growing scarcity, as well as inflation, are exacerbating the situation. The DOW, which is setting new highs when valued in U.S. dollars. has remained basically flat over the last six years, when valued in gold. It is substantially down when valued against the Euro, the Rand, the Yen and several other major currencies. The continuing devaluation of the dollar has provided the DOW with the appearance of strength, at least to the American public. More smoke and mirrors. In order to continue to lure foreign investment, the illusion that the economy is healthy and robust is of paramount importance. This is apparent when considering the recently orchestrated manipulation of the precious metals futures market (COMEX). The truth is, our economy is in the throes of a terminal illness. The Fed is desperate to come up with a new source of support. Enter, Social Security Reform. Now politicians are suggesting that federal withholding revenues be redirected into the stock market. Wow! What an idea. That should keep the markets inflated for a little while longer. It could certainly give the Fed a new a new source of wealth to siphon off. But wait. One of the biggest myths about Social Security is that there is any money in the Social Security trust fund. The fund has been systematically tapped and squandered by every administration since its inception. It was an unconstitutional sleight of hand to begin with. It is, and has always been a Ponzi scheme, which depends on new workers to pay the old workers. Maybe that is why the present administration is doing everything in its power to tear down the borders and accommodate as many illegal aliens as possible. Maybe that's why they're attempting to raise the age of retirement. The privatization of Social Security is simply one more scheme to siphon off the wealth of the middle class through commissions and fees, and keep the stock and bond markets inflated for a little while longer. Do you see a pattern emerging here?
You must first realize that there are, present in our lives, enemies. You must then know who those enemies are and act accordingly. Eliminate as much debt as possible, especially variable rate debt, such as credit cards and lines of credit. Interest rates will be rising, so the elimination of debt offers a real return of escaping rising rates by creditors. Get some control over some fresh water. If you are depending on Social Security, stop. Follow the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well...
More next week... May the Great Spirit be with you always, Johnny
Silver Bear Disclaimer All statements and expressions are the sole opinions of the editor and are subject to change without notice. A profile, description, or other mention of a company in the newsletter is neither an offer nor solicitation to buy or sell any securities mentioned. While we believe all sources of information to be factual and reliable, in no way do we represent or guarantee the accuracy thereof, nor the statements made herein. The staff of Silver Bear Cafe are not registered investment advisors and do not purport to offer personalized investment related advice. The publisher, editor, staff, or anyone associated with, or associated to the Silver Bear Cafe may own securities mentioned in this newsletter and may buy or sell securities without notice. |
05.11.13- Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
04.27.13- A dyslexic man walks into a bra...
04.20.13- "The economy is so bad the Mafia is laying off judges."
04.13.13- "There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men."
04.06.13- A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on Paul's Support.
03.30.13- A word to the wise isn't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
03.09.13- Yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again.
03.02.13- Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.
02.23.13- Don't be afraid to take a big step;you can't cross a chasm in two hops.
02.16.13- The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
02.09.13- We May Be Lost, but we're making good time
02.02.13- If we don't change course, we may end up where we are heading
01.26.13- Opportunities always look bigger going than coming
01.19.13- There's too much youth; how about a fountain of smart
01.12.13- Sixty-five-year-old, one owner, needs parts ...Make offer.
01.05.13- Lead me not into temptation, I can find it by myself
12.29.12- Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups