Building A Future Without The New World Order I have heard it said in the past that attempting to articulate the concept of freedom for a man who was born a slave is much the same as attempting to explain the concept of language to a man who was born deaf. Without a psychological point of reference, the task is arduous, or nearly impossible. And yet, it happens all the time. Some people are born deaf and blind, yet within them lay dormant the ability to understand concepts such as speech and form. Just as methods of expression and sense perception are inherent, so too are the desire and the comprehension of free will; the aptitude for choice, along with the intuitive conscience to help effectively direct such choice. Regardless of how oppressive our surroundings may be, this ability to choose can never be taken away. It is inked upon our very psyches. However, there are some in this world that would have us believe otherwise. That would tell us we are blank and faceless dolls waiting to be told who we are and what we should do. That we are cast amongst the dust and the dark. That we are forever lost without their "guidance." Nothing could be further from the truth. We have our own internal guidance, and if we quiet our minds and remove the distractions these men have placed in front of us, we might listen, and hear what it has to say. Many in the Liberty Movement speak of dethroning the Global Elites who pull the strings of government and finance, but what happens when we are successful? We have lived under the systems they designed for so long that to have them torn away suddenly could have a dramatic and frightening effect on the public consciousness. Some might assert that we are not capable of starting from scratch, that it would be a disaster. I would have to disagree. Once again, those inborn qualities that compel us to fight for our freedoms will also help us in building a society that maintains them. In this article, we will examine just a few of the places where such a society could begin... True Economic Freedom Realized There has been a concerted effort in the mainstream media, not to mention certain protest movements, to blame the financial stress of our country and the world entirely on the "excesses of free-market capitalism." All I can say to these people in response is that they have no idea what free-market capitalism actually is. Few people alive today have lived in an America without the subversive influence of central bankers, and massive corporations, on the economy at large. Since the inception of the private Federal Reserve in 1913, we have lived under economic tyranny. To say that "free-market excesses" are to blame is a response driven by ignorance to the wider picture, because true free markets do not exist today. When Adam Smith wrote his original treatise on capitalism and free markets, The Wealth of Nations, he did so in response to the organized cartels of rich merchant elites and monarchy who dominated all trade and commerce with vicious efficiency. Those people not lucky enough to be a part of the inner circle, or those not willing to pander to the aristocracy, were left to struggle in vain against unjust trade laws meant to keep the common man, no matter how brilliant or industrious, down in the gutters, begging for scraps from the tables of men born to fortune. "Trickle-Down Economics" is not a Reagan era idea; it has always existed in one form or another in one society or another. Its real designation, its real name, is feudalism, and it is designed to subvert the natural flow of commerce in order to create an unnatural two tiered class structure consisting only of the very rich, and the very poor. For a short period, the American dynamic opened a door by which this unnatural class system could be dissolved, making way for the birth of the middle-class, a substantial and politically powerful cultural variant which until then did not exist, and in many countries never has existed. In America, the combination of free and open society, along with free-trade open to the masses created incredible wealth and innovation. However, the Elites were not yet to be undone. Adam Smith was highly suspicious of the formation of corporations, or "joint-stock companies" as they were called in his day. Corporations (as opposed to "partnerships") are designed to devour competition using methods outside of the free-market ideology. They manipulate trade, and even law, by influencing government in their favor, sometimes buying governments outright. Their legal structure is such that they are rarely held accountable for any wrongdoing, because corporations are protected by "limited liability." Meaning, the corporation is treated as a legal person, and is thus punished as a "single entity," usually with non-threatening fines. The men who actually run the corporation, and make the decisions that lead to the breaking of law, are rarely if ever brought to task. Through this political wrangling, corporate elitists set themselves outside the reach of justice and social balance. The development of corporate culture in America paralleled almost exactly the ascension of the Federal Reserve and heralded the end of capitalism as it was meant to be. The Elites had returned, instituting the same old system of feudalism, but with brighter, shinier, more hypnotic packaging. Central Banking directs the corporate pillaging of economies by blazing the political trails necessary for elites to stride above accountability. Before the Federal Reserve, the U.S. had suffered numerous economic downturns, but most of them were very short lived. The free market, left to operate without exploitation by governments or ultra-rich minorities, has an uncanny ability to right itself in due course. After the Federal Reserve was born, though, this natural ebb and flow ended. Within 20 years, the Great Depression arrived, lasting over a decade, after which, the U.S. dollar lost its gold backing, as well as most of its original strength and value. The Fed has now created the potential for a hyper-inflationary collapse the likes of which could very well dwarf the Great Depression in destruction as well as duration. First, by artificially lowering interest rates to absurd levels and creating an atmosphere of intense credit creation, fueling the accrual of massive debt at every echelon of society. This ill advised (and likely deliberate) policy lead to the housing and mortgage bubble, and the default crisis that triggered the greater collapse. Second, after creating this catastrophe, they then offered up the worst possible solution; even more market manipulation and even more debt. Most Americans are only aware of the 700-plus billion dollar bailouts touted in the media, but what is not reported widely in the news is that this number is meaningless. The REAL bailouts have accumulated now to trillions, perhaps tens-of-trillions! All of this fiat money has been facilitated by the Federal Reserve on taxpayer dime. Foreign countries holding U.S. Treasuries have almost frozen all further investment in our debt, and some, like China, have begun dumping treasuries they already have en masse. Eventually, this dual threat of deficit spending and spiraling treasuries will result in the disintegration of the dollar, and the end of our economy as we know it. When Global Elites talk in the MSN of the "New World Order," or a "New Economic Order," what they are really referring to is the reinstatement of centralized control of all trade and finance, but this time on a planetary scale, with a new global currency. The snowballing economic collapse is meant to make the populace so desperate, that they will have no choice but to accept the reformation of complete financial autocracy. In a future without the New World Order, Americans will be forced to rediscover what an economy based on truly free markets is like. The legal framework that allows for the existence of corporations must be overturned and the re-establishment of partnerships must be enacted. Central banking must be abolished. In fact, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution should be repealed entirely and a new amendment should be drafted which outlaws any establishment of a central bank, ever. This would leave little doubt in the minds of future generations as to the danger of allowing private banking cartels to control our nation’s economy. In the event of a hyper-inflationary collapse, which now appears very likely, those who rebuild will find it difficult to form a new nationally accepted currency. Citizens will respond to any paper currency with extreme skepticism, especially after being reduced to traditional trade and barter. A new currency system would have to be grounded in tangible commodities, meaning gold and silver, and it would have to be absolutely redeemable in said precious metals. This new system would have to be introduced not on the macro-level, but the micro-level; small communities adapting at their own pace to a gold backed monetary policy until these towns and cities grow together into a solid economic network, much like a shattered bone in the process of being mended. The income tax must be abolished and greater state sovereignty in financial and legal matters should be returned. The personal finances of citizens are private and should remain so. Constitutionally, government has no right to invade that privacy. Community based business must be pushed to the forefront as opposed to the corporate stranglehold we have today. Business and trade should be an intimate part of community with roots in local culture. Businesses must have a stake in the health of the locality they operate, instead of the cold and impersonal strategy of globalization, in which businesses become phantom-like and faceless entities. People must be given the right to fully participate in economy once again, instead of being forced to passively observe. The greater and more elaborate the interaction of society to economy, the greater the health of the entire system. Sovereign Government Reborn Through centralization of economy and law, Globalists try to force nations to become interdependent; what they call "harmonization. However, the New World Order will be anything but harmonious, as individual liberty is quashed, and self sufficiency is dissolved. Independence, freedom, is archetypal. It is inborn. Regardless of what environment we are placed in, man will always be driven, consciously or unconsciously, to break outside any unnatural barriers of society that restrict his inherent ability to learn, discover, and grow. It is a law of the universe that supersedes any wishes of governments or Globalists. It cannot be broken. But that never stops despots from making the attempt... State sovereignty will be first on the agenda in a post-globalist era. The origins of American law revolved around state sovereignty, and for good reason. The draftees of the Constitution knew full well that the more political power was centralized, the greater the risk of corruption. The Federal Government was meant to be the SERVANT of the states, not the other way around. Every nuance of the Constitution was dedicated to decentralization of power in order to prevent tyranny. The more sovereign governments and organizations there are in the world, the harder it is for a single group of elitists to take total control. Globalists commonly suggest that allowing the existence of sovereign nations risks the fomentation of war, and that they must be absorbed into a single world government to prevent such catastrophe from occurring over and over again. This argument is much like the argument against free-market capitalism; most people have never lived in a world of sovereign states without the manipulations of elitists. Almost every war of the past century at least, including both World Wars, has been triggered by elitist organizations and families. A prominent example would be the Rockefeller Family’s funding of the Nazi Party as well as their re-supply of special aviation fuels through their company Standard Oil, without which, Hitler’s entire air force would have been grounded. These wars have been engineered to drive humanity towards the concept of world government, and away from sovereignty. In a future without the New World Order, it is likely there would still be conflict, but the opportunity for peace would be far improved. With the influence of Globalists diminished or removed, I believe we will find that global governance is absolutely unnecessary, and that independent nations are fully capable of finding common ground without relinquishing self-governance, simply because their intentions will be more open, and their governments distanced from the secrecy and subterfuge of the elite. The two party system (which is actually a one party system) as it stands today will have to be tossed to the proverbial political scrap heap. Republicans and Democrats no longer have any clue what their respective parties even stand for anymore. The entire process has become a wild farce, a horse race in which the bets are rigged and nobody wins. This is because the leadership of both major parties follows the same globalist agenda. Republican presidents like George W. Bush claim to be conservative while at the same time implementing enormous government expansion projects, and instituting laws that can lead to police state conditions, such as the Patriot Act, or the FISA domestic spying bill. Democratic presidents like Barack Obama claim to be humanitarian "defenders of personal liberty" while supporting the same exact "Big Brother" bills as Bush, and expanding government even further, leading to historical deficits. Voting should be based on choice, not the lack of choice. Why should we as Americans be limited to the "lesser of two evils"? This is our country, and politics should serve our needs. A multi-party system is absolutely essential to this end. Candidates, regardless of philosophical or financial standing, should be given equal opportunity to be heard by the people, as well as to debate the issues. Proponents of the globalist system argue that this will cause too much confusion and that too many conflicting points of view obstruct social progress. On the contrary, it is often in environments rich with differing views that brilliance is born. Conflicting philosophies are important in generating the ‘great new idea’, a way of looking at a problem that has never been thought of before. By filtering political and philosophical debate down to two neatly produced but intellectually and emotionally bankrupt sides, Globalists impede the creation of new ideas. In the end, voting in terms of individual candidates and their potential is far more important than voting for any one party, though a complex texture of parties would be exceedingly preferable to what we have now. Focusing on the personal attributes and beliefs of each man and woman given the opportunity to serve in government would produce much better results overall, and also allow any citizen, regardless of class origin, a chance to represent the people. Spiritual Expression Encouraged Every man lives two lives; internal and external, rational and intuitive, logical and emotional, tactile and metaphysical. With a lot of effort, and a little luck, we can balance these two lives in a symbiotic relationship which enriches our character and our individual experience. Whether you are Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, etc, religion offers an outlet by which we can express these two sides of our being. Societies dominated by elitism and collectivism however, seek to either co-opt spiritual expression as a means to control the masses, or, they attempt to destroy it altogether, as was the case in communist Russia and China. Spiritual expression is a threat to centralization of power because its genesis is rooted in the unconscious, the world of archetypes, giving it tremendous psychological force. Any cultural focal point that stands outside Globalization becomes a possible foundation for rallying opposition. This is why elites are so keen on promoting the ideas of existentialism and moral relativism; because these philosophies run counter-current to intuitive archetypal conscience. They use faulty rationalizations to subvert natural emotional structures intrinsic to the human psyche from the moment of birth, as were discovered by the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, among others. Mysticism, the individual and essential expression of spiritual contents, is under severe threat in the event that the New World Order is successfully established. In the end, almost all spirituality, regardless of cultural background, is driven by the human search for internal understanding. By exploring and coming to terms with our inner selves, we hope to clear our vision, so that we may see the outer world much better. In an elitist society, dogma is used to impede the quest for understanding by placing fabricated limits on thought. Religious dogma should never be allowed to obstruct man’s search for knowledge in the environment around him, nor should scientific dogma be allowed to deny man the means to understand himself. In a civilization striving to remove elitist influence, the pursuit of empirical knowledge as well as spiritual knowledge must be placed on equal terms, because they are indeed equally important to the progress of human-kind. Individualism Venerated All systems are an abstraction of either man or nature made tangible by individual elements. Without these individual elements, the system cannot function, and in some cases, it would not exist at all. A collective society is only as strong as its unique participants, meaning, the group is dependent, even subservient to the strength of the individual. But, in the concept of the New World Order, this fact is veiled and supplanted by a "hive mentality." One might point to the structure of an ant hill and claim that such a methodology is highly effective in nature, and might well be for man. Look at how efficient they are, an entire mass of creatures operating around a singular goal without a solitary concern except for the survival of the whole. But one might ask; if these millions of ants function around a single mind, will they ever progress beyond their current genetic and social imperative? Will they ever increase their chances for survival by thinking outside their current parameters? Is their collectivist structure really "superior," or are they actually weaker because they have no individual "anomalies" of thought that might improve their condition? Are they not entirely dependent on the mechanizations of evolution to produce any advancement, and only after numerous purges of entire subspecies? Is this really what humanity should aspire to? Human beings are not ants, and could never function in the same way. Without strong willed people struggling to achieve individualism, we would have died out long ago. The Globalist promotion of collectivism is not meant to help humanity. It is designed to stifle the individual, and thus the strength of the whole, making us weak and utterly dependent on the hive mind, or in this case, a centralized minority of elites. In a future without the New World Order, individualism should be prized above all things. Government, schools, business, and other infrastructure would operate with the primary purpose of nurturing the individuation of every man, woman, and child. Unique thinking should be encouraged, not punished. New ideas should be welcomed and considered, not immediately ignored or ridiculed. Children should be taught the strength to be as they truly are long before they are thrust into arithmetic or science. This, though, is not the way of our "modern" culture. In today’s system, we are punished for questioning the immediate standards. We are rewarded if we conform. Our lives are made difficult if we refuse to pander to those in authority, or if we choose to survive by honest means. Our lives are made extraordinarily easy if we bow to authority and use dishonorable means against others to "get ahead." If we strive to fit in, to dress, talk, think, and feel like others, we are adored and accepted by the collective. If we stray even a little from the mainstream, we are attacked viciously, or even feared, as if we are a time bomb on the doorstep of the establishment. Even some so called "counterculture" movements behave in this fashion, often, in a completely unconscious manner. Every person is born with an inimitable and distinct "self," outside the influences of environment. We might call it genetic imperative, or we might call it the soul, but in either case it is a precious gift. Until the defense of this gift is given social precedence, until we become champions of its cause, our cultures will continue to devolve and our nations will continue to crumble, with or without the help of the Globalists. In a future without the New World Order, we become fully responsible for all our ills, all our failings. In their brutal grasping for total domination, I believe the elites will fall inexorably short. The kind of power they seek does not exist. It cannot be conjured or engineered, because it is not real. Free minds always find a way, and because of this, the Globalists will inevitably meet their match. Perhaps it is time now to consider how we will reconstruct from the ashes left behind, when they are finally gone. |