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Gold, Always Believe In Gold!
Gold has hit new record dollar levels – reflecting not just current uncertainty, but also the de-dollarisation narrative and it’s attractions as an inflation and market hedge, and long-term value. It’s worth keeping an eye on. This morning there is so much to write about.
Instead…. Let’s talk about Gold… This morning’s quote is classic Alan Greenspan, Fed Chair from 1987-2006. The yellow metal has hit a new record dollar high of $2111. Traditionally it’s the ultimate safe-haven investment, and thrives in time of uncertainty. However, it’s also on a tear because of expectations of US rate cuts, the weaker dollar making it cheaper for non-dollar buyers. The FT points out rising gold reserves at non-aligned and BRICS nations have been rising – as these nations have sold US treasuries, they’ve bought gold instead. (Much of what follows is based on an article I wrote for Property Chronicle earlier this year. Great magazine – try it out!) Gold: Why Gold? Its intrinsically useless – but, oh, so beautiful. Everyone wants some – and not without reason. Whatever we think about history and value, or the returns on other “safe-haven” assets, there remain very good reasons to include Gold as part of a diversified asset portfolio. Let’s get the “desirability” and emotional aspects out the way. I am told a significant influence on the price of gold is the weather – a good monsoon in India means farmers buy more bangles for their daughters weddings from the gold souks. It is beautiful. It is lustrous. It is unblemished. It is Gold. Always believe in… Gold! There will always be demand for gold for personal adornment – which is pretty much irrelevant when it comes to its proposition as an investment asset. As an investment in its own right gold performs well; over the last 50 years Gold prices have risen over 3000%, compared to a 3500% gain in the S&P500. However, in periods of financial instability gold outperforms stocks – notably over the past 20-years even though the prices of financial assets were artificially juiced by the effects of zero interest rates! In terms of risk, companies come and go, but Gold is forever. If the world remains unstable – and no reason to think it won’t – then gold should be front and centre on your radar – no matter how archaic you consider it. Goldbugs always start by telling you what a superb store of value the yellow metal is in times of financial uncertainty. Certainly, the world has seldom felt financially less certain than it does today;
Goldphobes claim gold is no longer what gold once was. 80 years ago, Allied Airmen around the globe had Gold Sovereigns stitched into the linings of their flight suits to facilitate escape if shot-down – everyone, everywhere, knew hard gold was the ultimate store of wealth and value and exchangeable everywhere and anywhere. In the Middle ages Viking wealth was defined by the gold armbands warriors wore – they would hew off lumps to pay for goods, again secure in the knowledge of its value. Gold worked because it was easily accepted as a medium of exchange. That is no longer true. Escaping airmen in dodgy countries will be asked by dodgy smugglers to pay in equally dodgy crypto. In a world where retail outlets will only accept electronic cash via card or mobile device, you are unlikely to find a grog shop willing to carefully weigh your shavings of gold to calculate the weight of gold equivalent to a pint based on the current price. (To be fair, there are even fewer pubs willing to accept a bearer Treasury bond.) In terms of a medium of exchange, gold has become somewhat hypothetical – which has been happening for decades since nations came off the Gold Standard. As a result, gold in the form of easily traded gold linked investments and Exchange Traded Funds (EFTs) linked to the Gold price is now the simplest way to hold gold exposure. That is not risk free. You will have counterparty risk. Gold purists (ahem) say this is dangerous – having direct physical control of specie is the only truly safe way to own gold. I take the pragmatic view that if my Blackrock Gold ETF defaults, events will mean that redeeming my gold vouchers will be among the last of my immediate worries.
As for sovereign bonds such as US Treasuries or UK Gilts, I have a very simple approach to their value as safe haven assets. What is the likelihood is they will repay in full? High. And what is the risk of inflation? High. Gold is a good inflation hedge, but the downside of any Sovereign Financial Nation is that they own the keys to the money printing presses. That means all a government has to do to repay debt is press print to repay outstanding debt. That leaves the nation exposed to consequences including rising inflation by increasing the money supply, and a collapse in its currency (from money printing and inflation), and a negative shift in its terms of trade, further destabilising the economy. Bonds are never completely free of risk. There is a simple way to consider such risks – the Virtuous Sovereign Trinity: that a nation with a stable currency, a sustainable bond market, and political competency will tend to do well and be able to keep the trinity in balance. If one part fails – as we saw dramatically demonstrated during the brief but too long Liz Truss premiership when her brash political naivety spiked the Gilts market – then the result is chaos. IF there is one particular risk to Sovereign Bond markets to be aware of, it’s the US 2024 Elections. This morning Donald Trump is leading the polls in five of the key swing states. If he wins the consensus is for a serious re-appraisal of the US Treasury market and the US dollar by global investors. Although there is no other as liquid safe-haven asset and global trade is de facto dollarised – the risks of the US Virtuous Sovereign Trinity being upended by vengeful Trump should not be underestimated. It’s would undoubtably boost the price of gold if US treasury investors decide gold looks a better option! Finally, let’s consider the pretender to the safe-haven market; Cryptocurrencies, and Bitcoin in particular, claim to be digital gold. Bollchocks. They are not. They are constructs of pointlessness. They claim to be a store of value – they are not, witness the enormous volatility in prices. They claim to be freely exchangeable – they are not, they are subject to ongoing concerns on legality, traceability and the safety of trade execution. They claim to a means of exchange – or as a very funny TV ad put it’s as a chap tries to buy some apples from a scruffy roadside stall: “which cryptocurrency would you like settle this transaction in?”
Bill is a well known broadcaster and commentator, with over 30-years experience working for leading investment banks and brokerages at senior levels. He's been closely involved in the growth and development of the global fixed income markets, and pioneered complex financial products including capital, asset-backed securities and private placements. Increasingly, he's been involved in Real and Alternative Assets looking to explain their complexity and create liquidity in them. Bill is a passionate sailor, talentless painter, plays guitar badly, is learning the bagpipes, and built a train-set in his attic. He is a regular speaker on, and the FinancialSurvivorNetwork radio shows. Chris was also featured on the cover of AmalgaTrader Magazine, and contributes articles to several financial hubs like
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