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Weaponizing Hurricanes
TL Davis

The nation is witnessing an attack on the people of North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida, but no more vividly than in the devastated towns of North Carolina. This is an attack by the federal government, DHS especially, who control the budget of FEMA. FEMA who treats illegal aliens as celebrities, lavishing them with gifts and preferential treatment while it turns its back on the very people who have filled their coffers. Did your RINO representative (like mine, Ronnie (RINO) Jackson in Texas) know this when they voted for the CR, or was this response intended to cover for failing to pass the CR and it seemed like a such a good plan to increase FEMA’s budget to pay for illegals that they let it run, even though the CR should have covered it? Where did that money go? 

Disband FEMA. If it failed in this instance, it has no purpose whatsoever. Crush it. Everything within the purview of Senor Mayorkas is an anti-American plot, with a jealous hatred that spews from his glaring, feverish eyes. If one could envision an evil villain, they would envision the actions of Mayorkas. 

The bigger issue is that the people don’t need FEMA, they don’t need government at all, to this level. With this all-encompassing level of government, it is much more detrimental to the people than anything else. All of the necessary functions of government (if there are such things) could be handled in a couple of office buildings. We don’t need an FBI, or an IRS. It has been proven time and again that most of the functions of the government can certainly be handled by state and local governments other than interactions on behalf of the whole with other nations. If you break these 50 united states into more manageable and less corrupt confederations of states who have mutual cooperation agreements with other confederations, the governments could better respond to emergencies and present a solid defensive posture to the rest of the world. An alternative can and should be found to prevent any single political party from commandeering all the efforts of all the people of all the states to in effect attack other portions of these United States as has been demonstrated by the actions of FEMA in both the illegal immigrant issue as well as disaster response. 

We don’t have to live like this. The great virtue of the Americans is that they have big hearts and readily supply those in distress with the supplies and logistics to relieve them. It is this same great virtue that often defeats the Americans at every turn. Being of virtue, they are unable to imagine, even when it is laid bare before their eyes, that there are those without this virtue. Thus the average American doesn’t know how to translate a FEMA admission that it has no money for disaster relief into the vindictive, hateful response to the suffering of the American people that it truly is. 

The scope of this can be found at this link. I have no independent knowledge of this, but it aligns with a number of posts and such that I’ve seen, for which I have no corroborating evidence either. There does come a time when enough unsubstantiated reports, all telling of the same conditions, provide a sort of supporting mechanism of their own, if one puts that against the official narrative of a snake like Senor Mayorkas. 

As I said in a previous post, when you look at these sorts of disasters, they may or may not be calculated and sometimes the response to them is as enlightening as the event itself. Take, for instance, East Palestine, OH and the derailment of the train carrying toxic substances, the irrational response to ignite it and the lack of support in the aftermath as an attack on the people of the United States. 

I would say these are attacks on MAGA dominated areas, but that simply lessens the criminality of it, gives it some sort of justification in the minds of the media and their communist conspirators. It should be seen simply as an attack on the American people, if not the hurricane itself, at least the response, or lack of it, and the denial of access to volunteers, who are often more experienced at this sort of thing than anyone in government. The idea of funneling all donations through FEMA of cash or supplies can be seen as a means of furthering the damage of the initial attack. Sort of like a kill squad moving into a bombsite to make sure that whoever was not killed by the blast could be executed on the ground. 

The other lesson of Hurricane Helene is that a government that is organized to provide something is also organized to deny something. That’s pervasive through all governments on every level. The difference in whether they provide something or deny it is in the ideology of the people at the top. Were this an illegal immigrant camp, the response would have been much different. What we see from federal government today is the concerted effort to ensure that those at the top of FEMA, or any other entity, is a communist, with a hatred for the American people and the structure of the United States in preserving their rights. 

Another consideration is the poll that came out not too long ago where “climate change” was only seen by about 17% of the people as a serious challenge to America and it sure seemed to me that hidden deep within the message from Senor Mayorkas was the insinuation that since we did not take “climate change” seriously enough for him, that this was an opportunity to make us suffer for our logical conclusion that it is not a threat, that it is, in fact, a hoax made up by globalists and communists such as him. 

At the end of the day, though, if Hurricane Helene were not a weapon of weather manipulation, the lack of response to it has certainly been a weapon all its own. American citizens are dying still as a result of lack of response, of denied supplies and, in some cases, threatening volunteers with imprisonment if they continued to try and save their fellow Americans. If nothing else separates the American people from their government, this does. 

Though not definitive, it is as definitive as any other so-called disasters, and looms as not only an attack on middle-America, but a threat for more such attacks unless we, the people, change our minds and accept communism in all its aspects. All we have to do, as Americans, to achieve this is to cut our own hearts of virtue out of our bodies and become as cold and manipulative as they are. 

One of the several websites, from whom I generally receive subscribers, is Chasing Ghosts podcast. Bill Buppert is an expert in all things of military organization and weaponry. He should play a part in the rebuilding of the military or at least Special Forces in some future administration, or governmental division. I heartily recommend his site for those who want to take a deeper dive into the real problems with the current U.S. military. is still the home of quality fiction. If Westerns aren’t your thing, Rebel and Rogue are more modern (1970s). If you look to the right of the green box on the Amazon page, there are paperback editions of both of them available. If you don’t want to buy from Amazon, you can get the physical novels from Twelveround. Read the reviews of those who have commented on Amazon to get a feel for what’s in store.






A novelist, screenwriter and film producer writes about politics and American culture.

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