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“The Council” Who is Running the United States of America?
 Gregory Stenstrom

Unveiling the Faces of an Elitist Assault on America

What you need to know to understand what’s happening and why. I suspect the “International Bankers” are controlling these people.


“The Council” and everyone and everything that emanates from them, has controlled the United States for the past fifty years for the purpose of extracting our nation’s wealth. Our constitutional government and the federal workforce’s purpose is to protect our wealth, and the “public good” of the American people. “The Council’s” purpose is to crush and destroy it.

They use the tools of indictments, obstruction, and government agencies they have weaponized to attack their enemies under false color of law. They alone select who will be winners and losers in politics, business, the economy, media, elections, education, and do so with complete amorality.

Exposing them by name, their corruption and means of control, and identifying how to dismantle their illegitimate power is the first step in the restoration of the United States of America as a constitutional republic.


(Current members of “The Council” include; US Inspector General Michael Horowitz, FBI Director Christopher Wray, US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Director Office Professional Responsibility (OPR) Jeffrey Ragsdale, Chief Public Integrity Sector (PIN) Corey Amundson, Deputy USAG Lisa Monaco, 1st Principal Deputy USAG Marshall Miller.)

The Council is an “untouchable,” legislatively codified, sui generis[1] organization with tentacles embedded in every government agency and branch of government except for the Supreme Court of the United States.

From their perspective, they own the United States of America. It is “theirs,” and “they” are its self-appointed stewards. Anyone who is “not them” are “useful idiots,” “useful innocents,” or human chattel to be discarded to necro-politics.[2] The rest of us are expendable “carbon units” assigned positive and negative values depending on our relative usefulness to them. This is their language.

Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller

Former FBI Director James Comey

CIGIE - Former FBI Director Robert Mueller

Former US Attorney General Eric Holder

(“Emeritus” and pseudo-current members of “The Council”: Former USAG William Barr, former USAG Jeffrey Rosen, former Deputy USAG Richard Donahue, former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, former FBI Director James Comey, former USAG Eric Holder, CIGIE “Special Counsel” Jack Smith)

Their construct of reality is more akin to the way a corporate industrial farm executive, in suit and tie, looks upon the stewardship of livestock, or how most humans think of ants. If something is harvestable and profitable, then that respective “carbon unit” has a positive value. If something has a negative value, it is of no consequence, starved, or butchered.

To simplify this construct as a “war” between “good” and “evil” is correct. “The Council” does not operate in a construct of morality and spiritualism.

As the “The Council’s” operations and deceptions are unmasked, it will become clear that there is no “heaven” or “hell,” or divine accountability, from their perspective. “This” is it. “This” is all there is. There is nothing beyond our earthly dimension of concern to them, any more than there might be to a lizard.

Do not trouble yourself yet with the “why” and pathology. When someone is treating you like livestock, it is first necessary for your immediate survival to Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (“OODA”). Unless, of course, you prefer to be a well-behaved, sheered sheep on your way to the slaughterhouse.

For the purposes of this treatise and exposé, it is sufficient that these arch-nemeses of the Constitution have names and faces, and the first phase in the deconstruction of “The Council” is exposing its key players, and how they operate.

root cause analysis of the reasons for “why things are the way they are” in the United States of America is that the subject (root) and the ultimate goal of these self-entitled “stewards,” is maintaining “state capture,”[3] and “finishing the job” of self-serving objectives to an elite class, euphemized as “progressive social reconstruction,”[4] to ensure their harvest and wealth extraction machine remains uninterrupted.

To this end, “The Council,” in addition to controlling weaponized government agencies through the seventy-four (74) Inspectors General embedded in government agencies, controls a Political Arm, an Intelligence Arm, an Infiltration Arm, a Business Arm, a Propaganda Arm, and an Entertainment Arm.

“The Council” aka “CIGIE” aka “Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency”

The “Inspector General Act of 1978” (the “IG Act”) was legislation introduced by the US Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, in the wake of Watergate and the resignation of President Richard Nixon, to “improve government programs and operations through greater transparency and accountability,” establishing the first twelve (12) presidentially appointed Inspectors General in federal agencies.

As a follow up to the “Public Officials Integrity Act of 1977,” the committee codified the Inspectors General’ unilateral, complete independence from any other government agency management as a key characteristic for success. Only a handful of US Senators, Congressmen, and key public officials were cognizant at that time of the power such an entity would eventually wield. It is relevant but beyond the scope of this article to go back further to the Trilateral Commission and “New Deal.”

This federal agency entity is now more commonly referred to as the “CIGIE” (pronounced as “sig-ee”) by federal employees, but to the power brokers of the United States of America, it remains, and is still referred to, as “The Council.”[5]

Whether the intent of the formation of “The Council” was originally crafted to promote good government stewardship, or malevolently implemented as a tool of progressive social reconstruction, “The Council” has morphed into the master of US politics, policy, and the economy.

They are above the system. Over it. Beyond it. Familial and generational. They are the “them” who now bend the American people and our elected representatives to their will, and up to now, it has all been done in the open, wrapped in the US flag, under false color of law and detriment to the American people.

Every “investigation” of public official malfeasance and corruption falls within the realm of their purview. They unilaterally decide the trajectory of “justice” in the United States, and hence, who is “punished” and who is not. Any appointed or elected public official – including the President of the United States – is ripe for their “investigation,” isolation, smearing, persecution in the guise of prosecution, and destruction at their whim.

They are the puppet masters of a wide variety of boogeymen crafted or adapted to their purposes.

“Root Cause Analysis” (RCA) Litmus Test[6]

The proposition of this treatise, hypothesis, and exposé is that “The Council,” otherwise known as the “CIGIE,” controls the United States of America. While the CIGIE proper, and its Political ArmInfiltrator ArmBusiness ArmPropaganda Arm, and Entertainment Arm, will first ignore this premise, and savage it when it takes hold with its target audiences, it cannot get around a basic “litmus test” for nearly every ailment of our nation.

Going forward, pick any person, event, issue, indictment, investigation, and incident that has created turmoil in the United States of America,

With the simplest of Internet sleuthing, and even with the “behavioral control” and shaping of Google and burgeoning artificial intelligence search engines, whether a Person of Interest (POI) is a politician, federal judge, senior public official, or even an “ally” or “enemy” of President Trump (as one example), at the root, the hand of “The Council” will be revealed.

All roads lead back to “The Council,” its arms (tentacles) and those they control through threats of investigation, indictment, and prosecution; or conversely, the obstruction of investigations.

The “forcing function” is the threat or obstruction of investigation by “The Council.”

There is one corollary variant to this “litmus test,” which contradicts the basic assumption that “The Council” relies on competent and capable people. While this is most often true for critical path items and issues which cannot be mismanaged, one of the objectives of maintaining “state capture” is to instill an emotion of despair and futility in government. For this purpose, “The Council” delights in installing the inept, colossally stupid, and clownish government officials to frustrate the citizenry. These people fall under the “Bread and Circus – Send in the Clowns” branch of the “Entertainment Arm.”

A few simple hypothetical tests are:

Operation Fast and Furious

Operation Fast and Furious was a botched gun-smuggling operation conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in 2009-2011. The operation aimed to track the flow of weapons from the United States to Mexico, but it ultimately failed to achieve its goals and led to the loss of thousands of firearms. The ATF allowed licensed gun dealers in the United States to sell firearms to suspected straw purchasers, who would then transport them to Mexico. The ATF hoped to track the weapons and disrupt the cartels’ supply chain. When it failed, and thousands of weapons were lost, and resulted in the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and people above and below the US-Mexico border, it was referred to “The Council” (aka the CIGIE). Former US Attorney General Eric Holder was implicated. Holder was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents related to the sting operation. The controversy led to multiple investigations, including one by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The investigation was obstructed, languished, and finally dropped in 2019. Nothing happened besides silence from “The Council.”

For that matter, a primary target of “The Council” in protecting US interests and the citizenry should presumably be “the cartels,” yet they continue to not only exist, but flourish at the largesse of “The Council.”

The Fast and Furious example follows a simple trajectory:

    1. “The Council” conducts, or authorizes, an unlawful operation.
    2. “The Council” or perpetrators get caught.
    3. “The Council” obstructs investigations from oversight (Congress and the federal courts), and instead “investigates” itself.
    4. The investigation is undocumented, correspondence unserialized undiscoverable, or hidden, and the investigation and case dropped.

Virtually all people and things that emanate from “The Council” serve them, and all investigations that implicate them, or anyone under their protection, is mitigated or dropped.

Anyone who challenges or interferes with “The Council” is referred for investigation, indicted, prosecuted, and destroyed.

Hidden in Plain Sight (“HPS”)

The Council (CIGIE) actively fosters and uses “conspiracy theories” and “gaslighting” to mask their identities, purpose and power.

Would be rulers don’t play with toys or things, they play with people, and their emotions.

Boogeymen like “the Swamp,” “progressives,” “the cabal,” “the deep state,” “neocons,” “communists,” “Q,” the DNC and GOP “Uniparty,” “RINO’s,” “election deniers,” “January 6-ers,” the “central bank,” “Diversity Equality Inclusion (DEI),” “antivaxxers,” “far right” and “far left” organizations with or without manifestos, are all tools they either coin, create, or leverage that effectively mask the immense power and relatively small numbers of “The Council.”

The Council sets other individual misfits and misanthropes in motion, and both domestic and foreign terrorist organizations that they create, infiltrate, or allow to exist, to execute violence when it suits their purpose to polarize and further confuse the US public.

This permits “The Council” and their minions to hide in plain sight, while they “fundamentally transform” our nation into a manageable collective of living carbon units to serve their needs.

There is no “Deep State,” “New World Order” or “New Society” as far as “The Council” is concerned. There is only their Order.

Organizational Structure

There is a well-designed selection and culling process crafted over the past five decades since the legislative birth of “The Council” in 1978. “The Council” cultivates prospective members as government administrators, public officials, operators (intelligence), embedded agency Inspectors General, informants, entertainers, and personalities.

Career stops to seats on “The Council” are akin to military career paths with “command tours” that include “Special Counsels,” Directorships of premier government agencies. and “Chief of Staff” billets. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), federal Intelligence agencies, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) – are all highly coveted “plum” command billets.[7]

For clarification, “The Council” is not a separate branch of “government.” Rather, “The Council” controls the Government for their own personal advantage.

A full listing of US Inspectors General for seventy-four (74) federal agencies can be found at: and

To serve the culture of pathological narcissism or maintain karmic balance[8], “The Council” seems perpetually compelled to publicly announce their intentions before execution. They telegraph every intention and plan. All the public must do is listen to them and believe they will do what they say.

Recognizing “The Council’s” hierarchal structure and karmic announcements are the first steps in exposing them. We explain this herein and conclude with proposed solutions on how to counter this insidious organization and regain control of our Republic.

Operational Structure

The most important takeaway from this treatise and exposé is that “The Council” leaders do NOT report to the President of the United States, US Senators and Congressman, their appointed Cabinets, and Directors of federal agencies. Rather, politicians are beholden to “The Council.”

“The Council’s” “Political Arm” are those politicians selected, installed, and protected – by “The Council” – to do their bidding and implement their directives and policy. In return for these politicians’ fealty and submission, they indirectly wield the power of “The Council” with complete immunity from laws and the Constitution. “The Council” is solely responsible for investigating crimes, or obstructing investigations and attacking and disposing of anyone who might attempt to hold them, and their agents, accountable. All federal “whistleblowers” must, as a matter of law, report to their respective Inspectors General, and defacto “The Council.”

The Political Arm

(The “Political Arm” of “The Council” (CIGIE) includes President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, US Senator Chuck Grassley (Chair of the Senate Oversight Committee), US Senator Chuck Schumer, Congressman Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Mitch McConnell, Congressman Jerry Nadler, and Congressman Jamie Raskin)

The Department of “Just-Us”

The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), as an independent entity within the federal government, encompasses and completely controls the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and all US Intelligence agencies via their respective embedded Inspectors General.

Within the inner circles of the CIGIE, the Department of Justice is referred to as the Department of “Just-Us.” With the power to retaliate, create dossiers on anyone, surveil anyone, indict and prosecute anyone, and obstruct any investigation into their own malfeasance, or their minions, with an army of armed agents to unilaterally inflict their will – the CIGIE can do as they please.

For clarification, few people join the DOJ, FBI, or federal law enforcement agencies as “Special Agents” with the intention to be a “bad guy” (or woman). Many are “good.” They are unaware, until they are either corrupted, or remain uncorrupted and learn from hard experience that resistance is futile. Federal agents and employees who have attempted to be “whistleblowers” have been decimated throughout the history of the CIGIE. To fight them is surety of professional suicide, personal devastation, and in some cases – death.

CIGIE members include (the) Inspector General Michael Horowitz; all statutory Inspectors General (now 74), along with other relevant officers, including the Director of the Public Integrity Sector (the “PIN”); the Director and Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); the Director of the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR); and the Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget, who serves as both the executive chairperson and as the Federal Government’s Chief Operating Officer; and the Office of Special Counsel.

The “Office of Special Counsel” (“OSC”) within the Department of Justice (DOJ) primarily oversees investigations related to allegations of misconduct or wrongdoing by DOJ employees, as well as matters involving conflicts of interest or other ethical concerns. This office is responsible for ensuring that DOJ employees “adhere to ethical standards” and “conduct themselves appropriately in their roles” (if it does not conflict with protecting the CIGIE). Note that the OSC is distinct from the “Special Counsels” appointed to investigate specific matters of significant public interest, such as the investigation led by Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections, and Jack Smith’s indictments of President Trump for “obstructing the transfer of power” after the 2020 U.S. elections.

The OPR is responsible for investigating all allegations of public misconduct and ethical violations, including within the CIGIE itself, and reports directly to the CIGIE, a convenient arrangement for quietly keeping potentially ugly investigations of any DOJ, CIGIE or FBI misconduct “in house.”

Hence, the “CIGIE,” or “The Council” are the “untouchables” of the US federal government, with virtually unlimited powers to control, isolate, contain, punish, and destroy anyone who gets in their way – which includes elected US Congressmen, US Senators, State Governors – and US Presidents.

“The Council” Origins

The CIGIE has played the key role in every report of misconduct within federal agencies since its inception. Marcus G. Raskin, (father of Congressman Jamie Raskin) was the penultimate architect who contrived “The Council” as a means of seizing control of US justice agencies to co-opt the US government. Raskin was the Editor in Chief of the book “The Federal Budget and Social Reconstruction: The People and the State,” otherwise known as “Progressive Social Reconstruction: The People and the State,” published by the Institute for Policy Studies (that Marcus Raskin founded), in 1978, notably the same year that “The Council” was also created.

Raskin also edited or wrote many other books and treatises on “liberalism,” and “social reconstruction.”[i] These “manifestos,” and blueprints for “transforming” the United States, and the language and terms coined by Raskin still loudly resonate today on the tongues of every Council member, and those beholden to them. To read them, and trace their implementation of dictates, is to align and trace the trajectory of the formation of “The Council” and its deleterious impact on the United States today.

Capitalism Communism (CAPCOMM)

The “big lie” of Marcus Raskin’s “progressive social reconstruction” and its purported utopian vision, is that it is a ruse. The disguised intent of its authors and adherents is to accumulate wealth for themselves to the detriment of a tightly controlled populace, bringing us back to the earlier livestock analogy.

“Progressive Social Reconstruction” which combines Capitalism with Communism, embodies the worst aspects of capitalist and communist ideologies. It is government intrusion into people’s lives in which an elite, self-appointed, ruling class acting as capitalists uses the government for their own financial gain. We are already living under this system whereby “the government” oversees and regulates the economy, and our lives.

This is a complete reversal of what “The Council” refers to as an “outdated” Constitution of the United States. Their interest is the destruction of our nations’ Founders’ vision of a government “of the people, for the people” to illegitimately install, and maintain, a system of their absolute control over Americans.

The results are well crafted lies and policies that extract wealth and financially control our nation. Attacks on our religious institutions, the dismantling of our education system, the sexualization of children, “open borders,” “15-Minute Cities,” “fossil fuel,” “green energy,” “climate change,” “social credit scores,” “polygenderism,” “defund the police,” “black lives matter,” depopulation agendas, “DEI,” “cancel culture,” censorship, forced vaccinations, and the entire “woke” agenda, are all products of their twisted ideologies and rejection of God.

In a “progressive social reconstruction” or “CapComm” world, all but the ruling class must be assimilated into a slave state “for their safety and security.”

Eric Hoffer – The Deplorables

To better understand the means of implementation of “The Council” contrived by Raskin under the noses of, and unwitting acquiescence of the US citizenry, the most telling preceding treatise to Marcus Raskin’s body of manifestos is “The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements” (1951) by Eric Hoffer.

“In the fourth chapter, Hoffer uses a word to name the group of “failures, misfits, outcasts, criminals, and all those who have lost their footing, or never had one”: undesirables. He might as well have called them “(a basket of) deplorables.” Having no footing is exactly the experience of the middle class. Hoffer says that one group particularly susceptible to mass movements are the ones who have memories of success that has been lost. People who have always been poor do not see anything unusual in poverty, but, as with the French Revolution, when the poor are given a taste of rising standards of living, they realize what is possible, while seeing it denied to them.” [ii]

Hillary Clinton was certainly well acquainted with the treatises and manifestos of Hoffer and Marcus Raskin, when she said those fateful three words – “basket of deplorables” [9] – referring to the livestock of the American Republic – “in the final months of her 2016 presidential campaign, making rhetorical and political history. There were two kinds of Donald Trump supporters, she explained: Voters who feel abandoned and desperate, who she placed in one metaphorical basket, and those she called “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic.””[10]

Donald J. Trump, the consummate populist, and lightning rod for the “deplorable” class coined by Hoffer astutely recognized and seized on Clinton’s guffaw and insult of “the People” and connected it to his “Make America Great Again” (“MAGA”) mass movement, to the dismay and consternation of “The Council.”

President Trump masterfully seized the opportunity to take hold of the disenfranchised Americans openly denigrated by Hillary, that “The Council” had exploited for decades while hidden in plain sight. Trump’s power and popularity made him an immediate, dangerous enemy of “The Council.”

The subsequent overwhelming support for President Trump spoiled the election rigging “The Council” had in place for Clinton (whom they could control and had selected). But, they did not have the infrastructure in place to rig the 2016 election “enough.” They would not make the same mistake in 2020. From that moment forward, Trump had to be destroyed.

Destroying President Trump

Michael Horowitz, the current Inspector General of the DOJ installed in 2012, and director of the CIGIE, is the leading figure behind the growing list of indictments against President Donald Trump.

William Barr, who served as the United States Attorney General, also played a significant role in the development of the CIGIE’s plans to destroy President Trump.

Jeffrey Rosen was another prominent figure within the DOJ who coordinated operations with the CIGIE. Rosen served as both Deputy Attorney General, and US Attorney General, after Barr resigned, when Rosen assumed oversight of the CIGIE, and they begat the current US Attorney General, Merrick Garland.

Together, the DOJ, the CIGIE, and Inspector General Michael Horowitz previously investigated the handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation; the Department of Defense Inspector General’s investigation into the use of funds for military projects and construction along the U.S.-Mexico border; the Department of State Inspector General’s investigation into the mishandling of classified information by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General’s investigation into the implementation of immigration policies and the treatment of illegal aliens at the U.S.-Mexico border, the creation of the false President Trump “Russia, Russia, Russia” dossier; and most recently the investigation of allegations regarding the Biden family’s dealings in Ukraine, China, and Russia, and the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.[11] All were quashed by “The Counsel.”

This is just to name a few of hundreds of the “investigations” that went into a well-tuned, inequitable, meat grinding, bureaucratic process where “The Council,” CIGIE, and “Department of Just-Us” unilaterally decided who would hold the reigns of governance in the United States – and who would not – in a pattern of deception that has become rote to the American people.

The author, Gregory Stenstrom, filed a formal disclosure, with referral of criminal charges, and hard physical evidence of massive election fraud in the November 2020 presidential election with the Chairman of the US House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan, a year ago, on July 4th, 2023, which can be found here.[12] Jordan, who has aspirations for Speaker of the House in 2025, never responded despite multiple follow-ups and direct calls from multiple fellow Congressmen.

The Intelligence Arm

All fifty-one (51) of the former “intelligence” officials, or “spies who lied,” that cast doubt on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal in a public letter were operatives of, and beholden to, “The Council.”

(Emeritus and pseudo-current US Intelligence heads beholden to “The Council” include the “51 spies who lied”[iii] among whose leaders were former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and former CIA Director Mike Hayden)

The CIGIE purposefully quashed investigations into any meaningful allegations of massive election fraud in the 2020 presidential election, and instead authorized and initiated investigations of all kinds into President Donald Trump, and nearly all of his conservative allies. The CIGIE weaponized, under color of law, the full weight of the US federal government against the American people’s lawfully elected representatives who did not align with “The Council’s” agenda of state capture for wealth extraction.

The Infiltration Arm

(Notable CIGIE “infiltrators” include former Obama White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zeintz, former Biden White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, former White House Chief Counsel Pat Cipollone (now a law Partner of William Barr, former Director of OMB Russ Vought, and Mike Davis, former Chief Counsel for Nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley)

Never underestimate the play of luck, or the role of the spy.” – Colonel Timothy Shindelar (USMC retired)

Who better than the “esteemed” members of “The Council” to recommend assignments to critical governmental staff positions closest to US Presidents? With those CIGIE endorsed people acting as the left and right hands of past and current Presidents, Bush (41 and 43), Clinton, Obama and Biden were all under the watchful eye of, or beholden to “The Council’s” spiderweb of control, and its directives.

President Trump, the billionaire, businessman extraordinaire, populist, and patriot, while an intuitive savant, was (and some might say still is) an amateur and outsider to the wielding of political power in the United States. He was new to a monolithic, career bureaucratic structure created long before he was born, and that has been diligently perfected over the previous forty-six (46) years since “The Council” was formed, prior to him taking office on January 20th, 2017.

It was easy for the soothsayers and operatives of “The Council” to “recommend” that their most trusted agents should also be President Trump’s most trusted agents. It should not be a wonder that nearly every initiative and goal of President Trump during his presidency was attacked from inception, and great credit to his persistence that many succeeded.

Attorney Pat Cipollone, Chief White House Counsel for President Trump, has testified that he urged the President to not challenge the fraudulent election. Cipollone testified before the illegitimate “January 6th Committee” and appeared in mainstream media as a pundit negatively portraying President Trump.[13] Exactly what might be expected from an attorney who has no problem violating attorney-client privilege. It should not be a surprise that Cipollone is now a Partner in former US Attorney General Barr’s current Torridan Law firm. Former White House deputy counsels Patrick Philbin and Kate Todd also joined Torridan with Cipollone, completing a trifecta of attorneys that “advised” President Trump.[14] Others joining Torridon included Fred Fielding, who served as White House counsel to the late Presidents George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan; and Tim Shea, the Trump-era acting leader of the Drug Enforcement Administration. The aforementioned litmus test described earlier would appear to be akin to sulfuric acid in these cases.

Former Director of Office of Management and Budget, Russ Vought sought, and still seeks to administratively overturn the 1883, Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, otherwise known as the federal workforce Merit System, and essentially return the federal workforce to the 1829 “Spoils” system of political appointments. The merit system is the process of promoting and hiring government employees based on their ability to perform a job, rather than on their political connections. The merit system does not always lead to the choice of the most competent job candidate, but it is effective in eliminating those most incompetent. While it is an imperfect system, it does ensure bureaucratic and government stability from presidential administration to administration, prevents radical ideological shifts, and mitigates political corruption.

More saliently, Vought’s vision was, and still is, to reclassify over two million federal workers as “at will” employees, jeopardize their jobs, for the purpose of injecting Christianity into the government. Aside from this being within the realm of the Congress and a legislative matter, from a leadership perspective no commander can run a ship with the threat of replacing its crew based on their religious beliefs as a starting point of good governance. Vought was confirmed by the Senate 51-45 in July 2020 along partisan lines as the Director of Office of Management and Budget after serving in that position from January 2nd, 2019, as Acting Director.[15] He is currently President Trump’s strategic advisor for transitioning government assuming he wins the November 2024 election.

From “The Council’s” perspective, they could only be gleeful regarding Vought’s self-styled proposals for a “Post Constitutional Government” that directly aligns with their goal of maintaining state capture. Vought’s imperfect, ideological vision of installing political appointees is exactly why both the Merit System and the CIGIE were created in the first place. The proof of “The Council’s” approval, is that they did absolutely nothing but let Vought ping off the federal bureaucracy like an acorn hitting a battleship, ignored him, and focused on destroying President Trump. There are lawful executive, legislative and judicial means of addressing corruption that Vought does not seem interested in. They are simple, but not easy, and could take several years to get traction, but they will work. Our founders gave us a Constitution and Constitutional Republic that includes the means to preserve it if it falls to corruption and tyranny. The solution is not to write a new set of “post constitutional rules” and throw out the Constitution, which is what our enemies want, but rather to embrace it more than ever, and use it to restore the Republic.

Regarding Mike Davis, he directly emanated from “The Council” and US Senator Grassley, and diligently worked to install federal judges under President Trump – the same judges that rejected to hear or dismissed key election fraud challenges. Davis is now guiding President Trump’s legal strategy. Aside from bluster and noise, how has that worked out?

The author and Leah Hoopes have had hard physical evidence of massive election fraud in Pennsylvania that was replicated in centralized counting centers in key swing states and pivot counties since November 7th, 2020. They were co-defendants with President Trump and Rudy Giuliani in a Philadelphia defamation case and won the case Pro Se (self-represented) using “truth is a complete defense.” Aside from the fact that Trump and Giuliani were saved millions of dollars in legal fees, that same evidence could exonerate President Trump across the country. And yet, silence from Davis and those in a phalanx around him.

Occam’s Razor applies. The simplest answer, no matter how unpalatable, is usually the answer. If a problem emanates from “The Council” or they permit something else to be a problem, then the person, place, or thing, serves them, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Russ Vought and Mike Davis do not have to be “bad actors,” just bad at their jobs, unaware, or inexperienced. The result is the same. Trump and our Republic on fire.

With this knowledge and historical perspective, it becomes easy to see that while it is necessary that President Trump be returned to the US Presidency, it is by no means sufficient, as long as “The Council” is free to infiltrate, control, remove, and harass any and all of his closest allies and champions.

The Business Arm

(Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer)

Marcus Raskin’s vision of “Progressive social reconstruction” and “CapComm” creates and/or controls private corporations, who are beholden to, and must comply with “The Council’s” dictates, or face the full weight and wrath of the CIGIE, a weaponized US government, and the US Department of “Just-Us.”

The citizenry has been duped into believing “globalist” corporations are in control of “everything” when the opposite is true. Just as it does in elections, “The Council” selects and decides who will be the most prolific “winners” and “losers” in US and global business.

Bill Gates, and Microsoft, first found themselves in “The Council’s” crosshairs in 1990. After the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (which was first assigned an Inspector General (IG) in 1989) dropped an antitrust action, the DOJ and then US Attorney General Janet Reno picked up the prosecution and began the turn of the screws to forcibly create a CapComm relationship with “The Council” to keep Microsoft under their thumbs. The CIGIE pounded on Microsoft over the next two decades to ensure they maintained the reins on the trajectory of the expansion of personal computer technology and “the Internet” to the citizenry of the US and the world.

(See: United States v. Microsoft (pdf)


The CapComm “public private partnership” which was shoved down the unwilling throats of not only Microsoft, but also Google, other large “tech” companies, and “social media” pioneers Facebook and Twitter, have become part of the overall weaponized tool bag that the CIGIE wields to control the citizenry.

Blackmail and Extortion

When lawfare and financial extortion is insufficient, simple blackmail works just as well. J. Edgar Hoover, the long-serving director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), maintained secret files on over 20,000 Americans he deemed “subversive.” These files, kept under his personal control, contained damaging information on politicians, activists, and individuals he perceived as threats.[16]

The heritage of blackmail lives on with “The Council’s” complete control and weaponization of every federal intelligence agency, including (now) the FBI, which they have subverted from the world’s premier investigative and law enforcement agency to the ugliest domestic intelligence bureau since the KGB.

Former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (deceased)
IRS Director Lois Lerner

(Former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (deceased), IRS Director Lois Lerner, Jeffrey Epstein)

Federal justice, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies are not the only hammers in “The Council’s” tool bag. The IRS targeting controversy was a political controversy that emerged in 2013, under Obama, involving the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and its treatment of “subversive” conservative and liberal political groups seeking tax-exempt status.

Lois Lerner, the Director of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Exempt Organizations Division, was at the center of the IRS Targeting Scandal. She revealed the targeting in a May 2013 conference, and later invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and refused to testify before Congress. Despite conclusive and substantiated charges of the weaponization of the IRS by Congressional investigation and a Justice Department investigation, in 2015, the Department of “Just-Us” refused to prosecute Lerner, or proceed with any further investigation, citing a “lack of evidence.”[17]

The travails of suspiciously deceased intelligence operative Jeffrey Epstein, and his list of blackmail targets, documents, photographs and videos of the world’s most powerful people caught in the most compromising and depraved acts imaginable needs no more documentation, or mention here, aside from the fact that the current custodians of that treasure trove of despicable blackmail leverage is “The Council.”

Reports of wiretapping and “bugging” of President Trump, the US Senate, and other actions alleged under the purview of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) and United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court similarly needs no more mention other than FISA was created at the same time with the Inspectors General (CIGIE) Act of 1978, and populated with administrators and judges emanating from and controlled by “The Council,” and they have either denied, or refused to disclose evidence of malfeasance (for the “safety and security” of the United States) – after their “thorough” investigation – of themselves.

Leveraging Lawfare, Indictments, Extortion and Blackmail

Hence, when the CIGIE comes knocking and demands that Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and like tech behemoths comply with orders to censor “disinformation” inconvenient to them, or promote their latest “CapComm” agenda and propaganda, it is not a polite request but is done at the point of a gun.

Which makes more sense? That the Mark Zuckerberg character ably portrayed by actor Jesse Eisenberg as an amoral, materialistic, conniver in the movie “The Social Network” would self-destructively alienate the majority of Facebook users with draconian quasi-government censorship, quash 1st Amendment rights, implement “DEI,” and share all data-mining information with the US government, or, is he doing what he is told at the point of a litigative gun held by the CIGIE?

And, despite Zuckerberg’s notoriety as self-serving, money and power-hungry, is it credible that Zuckerberg would “donate” 90% of the $440,000,000 “Zuckerbucks” from “Center for Tech and Civic Life” (CTCL) to the two dozen key Counties of 3,143 in the United States for the purpose of creating centralizing ballot “counting centers” that decided the November 2020 presidential election?[18]

Perhaps the ultimate “boogeyman” presented by the CIGIE to undermine the “MAGA” mass movement and grass-roots patriots in the United States is George Soros. It is a matter of public record that Soros has subverted the US justice system by pouring millions of dollars into city and county level District Attorney (DA) political elections.[19] and [iv] It is also a matter of public record that Soros backed organizations have been funded by US agencies to the tune of $1,000,000,000,[20] and investigations into these potentially unlawful influence peddling and subversions of the Constitution all end up in one place – the CIGIE and Department of “Just-Us” – and have all been subsequently quashed and dropped.

Even the often rabid and always leftist US-based “Politico” and German-based “WELT” media sources almost hit the mark in their collaborative September 14th, 2022, exposé on “How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response with little oversight.[21]

So, who is really swinging the skinny end of the baseball bat? The CIGIE? Or these “titans of business?”

Given that “The Council” holds tight reins over the CapComm trajectory of business and the economy, when a billionaire they control makes a public statement regarding how citizens should live, no matter how outrageous, it is wise to believe their intentions.

The Propaganda Arm

Jen Psaki - Whitehouse Press Secretary

(Special Counsel Norm Eisen, Whitehouse Press Secretaries Jay Carney, Jen Psaki, and Karine Jean-Pierre)

The “owners[22] of the news media in the United States closely mirrors the Business Arm described above and is similarly tightly controlled by “The Council.” On September 15th, 2015, President Obama signed Executive Order (EO) 13707 “Using Behavioral Science Insights To Better Serve the American People.” This unlawful, and as yet unchallenged, Executive Order, reversed US anti-propaganda law, also known as the Smith-Mundt Act, which was formally known as the “Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948.” Obama “used his pen” to erode this “pesky” Act which the US Congress had only just recently modified in 2012 with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act.[23]

The “Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948” was enacted in 1948 to regulate the dissemination of information by the US government. The law was passed to prevent the US government from engaging in propaganda activities within the United States, and to ensure that information disseminated by the government was accurate and unbiased.

Norm Eisen, was Obama’s roommate at Columbia University, and his classmate at Harvard Law. With his subsequent injection into the DOJ, CIGIE, Inspectors General, and the Public Integrity Sector (PIN), he raised questions about potential subversion in American politics and policy – and then buried them when they pointed back at “The Council.” He continues to influence investigations and decision-making processes within these institutions, and shape media propaganda across a wide realm of outlets, particularly through White House Press Secretaries. He also co-authored a book titled, “Overcoming Trumpery,” published by the Brookings Institution Press in 2022. Eisen has been a key figure in the indictments and (failed) impeachment proceedings, and lawfare and retaliation via disbarment proceedings against any attorney that has represented President Trump.” has been among the most notorious sources of “debunking” and mitigating actual facts and truthful journalism in the United States. They “debunked” nearly all of the “election denier” allegations of massive election fraud in the November 2020 election.

During the course of Gregory Stenstrom’s and Leah Hoopes’ investigation and self-defense as codefendants with President Trump in Philadelphia, they documented that Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro’s law firm, Stradley Ronan, along with the law firms of Duane Morris LLP and Ballard Spahr LLP were instrumental in suppressing exculpatory evidence not only in Pennsylvania, but across the nation that would have exonerated President Trump, Mike Lindell, Roger Stone, Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, (and Stenstrom and Hoopes), among others.

Together they conspired and connived to place “debunking” stories with to shape the false narrative that there was no election fraud, and then point to the very stories they had placed as “evidence.”

We have the attorney billing receipts for Duane Morris LLP to Delaware County, Pennsylvania (see below).

Factcheck.Org Billing – Excerpt from Duane Morris LLP lawyer bills to Delaware County, PA (Excerpt from Duane Morris LLP lawyer bills to Delaware County, PA)

For further clarification, “” is not a “fact checking” organization at all, but rather a partisan NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) and alias for the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania. POLITICO reported Biden received millions of dollars[24] in salary as it’s Chair (which also circularly “debunked”).  Any defendant politico or lawyer with the cash who needs their opposition “mega debunked” need look no further.

Hence, with no holds barred in spewing propaganda since 2015, “The Council” has completed its capture of what Ben Franklin called the “Fourth Estate,” that they now use as a figurative sword to cut down anyone that might threaten their power.

Protection by “The Council”

Perhaps the most elusive and most vulnerable and unpredictable thread in the spider-web of control spun by “The Council” is in the realm of those they must protect to move their agenda of full state capture forward. In these cases, where a criminal initiative has been put in motion by third parties that is advantageous “The Council,” they simply do not  investigate and prosecute.

Only two illustrative examples of “The Council’s” intentional obstruction of collateral investigations are made in this section, as others are expected to be seized upon by informed journalists and skilled investigators that choose to perform their own root cause analysis of why particular federal investigations are quashed.

Governor Josh Shapiro

On November 3rd, 2020, through November 5th, 2020, Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes witnessed massive election fraud in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Stenstrom documented and reported this massive fraud in a formal declaration to the US Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, William McSwain, on November 7th, 2020. Stenstrom’s declaration was routed throughout the entire top echelons of the CIGIE, including Inspectors General of multiple federal agencies, and all 94 US Attorneys according to FOIA responses. The crux of Stenstrom’s declaration was that massive election fraud had been implemented in targeted centralized counting centers to subvert and steal the election. Stenstrom stated that quick execution of forensic examinations on only a handful of election machines and computer servers would easily verify the fraud. McSwain, an experienced attorney with knowledge of how the Department of “Just-Us” operated, carefully documented the allegations via email that he was thwarted from initiating investigation.

Over the next two days, a responsive memorandum was crafted and released on November 9th, 2020, by US Attorney General Barr that there was no widespread evidence of election fraud, and he directed all investigations to be turned over by US Attorneys to their respective State Attorney Generals. In the case of Pennsylvania, that investigation was turned over by McSwain to then Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, an architect and direct beneficiary of the election fraud. Instead of investigating, Shapiro immediately retaliated and dispatched special agents to threaten and intimidate Stenstrom, Hoopes, and other witnesses who had submitted corroborating affidavits reporting election fraud.

US Attorney General Barr and PA Attorney General Shapiro vigorously denied that the above events had transpired, and the media pronounced reports of Stenstrom’s declaration as “debunked,” but their protestations were unexpectedly countered by US Attorney McSwain, who submitted an open letter to President Trump on June 9th, 2021, apologizing for his failure to investigate.

Stenstrom fully documented Governor Shapiro’s malfeasance and criminal obstruction in an article in the Intelligencer Today titled “PA Governor Josh Shapiro’s “Big Lie””[25] on March 31st, 2024. After over three years of investigation Stenstrom submitted a disclosure and criminal referrals against Shapiro to Pennsylvania Attorney General Michelle Henry and DOJ “Special Counsel” Jack Smith (among others) on June 12th, 2024.[26]

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is considered a “top contender” for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to potentially replace Joe Biden after his disastrous and cognitively impaired live “debate” with President Trump on June 27th, 2024. If that comes to fruition at the August 19th-22nd DNC Convention in Chicago, the criminal referrals of Shapiro’s architecting massive election fraud and obstruction of investigations will not be so easily “managed” by “The Council” as they are revealed to the public.

Anthony Fauci

At this point in the continuing “Covid-19 Pandemic” trajectory, the deceptions, malevolence, and avarice of Fauci, and complicity of “The Council” in obstruction of investigations related to Fauci’s criminality, is an easily substantiated matter of public record.[27] Transcripts and video from the US House Oversight Committee speak for themselves. Anthony Fauci and his co-conspirators in the National Institute for Health (NIH) personally received over $325 million dollars,[28] and inflicted a false narrative upon the citizenry that the “vaccines” developed under his watch were effective. They were not.

Using the premise and “litmus test” of “The Council” creating, controlling, and subsequently (not) investigating national maladies, and the collective recommendation and support of Fauci during “Operation Warp Speed,” which now seems more likely? That President Trump was duped and cajoled into uncomfortably placing the management of a “deadly pandemic” in the hands of “The Council’s” frontman (Fauci), or that President Trump was actually in full command and driving the operation that killed and has subsequently sickened a substantial portion of the US citizenry?[29]

Aside from the colloquial evidence of President Trump being roundly “booed” at rallies when he mentions “the vaccine,”[30] a January 2023 Rasmussen poll found that 49% of Americans believe that Covid vaccines have caused unexplained deaths, and 28% report that they personally know someone whose death they attribute to the vaccines. The poll also found that 71% of respondents said they had been vaccinated, but 48% said there were reasons for concern about side effects…” [31]

In light of the qualitative and quantitative evidence that the citizenry believes that “the vaccine” harmed them, what political “strategist” would continue to encourage President Trump to bring it up at rallies packed by the “basket of deplorables” that were targeted?

Might this be a purposeful and malicious attempt to erode his support? Could such a strategy emanate and be derivative of “The Council?”

Retaliation BY “The Council”

Peter Navarro

(Notable targets of “The Council” – President Donald J. Trump, Political Strategist Roger Stone, General Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Mike Lindell, John Eastman, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Robert Malone, Christina Bobb)

Case of Roger Stone

Aside from “The Council’s” attacks on President Trump described herein, the Roger Stone case represents one of the most troubling examples of the weaponization of justice by the Department of “Just-Us” under the former leadership of Attorney General William Barr. Stone, the most sought-after political strategist in the United States since the days of Nixon, and then close adviser to President Trump, found himself at the center of a politically motivated and calculated campaign orchestrated by “The Council” to vilify and silence him.

Allegations of false statements and obstruction of justice were levied against Stone in the context of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. It is now a matter of public record these charges were falsely manufactured to destroy Stone. Regardless of whether Stone might not have had the benefit of the root cause analysis herein, his expansive experience and intuition of the workings of “The Council” combined with President Trump’s earnest desire to “drain the swamp” of DC politics, made Stone their biggest threat.

“The Council” used strategically leaked false information to the media aimed to cast Stone as a sinister actor in a grand conspiracy. The DOJ’s withholding of exculpatory evidence that vindicated Stone undermined the integrity of the entire legal process. The DOJ’s aggressive tactics, including pre-dawn raids on Stone’s residence with dozens of armed agents in tactical gear, were designed to not just publicly humiliate  Stone, but to intimidate other allies of President Trump. “The Council” not only succeeded in wrongfully destroying Stone, but further isolated President Trump and took away perhaps his most wizened eyes, ears (personal network), and most able strategist.

Case of General Michael Flynn

Under the leadership of US Attorney General William Barr, General Flynn, a distinguished military veteran, and former National Security Advisor, became the target of a coordinated effort to discredit and silence him. The charges against General Flynn stemmed from allegations of making false statements to the FBI regarding his conversations with Russian officials. It is now a matter of public record that those statements were falsely crafted by the investigating agents and manipulated to wrongfully entrap Flynn, and that further underhanded tactics to threaten prosecution of his family were employed to extort “confessions.” As was the case with Roger Stone, the Department of “Just-Us” once again suppressed and refused to disclose crucial exculpatory evidence that would have exonerated Flynn. His prosecution was accompanied by aggressive tactics aimed at coercing a guilty plea. The threat of targeting his family members and the financial burden of prolonged legal battles created an environment of immense pressure, forcing him to understandably plead guilty to false charges that he later withdrew.

Case of Paul Manafort

The case of Paul Manafort, a former campaign chairman for President Trump, serves as another glaring example of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) and CIGIE’s abuse of power and its willingness to employ aggressive and unethical tactics to achieve political objectives. The DOJ’s prosecution of Manafort was characterized by an excessive and disproportionate array of charges. Many of these charges were unrelated to the initial investigation into alleged collusion with foreign entities, showcasing a deliberate attempt to pressure Manafort into providing incriminating information against President Trump. The evidence used against Manafort was obtained through invasive surveillance methods, including illegal wiretapping and unauthorized monitoring. Manafort was subjected to coercive tactics aimed at securing a plea deal. The immense pressure exerted on him, coupled with threats of extensive sentences up to life in prison, forced him to consider cooperating with the prosecution and potentially providing damaging information against his associates. The selective leaking of confidential information to the media further tainted Manafort’s case. The consequences of these abuses of power were far-reaching. Manafort’s life was upended, his reputation irreparably damaged, and his finances depleted by legal fees. The DOJ’s relentless pursuit of him sent an early and chilling message to anyone associated with President Trump, instilling fear, and hindering their ability to perform their political duties.

Case of Mike Lindell

Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and a steadfast supporter of former President Donald J. Trump, has found himself at the epicenter of a relentless assault by a coordinated coalition of government agencies and lawfare groups. At the forefront of the onslaught against Mike Lindell, the mainstream media has eagerly served as a megaphone for the coordinated campaign to defame and vilify him. Major news outlets have willingly and uncritically echoed CIGIE controlled DOJ, PIN, and FBI’s assertions that Lindell’s claims of election irregularities were “baseless” and “dangerous conspiracy theories.” Any semblance of journalistic integrity was abandoned, favoring partisan narratives over objective reporting.

Silencing the Truth: DOJ and CIGIE Fueled Indictments and Media Attacks on Conservative Voices

US Attorney General Barr’s knowingly deceptive narrative regarding the 2020 presidential election, were underpinned by the CIGIE’s documented choice to not perform any investigation that might refute that narrative. They fueled orchestrated media and lawfare attacks that led to the removal of prominent conservative voices like Lou DobbsTucker Carlson, and Emerald Robinson, as well as the relentless assaults on conservative news sources like OANNewsmax, and Fox, in coordinated efforts to tarnish their reputations and silence their reporting.

Attorney John Eastman was smeared with eleven (11) disciplinary charges, including misleading a court, making false statements, and failing to support the Constitution. He was found “guilty” of 10 of the 11 charges, and disbarred.

Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, among the most ardent conservative voices in the United States and endlessly loyal advisors to President Trump, were indicted for misdemeanor “contempt of Congress.” Both were sentenced to federal prison sentences, and are now incarcerated.

Doctor Robert Malone, the primary inventor and patent holder of mRNA vaccine technology which he stated was prematurely and dangerously deployed in the Covid vaccines, has been relentlessly persecuted and his license to practice medicine was threatened.

Attorney Christina Bobb, recently introduced as President Trump’s strategist and leader for election integrity precinct strategy was indicted on April 27th, 2024, in Arizona with seventeen others, including President Trump allies Rudy GiulianiMark MeadowsJenna Ellis, and Mike Roman.

Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft, brother founders of “The Gateway Pundit,” a conservative news outlet, have been under siege from defamation lawfare and are in federal bankruptcy proceedings.

Perhaps the most egregious prosecutions and grossest abuses of “The Council” has been against citizens prosecuted and convicted for January 6th, 2021. There will eventually be a full investigation of exactly what happened. Delving into that day and aftermath in depth is beyond the scope of this article with the exception that there are multiple cases where exculpatory evidence was withheld by “The Council.” There will be a reckoning coming in the courts to hold everyone accountable.

January 6th 2021, Washington Monument, Washington, DC

Meanwhile, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes quietly represented themselves, Pro Se, as codefendants with President Trump using “truth is a complete defense” that massive election fraud had changed the outcome of the November 2020 national election (and again in the November 2022 national election) over a grueling 860-day proceeding. They successfully fought to get over 15,000 pages of filings on the record during discovery that included videos, photos, emails, texts, documents, FOIA’s and Pennsylvania “Right to Know” responses to prove their case. After refusing an offer of settlement to extract themselves from the case and abandon President Trump to a lengthy trial, the case was discontinued.

Stenstrom and Hoopes pressed the Philadelphia Court in demands for hearings to find that the attorney who brought forward and proxied the case, guilty of perpetrating fraud upon the Court, which was granted. That attorney has subsequently been submitted for disbarment with the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board.

While Stenstrom and Hoopes occasionally appeared on national and regional television and podcasts, they adhered to a strategy of quiet professionalism, Pro Se litigation, and building grass roots alliances and a large evidentiary base of massive election fraud and stolen elections that was entered into discovery with judicial review. They formally submitted this evidence to the CIGIE, DOJ, Pennsylvania Attorney General and Inspector General, and US National Archives. Everything they have done is a matter of undisputed judicial and public records and now available to others nationwide.

Despite having irrefutable and undisputed evidence of massive election fraud that met the burden of production and proof in lengthy discovery proceedings, that exonerates President Trump, and many of those named as “indicted” above, in cases across the country, no one from President Trump’s “legal team” has approached Stenstrom and Hoopes on his behalf, or anyone else persecuted in his name.

The Entertainment Arm

The Romans had colosseums and gladiators, “The Council” has Hollywood.

(Oprah and Harvey Weinstein, Rachel Maddow, “The View,” “Civil War”(2024), Obama produced “Leave the World Behind” (2023), and “Don’t Look Up”(2021))

Using popular culture, network television, movies, dystopian “end of the world,” and “apocalyptic political satire black comedies” to sow the seed of futility, government ineptitude, and the self-serving gluttony of Constitutionally elected representatives, “The Council’s” agenda has been forwarded straight from the minds of Herman Goebbels and Norm Eisen.

When “all hope is lost” and the rightful (self-appointed) “real stewards of the Republic” step forward during the next “pandemic,” “civil unrest,” “war,” or “extraordinary or catastrophic events” after the upcoming 2024 election, “The Council’s” expectation will be gratitude from the citizenry for their “benevolence,” followed by punishment of the citizenry when “The Council’s” Machiavellian schemes are revealed, and rejected.

The Council” is pulling out all the stops, including promoting “aliens” and “UFO’s” which they erroneously believe will “shake the faith” of Christianity and religions in the United States. It is this myopathy and utter misunderstanding of the majority of Americans that is creating the recent cascade of propaganda failures, and “danger close” near hits of their mission and agendas that will derail “The Council.”

Resistance is not futile, and we will not be “assimilated.”

Because “The Council” has had to remain hidden in plain sight and mask it’s small numbers and elitist origins, they have cultivated a sense of futility with the citizenry that there is nothing they can do, that they have no voice in government, and citizens are powerless in the courts. Accepting the fate of a good cow or sheered sheep is critical to maintaining control over the citizenry they treat as livestock.

What better way of delivering this message than quashing and obstructing Justice at every level of government and installing the glaringly incompetent and/or the deranged as “The Council’s” emissaries and intermediaries?

(Vice President Kamala Harris, “Admiral” Rachel Levine, former Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Department of Energy Sam Brinton, former Executive Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, Nina Jankowicz)

Populist Joe Rogan who is best known by the current youngest generation for “The Joe Rogan Experience” and as a martial arts commentator, remains a capable comedian and observer of the human condition. The climax of his 2006 comedy hit routine on “Dumb People” has aged well, presciently hits the mark, and culminates with “We can go dumber” when it comes to “The Council’s” selection of “elected” officials (Note that links are vulgar and not safe for work or children).

Whether it is a word-salad vice president, or “the highest-ranking openly transgender official in U.S. history,” or the “pup-loving” former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy at the United States Department of Energy (DOE), or former “Disinformation Czar” “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” songstress, the comedy and seeding of hopelessness doesn’t end from “The Council” as a means of depressing the United States’ citizenry.

If you see a “useful idiot” as a senior ranking official of the US federal government, it is, no doubt, intentional, and the “The Council” either directly put them there, or allows them to be there.

2024 Election – The Immediate Threat of President Donald J. Trump

“The Council” and its minions have shown they have every intent of stealing the upcoming November 2024 elections. Elections are only one facet, and one of their many objectives, just as identifying and selecting the “leaders” of the herd is one of the tasks of farm management to them.

However, our elections, and our primitive drive of self-actualization and self-governance, is the biggest threat to them, and among “The Council’s” greatest vulnerabilities.

Their greatest enigma and threats are “outsiders” who did not get the memo that “The Council” runs the United States of America, and defacto, the world.

Addle-brained Joe Biden unwittingly but concisely communicated that memo in his 2020 statement that his team had created the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

“Biden campaign aides for months have bragged they have a superior ground operation across the country, but especially in the six to eight battleground states that likely will decide the election. On the call with donors Monday, Biden reminded them he has an infrastructure already in place.” [32]

Whether this is predictable political bravado that runs desperately against polls and facts, or prescient forewarning, the mechanisms for massive election fraud and another stolen election in 2024 have been well-honed in key swing States and targeted pivot counties developed over the past four years.

The four key elements to execute election fraud in the November 2024 presidential election are:

    1. Violating federal and state election laws to introduce compromised electronic election machines and software.
    2. Violating federal and state election laws to insert millions of fraudulent “no excuse” Mail in Ballots of unqualified electors (voters) into election tabulations.
    3. Violating federal and state election laws to use “centralized counting centers” to cover-up and obfuscate massive election fraud.
    4. Continuing to use lawfare, censorship, and media smearing to suppress anyone who might challenge massive election fraud.

To remedy this, the author, Gregory Stenstrom, and Leah Hoopes, with “candidates” and their “certified poll watchers,” “authorized representatives,” – all codified and statutory roles defined by election law – have dozens of pending lawsuits in Pennsylvania from 2020-2024 demanding recounts and release of public election records that are coming to fruition in the appellate courts. They have also filed, or will shortly file, federal lawsuits using the evidentiary base entered into the public and judicial record over the past four years that will be heard and adjudicated by federal judges prior to the November 2024 elections.

The first federal lawsuit regarding unlawful use of election machines filed on June 4th, 2024, in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and assigned docket number 2:24-cv-02425(-KNS) can be viewed here:

The Greatest Whistleblower in US History: President Donald J. Trump

Most people no longer need, or even want, to know the details and mechanics of massive election fraud. The majority of the American peoples have already come to the sad conclusion that our elections have been stolen as a “given” according to recent Heartland and Rasmussen polls, and have rejected the waning media protestations that the 2020 presidential election was the “safest and most secure in history.”

“The Council’s” greatest threat is the greatest whistleblower in US history, who could expose them, and end them.

President Trump, although still currently bracketed for continued litigative bombardment by “The Council” is also a billionaire icon, and the ultimate “insider” that best understands them. He has seen their insidious workings and traveled among, but not with them, for decades.

He is resultingly a polarizing lightning rod for “The Council’s” attacks and despite bearing the titular brunt of an entire weaponized federal government, propaganda, and indictments, that have been brought against him, he has survived against all odds.

Regardless of what any citizen might think of him personally considering the negative media bias “The Council” has been able to inflict, his survival is positive proof that he cannot be compromised, will not be intimidated, and is a hero in every sense of the word.

You do not send a poodle into a swamp to pull out the alligators, or a lamb into a snake’s den. You cannot expect civility in the face of the most grotesque perversions of justice and civility.

You send a warrior who has shown he can stand alone, if necessary, who has taken measure of our enemy.

Left, right, up, or down, whatever your “-ism” might be, there is no other logical choice to restore our Republic.

Who is NOT Controlled by the CIGIE

The Council has subverted and infiltrated every key government agency, the Executive Branch (Presidency), and the Legislative Branch (the US Senate and Congress), but has been unable to fully envelope the US Supreme Court.[33]

The are only four (4) parties that can lawfully suspend, investigate, and prosecute “The Council.”

The first is The President of the United States, by executive orders, and appointments of honest and capable professional law enforcement investigators and US attorneys. This explains “The Council’s” coordinated attacks across the nation on President Trump and obstruction of investigations.

The second is the US Senate Oversight Committee chaired by 90-year old US Senator Chuck Grassley, the most powerful person in the Capital, and leader of the Political Arm of “The Council,” or the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, whose Ranking Member is Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) (son of Marcus Raskin). This will not happen.

The third is the US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee currently chaired by Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH). The Judiciary Committee has the legislative authority to lawfully halt the indictments and election interference against President Trump and suspend key actors in the CIGIE (“The Council”) pending an independent investigation. This is unlikely to happen.

Congressman Jim Jordan has been focused on his bid for the 2025 US Speaker of the House position, the third (3rd) person in the succession for the US Presidency should Biden and Harris be removed, and/or President Trump fail to be elected and subsequently seated in the presidency. Jordan has been a silent black hole despite being fully informed by formal disclosures and criminal charges related to massive election fraud of 2020, warnings of imminent massive fraud in the upcoming November 2024 election, and being pressed hard for responses from fellow Congressmen.

The fourth is the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), the only one of three branches of government that is not beholden to “The Council” or any embedded Inspector General emanating from the CIGIE. They have the Constitutional and Civil Rights authority to act. This is a feasible and possible outcome.

Also, (not so) curiously, the SCOTUS Justices have been under unrelenting recent attacks and pressure by the CIGIE to submit to having an Inspector General, and Justice Alito and Justice Thomas have been accused of malfeasance by characters emanating from the CIGIE with demands for “investigation.”

When Justice Thomas was queried whether he would resign under this pressure, he responded “over my dead body.” Deceased Justice Anthony Scalia might have twitched at that remark. The criminal charges of obstruction described above and herein will eventually percolate up to SCOTUS which will provide figurative lawful ammunition for them to act with against “The Council.”

The Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition “Improvement” Act of 2022,[34] changed the procedures to resolve a challenge to the Presidential Election in the event of accusations of massive election fraud, and a “delay” of transition of government. The most critical components of the “improvements” is that 20% of the US Senate and 20% of the US Congress must first question the election, and it would then be put in the hands of three federal judges “selected” from the DC Circuit. The provisions of the new act states the US Supreme Court “may” hear any further challenge of the federal circuit court.

Hence, disrupting and smearing the US Supreme Court beforehand, and attacking Justice Thomas and Justice Alito would be “classic” tactics of “The Council,” and pass the “litmus test” described herein.

(Justice Sam Alito (3rd and 5th Circuit), Justice Clarence Thomas (11th Circuit), Justice Neil Gorsuch (10th Circuit))

On July 9th, 2024, US Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, (D-OR), and US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, (D-RI), who leads a subcommittee on federal courts, asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to make the appointment of “Special Counsel” to investigate Justice Clarance Thomas.[35]

The most disturbing citation in the “improvement” of the Electoral College Act of 2022 is a vague reference that states that select electors by popular vote can modify the period of voting only in the case of “extraordinary and catastrophic events.”

Given that “The Council” foretells and states its intentions in advance of malevolent acts, we can only guess what “extraordinary and catastrophic events” lay in store for the nation.

Lastly, should President Trump be re-elected and replace all ninety-four (94) US Attorneys (as his predecessors Biden and Obama did), and the CIGIE is declawed pending legitimate investigations as expected, SCOTUS would undoubtedly give charges against “The Council” and its minions their full consideration in restoring what has been stolen from our national wealth and liberties of our Republic.

Dismantling “The Council”

This treatise and exposé serves as the first foghorn and death knell for “The Council.”

The target audience for this reading is not the general public, but rather first to the people named and pictured herein, and then collaterally to those that “The Council” has held hostage and viciously attacked and harmed, and the families and friends of those who have lost their lives, over its forty-six (46) year draconian rule and path of devastation through our Republic. The target audience has the power, motivation and standing to effectively counterattack “The Council.”

The “basket of deplorables” and general public must also know what “The Council” has done to support those that will engage them in battle. “January 6th” was designed by “The Council” as a threat to citizens to prevent future protests. It is easier to avoid propaganda, than resist it. Turn off mainstream media propaganda, and turn on independent media and honest journalists.

A person, or entity, is perhaps best defined by who their enemies are, and “The Council” and all who emanate from them, have created, and filled a forthcoming well-deserved kharmic enema from the right, left, up and down.

Like the 360-degree relentless coiling of an Anaconda, “The Council” – many of whose faces have been shown herein, and more that will be revealed in time – cannot survive being exposed and subsequently crushed by the weight of those that they have denied Justice, extorted, blackmailed, and wrongfully convicted.

We do not need to hate them or do much more than see who they are, and chum the waters they swim in.

The figurative sharks, barracudas, squid, and predators that they used against the citizenry will turn on them.

Any extortion devices they created or cultivated against all people, good or bad, would be “suspect.”

Whether a public official is hopelessly corrupted, or a reluctant whistleblower afraid to come forward, or a victim previously “debunked” and destroyed by “The Council” and left for dead, a new Restoration and Resurrection is here, where the tables have turned, and everyone can have a fresh start.

Spoken words are powerful, and remembering our American history, combined with courage, faith, and the divine will make “The Council” cower.

Start talking and sharing this – today.

Public Service is the Heart of America

There ARE good public servants who serve the public good, and good American people who will take a stand against corruption. There are 340,000,000 American Patriots, 3,143 Counties in the United States, 435 Congressmen, 100 US Senators, and over two (2) million federal workers with a growing awareness that our nation has been under attack by a small number of misanthropes who have weaponized our own nation’s treasures and government against us.

You know who they are now and where to start.

Justice and the American people will prevail.

Get to work.

If you would like to download a printable PDF of this article with table of contents and index, please do so here:


Jack Lawson

Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada

Author of the “Civil Defense Manual,” “The Slaver’s Wheel,” “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil” and “In Defense.” Go to to check out what the book contains, Click Here…

“I've seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I’ve watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. Those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain.” - Rutger Hauer in his “Time to die” scene from the movie “Blade Runner” 

In my memories are the above in a figurative sense… the below in the literal reality of my past… 

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. The moonlit landscape of Zambia I parachuted into at two o’clock in the morning with 40 pounds of explosives in my drop pack on an “external,” a raid on a Communist Terrorist camp where we were outnumbered over 100 to 1. I’ve watched a frightened, but still majestic and graceful family of giraffes gallop the African bush as I hung out the door of a helicopter flying by them at treetop level, almost close enough to touch them. I’ve battled it out with Communist terrorists mano a mano while neck deep in crocodile infested idle waters on the banks and sandbars of the Hond’e and Limpopo Rivers in Mozambique. My Friends long gone and these moments are lost in time and fading from my memory. 

From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1976-79 


[1] Sui generis (pronounced “SOO-ee JEN-ər-iss”) is a Latin phrase “in a class of its own;” or “one of a kind.”

[2] Necro-politics is a form of political power that functions by bringing about the social and literal deaths of individuals and populations through direct action or deadly neglect. It is the use of social and political power to dictate how some people may live and how some must die. See the books and body of work by Achille Mbembe for thorough discussion.

[3] “State capture” is a type of systemic political corruption where private interests significantly influence a state’s decision-making processes to their own advantage.

[4] “Progressive social reconstruction” in the context of this treatise refers to a set of ideas and practices aimed at reforming and reshaping society for the benefit of an elite, ruling class (and NOT for the good of all).

[5] See the Congressional Research Service, “Statutory Inspectors General in the Federal Government: A Primer,” Updated February 8, 2023, ( )

[6] Litmus test: “A test that uses a single indicator to prompt a decision.”

[7] A “billet” is the term used in government and military vernacular that means “job” or “position.”

[8] “Kharma” infers cause and effect, action, and reaction, and does not require moral assessment.

[9]Hillary Clinton says half of Trump’s supporters are in a “basket of deplorables” 

[10] “Hillary Clinton’s’deplorables’ speech shocked voters five years ago – but some feel it was prescient,” Washington Post, August 31st, 2021,

[11] Marco Polo Report on the Biden Laptop, 2022 

 (Full download also available at )

[12] Gregory Stenstrom Disclosure Letter to Congressman James D. Jordan (R-OH-04) July 4th, 2023,

[13] “Indictment shows White House lawyers struggling for control as Trump fought to overturn election,” AP, August 10th, 2023,

[14] “Pat Cipollone, other ex-Trump lawyers join Bill Barr’s law firm,” Reuters, January 17th, 2024,

[15] Russ Vought Article Wikipedia

[16] “J. Edgar Hoover, Public Enemy No. 1,” Margaret Talbot, The New Yorker, November 14, 2022

[17] IRS Targeting Scandal

[18] Influence Watch Report on Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL)

[19] Sorostan: The 37 Million Americans Under Soros-Funded District Attorneys

[20] DOJ, federal agencies pour hundreds of millions into Soros-linked group accused of trying to ‘nullify the law’


[22] Who owns the news in the US? New analysis reveals top owners and publishers

[23] H.R.5736 – Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012

[24] Bidens earned $15 million in 2 years after Obama administration.

[25] Governor Josh Shapiro’s “Big Lie”. Gregory Stenstrom, March 31st, 2024, Intelligencer Today

[26] Stenstrom PA AG Disclosure final w Enclosure 12Jun2024 filed

[27] COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Dr. Fauci’s Transcript, Highlights Key Takeaways in New Memo

[28] Andrzejewski, Adam. “Anthony Fauci Defended NIH Culture of Secrecy: The $325M Third-Party Royalty Complex… Now We Know More Details.” 9 Aug 2023.

[29] “Cause Unknown” The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths, Ed Dowd, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Gavin de Becker, Skyhorse Publishing, 2024

[30] Trump booed at Alabama rally after telling supporters to get vaccinated

[31] ‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines

[32] “Three reasons the calendar could be on Biden’s side as divided Dems fret: President’s critics lack ‘organized effort to flip 2,000 delegates,’ RollCall, July 10th, 2024,

[33] Note – US Senator Chuck Grassley unsuccessfully crafted and sponsored legislation to embed an Inspector General in the US Supreme Court in 2006.

[34] Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022, Ballotpedia

[35] “Senators seek special counsel probe of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas,” CNBC, July 9th, 2024,

  • The Limits of Defense, with Arthur Waskow (l962)

  • The Vietnam Reader, with Bernard B. Fall (1965)

  • A Citizen’s White Paper on American Policy in Vietnam and Southeast Asia (1965)

  • After 20 Years: Alternatives to the Cold War in Europe, with by Richard J. Barnet (1965)

  • Being and Doing: An Inquiry into the Colonization, Decolonization and Reconstruction of American Society and Its State (1971)

  • Washington Plans An Aggressive War, with Ralph L. Stavins and Richard J. Barnet (1971)

  • An American Manifesto, with Richard Barnet (1971)

  • Notes on the Old System: To Transform American Politics (1974)

  • The American Political Deadlock: Colloquium on Latin America and the United States: Present and Future of their Economic and Political Relations, Oaxtepec (1975)

  • Next Steps for a New Administration (1976)

  • The Federal Budget and Social Reconstruction: The People and the State (1978)

  • The Politics of National Security (1979)

  • The Common Good: Its Politics, Policies, and Philosophy (1986)

  • New Ways of Knowing, with Herbert J. Bernstein (1987)

  • Winning America: Ideas and Leadership for the 1990s, with Chester Hartman (1988)

  • Essays of a Citizen: From National Security State to Democracy (1991)

  • Abolishing the War System: The Disarmament and International Law Project of the Institute for Policy Studies and the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy (1992)

  • Presidential Disrespect: From Thomas Paine to Rush Limbaugh – How and Why We Insult, Scorn and Ridicule Our Chief Executives, with Sushila Nayak (1997)

  • Visions and Revisions: Reflections on Culture and Democracy at the End of the Century (1998)

  • Liberalism: The Genius of American Ideals (2003)

  • In Democracy’s Shadow: The Secret World of National Security, with Carl LeVan (2005)

  • The Four Freedoms Under Siege: The Clear and Present Danger from Our National Security State, with Robert Spero (2006)

  • Warfare Welfare: The Not-So-Hidden Costs of America’s War Economy, co-edited with Gregory Squires (2012)

[ii] “Eric Hoffer’s ‘The True Believer’ In The Time Of Trump,” Greg Camp,

[iii] The full list of signatories is as follows: Former CIA Director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, former CIA Director Michael Hayden, former Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, former National Intelligence Council Chair Thomas Fingar, former National Security Agency Deputy Director Rick Legett, former CIA acting Director John McLaughlin, former CIA acting Director Michael Morell, former Defense Undersecretary for Intelligence Mike Vickers, former Defense Intelligence Agency Deputy Director Doug Wise, former National Counterterrorism Center Director Nick Rasmussen, former National Counterterrorism Center acting Director Russ Travers, former National Counterterrorism Center Deputy Director Andy Liepman, former CIA chief of staff John Moseman, former CIA chief of staff Larry Pfeiffer, former CIA chief of staff Jeremy Bash, former National Security Agency general counsel Glenn Gerstell, former CIA chief of staff Rodney Snyder, former CIA analyst and manager David Priess, former CIA Deputy Director of Analysis Pam Purcilly, former CIA senior operations officer Marc Polymeropoulos, former CIA senior intelligence officer Chris Savos, former CIA senior intelligence officer John Tullius, former CIA senior intelligence officer David A. Vanell, former CIA senior operations officer Kristin Wood, former CIA inspector general David Buckley, former CIA analyst and targeting officer Nada Bakos, former CIA senior intelligence officer Patty Brandmaier, former CIA senior intelligence officer James B. Bruce, former CIA intelligence analyst David Cariens, former CIA operational support officer Janice Cariens, former CIA senior operations officer Paul Kolbe, former CIA analyst Peter Corsell, former CIA senior intelligence officer Brett Davis, former national intelligence officer Roger Zane George, former CIA senior intelligence officer Steven L. Hall, former national intelligence officer Kent Harrington, former national security executive Don Hepburn, former dean of CIA’s Kent School of Intelligence Analysis Timothy D. Kilbourn, former CIA officer Ron Marks, former CIA technical operations officer Jonna Hiestand Mendez, former director of CIA’s Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program Emile Nakhleh, former CIA senior operations officer Gerald A. O’Shea, former CIA deputy chief of staff Nick Shapiro, former CIA senior operations officer John Sipher, former National Security Council senior director for intelligence programs Stephen Slick, former CIA deputy assistant director for global issues Cynthia Strand, former CIA Deputy Executive Director Greg Tarbell, former National Intelligence Collection Board Chairman David Terry, former National Intelligence Council Chair Greg Treverton, and former CIA director of analysis Winston Wiley.

[iv][iv] Who are the District Attorneys backed by George Soros? George Soros has supported the campaigns of at least 24 district attorneys across the United States. Some of the notable district attorneys backed by Soros include:

  • Larry Krasner, District Attorney of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Jack Stollsteimer, District Attorney of Delaware County, Pennsylvania

  • Kevin R. Steele, District Attorney of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

  • Kim Gardner, Circuit Attorney of St. Louis, Missouri

  • Chesa Boudin, District Attorney of San Francisco, California

  • George Gascon, District Attorney of Los Angeles, California

  • Kim Foxx, State’s Attorney of Cook County, Illinois

  • Aramis Ayala, State Attorney of Orange and Osceola Counties, Florida

  • Monique Worrell, State Attorney of Orange and Osceola Counties, Florida

  • Jody Owens, District Attorney of Hinds County, Mississippi

  • Scott Colom, District Attorney of the 16th District Court of Mississippi

  • Raul Torrez, District Attorney of Albuquerque, New Mexico

  • Joe Gonzalez, District Attorney of Bexar County, Texas

  • John Creuzot, District Attorney of Dallas County, Texas

  • Jose Garza, District Attorney of Travis County, Texas

  • Steve Descano, Commonwealth’s Attorney of Fairfax County, Virginia

  • Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, Commonwealth’s Attorney of Arlington County, Virginia







Gregory Stenstrom is Co-Founder of Patriot.Online, a digital privacy ecosystem and social media platform. He is a security and fraud expert, and coauthor of "The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception" which documents the massive fraud in the 2020 presidential election. His November 2020 Gettysburg testimony before the Pennsylvania legislative committee investigating election fraud received over 20 million views worldwide. He and Leah Hoopes were codefendants with President Trump in a landmark defamation lawsuit in Philadelphia, PA, which they won in January 2024, Pro Se (self-represented), using “truth is a complete defense” after 860-days of proceedings. Stenstrom and Hoopes also have the last remaining lawsuit in the courts from the 2020 election that has been stalled over 1,000 days since that election in Stenstrom and Hoopes v Secretary of the Commonwealth of PA, (876 CD 2022, CommCt. PA), which will finally be heard in September 2024. Stenstrom is also known litigatively as a lead plaintiff in Stenstrom et al v Apple, (18-cv-00206) resulting in a $500 million dollar class action settlement. He has recovered over $2 billion dollars in stolen monies for both government and private industry, and exposed public corruption resulting in the incarceration and resignations of multiple public officials. Stenstrom is on the Editorial Board of the Intelligencer. He is a recognized technology leader with a reputation in industry as a quiet professional, devout Christian, and formidable problem solver. As a US Naval Officer, he served in Commanding and Executive Officer roles in Special Warfare and Special Operations. He holds a BS from the US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. He can be reached at [email protected]

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