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“Donald Trump may not be allowed to become president again”
Eric Weinstein

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Eric Weinstein returned to The Piers Morgan Uncensored program conveying to the host that  the rules-based international order are "deathly afraid" of Donald Trump becoming President again and are  doing everything possible to prevent that outcome; just as they did in 2020. After the interview Eric posted a synopsis of his observations. Here is that post followed by the interview:

A lot of Kamala supporting skeptics are asking me what I mean by “Donald Trump may not be allowed to become president again” in 2024

I think I am going to use this opportunity to show you why many sceptics, debunkers and educated people who reflexively and derisively target others as conspiracy theorists, are rapidly losing *everyone* smart and independent.

Here goes:

  • I am suggesting that the 2024 election may be “Saved”. I am suggesting that our U.S. democracy may be “Fortified” between now and November. That right now there is a “conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes”. I am suggesting that Americans may be saved from “Russian electoral interference” by an “informal alliance” involving tech “business titans”.

  • I am suggesting that the possibility of “a vast, cross-partisan campaign” representing an “an extraordinary shadow effort” hidden, against all odds, from public view by complicit journalists who make sure not to write stories about it and editors who spike any remaining stories that mention it until after the election.

In short; I am suggesting that there is right now a massive “conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes”. That “shadow campaigners” are secretly engaged in work that has “touched every aspect of the election” despite the lack of any stories from complicit mainstream news desks.

So what has all this to do with the army of insufferable character-assassins clothed as skeptics who laugh and laugh and laugh at conspiracy theorists?

Well, the conspirators confessed to the above after the 2020 election cycle. That is, it is those actually running cover for conspiracies that most aggressively label and smear those trying to piece together the shadow efforts as “conspiracy theorists”. Imagine a world so perverse where *correctly* labeling an actual conspirator is turned into an act of reputational self destruction even though the conspirators will later confess and brag about the whole thing while taking open victory laps.

Genius [is it not]? Diabolical genius is still genius.

It that sounds far fetched, pathological, improbable, and diabolical to you, welcome to the club. It does to me too. But THAT *IS* WHAT HAPPENED exactly back in 2020. Don’t believe it? Read the confession: in [Time Magazine's] The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

The [2020] conspirators still aren’t really telling the truth [in that article]. But what they *admit* to while bragging and taking victory laps is jaw dropping all the same.

[Given those " jaw-dropping" admissions in justifying that 2020 behavior, arrogance dictates they will do it all again in 2024.]





Eric Ross Weinstein is an American investor and financial executive. From 2013 to 2022, he was a managing director for the American venture capital firm Thiel Capital.

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