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Pharmacide; Killing Us Softly
Capt. Randall

To many, scientific lingo is as indecipherable as hieroglyphics, not to mention all the confusing opinions of experts, drug salesmen, supplement salesmen and a corrupted phalanx of government “protective” agencies/protecting the bottom lines of the healthcare monopoly.

Who could trust anything after evil Golem Fauci’s weaponized flu and fraudulent vaxxxines killed millions. He has been shaking down congress every few years for decades just to fund phony drug solutions for “pandemics” like swine flu, AIDS, MPOX and Zika to enrich corporate cronies and complicit colleagues.   But that’s only the tip of the iceberg; crooked medicine has been crippling and killing millions each year for at least a century!!!

If anyone can sift truth from the coercive douchebaggery of government trolled/controlled mass media, please get in touch.

The Rockefeller business model depended on eliminating all competition and establishing itself as the foremost authority in medicine.  In the early 20th century they managed to disparage and have legally banned many electronic therapies including the Rife Machine, some of which surface today in conventional circles to address mental problems.  Ditto ultraviolet blood irradiation and HBOT/hyperbaric oxygen therapy. They tried to destroy Chiropractic and Naturopathy  as well as many nutritional and herbal medicines.  Their darkest “success” came when they kneecapped Linus Pauling and disparaged Vitamin C to keep the public from learning of its value.  They also suppressed many cancer cures along with chelation therapy thereby keeping a steady stream of uninformed chronic disease sufferers packing medical offices in search of a drug solution.

While the profession made great strides in trauma-care and acute interventions, they buried actual prevention and safe natural treatments leading to suffering and death for millions.

They “overlooked” nutrition, but not before floating malicious lies recommending health-wrecking polyunsaturated fats and oils with cholesterol/heart disease mythology,… when saturated fats like butter and lard are wise scientifically verified choices.  They birthed the shady idea of sun avoidance and the use of carcinogenic chemical sunscreens. They promoted ineffective side-effect riddled vaxxxines for generally non-life threatening diseases.  They bolstered their “god status” with Latinesque word-salads meant to be unintelligible to the “congregation.”

Dig Deeper

When one compares widely advertised pharmaceuticals to established cell function and physiology; erroneous treatments become obvious. Perhaps this is due to the switcheroo in Pasteur’s day when “The Germ Theory of Disease” was adopted over “Terrain Theory” as a first cause while ignoring immune deficiency as the Root Cause.  So Western Medicine decided to skip-over innate immunity jumping ahead to inflammatory adaptive narrow-strain antibody treatments for invisible ever-mutating “germs” which gave rise to compulsory vaxxxination over terrain health… ( “Charge Terrain” in my world of REDOX thinking. )  Of course antibiotics have saved lives from deadly infections, but why did those infections take hold originally; imbalanced body chemistry and immune failure?

Some drugs do as advertised with minimal side effects, while others like statins, SSRIs, Xarelto, reflux drugs and fluoroquinolones are known to be dangerous, ineffective and scientifically wrong,… yet somehow remain in use?  Better answers can be found in the highly censored alternative realm.  Science in pharma-world takes a distant second place to profits!  Wall Street speculators drool over drugmaker “pipelines” and ironically hope for a killing.  Meanwhile the usual medical charities offer the same false hopes taking in billions, but after 50yrs are still “on the cusp” of cures for heart disease and cancer. Even after the trillion dollar covid grift, millions are now dedicated to a feckless politically-motivated “Cancer Moonshot.” Where do those/our dollars go?

Supplement sellers are no angels either.  They tout certain vitamins, herbals and various concoctions to people looking for a quick fix, similar to promises made by drug marketers,…people who have no clue as to actual need, correct usage, dosages, quality or selection other than they saw it advertised.

Nutritional experts are all over the map, many with extreme dietary ideas.  I tend to trust my palate and ethnic traditions, refusing processed factory-foods bereft of life energy. Growing and gathering ingredients that taste great, in vast seasonal variety, make me feel good!

Only Four Areas To Consider

1) Nutrition…in an industrialized agricultural and processed food dominated system..making real clean high-quality organic products pricey.

2) Toxins…where chemicals, pesticides and additives are not worthy of consideration in conventional medical circles.  (see article on effective detox protocols

3) Lifestyle Choices…Physical exertion, outdoor activities, sunshine, sauna and sweating always beat sedentary urban living.

4) Emotional States…Happiness, sense of purpose and positivity invoke powerful self-healing.  Anxiety, fearfulness and depression prevent it.  Media generated covid hysteria was ostensibly more deleterious to public health than the weaponized virus itself.

Doctor visits generally rely on fear for patient compliance, follow-up testing, over-doctoring and over-medication.

The thing about emotional states/mental health is it depends on 1), 2) and 3) above. The brain requires an operating voltage of 100mv to function properly.

What would low voltage do to a radio or computer?  Yup.

It’s Not That Hard!

If you are “too poor to pay attention” or have trouble connecting current decisions to future events; don’t sweat it, we’ve all been there.

Lookup scientific terms you don’t understand and search the internet to compare natural treatments and protocols for issues of concern like your life depends on it.

Or,…Consult an alternative clinic nearby, there are more everyday.   (   physician finder)

I would also recommend, books by Hickey/Roberts/Saul ,, substacks by “A Midwestern Doctor,”  Dr. Peter McCulloch and the many books and videos by Dr. Thomas Levy.  Dr. Marik’s sepsis protocol (  verified by a courageous local physician ) has snatched many terminal patients from the Jaws of Death using IV Vitamin C, B1 and cortisone in violation of hospital policy…

Government food pyramids and RDAs ( Recommended Daily Allowances ) of vitamins and minerals are so much bunkum. Size and frequency of doses are purely individual, varying with one’s age and physical condition. A few hundred milligrams may suffice for lab-rats and the young, when Megadoses of Vitamin C, D and A, NAC or magnesium dosed in Grams are needed to overcome deficits, reduce inflammation and restore balance.

Please save, share, print and review my article on SCURVY;  .

Frequent large doses of Vitamin C are valuable in so many ways, to not only cancel inflammation/oxidative stress, toxins and pathogens, but in raising terrain voltage throughout our “inner ocean”.


Efficient circulation of blood and lymph is critical in supplying oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing wastes.  Vit C’s flood of electrons thins sluggish fluids, prevents clumping of red blood cells and deadly stagnation, clots, stroke and heart attack. Hyperbaric oxygen over-powers stagnant blood flow, acidic hypoxia, deadly infections and traumatic brain injuries.

Other nutrients like sulfates from brassicas/egg yolk/garlic/onions, MSM and NAC boost Vit D/glutathione production and promote capillary action taking the strain off the heart pump.

Focus on all electron sources; antioxidant plant polyphenols, boosting glutathione levels with sulfates and NAC,  small molecule R-Alpha Lipoic Acid and methylene blue which easily pass the blood-brain barrier, sunshine and radiant heat which structure and charge water ( Dr. Gerald Pollack) and barefoot contact with the Earth.  Strong metabolic ATP-electron output is crippled by the consumption of polyunsaturated fats and vegetable oils and excess sugar common in the SAD/Standard American Diet.  You can judge a family’s health by what’s in their grocery cart!

Megadose Vitamin C, nebulized hydrogen peroxide and nebulized NAC work magic for pulmonary infections as with flu, covid, COPD, bronchitis and pneumonia.

I use pure oregano oil to combat yeasts, bad bacteria and parasites (,  1-10 drops on a tablespoon of honey for ten day stretches several times/yr.  Ivermectin and fenbendazole rid parasite-based cancers and are high on pharma’s shit-list.  I keep oxidizing MMS chlorite on hand for serious infections.

Methylene blue is a powerful antioxidant that boosts mitochondrial production of energy,..and is used along with Vitamin C to treat neurological conditions and clear UTIs. Research it.

Magnesium, zinc, selenium and iodine are beautiful elements essential for cell health.  Seasalt and seaweed contain all the trace minerals on the planet. Hair analysis reveals body inventories of minerals…and toxic metals.

Proteolytic enzymes like bromelain, papain, nattokinase and the uber-powerful lumbrokinase dissolve fibrins built-up during past inflammations allowing the body to penetrate these scar tissues and self-heal.

Cannabis resins destroy neuropathies, skin cancers with one or two topical applications and are also used internally for cancers, liver disease and neurological problems.  Research RSO/ Rick Simpson’s Oil; it works off the body’s own endocannabinoid system.

The world of inexpensive natural safe redox and herbal medicines is there to explore and experiment with. Reliance on health insurance and mass screenings keep one in the system for those who can’t see the value in paying out of pocket for foods and supplements to supply missing nutrients and prevent annoying doctor visits.

That said, when stumped and seriously ill try the ER.

Four Ways to C; See?

1)  Fruits, berries and vegetables offer relatively small amounts of Vitamin C, but do contain high levels of beneficial antioxidant polyphenols.

2)  Caps and tabs of 500 to 1000 mgs of C are fine for maintenance when used alongside food sources.

3)  Lipo-C is a pricey fat soluble version of Vitamin C, preferred in some circles for extended antioxidant protection. Though it is questionable whether blood-spike levels of C are attained in order to release hydrogen peroxide, our natural immune ammunition that destroys pathogens, cancers and senescent cells.

4)  Sodium ascorbate, (as used in 100-150 Gram IV infusions ), is my goto,…3-9 Grams Pure C/ascorbic acid fizzed fresh in water with half as much baking soda/sodium bicarbonate to bowel tolerance,… daily or as often as every 3-4 hours on empty stomach for acute concerns.

Vitamin C protocols going back 75 yrs have cured polio, encephalitis/brain swell, Ebola, Lyme disease, etc.. Megadosing Vitamin C has gotten me through gingivitis, bronchitis, covid 19, West Nile, high blood pressure, skin rashes (topically in aloe gel), joint pain along with collagen and even two dozen bee stings to the face.

Don’t Get Fooled Again!

Please awaken from our ongoing history of human captivity, perpetrated through fraud and deception. To ruling elites; we are simply livestock providing wealth through labor,.. to be stripped of meat, bone and hide at slaughter.  Modern medicine is the “new soft kill” serving to proactively attrit population surpluses and cull the weak, worn-out and aged.

As huge numbers of farmers were economically forced off their lands by chemical corporate conglomerates; too many Americans moved to cities and were made dependent on cheap industrial foods.  Resultant chronic disease epidemics provided a goldmine opportunity for health insurers, hospital corporations and pharmaceuticals. They share in the trillion-dollar pie based on the fear and ignorance of a once healthy independent populace under the force of “law” and bureaucratic collusion.

Common sense natural/traditional prevention and treatments were eliminated from legally enforced “Standards of Care” because “home remedies” were inexpensive and worked.  Failures were covered-up with dishonest manipulation of studies and statistics to keep the healthcare monopoly’s gravy train on track. Physicians of conscience were blackballed, censored and de-licensed making them the “turds in the punchbowl” under a fraudulent narrative.  Scores of successful cancer doctors have mysteriously met with accidents or committed suicide?

Having seen family and friends slip slowly into oblivion, my focus became one of study, critical observation and personal experiment.  Successful work with plants, animals, myself and open-minded friends, along with an unshakeable empathy for living creatures led to the truths I have tried to simplify in order to curtail suffering in others.

It’s hard to trust anything in our dog-eat-dog society under unmatched economic pressure,… marked by alarming levels of selfishness, fraud, violence, crime and suicide. We all hate to be conned and lied to. It purely pisses me off to see unsuspecting people snookered.

I refuse to be held hostage by a usurious system, their parasitic propaganda and captivity through fear.

Astute readers have found relief through my writings and recommendations. An archive of articles can be found on substack; “Forbidden Healing.”


Capt. Randall is an organic farmer, health researcher and author of "Forbidden Healing, The Curiously Simple Solution To Disease" Send mail ( [email protected])...Website with plenty of solid information;

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