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Fight Back and Fight to Win
Justin O Smith

The U.S. government tries to tell us all that there is never any justification for Americans to resort to violence, simply because they don’t want us to get used to the idea, for fear we will actually one day rise up against them. But they don’t hold the lock on violence. This nation was birthed and born through violence, and while it may be something many are reluctant to consider, it must be fully considered, and all who wish to remain free and safe must be resolved to use violence when all other alternatives have been exhausted.

If ever there were new intolerable acts in our country to see and endure, we have experienced them under this regime, and we have no real recourse, since our objections are ignored and discarded, and the regime continues merrily along its lawless destructive anti-American path. 

In this, Marcus Tulius Cicero [106-53 BC] is my mentor and sage, as I follow his wise words closely and have taken them to heart as my law, one that must be held sacrosanct:

There exists a law, not written down anywhere, but inborn in our hearts; a law which comes to us not by training or custom or reading; a law which has come to us not from theory but from practice, not by instruction but by natural intuition. I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies, any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.”

The Great Replacement is burning across America like a California wildfire out of control, as millions more of illegal alien invaders, the barbarian hordes, continue to pour across our U.S. southern border ever eager to plunder and lay to waste what’s left of our country, and it is all due to the treasonous actions of the Biden regime and all the bad actors within numerous federal institutions. And it has made the nation ripe for an increase in culture clashes and civil upheaval, especially when white America, once the largest population demographic is witnessing many parts of the country being reduced to nothing more than one big Third World slum, filled with angry, poor, troubled and often criminal “refugees” and illegal alien invaders with no love for America.

The Democrat Marxist-Maoist Communists get all twitterpated and lifted to the heights of ecstasy over the prospects of growing their political base and power by granting illegal aliens amnesty and enabling them to vote in our federal elections for Congressmen and the President. Incredibly, there exists a little known law, U.S. Code 18 Section 611c, that provides an illegal alien can actually legally vote in our federal elections, if “the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection [the law prohibiting illegals from voting – 611a] that he or she was a citizen of the United States”.

So who is to say what exactly is in the minds of thirty to forty illegal aliens currently within the nation and whether or not they fit this bill? Where are the mind readers of those who decide elections? The Democrats full well understood the ramifications of this amendment to the law when they first put it on the floor of the House in 2000, aided by the Republicans-In-Name Only who were in the majority at the time. And from the Obama era on to the present, it has been their golden ring to grasp at by initially making it “normal” and “legal” for illegals to vote in elections at the local level.

The Biden regime and the Democrat Party Communists resort to such ploys and gambits, because, by and large, their ideas aren’t all that appealing to most conservatives and many independents of respectable means in America and those third and fourth generation Americans, and some of the blue bloods of Pilgrim heritage, who have become all too familiar with the terribly flawed polices that accompany every Democrat led administration. They need these illegal aliens who are most inclined to already subscribe to their big government, new world order, collectivist ideas, because they are too illiterate, ignorant and dumb to know better, all too willing to leap at the “free stuff” being promised by the amerikkan communists.

The preening, strutting, self-important elitist Democrats are disgusting in their suggestions that all cultures are equal, as they seek to diminish the noble and fine advances set forth by America for all the world’s benefit. Across the world we see cheap, perverse imitations pop up in the Third World due to the people’s of those regions irrationality, superstitions and the belief that the universe’s workings are arbitrary, while their education systems remain subpar and their prosperity remains hamstrung regardless of their adoption of some tried and true methods borrowed from the ideas of Western civilization.

They claim white people are evil and that somehow our history is completely at odds with the history of The Third World, even tho’ my own Irish ancestors endured oppression and slavery for much longer than Black America. They go so far to tell me I owe America’s black people “reparations” even tho’ my forefathers never owned the first slave and one of my Great-Great Grandfathers, Richard Tewell, fought for the Union in K Company of the 22nd Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, With purpose, design and intent, they have absorbed and adopted the lies and the anti-white dogmas of the neo-Marxist Critical race Theory.

They look down their noses at Americans who would preserve traditional America in all their puffery, false pride and pretense pushing their latest fad, asking me if I’ve read the latest translation of Les Miserables or Mein Kampf or Shakespeare in Haitian Creole or the various Middle Eastern dialects of Arabic or Farsi, because it is oh so fashionable these days. To which I reply:

“Why yes … I speak Creole perfectly, just like English. Go get something from Les Miserables. No, just kiddin’. English goddammit! Speak English if you’re going to live and work here.”

Between 1992 and 2019, the U.S. has allowed nearly approximately thirty million legal immigrants into America, which have been a great burden to our society and a detriment to our culture and traditional America, since the Democrats have long encouraged multiculturalism and subverted any and all attempts at assimilation. This really started in 1965, when Congress decided to penalize white applicants for U.S. citizenship and give favor to the dregs and criminals of the world. And now, with over 20 million illegal alien invaders having entered our country under this traitorous Biden regime, at the direction of Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, it has grown exponentially worse, more burdensome financially and much more deadly as our citizens are being maimed and murdered by psychopath and criminal illegals with impunity.

Dammit … for Christ’s sake people … Biden and his criminal minions have even reached out and sent planes to bring these illegals into America, without them having to ask. The Biden regime, NGOs, United Nations, Catholic Charities, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, Open Society, LaRaza and numerous other more questionable organizations have all facilitated and funded this invasion, the subversion of America aimed at destroying Her sovereignty and our republic.

Biden has brought in millions of American hating “refugees” who are here for nothing less than everything they can cart off from federal programs, theft or monies received from drug sales and human trafficking, millions of people without anything in common with the truly American, legacy population. And they arrive having already been indoctrinated by way of the Democrat Party Communist propaganda that they are victims of “racism”, as they overwhelm city and state taxpayer-supported public services, while acting out to settle old scores and make their “white oppressors” pay a price.

Don’t believe for a second they’ve come fleeing tyranny, unless maybe it’s the Haitians we’re speaking of, and don’t assume they hold your same Western set of values and principles. The troubles they may be fleeing are a direct result of their own collective thinking, much like what we’ve recently seen in Venezuela, Haiti, Bolivia, Argentina and numerous other counties experiencing turmoil and civil war, and they are still mired in those same mindsets. Their hearts are held tight by the culture they left behind, and authoritarianism tends to follow them wherever they go.

The longer these illegal alien invaders reside here the more intensely they feel the loss of “home”, even tho’ they are currently handed privilege and benefits above and beyond what the average poor American family receives — placed in luxury hotels while millions of Americans remain homeless and braving the elements – and it makes their hatred for America grow. Wherever one finds them, often in the inner-city ghettos of major cities – think Minneapolis – they recreate the environments of their homelands, the same smells, the shit and the noise, violence and chaos, especially when we speak of those Muslims who have arrived here over the past four decades.

This is the reason we have seen second and third generation Muslims born in the U.S.A., much like Omar Mateen [2016 Orlando nightclub shooting], or Muslims who have acquired U.S. citizenship legally regularly commit acts of Islamic-inspired terrorism against America between September 11th 2001 and 2019. Even now, we see hundreds of thousands of young Muslims, their convert allies and communist supporters, in the streets and on the campuses of America raising hell in support of Hamas terrorism and their hatred of Israel, the same exact hatred they have burning in their hearts for Christianity and America too, giving a wealth of credibility to my decades long assertion that Islam was incompatible and antithetical to American principles and virtues and “coexistence” with Muslims within our country was just one more push towards national suicide.

And they have the hubris to tell us our borders are safe and secure, even as we hear new reports of hundreds of Muslim terrorists who have actually undergone some sort of supposed “screening” and still were released into America’s interior, all now documented, verified fact.

The population of sub-Saharan Africa sits at 1.5 billion today, as many nations within this region are currently experiencing their own mass upheavals, violence and civil war. Africa’s population is projected to reach 2.5 billion by 2050. Why should that be any of America’s concern? Why are so many of America’s so-called leaders so set in diluting and exterminating the white race in America? I suppose next they will invite a billion Africans to some to Tennessee, or maybe Ohio — Chicago anyone?

The Immigration Act of 1965 radically transformed the demographics of America, and Biden’s Open Border Policy is now working to transform America in its entirety and reduce America’s white people to second class citizens, painted as “white supremacists”, “domestic terrorists” and “racists” simply for the crime of “being born white in America”. We’ve gone from a nation comprised of approximately eighty-five percent white people, eleven percent black people and four percent other to fifty-five or sixty percent white people sixty years later, as Hispanics are currently positioned in our population to become the majority by 2035, with all those under age eighteen now a white minority.

No sane, reasonable American wants to see his country so deeply divided, for a litany of good reason, but no one should be left with any illusions on who the real racists are in America, after eight years of racist Obama rhetoric, three and a half years of anti-white racism from the Biden regime and Michelle Obama’s speech this evening at the Democrat Party Convention in Chicago. The low-brow, low IQ “genius” party apparatchiks in charge of the platform have convinced themselves over the past sixty years that overt differences between the races and multiculturalism are things to be promoted and celebrated, although history has shown time and again, these policies result in a future where their communist dreams won’t matter, where no one’s dreams matter; they have rejected Martin Luther King, JR’s “Rainbow Speech” and the notion that the color of one’s skin is of no consequence and something we should ignore in order to form a better society. Their way ends in lowered wages for everybody, the erosion of trust across all levels of society, and the polarization, if not total Balkanization, of our nation, all the ills we used to successfully combat with more reasoned and sound immigration policies.

And for the past twenty years, I have heard men and women of all colors and creeds, from brown Hispanics and Muslims to elitist Democrat Party whites – also the foot soldiers of the fascist ANTIFA group – and black members of the racist Black Panthers and communist inspired and supported Black Lives Matter call for killing and eradicating white people from America, because “they are the problem”. This isn’t to say that all people of color seek the end of white people, because there are a great number of blacks and Hispanic who hold true and dear the founding principles and virtues of America, such as Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams, fine conservative American patriots; but just as I have experienced a great many kindnesses from people of color who shared my worldview through the decades, I have experienced even more acts of hatred and reverse racism, as our nation took a hard turn towards the anti-American Marxist-Maoist communist ideology and jumped aboard the Democrat Party Communists’ plan for the fundamental transformation of America and the end of our republic.

This is the sort of cultural, political and social transformation and immigration policies that can only end in the same sort of civil strife and ethnic violence the world has witnessed in a large percentage of multiethnic societies in the past, whether we speak of Nigeria, South Africa, Rhodesia, Haiti or France.


The Democrat Party, under the “leadership” of Barack Obama and the Biden regime (Barack regime #3 and counting! ~ Editor), have become not only the Amerikkan Communist Party but the party of genocide against white America.

So in the meantime, many still try to work within the framework of the Constitution through words and reason, but the Democrat Party Communists are beyond reason and, in fact, they are lawless using what they call “the law” formulated and thrown out on the fly at a whim to complete the transition of America into a totalitarian communist state, tied to a new world order and taking its marching orders from collectivist and stakeholder capitalist/ globalist tyrants, who attempt to force apologies from us for the sins of our fathers, whether our ancestors took part in slavery or the oppression of other peoples or not. They skin us of what little extra wealth we may have saved in order to support their mad scheme, bending America over and fucking Her up the ass, because they are diabolically evil in their way of thinking and totally vicious, and they hate this America we love so well.

Several weeks ago, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a Dutch Member of Parlaiment spoke to the European Union on how Europe’s leaders were doing the exact same thing to their people — flooding European nations with immigrants, both legal and illegal, for a variety of nefarious reasons. She ended her speech with a memorable, outstanding commentary:

“… we need to ask ourselves, what has happened to us? Where do we come from? And more importantly, where are we going? Our elites have declared a war on us, and now it is time for us to put on the full armor of God, fight back, and win.”

Who is left to fight for America? Our federal government has been seized by the enemy-from-within and its top people refuse to uphold the numerous U.S. laws that fully empower them to close our borders tight and deport each and every single illegal alien invader, by utilizing the full weight of our law enforcement, Border Patrol and U.S. military, up to and including deadly force. They are on a lawless path that serves only their intent to gain and hold power for the rest of the century, as they tell the states and private citizens that they mustn’t act contrary to their policy to halt the invasion themselves, even tho’ it is our right to self-defense.

The Democrat Party Communists’ Open Border Policy endangers all Americans and ensures that hundreds of thousands of our people will continue to be robbed, raped and murdered each year and our cities trashed and demolished, and as such, it is now left to those strong-minded, determined Americans who are willing to do anything necessary to stop this illegal alien invasion, despite warnings this is “verboten” upon pain of prosecution and prison. Well, if anyone’s going to prison, it should be these damned Democrat traitors to America, who deserve to be helped on out of this world. Without a sane government that places Americans first, we should to go en masse to the border and shoot a few hundred illegal alien invaders dead in their tracks, as they jump the border. Watch how fast the invasion stops: And it will be well worth the effort, if it stops thousands of Americans from being robbed, raped and murdered each year.

After our borders are sealed and secured, however we may accomplish it, by We the People or some subsequent administration, America must implement a ten year moratorium on all immigration, set forth on a mission to deport all illegal aliens, and integrate and assimilate all the millions of legal immigrants who have entered America over the past two decades and still can’t speak functional English, sort of like the old Laotian lady that lives two houses down the road from me. If they refuse to properly assimilate within a given time frame, ship them out of the country too.



Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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