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The Last Election Before the War
TL Davis

The 2024 election is the most consequential election in our lifetimes, but it still doesn’t matter. We have already been immersed in the hell that is communist rule. We have a president that does absolutely nothing and Harris will be no different. What we have seen over the past four years is a government run fully by cabinet-level appointees. I have no doubt that Obama was deeply involved in choosing these cabinet posts and is the one who will be answered to on all policy positions from now until he is finally rooted out. If Trump is the one to do that, he’s going to need a lot of help. 

This election, if seen for what it is, is an expression of wills. It’s a choice of regular order or communist rule. Since the pandemic, we’ve seen the private armies of the globalists, our police forces and sheriff’s offices, impose rules and dictates sent down from on high. These were not laws and they were not acting lawfully. We have suffered the surveillance, the monitoring of our actions, the visits by the secret police concerning social media posts. We have seen censorship for our views that were ultimately proven true, not the misguided, antigovernment screeds they were proclaimed by a biased and criminally negligent press. We now see people going to prison here and elsewhere for things they’ve said, especially when true. Pavel Durov, CEO of Instagram, has been arrested in France for things other people have said. These are the dark days of communisms showing themselves in real time, across the globe, so there can be no doubt as to the future under Harris/Obama. We know what we will be voting against, that and the intricate and largely computer-driven system of voter fraud. The details of this are utterly shameless. Some states even have recently cleaned voter rolls, required by law and finally enforced, automatically repopulated with those same names. It’s easy, you take a snapshot of the lists in existence, save it, clean the challenged names from the list, wait for the dust to settle and replace the new file with the old one. 

To me, I don’t have to wait for this to play out yet again to motivate me. That and the unwillingness of the congress to rectify the fraud and you already live in a corrupted and illegitimate system. Others are going to wait for the election. I don’t know why, but a solidarity of sentiment is important. Everyone has their own line and some people don’t have one at all. The election, as I see it, is merely a reference point for people, a cause or a reaction and they think it’s within their control to decide whether to move or not to move, but they’re wrong. Every decision will be made for them. They have not yet seen the lengths to which the communists will go to vent their hatred on the American people, win or lose. 

If Harris wins this election, by fraud, or default (which is a possibility) the game will be on. There is no way, knowing what I know now about how these votes are created and inserted into the system, the infrastructure in place to do that and only that, that they will ever convince me that she won, that a majority of legal voters elected her. I don’t care what they do to manipulate the polls in advance of the second steal. I knew the first one was fraudulent, but I thought there were so many people with skin in the game at the upper levels that they would put things in place to ensure that there was a reckoning to some degree. Watching what has taken place over the past four years, I know there’s no interest in our republic. They want a change, preferably without voters at all. That’s what we’re fighting against.

I may have come to this conclusion a long time ago, but it’s only now that I see a purpose in expressing it. There is no interest in peace with the American people. They want the American people to stand up and fight them. They’re convinced they will win, that the American people have no chance and it will just be a means of further cleansing, a rooting out what’s left of the American spirit so they can get on with their communist system unfettered by public opinion or fear of rebellion. They want to settle it. They’ve imported their foreign fighters into the heartland for that very purpose and they will use them like BLM and Antifa before them. They’re already using the Palestinian protesters in that way. The American people, in terms of historical perspective, are the Native American Indians of today and they plan to deal with us the same way, by starvation, forced dependence and war. If it’s war they want, I have no qualms about giving it to them. 

Be not afraid. Your future as an American is the same. You will be imprisoned or killed no matter what you do. One cell will be of stone and mortar, the other will be a monitored existence punished for any unacceptable thought or word. The fight is for the future, not the present. The future might be different for your children or grandchildren, if you fight, but it will be no different for you. Electing Trump sets it off and so you should. It puts the burden on the government then to make the aggressive, offensive moves against the American people. It’s easier to overcome hesitance when the government has made those offensive moves, exposed their heartless judgments, their cruel vindictiveness. Otherwise, it’s all a shouting match about another stolen election and it will take a long time to coalesce around the realities of resisting communism. 

The addition of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Trump’s circle of influencers removes the stigma of Trump from a lot of voter’s minds. It gives credence to his vision and ensures that others, especially independents, will move toward Trump, because if he is to win, it will take an extraordinary turnout in his favor. There are all of the illegals and fake voters to overcome. But that’s really just to force the Democrats to drop the pretense of caring about Democracy, though installing Kamala already achieved a lot of that. 

In the end, though, no matter which way it goes, it’s probably the last election for many of us. There’s something to be said for the inevitability of the republic’s demise. Republics are successful because they offer freedom to create and produce, but they also offer the freedom, as necessary as it is, of speech. With that, the door opens to communists and their eternal, whining screech for equality of outcomes. Over time, they win and convince enough people who’ve gotten a rotten deal that their promises will bring them a better deal in an egalitarian society. It’s a compelling argument, no matter how many people have to be killed for them to obtain power. As Harris points out herself, the solution always follows the obtaining of power; the solution is never provided to earn or deserve that power. 






A novelist, screenwriter and film producer writes about politics and American culture.

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