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Deep State Builds America’s Bridge to Serfdom
Matt Morgan

Now we see the whole story.

It appears Deep State Officials at the FBI and Ministry of Transportation are the first and last word on the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Balitmore. 

Oh, and because of the bridge will be rebuilt by federal project funding, it’s also the Deep State’s latest “test case” for more taxes and inflation across America. 

On March 26 at 1:28AM, the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed. 

The FBI was one of the first on the scene. 

They delivered the news: 

“On behalf of the FBI. I would like to say that we are with you. We are with Baltimore and we’re with the partners every step of the way. The FBI very first looking at and assessing this matter from an investigative standpoint.”  


Within one hour of the incident the FBI was on site at Baltimore’s Emergency Command Center ready to take charge. They say, “making their resources available” was their great contribution. Without obtaining complete information, there they were at the morning news conference assuring the public “no terrorist activity” had taken place.

They were willing to share resources and make information available.

Only, the two minutes of critical information in the cargo vessel’s black box was LOST. 

The very thing designed to withstand all conditions, including the bottom of the ocean, somehow lost critical information about what exactly happened on the bridge of that ship.


While critical information suddenly disappeared, the narrative also changed from tragedy to no terrorist activity to “no further comment” in a closed, state-funding criminal investigation. 

Bloomberg reports: 

Bridge Disaster in Baltimore Gets FBI Criminal Investigation

“The US has opened a criminal investigation into what occurred on a cargo ship before it crashed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge and caused it to collapse last month, according to a person familiar with the probe.

Federal Bureau of Investigation agents early Monday boarded the

Singapore-flagged container ship, which remains disabled on the Patapsco River, the bureau said in a statement.

“The FBI is present aboard the cargo ship Dali conducting court authorized law enforcement activity,” the FBI said. “There is no other public information available and we will have no further comment.”

The title of the article above reads “FBI Criminal Investigation,” yet the video placed at the top of the article is an interview with Maryland Democratic Governor, Wes Moore. He’s explaining how confident he is that “we” can get the job done after the interviewer asks him about federal funding to rebuild the bridge.

But the Governor isn’t interested in “we” as in the sovereignty of the State of Baltimore. He’s interested in the centralization of power, and empowering the US federal government.

And that’s mostly because, as he puts it, the Port of Baltimore is the largest port in the country for cars, food commodities, and coal and it contributes $70 Billion every year to the American economy. 

And along with President Joe Biden, the Governor also acknowledges that this was an economic catastrophe for the country.

So the entire country must rebuild the bridge…

That is socialism.

In less than three months, the Baltimore bridge state-funded criminal case has gone from “no further comment” to “test case” for the federal government to hire more employees, violate state sovereignty, and spend more money.

CNBC Reports: 

$2 billion Baltimore bridge rebuild is test case for new national debate over infrastructure spending

Officials are hoping to use the process as an opportunity to reimagine the rest of the infrastructure in the region…

The situation in Baltimore is a vastly sped-up version of processes underway in states and cities across the country, said Buttigieg, who is overseeing some 54,000 projects nationwide funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed in 2021.

“We have funding that goes to projects that come from every state, city, airport authority or transit agency, you can think of,” he said.

While Buttigieg acknowledged that some of the demand is a result of the huge amount of money being made available — $550 billion in transportation and infrastructure funding over five years — it is also a reflection of the need.”

So federal funding for the new Francis Scott Key Bridge projects (about $1.7B to $1.9B) is preparation for taxpayers to spend more and the expansion of the State.

Whether or not the Deep State planned and executed this crisis, or they’re taking advantage of the moment..

America’s… “Bridge to Serfdom” is being built

To that end, Friedrich A. Hayek, author of the ‘Road to Serfdom’ writes: 

“In order to achieve their ends the planners must create power – power over men wielded by other men – of a magnitude never before known. Their success will depend on the extent to which they achieve such power. Democracy is an obstacle to this suppression of freedom which centralized direction of economic activity requires. Hence, arises the clash between planning and democracy.

Many socialists have the tragic illusion that by depriving private individuals of the power they possess in an individualist system, and transferring this power to society, they thereby extinguish power. What they overlook is that by concentrating power so that it can be used in the service of a single plan it is not merely transformed, but infinitely heightened…

…In the hands of private individuals, what is called economic power can be an instrument of coercion, but it is never control over the life of the person. But when economic power is centralized as an instrument of political power it creates a degree of dependence scarcely distinguishable for slavery.”  

What we see in the “test case” of the Francis Scott Key Bridge rebuild is a not only a massive dump of taxpayer money through federal funding, but a planned and executed bridge to serfdom.



The Daily Bell is an alternative media website that challenges the legacy media’s stranglehold on the public perception.

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