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The world is noticing: There’s a legit COUP underway in the US led by federal judges… There’s a coup unfolding in the United States. It’s reaching a fever pitch, and if we don’t stop it, everything we voted for in 2024 will turn to ash. Yes, that may sound dramatic—but sadly, this is exactly where we are in America right now. And if you need more proof, just look at the Obama-appointed judge who bent over backward to protect bloodthirsty gangbangers—risking the lives of American citizens just to save them.
The world can’t ignore what’s happening in the United States—it’s too in-your-face, way too corrupt, and too dystopian to just brush aside. And thankfully, one very popular and powerful world leader is calling it out. He’s calling a spade a spade and, without even realizing it, has completely flipped the Dems’ J6 narrative right back on them. In a move that is sure to send shockwaves across the globe, he’s openly declared—for everyone to see—that a literal coup is happening right now in America. And it’s not coming from Trump supporters or patriots—it’s being led by the judiciary itself. There’s a coup unfolding in the United States. It’s reaching a fever pitch, and if we don’t stop it, everything we voted for in 2024 will turn to ash. Yes, that may sound dramatic—but sadly, this is exactly where we are in America right now. And if you need more proof, just look at the Obama-appointed judge who bent over backward to protect bloodthirsty gangbangers—risking the lives of American citizens just to save them.
And they don’t even care that you know what they’re up to… Just take a look at the tally of nationwide injunctions over the years—it tells you everything you need to know: And don’t think for a second this coup wasn’t carefully planned. Just listen to Dem leader Chuck Schumer spill the beans on camera:
Once again—just like in 2020—the Deep State has decided that its own survival trumps the will of the people (pun absolutely intended). And they’ll stop at nothing to block what we voted for, all while hiding behind the fake guise of “saving democracy.” READ MORE: Female pilot hits runway with wing of passenger plane. She ‘had no clue’ it happened… Now, in the latest coup move, we have a crazy activist judge dictating to the President of the United States—the Commander-in-Chief—who he’s allowed to hire and fire in the military.
This is not how this country is supposed to work. We didn’t elect low-level judges to call the shots. If that were the case, why even bother having a president? Might as well hand the country over to a bunch of radicals in black robes and let them run the show, right? We’re hearing a lot of talk, talk, talk from the right—but not nearly enough action. America is at a breaking point, and it’s time to start forcing the people in power—namely Justice Roberts—to step up. He needs to take off his activist robe and start doing his actual job. And if he won’t? Then he needs to be pushed—forced, even—to make the tough calls.
Honestly, this is yet another reason why Justice Thomas should be leading the Supreme Court. But amidst all the bad news, we came across something interesting—and maybe even a little hopeful. A post on X that offers a rare glimpse of insight and a much-needed dose of optimism in this mess we’re facing. Take a look:
It’s a well thought out post; however, here’s the sad truth: impeachment will take a 2/3 vote in the Senate, and truthfully, that’s not going to happen. And that’s what is fueling the Dems weaponization of the judiciary. Sure, trying to impeach these usurpers may be difficult, even impossible, but perhaps it’s a necessary starting point—as proof that we’re serious about removing these unelected, activist-wannabe presidents who have no right to override the will of the American people. But that alone won’t be enough. To stop these regime-controlled judges from dismantling the country from the inside out, we need to think inside and outside the box, exploring every possible way to shut down their overreach. It’s a multi-layered battle, and unfortunately, there’s no single, easy fix.
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