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The Western Empire Is Mor(t)ally Wounded
Ianto Watt

I have been seeing in these past silent months the latest fin-de-siècle. The end of the cycle. It’s not pretty. At least, not for the Western Caesar. We are now witnessing the changing of the guard. Bottom line: we are no longer the guards. Let me try to explain.

Scripture tells us that ‘God will not be mocked’. But it does say there will come a time when God will be mocking us. And surely, my friends, that time is upon us. Apart from the seriousness of the titanic battle unfolding before Him, He must be rolling on the floors of Heaven, gasping for breath as He wipes the tears of hilarity from His eyes. He does have a sense of humour, you know.

Yes, yes, of course. He truly does mourn those who spurn Him and His mercy. Just as He surely mourns those slain for His name. But the former would have rejected Him regardless of anything He did for them. Just ask Lucifer. Created just one notch below deity, yet still envious of Him.

As for those who bled for Him, He will heal their wounds. Like Job, He will restore them a hundred-fold. Their pain will pass, but not so for their tormentors. They will only have themselves to torture, and this they will do. Forever.

Which brings us back to the mocking of Man. Accomplished by His allowance of our unbounded insanity. An insanity mixed with a hubris that called forth the mirth of Michael. Michael, who burst out laughing when Lucifer’s Fallen Komrades said ‘he is like God’.

Thus, Michael earned his name; Mi-Cha-El. ‘Who is like God!’, he exclaimed. Leaving Lucifer and his cohort only one choice, to flee the derision of Heaven. Better the Abyss, they said, than the laughter of their Lessers. And their Greater. That laughter still rings above us as they continue their descent to the bottomless pit. But the question is, will we join them in this joy(less) ride?

This is where we are today. Bottomless insanity, increasing daily. No end in sight. Because there is no sight. The Bearer of Light has blinded himself, and all who follow him. They hold a torch they cannot see.

And here is what they cannot see. The game is up. The Western Empire is mor(t)ally wounded. By its own hand, no less. No, there is no hope left. Recovery is impossible. Caesar has cut his own throat.

Here is the astounding part, in my eyes. The West could have stretched their horizon for another twenty or even fifty years. If only they would have been rational. If only they would have seen the obvious. Let me give you an example, from this week’s WSJ (3-7-23). The first in a series of ‘explanatory’ articles trying to shape the ideological battleground confronting us. One in which a Lt. Gen. says he was struck by ‘how quickly China had advanced’ and how ‘our long-held doctrines about warfare were becoming obsolete’.

Now, this is not the astounding part. No, the stunner is that he was saying this in 2018. And that since that time, we decided to die before we ever got to China. We decided to die in Ukraine.

Let me recount the WSJ story. In countless war-games against China since that time, every iteration shows the Western Empire running out of munitions in a few weeks. Weeks. In the meantime, Russia continues to empty our armory in the killing fields of Donbas. Even the UK Minister of Defense admits they have only a few weeks of ammo left after shipping everything to Ukraine. And here is the salient point—the West is industrially naked. We need months to produce what the idiots in Kiev are using in a single day. While the Russians are expending ten times that amount. Without pause.

Does anyone really believe this is winnable? I don’t. And again, this is before we get to the China question. This is now. Not tomorrow. Now.

But that is not why I am writing. Obviously, I don’t believe the West can prevail upon the field of battle. The numbers, for those who bother to look, are stark. Yes, you may say the press assures us we are winning. Consider the source. Broaden you view, if you can bear it. Better yet, just look at the logic. Does anyone actually winning a war behave like our rulers? No, they don’t. It’s pretty obvious. Panic has set in. And not just on the battlefield. Just go the store (for anything) to verify this.

And so, let’s move along, Citizen. The kinetic front is lost. And so is the economic theatre. There is no real productivity left in the West. The bulk of our supposedly gargantuan GDP is composed of Health care, Education, Media/Entertainment and FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real-Estate). All of which are composed of electronic blips in a computer. There is no industrial base left. For munitions or materiel.

So, ask yourself, what would happen if America was cut off from all imports, how would you build a home? Or furnish it? Or repair it? And how would you feed yourself and your family? How long can the Central Valley of California ship you produce? And how long can the heartland ship them grain? Is there anything that will sustain us locally?

Talk all you want about our boundless bounty. Show me how it can operate. Alone. Show me how an economy built on speculation and immaterial wealth can continue to operate when half of the GDP evaporates, as it surely will when people begin to doubt its foundational strength. Few people today understand the concept (and results) of panic. When it comes, all bets are off. Why? Because the payoff on all our bets is in a coinage no longer valued. Ask the folks in the Weimar Republic how much a barrow-full of Reichmarks were worth.

But again, this is not why I am writing. I’m only recapping what is now actually behind us. The kinetic and economic dies are already cast. I’ve said this since I wrote my book a decade ago. No one listened then. No one listens now. No one can see anything that is right before their nose. Why? Because we are willfully blind to reality. Why is that? It’s because we have never known reality. We’ve never had to look it in the face. But that day is coming, very soon.

But before that day comes, there is a final trial that awaits us. And while we can whistle past the military and economic graveyards, we won’t be able to dodge the last one. The graveyard of belief. What do I mean? Simple, my friend. What is it you will die for? Anything? Anyone?

I know, I know. How rude of me to speak of death. I was chastised for my ‘rudeness’ just this morning by some random Karen when I loudly voiced my displeasure at the idiotic operation of the local Post Office. Karen immediately sprang to the defense of Goliath. Like any good imperial subject should! I’m sure she would have fainted had I even hinted that we will all one day die.

But it’s true, correct? And so, let’s move to the third horse of this Eastern (Russian) apocalypse. The ecclesial world beckons us. We cannot avoid it. Even if we try, even if we deny, we will someday die. And that is the final rudeness. The one we desperately don’t want to talk about. Especially to ourselves.

We can’t avoid it now. No, the military and economic worlds are lost, whether we know it or not. But the inside horse of the Russian troika now pulls alongside us, driven by Francis, the feared charioteer of Ecclesial Rome. He’s not running Le Mans. He sees life as a demolition derby. And he’s driving for Imperial Team Biden.

Now we have to decide who is our real King. Forget about the Eastern Caesar in muscular Moscow. Forget about the dystrophic old Emperor of Wall Street. Think about the last Emperor. Who will he be? Will we be willing to die for him?

And now, to the meat of the matter. Are you on the FBI watch-list? Well, are you a Catholic? More to the point, are you wedded to the Latin-past? Are you a pro-life Catholic? Tell me, how did we ever get to this point, where someone had to parse the word ‘catholic’? It means ‘universal’. How can you divide it?

Are you one of those weird people who can actually say they remember the past, let alone embrace it? Are you one of those who can actually say they have beliefs they will die for? Have you noticed, no one is hunting down Methodists? Or Anglicans! Or any of the other denominational shards in the ruins of the civilization we now occupy?

Here’s where we’re at, Komrade. The powers in Ecclesial Rome have totally abandoned us. They have bridged the material abyss, and are now Wholly Rome. Imperial and Ecclesial. They are now one and the same, in the West. Here lies the imminent danger. Which way will you leap when it all becomes agonizingly clear that Caesaro-Papismis the only official choice, both West and East? Mortally-speaking, these seem to be our only choices. Will we embrace the hedonistic Western version, aided and abetted by the current Pope? Or will we embrace the austere and harshly pietistic version offered by the Patriarch of Moscow, who seemingly embraces the family values we once knew?

Both versions are false. Therein lies the danger. Will we succumb to the outward appearance of Third Rome, as it seemingly opposes the rotted remnants of First Rome? Or can we see that they are two side of the same false dichotomy?

By the way, you can forget about Second Rome, too. They are, as I have written before, simply ‘the Other NATO’. Totally beholden to the Empires (both East and West). No, now the choice comes down to this. What is it you will die for? Remember, in the Coliseum, no one gets to call ‘time out’. You can’t demand the Sacraments (from either clergy). You don’t get to claim any rights (or Rites). You can’t demand a fair trial, and even if you could, you’re still a sinner. Face it, we’re all guilty. There’s only the mercy of the court.

Only Peter was granted that power, in Heaven and on Earth. And Peter gave it to those who held to The Faith. And now we have to ask the court to judge our Faith, and give us the mercy we so desperately need.

Brothers, as you petition the Court for mercy, bereft of innocence, guilty like all of us, naked as a jaybird, let me ask you this: have you even got a reliable character witness? Anyone the Court might be willing to listen to? Like, maybe, the Judge’s mother? Last I remember, she was talking about the Errors of Russia. Not the errors of Rome.

So then, Komrades, Citizens. What’s in your wallet?

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Capricorn with Kate Bush rising. Quite a bit Nick, very Charlie. Pretty decent at the writings. Will work for cake. Love a penguin. And a Sugababe.




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