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Cognitive Warfare and the Battle to Be You The individual is dangerous. Wanting to be left alone is dangerous. Defiance is dangerous. Non-compliance is dangerous. Disobedience is dangerous. Neutrality is dangerous. You are dangerous. You must be assimilated. More than ever before I feel the pull of the hive, and while it’s already been quite pressing over the last couple of years, we’ve tragically swapped out the nu-flu psychosis for something far more magnetic and dangerous… WAR FEVER! The matrix demands that you pick a side. It won’t take no for an answer. You’re either with us or against us. Black or white only. Good vs. evil. Right vs. wrong. We’re right, they’re wrong. It wants you to choose a team, suit up in their colors, and go all in for the win. It wants you to say what the team says, to do what the team does, to think like the team thinks, to believe what the team believes, to do the wave when the team does the wave, to cheer when the team cheers, to get angry when the team misses a goal, to get shitfaced when the team wins. Worst of all, though, it wants you to become the team, to supplant your personal identity for the comforting bosom of the herd. To lose yourself in something bigger. It lies to you and tells you that it’s safer with the team, and that to be alone and sovereign in your own right makes you vulnerable, insecure and exposed. It already knows the secrets and science of the mind, and how to program you with self-defeating behaviors so that you’re easier to control and less likely to rebel, but the tricks it plays on you to get you to participate in the madness of the mob are growing more and more refined and diabolical. Maintaining your individuality is becoming more difficult than ever. The other day I was re-reading some documents about NATO’s pursuits in developing what it calls, ‘cognitive warfare,’ a new term to describe the military industrial complex’s declaration of war on the human brain. It wasn’t enough to control people with propaganda, censorship, mandates and bombs, so the new push will control your thoughts and behavior using a modern synthesis of psychology, neuroscience, nanotech, biotech, social sciences, data-harvesting, artificial intelligence, and the internet. It’s really too much to comprehend. Think of it as Mind Control 2.0, and this time they’re throwing the whole book at you. In these documents, the braintrust at NATO’s creative warfare division has come up with some great ways to articulate the purpose and need for looking at your brain (and everyone else’s) as a new theatre of war. Here are some of my favorite quotes:
Executive Summary: We’re figuring out how to weaponize the internet and use the full power of all technologies to alter the way people think and how the brain works, so that we can more easily lord over an abusable class of automatons and robots who unconsciously carry out military orders while believing they are in control of their own thoughts and behavior. There’s also an eye-catching phrase in these documents which I hadn’t previously heard before… “psychocultural warfare.” Hmmm… at face value it sounds like a way to create conflict amongst people by filling their heads full of nefarious BS… and guess what? That’s exactly what it is! Psychocultural is defined as, “of or relating to the interaction of psychological and cultural factors in the individual’s personality or in the characteristics of a group.” So, basically, psychocultural warfare is about weaponizing one’s relationship to themselves and to others. Great. This is more bad news for those of you seekers out there who are still determined to live an amazing life in this system of lies and illusions. It means there will be even more layers of manipulation to sort through in order to find your own sense of authority and purpose. Are you up to the challenge? I hope so. As a self-sabotage coach I look at the repetitive negative messaging in one’s environment in search for clues about why they do what they do. Self-sabotage is almost always about the brain being in a distressed state so that it sinks into short-term thinking processes driven by the limbic system, which include processes related to emotion and motivation. When the brain is operating on this lower level, the subconscious mind defaults to the short-term habits that offer instant gratification instead of long-term satisfaction. It’s why so many people are stuck in repetitive thought loops and destructive habits. It’s why life for so many in this world of opportunity finds us living out nothing but the lowest common denominator, the average, the median. Mediocrity. The brain is simply too taxed to muster the strength and courage needed to resist the tractor beam pull of social conformity. Self-sabotage is truly epidemic today, which is no wonder when you consider just how much psychological and social manipulation we endure. Add to that the tremendous pressures on our most basic needs of security, self-esteem, and connection, and the chronic stress of always having some major crisis to fear. The natural reaction to an environment this hostile is to revert to self-protective behavior… self-sabotage. And this is precisely the point of psychocultural warfare, cognitive warfare, and all the mind control in our world. To sideline you. To assimilate you into a weak, unhealthy and dysfunctional tribe. A tribe of non-protestors, or worse yet, a tribe of boot-lickers. Of broken people who cannot stand on their own, nor have any sense of self-determination. We are under attack. You are under attack. They want to control, conquer and kill your individuality, which isn’t easy to do, considering that human beings have a built-in psychological drive pushing us towards individuation.
Dylan Charles has inspired millions of people around the world as the owner of Waking Times. Sharing a powerful message of transformation, his incredible journey from addiction and self sabotage to shamanism and self mastery is an example of courage and personal responsibility. As a certified FFSS self sabotage coach he has developed a reputation for his grounded, intuitive, and practical approach to winning at life.
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