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Surviving Nuclear Warfare with what You Have
So, read how to survive Nuclear Warfare and talk about it… or don’t read this. At least email this to Family and Friends and have them print out a hard copy. You will see why when you read about ElectroMagnetic Pulse Events here. Your decision. Nuclear Warfare IS Survivable by simple procedures as you will read. As doom and gloom as Nuclear Warfare has been made to sound, surviving it is quite elementary. I am obviously hoping that nothing Catastrophic like a Nuclear Exchange will occur. The new President Elect is feverishly trying to broker a Peace Treaty between Russia and the Ukraine in their ongoing conventional war. Recently, the Russians have issued ultimatums over the use of British and American made long-range missile attacks deep inside of Russia last week. That is seemingly the last issue of importance for the current Administration as they continue to attack the Russian Federation. There seems to be no adults in the room with the current American Government Administration, as their actions in the last week shows that they are hell-bent on escalating the Ukraine war and forcing the hand of the Russians. The Russians have clearly stated that any further long-range missile attacks inside Russia will be met with devastating retaliation, not only for the Ukraine, but for countries supplying them with these missiles and the “advisors” from those countries that operate them… American and British military personnel as “Independent Contractors.” Read this short posting by former CIA Operative Larry Johnson who hosts the Sonar21 Podcast (Larry C. Johnson is a former CIA officer and intelligence analyst, and former planner and advisor at the US State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. As an independent contractor, he has provided training for the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years). Political Science and Russia expert Glenn Diesen…
Okay… What makes me an expert? Well I’m not an “Expert” …but because of my past experience and training with ThermoNuclear Weapons and Nuclear Warfare, I know more than the average bear about the subject. My career experience leads me to know more about Nuclear Weapons and their effects than the average person. I am not an expert, but capitalize the word “Nuclear” because of the frightening respect I have for this weapon. This is a huge subject to cover as there are many variables, so this is the simplified version of Nuclear War survival. After advanced electronics training in the American Air Force, I was assigned to Air Defense Command, I was given training in Nuclear Weapons arming procedures and studied broad ranging information on Nuclear Weapons and their explosive and lingering effects, in addition to my specialty as a missile guidance technician. After attending training on Nuclear Warfare back in the mid-1960s’ and seeing the projected devastation expected from an all-out Nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia by the MAD Theory Doctrine, aka Mutual Assured Destruction… I came away with a depressed feeling that was hard to shake. I suddenly had new found respect for the ‘barrel’ …that bright white, epoxy painted Nuclear warhead about the size of a 30-gallon oil drum with rounded edges that looked like a cylinder that was beautifully done by a sculptor. A pretty package that contained a horror show. Nuclear Weapon armingwas connecting the input sensors from the BOMARC ground to air missile in a “Safe, Orderly and Professional Manner” (in other words don’t damage anything or set the bomb off) to the SAFO arming package. The SAFO arming package was a pretty purple dyed, odd shaped aluminum box that sat parallel to the “Bomb” and triggered the Nuclear Weapon to explode, when all necessary inputs were present and the control command was given. This Nuclear Bomb was a Fission/Fusion bomb… some of the old ThermoNuclear “dirty bombs.” The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were “Atomic Bombs,” which was Fission only. The bomb I worked on was a Hydrogen Bomb, AKA “ThermoNuclear” bomb, the most powerful at that time and some 1,000 times more powerful than the Atom Bomb. Our missile squadron, the 74th ADMS, was part of the North American Aerospace Defense, NORAD. Our base had 28 BOMARC Nuclear tipped ground to air missiles interconnected with the NORAD system, which was the early warning system that watched the “Over the North Pole through Canada down to the United States” route the Russian bombers would take when attacking the United States. The BOMARC was designed to destroy them in the northern territories of Canada. Of course, this Nuclear explosion would be high altitude, after the missile had been launched at the bombers attacking the United States. The explosion was designed to be at the precise position and time desired for maximum effect on destroying the greatest cluster of the swarm of bombers attacking as possible. Our enemy at this time during the “Cold War” was the Soviet Russians. Communist Soviets. We later defeated them in most areas of the world, so they moved to Washington, D.C. and started eating a lot of Ice Cream and calling each other “Comrade” (Cynical Joke). INSIDE DUCK and COVER Duck and Cover. Drop down to the floor with something heavy like a couch or desk between you and glass windows, put your thumbs over your ear holes and at the same time take your other four fingers and cover your eyes. Even though Russia is no longer the old Soviet Union… they’re still being portrayed as the same enemy we had during the “Cold War... Bad Guys, which I don’t think if really fair or logically justifiable. Neither do I see Putin as a “Good Guy”. After all, he was a Russian Secret Policeman (KGB)… pretty brutal characters. But I don’t see that the Russians have aspirations more than doing business and making money; certainly not taking over Europe. After all, why would they want all the resource consuming immigrants… most of them with no marketable skills now living in Europe. I’m sure they have enough other problems at home to deal with. I think the United States would have the same reaction as the Russians, if we were in their shoes. No doubt we would be attacking and invading Mexico if the Russians or Chinese put Nuclear weapons and missile/aircraft/artillery delivery systems for them in Mexico… dangerously close to the United States border. To substantiate this we need to take a look at the ‘Cuban Missile Crisis.’ What was not disclosed during President Kennedy’s Cuban Missile Crisis was that we’d put Nuclear tipped Jupiter Missiles in Italy and Turkey, right across the border from Russia. These were one reason Chairman Khrushchev and the Russians put missiles in Cuba, and the US secretly agreed to remove our Jupiter Nuclear tipped missiles as part of the peace agreement. A secret agreement not to disclose the removal of our missiles, made it look like the Russians backed down. The Russians ‘Blinked’…as President Kennedy said. In reality, the Russians hadn’t backed down. We have basically the same issue now… a ‘New Cuban Missile Crisis.’ Now we have Biden, who is no Kennedy… and instead of Khrushchev, they have Putin… who will not ‘blink’ in our present situation. I believe that preemptive Nuclear deterrent was the Russian motivation for their invasion of the Ukraine. That, along with massacres of some 14,000 Russians in the eastern parts of Ukraine by the Azov Neo Nazi battalions since 2014 (more on Azov here). The Russians have made many attempts, from what I have read, to bring a peaceful end to this war, to keep the threat of foreign powers away from their borders and to bring Russian areas of the Ukraine back under their control. There is no such bomb described as a ‘Tactical Nuclear Weapon,’- they’re ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Just like Pandora’s Box of mythical lore… once it’s opened and a ‘Tactical Nuclear Weapon’ is used, you can’t put what comes out… back into Pandora’s Box. The same with a mutual Nuclear exchange… Tactical or 1 Megaton. Once it starts it will be impossible to stop. Part of Nuclear training was the types of detonations, the fireball and blast radius and the after effects of a Nuclear detonation like ‘Radioactive Rain’ and ‘Radioactive Fall Out.’ The trick in surviving nuclear radiation is to not let your body absorb radiation from items around you and not to drink or eat items with high radiation levels or to breath air with high levels of dust that has absorbed radiation. Staying inside while the radiation decays outside will minimize exposure. The world lived under the Nuclear MAD Doctrine during this time in the Cold War. MAD stands for Mutual Assured Destruction. Insanity! I believe we still have enough Nuclear bombs worldwide to turn planet Earth into a blackened, smoldering, lifeless cinder orbiting the Sun. To arm and disarm this warhead in that pretty epoxy white painted bomb, I would put my fatigue jacket over and I sat on it many times for hours. Like the best advice for MAD at the time was… ‘Bend over and kiss your tail end goodbye’ because it would be the end of human and other life. Period. We have no defense against hypersonic missiles, which both the Russians and Chinese have in abundance. The West has no such missile and has failed miserably in trying to develop one. Despite that, we further have no defense against these hypersonic missiles, whether they have a massive ThermoNuclear warhead, thermobaric warhead, or conventional warhead. None of the following will help you if you don’t have Food and Water stored. How to survive. Simply get to the center of your house, inside a building or into your basement and STAY THERE for 2 days to a week. Keep outside air from getting in. Time and distance make the threat of radiation not harmful to you. The LONGER since the creation of radiation and the FURTHER from radiation, the safer you are. The Inverse Square Rule The Inverse Square Rule of diminishing radiation over DISTANCE. People can survive simply by shutting off their Air Conditioners and Heating Units, closing windows and doors. Keep outside air (contaminated) from getting into your home. Tape and or stuff rags under and around doors if you can. Move to the center of your largest room with a four-gallon supply of water per person, food, blankets, non-electric games and books and a pail for a toilet. By the Inverse Square Law, a radiation level outside your window or wall that is deadly and penetrates into your area will progressively reduce to 25% each one foot it travels. A deadly 1000 Roentgens traveling one-foot drops to 250 Roentgens at the one-foot mark from your window or wall… then to 62.5 Roentgens at two-foot from your window or wall… to less than 16 Roentgens at three-foot… to a safe 4 Roentgens at four-foot from your walls or windows. The Seven Ten Rule of diminishing radiation over TIME. In addition to the Inverse Square Rule of diminishing radiation over DISTANCE… there is the Seven Ten Ruleof diminishing radiation over TIME. By the Seven Ten Rule, for every sevenfold increase in time after the initial blast, there is a tenfold decrease in the radiation rate. For example, a deadly 500 rad level can drop to 50R in just 7 hours and down to a safe 5R after 2 days (49 hours). In other words, if you have shelter that stops radioactive air from getting into your shelter and you stay put for just 7 hours … you’ve really increased your chances of survival. I had one seriously confused man made a spurious comment comparing Chernobyl to what I said about hunkering down to survive. He didn’t understand that Nuclear Explosion Radiation is different from a Nuclear Radiation Leak. I compare Nuclear Explosion Radiation to a pail of gasoline exploding and burning up in the process… versus the gas leaking out of the pail into the ground. The explosion is a blast and the leak is contamination. The leak contamination lasts a long time, but the explosion may kill or injure within close proximity. Blast areas are usually no more than 30 miles from the explosion. Outside the blast area you are affected little from the fallout if you shelter and wait for the radiation to “burn up,” or what is really happening to it… it is “decaying” into harmless form. This is why Chernobyl will not be livable for hundreds of years… Radiation LEAK and continued open air fission of Nuclear material. However, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan were reoccupied a few weeks after an Atomic EXPLOSION. One of the most dangerous aspects of a Nuclear exchange is the effect of the ‘Electro-Magnetic Pulse’ (EMP or HEMP) prior to the ground blast strike. The ‘Electro-Magnetic Pulse’ occurs every time a Nuclear explosion occurs. However, Nuclear bombs have been designed solely for the Electro-Magnetic Pulse and concentrated specifically for that damage are now in existence. A series of them will be set off over the United States and other countries being attacked before dropping the bombs that hit ground targets. That weapon is designed just for EMP/HEMP as an air burst you won’t see, hear or feel. The bomb is detonated 250 kilometers above ground. It unleashes massive amounts of energy designed to destroy every electronic semi-conductor, which includes transistors and chips in the area of earth below it. Tell me what you have that has semi-conductors in it. Or simpler, what DOESN’T have a chip, transistor, LED or semi-conductor in it that you depend on daily? Everything. Your computer will become a paper weight and the information on it will evaporate like clouds on a sunny Summer’s day. ALL PEOPLE MUST STORE FOOD AND WATER!Bottom Line: We could easily reduce by 90% the lethality of all Chinese, Russian, North Korean and Iranian missiles, and any terrorist nukes, too, quick as the public is trained in these basics. And, that is very good news! Another group to contact is Physicians for Civil Defense The mission of Physicians for Civil Defense is to save lives of first responders and the general public in the event of disasters, especially terrorist attacks using dirty bombs or Nuclear weapons.
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