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The border is the 'biggest national security crisis since 9/11': Republicans demand Mayorkas be impeached and fired for 'abandoning' his duty - after 16,000 migrants entered the U.S. at the weekend and with up to 6 MILLION expected this year
Brandon Smith

Nearly 20 Republicans led by Rep. Andy Biggs renewed fresh calls to impeach Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas and laid out a number of high crimes and misdemeanors they believe he has committed. 

'I expect our party to pursue impeachment next Congress,' Biggs said, flanked by conservative lawmakers. 'His conduct is not incompetent. It's not negligent. It is willful and intentional.' 

Biggs said that Mayorkas could likely be impeached for lying to Congress about having operational control of the border.

'We do,' responded Mayorkas in April to GOP Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, who asked, 'Will you testify under oath that we have operational control of the border?' 

The Arizona Republican, who has launched a bid for speaker when Republicans take the House in January, said that Mayorkas has also 'willfully' failed to maintain operational control as defined by the 2006 Secure Fence Act, fas failed to detain illegal immigrants as required by law and has abused his 'narrow authority' to parole immigrants into the United States. 

After the news conference, Biggs told reporters he is challenging GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy in part because he has not committed to pursuing impeachment against Mayorkas. McCarthy has left the door open for doing so. 

'I expect our party to pursue impeachment next Congress,' Biggs said, flanked by conservative lawmakers. 'His conduct is not incompetent. It's not negligent. It is willful and intentional'

'I expect our party to pursue impeachment next Congress,' Biggs said, flanked by conservative lawmakers. 'His conduct is not incompetent. It's not negligent. It is willful and intentional'

Biggs said that Sec. Mayorkas, above, could likely be impeached for lying to Congress about having operational control of the border.

Biggs said that Sec. Mayorkas, above, could likely be impeached for lying to Congress about having operational control of the border.

Still, Biggs promised 'due process' for the Biden-appointed DHS secretary. 

'We'll have due process. We'll conduct our investigation. But I am confident when that investigation is concluded. The facts that we've produced today will be revealed to you today - which should not be a mystery to anybody whose eyes are open - they will agree that he should be impeached.'

Other Republicans insisted they were not looking to impeach the secretary for political purposes. 

'Impeachment is not a tool for incompetence. It is not a tool for negligence. It is a tool for willful action to harm the country. That is what we see each and every day from Mayorkas,' said Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla. 

Tom Homan, former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement under Trump, said border agents had arrested 116 nationals from state sponsors of terrorism. 

'What's happening on the border right now is the biggest national security failure since 9/11. That should scare the hell out of everybody,' he said. 

Over the weekend, there were 16,000 unlawful migrant crossings at the southern border and $97 million worth of narcotics were seized. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) sources have said there have been already more than 500,000 encounters this fiscal year, which began in October. 

'If it's not already abundantly clear Alejandro Mayorkas has forsaken his sworn oath to protect the southern border, I don't know when it's going to be more clear,' said Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas. 

'He has abandoned his constitutional obligation - willfully, I might add - and should be impeached immediately.'

Rep. Doug LaMalfa spouted off about the press calling border crossers 'migrants' and said Mayorkas should go the same way of non-binary nuclear waste official Sam Brinton. 

'I hate how it's called migrants by the press. It's an illegal immigrant invasion that's happening to our country,' the California Republican said. 

A few dozen migrants had to sleep on the streets of El Paso after the city's shelters became overwhelmed following a massive surge in crossings

A few dozen migrants had to sleep on the streets of El Paso after the city's shelters became overwhelmed following a massive surge in crossings 

Border Patrol agents were instructed to process as many migrants as possible before DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' visit on Tuesday. Pictured: Migrants sleep on the streets of El Paso, Texas Monday night

Border Patrol agents were instructed to process as many migrants as possible before DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' visit on Tuesday. Pictured: Migrants sleep on the streets of El Paso, Texas Monday night

'Why don't we ask the president's administration to remove Mayorkas? They removed the little dude stealing suitcases recently. Now we have millions of people basically come into the country bringing their suitcase full of stuff,' LaMalfa said. 'That's a much bigger problem.'

Brinton was fired after being accused of stealing suitcases from airports in Minneapolis and Las Vegas. 

To impeach a federal official, the House must first pass a resolution presenting the case for whatever high crime and misdemeanor they believe was committed. The case then goes to a trial in the Senate, where two-thirds, 67 senators, must vote to convict to remove an official from office. 

It's nearly impossible Mayorkas' impeachment will ever make it through a Democratic-led Senate.

Even some moderate Republicans may balk at an impeachment resolution in the House, after years of decrying Democrats for politicizing the impeachment of former President Trump. 

Still, the House Judiciary Committee is planning its own investigation of the border crisis and have put Mayorkas and other DHS officials on notice that they'll be called to testify. 

Next week with the end of the Covid-era Title 42 the number of migrants crossing at the southern border could swell up to 18,000 crossers per day, officials estimate. 

Earlier on Tuesday a bipartisan group of lawmakers - Reps. Anthony Gonzales, R-Texas, and Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, and Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and John Cornyn, R-Texas, called on the Biden administration to extend Title 42. 





US Political Reporter at

Washington, District of Columbia, United States

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