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The Right of the People
Whoever is inaugurated in January will become the nominal head of a failing government. It is buried under promises it can’t keep and debasing its currency to devalue its debt. Well over half the people it governs despise it. Its confederated empire falters as much of the world rejects its hypocritical “rules-based order.” The military is incompetent and dangerous; a war-making operation that showers defense contractors, politicians, bureaucrats, and revolving-door brass with trillions of dollars. At home, no significant facet of life remains untouched by the incompetent and corrupt hand of government. The ruled are legally responsible for following hundreds of thousands of laws and regulations that the rulers violate with impunity. Trillions are showered on those who produce nothing, and those from whom the trillions are stolen are presented with a protection racket: pay or else. Millions of the former have been invited into the country; the latter foot that bill, too. The virtuous are penalized for their virtues. The alternative media criticizes and mocks power and exposes its depredations—power tries to censor it. Millions own firearms to protect themselves from tyranny—power tries to confiscate them. Everyone is surveilled and many are unjustly persecuted. Censorship, confiscation, surveillance, and persecution are desperate last resorts before our rulers either raise the white flag or their citadels are overrun. THE GRAY RADIANCE DESCRIPTION, CHAPTER ONE Revolution is coming and why shouldn’t it? Look at what humanity has done and what it can do. What should have been a golden age of peace, plenty, discovery, innovation, individual empowerment, and voluntary cooperation and commerce has instead become an Orwellian dystopia. Some of the most demented, deranged, and demonic lunatics who ever walked the planet have graced us with this state of affairs. They offer only misery and have convinced many that misery is all they deserve. Not everyone accepts this formulation, knowing the raw deal offered will only get rawer. Donald Trump is far from perfect, but his surging support stems from recognition that things can’t go on as they have been. America’s greatness doesn’t come from its rulers. America’s greatness was the freedom and opportunity for extraordinary “ordinary” people to build better lives for themselves and their families, and in so doing, build a better America. That the ruling caste disparage the dream and those who still aspire to it is obscene. Individual lives and aspirations are of no consequence in their reckonings. Their “humanitarian” collectivism is cover for their boundless hatred of value and everything that makes life worth living. Destruction and murder are the sole means and the sole ends of their suicidal death cult. America’s greatness doesn’t come from its empire. Empire is antithetical to greatness, a monument to avarice, pretension, and vanity. Our rulers had those in excess after World War II left America as the most powerful nation on earth. The “leader of the free world” propaganda was cover for their imposed subjugation, servility, and vassalage. Nations outside the American orbit were enemies; their regimes often changed for more compliant ones. While the imperial delusion persists among our rulers, the empire is in its last days. Formal and informal networks and alliances resist U.S. hegemony and domination. It’s a close question who hates the U.S. government more, foreigners or its own beleaguered subjects. The empire is also bumping up against the limits of financing as America’s debt has reached its dangerous exponential inflection point. Political power rests on violence. The U.S. government has been stymied by sea changes in the technology and application of violence. Asymmetric, guerrilla warfare has rendered invasions virtually obsolete. The occupying power must contend not just with the enemy’s home field advantages, but with the decentralization of weapons, computing, and communications technologies. War is waged on multiple fronts, including cyberwar, espionage, terrorism, politics, propaganda, and attacks on infrastructure and commerce. Vladimir Putin apparently realizes that offensive warfare is a losing proposition. He’s limited the scope of Russia’s Special Military Operation to the formerly Ukrainian oblasts in the eastern part of Ukraine. That region consists of majority Russian speakers who support Russia and prefer Russian to Ukrainian rule. To conquer anti-Russia western Ukraine would mean decades worth of guerrilla warfare covertly supported by Europe and the U.S. Trump may or may not understand some of the points made in the foregoing analysis. Harris wouldn’t understand the words with more than two syllables. The Corruptocracy that presumes to rule America and the world stands athwart history’s tracks yelling “Stop!” at an oncoming 250 mph bullet train. Individuals are empowered as never before, and the decentralization genie can’t be put back in the bottle. The Corruptocracy’s credibility and prestige are gone. It is endlessly lampooned. Every day brings new disclosures of its incompetence and depredations. It’s pulling out all the stops, but there’s no hiding that it’s unnecessary, counterproductive, and evil. The bell tolls for its privilege, wealth, and freedom from prosecution. The Corruptocracy is global and multipolarity is no panacea. Individual lives and aspirations are of no consequence to Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and the rest of their coterie. Multipolar extravaganzas and remake-the-world projects are government-to-government affairs, but progress is not imposed from the top; it burbles (a technical term) up from the bottom . . . when it is allowed to do so. The festive gatherings celebrating the emergence of a new order are nothing more than conclaves of the ruthlessly opportunistic parasites who run those governments. As in the U.S., real change will come from individuals. If the U.S. election is stolen, peaceful revolution is impossible and violent revolution will be inevitable. While we are all created equal and we are all endowed by our creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, only some of us will fight to reestablish those foundational premises. Endless screeds in the alternative media excoriate insouciant “us” for what “we’ve” allowed “our” country to become. As if any of us singly could have prevented what has happened. The notion of collective responsibility is the cornerstone of collectivism. You don’t fight collectivism by adopting its premises. If you wait for all of “us” to revolt, you’ll wait forever. Revolutions don’t require a collective “us,” they require Samuel Adams’ “irate tireless minority” of individuals, each of whom no longer accepts things as they are and has made the decision to challenge them. If the election isn’t stolen, Trump will confront the vast accumulated consequences of decades of stupidity (some of which is Trump’s) and evil. Reforming the government from the inside is an impossible job. The beneficiaries of the present system aren’t going to voluntarily change it. Even if a Trump administration has a measure of success, it will only forestall, but not prevent, a revolution. Fortunately, the Trump movement is much more than Trump and will last long after he’s stepped down.
The best case would be peaceful secession and a split of the U.S. into two or more smaller countries, but the chance that the ruling caste will recognize reality and negotiate that outcome is infinitesimal. Which means the irate tireless minority will go to work. It has the capability to wage asymmetric guerrilla warfare far more fearsome than anything that has defeated the U.S. government in the past.
Once they overcome, the People, as is their Right, will institute new Government or governments.
Robert Gore was born in 1958 in Livermore, California. He grew up in Los Alamos, New Mexico, where both his parents worked for the Los Alamos National Laboratory. His undergraduate education was at UCLA. He graduated in 1980 Summa cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a double major in economics and political science. He completed the JD/MBA program at UC Berkeley in 1984. He held part-time jobs at both UCLA and UCB. He is an inactive member of the California Bar Association. Robert’s career in finance began in 1984 with a bank in San Francisco, trading municipal bonds. In 1985, he went to a Wall Street firm’s West Coast municipal bond office in Los Angeles as a bond trader. He developed its retail and institutional sales capabilities and after four years was promoted to manager of the region. In 1990, Robert went to a private partnership in Los Angeles serving a high-net-worth clientele throughout Southern California, as head of the firm’s fixed-income division. In 1991, he became one of the youngest partners in the firm’s history. His division was consistently among the firm’s most profitable, and in 2003 he was named to the executive committee. He wrote a market commentary that was distributed to the firm’s clients. He is a past president of the Los Angeles Municipal Bond Club. He made appearances on television and radio shows as an expert in fixed income securities and California municipal bonds, was quoted in the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register, and had a letter published in the Financial Times. In 2006, Robert warned of a looming housing debacle and financial crisis. He set up a proprietary trading desk to capitalize on the situation. His prediction was initially not popular with the firm’s financial advisors, but it ended up saving their clients a great deal of money. He retired from finance in 2012. Straight Line Logic began on WordPress in 2014. Robert has been a featured writer on The Savvy Street, an online magazine, and has been on alternative media websites Zero Hedge, David Stockman’s Contra Corner, Lew Rockwell, The Automatic Earth, The Burning Platform, and Western Rifle Shooters Association.
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