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The Brics Version of Globaloney
Would you like to know what BRICS just declared? Just to make sure you’re not skipping over the link entirely, here’s what some of this article says:
After this promising anti-Globaloneyist start, we then take the plunge into the document, whose contents can be summarized by quoting the section headers of the article:
(And just for the records, that “public-private partnerships” lingo is the latest euphemism for mercantilism and fascism.)
(Get a new tune, guys, this one is old… and nonsense.)
(Financialize a faked crisis! How original!)
On and on it goes, until it ends with this entirely predictable bit of globaloneybabble (the official, and officious, language of Globaloneyism) and boilerplate about sustainability and all the other usual feel-good catch phrases:
The article ends by noting that there is not “a dime’s worth of difference between them”, the “them” being BRICS and the G20:
Color me… not surprised. But I rather suspect that the meaning of the article is rather different than that which most people will give it. The meaning that most people will give it is simply that one all-powerful cabal of the superich, technocrats, apparatchiks, banksters and their ever-present lackeys – corrupt politicians – are all one big conspiracy goose-stepping in complete lock step and total coordination to the ultimate and irresistible goal of a global (and very tyrannical) government. Well, no doubt about it: any global government will be tyrannical simply due to its sheer size, and therefore, it’s sheer disconnect from local realities. If you think the current malodor emanating from Swampington, DC is bad, you have yet to smell the real rot and stink of corruption on a global government scale. And, I would aver, that sheer size will also mean the inevitable collapse and failure of any such government. Indeed, the Swamp is what one gets when (1) power becomes centralized and (2) that power in turn is monopolized by one faction or another. It's that all important second stage that we're in now: the mechanisms of centralization are there, and have been since the end of the Second World War. But who is going to be the dominate faction monopolizing them is as yet unclear. And that brings me to the point I made years ago on George Ann Hughes's show, and which I think needs to be reiterated here once again, and in specific reference to this article: mere parallel of language does not mean agreement. All the capi at the Mafia table will wear similar rings, smoke similar cigars, dress in similar well-tailored attire, and "speak the same language." But they, like Mr. Globaloney with all his superich technocrats, politicians, and banksters, remain criminals, and the enterprise and project which they are all busily engaged in is a criminal enterprise. It is a racket. And as they draw closer to the finish line, the inevitable temptation of humanity begins to set in, and the factional divisions and pressures increase, until open fighting for control of the whole shebang sets in. Rest assured that behind all the flowery language, all the old geopolitical tensions and national self-interests are still in play. The only thing that could possibly threaten that conference table of Mafia capi that is Mr. Globaloney is some external threat. In that case, best to make the language and appearance of unity all the stronger... but the fissures wil remain. In this respect it is intriguing to note that, amid all the flowery language about sustainability and globaloneyism, not one word - not one word - is said about how to integrate all the militaries of those member nations. Gee, fancy that: none of the dons at the table want to surrender their own enforcers... as the goal draws nearer, those enforcers become more, and not less, critical. After all, you want your faction to be the strongest, and most influential, and if possible, the one in control. See you on the flip side... (If you enjoyed today's blog please share it with your friends.)
Born and raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science". Following a paradigm of researching the relationship between alternative history and science, Farrell has followed with a stunning series of books, each conceived to stand alone, but each also conceived in a pre-arranged sequence:
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