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Karl Denninger

That's the only accurate (well, ok, that doesn't even allude to the degree this was poor) one-word summary of Harris' interview last night.

There's bad, there's horrible (Finnish translation of "Kamala") and then there's radioactive-terrible at a level so bad you don't want to get within 100' of it lest it be communicable.

Yeah, that bad.

I'm sorry, when interviewing for a job (and let's face it, that's what this is) the answer to every question is not "my opponent is {whatever slur}."  Your opponent is not being interviewed -- you are -- and the question is directed at you, particularly when you have a nearly-four-year record on which you're forced to run.

I get it -- there are "tough" (but easy to ask) questions of anyone with a multi-year record in a job.  You might not like them being asked because (1) they're tough and (2) you'd have to use three words a politician never uses: "I was wrong."

And I only give Baier half a point for cutting off the attempted filibusters rather than answering the questions.  He did try but there is a point where an interviewer comes off as "badgering the witness" and worse, when the interviewer is a man and the interviewee a woman there is a risk of being called a misogynist on top of it if you get aggressive with trying to extract an answer.

Nonetheless, that's the job and IMHO this, in particular, is not an excuse and in fact is trivially turned into an argument against having women in the job at all because sex is not an excuse for refusal to answer question or perform up to snuff, right?  We're supposed to be better than that irrespective of your sex.

One of the most-devastating lines of questioning was related to illegal immigration, Biden and Harris' immediate actions on taking office in which they voided a huge number of standing Executive Orders, and illegal crossers after that date who within the last three years, and in some cases just weeks or months after crossing, went on to allegedly murder Americans.  The alleged perpetrators are all in jail awaiting trial.  Harris was asked if she had an apology or any sort of repudiation of the Biden/Harris immigration policy given that these Americans are dead and, unless the wrong person was caught, they came in under the Biden/Harris policies and were released pending determination of their eligibility to be in the US rather than being held in custody.

She refused and instead claimed "we offered a bill."  Well yes, Biden/Harris did offer a bill but said bill permitted close to 2 million illegal crossings a year and while the bill was blocked the fact is that they dropped the prior restrictions that would have almost-certainly prevented those crossings, perhaps with the intent of trying to force that bill's passage and permanent admission of millions of illegal crossers per year forever into the future.

Unfortunately this was the tenor of the entire interview: Whatever the question was, the answer was "Trump!"

I'm sure there will be those on the left who believe Kamala performed well.  I was slack-jawed listening to it (no video for me as I was driving, so I can't comment on body language and similar -- only the words.)  Essentially the entire argument was "Trump Bad, therefore vote for me" without actually explaining any of the "why" nor taking responsibility for any of the adverse things that had occurred.

Perhaps this is ok with voters, but I suspect not.

We shall see in about three weeks.




Mr. Denninger is the former CEO of MCSNet, a regional Chicago area networking and Internet company that operated from 1987 to 1998. MCSNet was proud to offer several "firsts" in the Internet Service space, including integral customer-specified spam filtering for all customers and the first virtual web server available to the general public. Mr. Denninger's other accomplishments include the design and construction of regional and national IP-based networks and development of electronic conferencing software reaching back to the 1980s.

He has been a full-time trader since 1998, author of The Market Ticker (, a daily market commentary, and operator of TickerForum, an online trading community, both since 2007.

Mr. Denninger received the 2008 Reed Irvine Accuracy In Media Award for Grassroots Journalism for his coverage of the 2008 market meltdown.

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