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Storms of War and Nature in the Year of Chaos
David Haggith

Gold Guru Bob Moriarty says in an interview today that he has seen good intelligence indicating China is likely to invade Taiwan this month. Moriarty has some good company in the news today: The spy chiefs for both the CIA and MI6 teamed up in a discussion in today’s news to say that China is becoming a much larger threat. (Of course, they say this with motives of beefing up Western military capabilities.)

CIA and MI6 chiefs warn of 'an unprecedented threat to world order' from China and Russia

…In their FT article, Burns and Moore stressed the strength of the trans-Atlantic relationship in the face of 'an unprecedented array of threats,' including an assertive Russia, an ever-more powerful China and the constant drumbeat of international terrorism - all complicated by rapid technological change.

Moriarty points out that the timing would be good for China’s invasion if Trump winds up getting sentenced to prison, which is scheduled for this same timeframe, short-circuiting the hopes of millions of American voters on what is the most specious of all the cases brought against Trump. That would be favorable for a Chinese invasion, Moriarty says, because America would come apart at the seams over the imprisoning of a major candidate for paying off a hooker and recording the payments as a business expense, instead of a campaign expense.

(Given that his business bears the Trump name in big letters, a case can be made that the payoff was good for the business, too. However, this is the kind of stuff that is so common in politics that it hard to see it as a prisonable offense, regardless. What other politician ever went to prison over paying off a prostitute? Usually, it would get you some kind of campaign-finance fine or censure or some minor slap on the hand.)

I think Moriarty’s right about the nation coming apart if Trump gets hauled in cuffs off to prison so close to the election. Such plausible scenarios and so many of them are a big part of why I said at the start of the year that 2024 will be the “Year of Chaos.” America is ready to break up over the present election, no matter how it turns out, but if it gets short-circuited by the most superficial legal case out there, the chaos may break out well ahead of actual election results.

Headlines right about Trump civil war risks, but they avoid the other half of the truth

Another article in our headlines today does a good job of laying out the reasons we can be sure MAGA voters will tear the nation apart if Trump loses the election, showing how Trump is laying the groundwork for that argument. Facing prison in many cases and extreme loss of property, Trump is desperate to win so he can commute his own sentences in the federal cases being brought against him or just shut down the cases … and seek revenge on his enemies. I don’t doubt he’d set the nation on fire politically to save himself.

It will only be an honest election in MAGA’s view if Trump wins. Any other result is proof the election was rigged, and Trump will pound that point with Hitlerian fervor. (It is apparently impossible for Trump to simply lose because so many people can’t stand him, especially given that his sixty election-rigging cases were all ripped to shreds, even by conservative courts and by the most conservative Supreme Court—stuffed with his own appointees—in my lifetime when presented with the case we were told would be Trump’s gold standard—The Sidney Powell Kraken case that was tossed as “garbage.” You would think the guy with the world’s most powerful attorneys and greatest amount of money to hire them could have, at least, proven a single case in one of the many conservative courts where his cases were presented if he had ANYTHING to back his claims. Nada thing.)

The problem I have with the article that lays bear all the ways Trump is preparing for that post-election fight, should he lose, is that it is completely one-sided. It says nothing at all about how Biden’s side will go insane and do exactly the same thing if Trump wins. Antifa, BLM, and many others are set to get just as violent. The article doesn’t even mention the possibility that those kinds of groups will light towns on fire across the land.

When I brought that up recently with a MAGA supporter I know, he assured me that, if Antifa gets out of hand and tries to deny Trump his victory or if Biden Democratic politicians try to deny his victory, the MAGA side will win because they have more guns and will build gallows for the politicians. This did not comfort me.

The belief about the guns may not even be true, because the Biden side may have all the guns of the US military and various federal police forces protecting its side. Besides, Dem’s have been arming up and taking shooting courses in the news lately. Moreover, the argument that a civil war will be won easily by the better-armed MAGA group fails to recognize how horrible civil wars always are. They can be the most brutal of all wars because they involve a nation destroying itself, and they pit brother against brother or father against on on opposite sides of the conflict.

Antifa and others may be outgunned, but it is not as if they didn’t rule CHOP in Seattle with AK-47s, killing two black kids. They’re armed and willing to shoot, too. Moreover, the second someone in MAGA shoots the head off some Antifa radical in front of his brother because he was throwing a Molotov cocktail into a department store, the person who sees his brother’s head get blown off is, if he doesn’t have a gun, going to secretly follow that MAGA member to his home. Then, when the person is off to work at night, Antifa Guy is going to throw a Molotov cocktail (fire, not firearms, being their usual weapon of choice) through the guy’s living room window and burn his whole family to death inside their own home. Civil war is a horror show wherein each new round of violence precipitates worse rounds. Yet, people talk about it now with such cavalier beliefs about how they’ll win.

The MAGA guy loses everything that mattered to him because he jumped into a civil war he thought his side could quickly win. Besides losing his family in the real-world scenario for these kinds of conflicts, he also becomes a fugitive for life or a convicted murderer because the Harris government isn’t going to let that go. That means, even if his kids don’t get fire-bombed, they are going to live the rest of their lives with an imprisoned father who is a convicted murderer. How is that going to make their lives better? Moreover, most people who say such things have no idea how much blowing the head off your first human being does to rip you apart inside for the rest of your life, especially when you don’t do it at your government’s command but on your own volition. It changes who you are.

Those advocating civil war as the solution if their side loses, simply have not stopped to think clearly about the terrible costs of the violence they so readily say they will commit to. The costs will wreck their lives, and there is far from any assurance they will win against the Deep State and the party in power of the US military and police forces.

That is the brutal truth about how these civil wars or rebellions go. The other side fights back, and everyone loses. Nations get destroyed from within; so, the whole nation loses. And, yes, Trump appears to be doing everything possible to set up that scenario if he loses, but it is not like the Biden voters won’t become as unhinged if Trump wins.

I hope I’m more wrong on this than I’ve been on anything.

The big storms that blew over

Speaking of great brewing storms, there is one other interesting headline I have to comment on. It says something I pointed out a week or so ago, which was that the terrible hurricane season that was predicted for 2024 has, so far, been a dud. Now, even the hurricane prognosticators are finally conceding it has not, so far, turned out at all like they expected due to extreme global warming (largely engineered for this year by the shift from using raw temperatures to deployment of “heat indices” that try to adjust raw temps for a variety of factors, such as the amount of nearby concrete and how cloudy it was during each given hot day, etc.).

As weeks went by with no hurricane activity, Phil Klotzbach could feel the pressure building. He and the rest of the meteorology world had predicted a potentially historic hurricane season, and yet, during what would normally be the most active stretch of tropical storms, the Atlantic Ocean was eerily quiet.

Even his running buddies, with no knowledge of meteorology, began to ask: Where are all the hurricanes?

Back when I was pointing out how transparently wrong the prognosticators were this year, they were very reluctant to admit the obvious:

As the author of one of the most trusted and longest-running hurricane season outlooks, he considered issuing an unprecedented midseason update in late August acknowledging the chances this year’s forecast could be a bust. He held off in case a new system formed over Labor Day weekend.

That didn’t happen.

It sure didn’t.

Instead, the Atlantic made history for an unexpected and confounding distinction: The longest stretch in more than half a century without a single late-summer cyclone, a time of year when several often churn at once. Though two months of storm risks still lie ahead, the astonishing lull has meteorologists wrestling with confusion and criticism, while striving to protect delicate public trust.

What is funny in this story is watching the global-warming evangelists squirm under their own errors and loss of reputation for making this big global-warming prediction now that August turned out to have the least hurricanes of any August. Not only did the storms not materialize, but the “boiling Atlantic,” as some reports called it cooled down faster than the Atlantic ever has … at rate one article called “exponential.” As a result, the prophets of climate change are now scrambling to come up with a special excuse; but listen to how boneheaded their new explanation is:

There are questions about whether planetary warming could be so extreme, it supercharged the storms that managed to form but has also allowed fewer to materialize.

Their explanation misses the obvious, which is that hurricanes that managed to form were not any more supercharged with power this year than in most other years.

They know that it turned out be a dead August and that had to be, in their minds, because of global warming. They admit they are scratching their heads to figure out what the global-warming answer is! And, so, they come up with desperate answers that bear no resemblance to the reality that just happened and that have zero science to even suggest such a belief. It’s just that inconceivable to them that they could be wrong—that breaking record heat-index measures is not the same thing has experiencing actual record temperatures, and those indices are easily rigged, even accidentally, with assumptions and biases about how the raw numbers need to be adjusted.

Even as meteorologists can detect factors contributing to the lull, they are struggling to understand why those factors have overwhelmed conditions that might otherwise fuel intense storm after storm. Many who warned the public to prepare for a dangerous summer and fall are now caught in the awkward position of almost rooting for storms, lest they end up eating crow — and losing the public’s confidence — when their predictions fall flat come November.

Give them time, and they will figure out something for you that will keep them from just being plain wrong and that will, above all else, continue to support the global-warming secular religion over which they are the high priesthood. It couldn’t just be that they were dead wrong about the whole thing this year, tricked along by their own newfound bias for human-manipulated “heat indices” that have become necessary in order to continue the “record hear” narrative.

If they are lucky, we’ll have the coldest winter in history, and that will certainly prove that global warming is more powerful than ever for the same Wonderland crowd that believes men can be women just by declaring themselves to be women ahead of Olympic competitions (or whenever else they they desire to be women). I assure you that, if we have a record cold winter, it will be attributed to the side effects of “climate change,” a term preferred these days over the older “global warming” because the climate always changes, but it doesn’t always warm, making the new term safer to use.

“It’s definitely taken me by surprise,” he said of the long lull. “I think any meteorologist being honest would say the same.”

It seems to me it is harder to find those kinds of meteorologists than it has been to find Atlantic hurricanes in the past month.

Still, if the worst storms ever predicted managed to blow over without a puff during the peak part of hurricane season, then maybe the political storms can, too, even during the peak part of the election season. I hope I am as wrong about the Year of Chaos as these guys were about the year of extreme storms.




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