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Israel Did 9/11
These are extraordinary words from our nation’s newspaper of record. The suggestion that the American people should passively accept being lied to about a world-changing event by those elected to serve the public interest proves there was no intention on the part of the media to find out what actually transpired that day or to hold anyone accountable. Nearly 3,000 Americans were killed in broad daylight and an impossible explanation was force-fed to the world, yet just three years after the fact the Timescould hardly be bothered to investigate who did it and why. If America had an honest media, there is no way the perpetrators could’ve gotten away with their audacious attack and equally audacious cover story of ’19 Arabs with box cutters outwitting the most sophisticated technological superpower the world has ever known.’ An extraordinary amount of data exists proving the official story can’t possibly be true, but the media has done its best to ignore all of it while besmirching anyone who raises any inconvenient fact as a damnable ‘conspiracy theorist.’ Surprisingly, the BBC cast doubt on the official government story early on by reporting on September 23, 2001 that five of the nineteen ‘hijackers’ had turned up alive and well in places like Saudi Arabia and Morocco, and had been nowhere near New York City or Washington D.C. on the morning of 9/11. In spite of this stunning revelation, the names and faces of the men remain permanently fixed to the 9/11 legend, and the sensational story, like so many others, was hastily discarded down Orwell’s memory hole. So, you might ask. . . who did it then? Who had the means, motive and opportunity to pull off a crime the magnitude of 9/11 and cover their tracks afterwards? Well, for starters, we can safely rule out Osama bin Laden and his band of forty thieves in the Middle East. Those stumblebums had neither the sophistication nor the agency to carry out anything close to 9/11. In fact, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist poster for Osama bin Laden never even mentioned a connection with 9/11, but only referred to the bombings of two U.S. embassies in 1998. When asked by a reporter why this was, the FBI’s Chief of Investigative Activities, Rex Tomb, replied: “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to 9/11.” Unbeknownst to many Americans, Osama bin Laden was on the CIA payroll in the 1980s during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and his family has longstanding business ties to some prominent Establishment insiders. (In 1978, George W. Bush and Osama’s brother Salem bin Laden founded a Texas-based oil company called Arbusto Energy. The bin Ladens and Bushes were longtime business partners.) Highly charged terror events like 9/11 depend on smoke and mirrors to deceive the target audience. The tall, swarthy, turban-headed bin Laden was — for Americans — the perfect archetype of what a terrorist looks like. Hollywood spent many years planting this image in the public mind in the lead up to 9/11 and its duplicitous ideation had the intended effect. Brian Jenkins of the Rand Corporation said in 1974: “Terrorism is aimed at the people watching, not at the actual victims. Terrorism is theater.” It’s important to keep these words in mind when examining 9/11 and other similar events, many of which are explained to the public via Israeli agents like Rita Katz at SITE Intelligence Group. Some insight into what an operation like 9/11 entails was provided shortly after the attacks by Eckhart Wertheback, a former president of Germany’s domestic intelligence service Verfassungsschutz. Wertheback told investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn in late 2001 that “the deathly precision” and “the magnitude of planning” would have necessarily required the “fixed frame” of a state intelligence organization, something not found in a “loose group” of terrorists like al-Qaeda. A short while later a second former chief of German intelligence, Andreas von Bulow, told Bollyn: “The planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement. . .to hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within one hour, to drive them into their targets, with complicated flight maneuvers, this is unthinkable, without years of support from state intelligence services.” Lending significant credence to the Germans’ assessment, former CIA analyst and Deputy Director of Counter Terrorism for the U.S. State Department, Larry Johnson, said of the attacks, “We don’t have anything in history to compare with this. The only thing that comes close to it is a former Soviet intel operation.” Clearly the 9/11 attacks were an extremely sophisticated operation that required many years of planning and an immense amount of government, military and media support to successfully realize. The idea that a stateless, ragtag group of extremists could pull off a crime of this magnitude without any significant resistance is downright laughable.
When an act of terror like 9/11 occurs the question that always needs to be asked is cui bono? Who benefits? The reason it’s such a vital question is because history has taught us ‘he who benefits from a crime is likely he who committed it.’ On the day of 9/11, when upwards of 20,000 people were thought to be dead, a surprisingly upbeat Benjamin Netanyahu was interviewed by reporter James Bennett of the New York Times:
Now ask yourself, who in their right mind would describe what had just happened as “very good” for any reason whatsoever? Answer: Only someone who saw some benefit in the atrocity. Netanyahu’s candid statements quoted above, delivered seven years apart, inform us that 9/11 has undoubtedly been beneficial for Israel. As I explain in my recent article ‘Bibi’s War of Terror Agenda,’ Israeli strategists had long sought to drag America’s military into the Middle East to wage war on Israel’s behalf. All that was needed was the right excuse. Events Leading up to September 11, 2001
One of the earliest signs of Israeli foreknowledge of the attacks came in 1979, in the form of an interview conducted by Jewish-American journalist Michael Evans with the founder of the Mossad, Isser Harel. As Evans recalled to the Jerusalem Post(September 30, 2001):
In 1987, two of Isser Harel’s top agents, Peter Zvi Malkin and Avraham Shalom-Bendor, obtained the WTC security contract while working for a company owned by Shaul Eisenberg called Atwell Security of Tel Aviv. Malkin and Bendor both worked under Harel for decades and were involved in top-secret Mossad missions including plutonium smuggling and the kidnapping of Adolf Eichmann from Argentina in 1960. Harel was eventually forced to resign as head of Mossad once his activities as part of Operation Damocles were exposed; these included mailing letter bombs and assassinating German scientists who were working alongside Egyptians on a rocket program.
Mossad agents Avraham Shalom-Bendor and Peter Zvi Malkin secured the WTC security contract in 1987 on behalf of Shaul Eisenberg’s Atwell Security of Tel-Aviv. Peter Malkin’s and Shalom-Bendor’s boss at Atwell Security, the billionaire tycoonShaul Eisenberg, was an extremely powerful Mossad operative in the Far East who helped form Jewish terrorist groups Irgun and Shanghai Betar. He also worked closely with Henry Kissinger throughout the 1970’s smuggling weapons to blood-thirsty communist gangs like Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge. These are the unsavory characters who were attempting to acquire the World Trade Center security contract as far back as 1987, a contract that would’ve also given them control of New York’s airports, ports and commuter trains. Everything was going to plan until the New York Port Authority called off the deal upon discovering that Bendor was convicted of murdering two Palestinian teenagers while serving as head of Israel’s domestic security agency Shin Bet in 1984. This minor setback notwithstanding, Bendor would go on to work for Jules Kroll and Maurice Greenberg’s company Kroll Associates, who would be awarded the security contract for the World Trade Center complex after the FBI-instigatedtruck bombing in 1993. PrivatizationWith the security contract for the World Trade Center in Zionist hands, the next objective was acquiring ownership of the colossal engineering marvels. From the day they opened in 1972 the Twin Towers had been state-owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. But by 2000, city officials were eager to dump the outdated asbestos-riddled properties which would’ve cost billions of dollars to restore. Ronald Lauder was the man who headed Governor Pataki’s New York State Commission of Privatization and the New York State Research Council on Privatization and it was he who ultimately decided that WTC 1 and WTC 2 should become privately owned for the first time. Lauder is the longtime head of the World Jewish Congress and has been described as the man most responsible for Benjamin Netanyahu’s rise to political prominence. He has connections to Israeli intelligence through his funding of the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya where he established the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy. Furthermore, Lauder and his good buddy Ehud Barak were both members of Leslie Wexner’s ‘Mega Group,’ which was the driving financial force behind Jeffrey Epstein’s international shenanigans. The privatization of the WTC complex paved the way for ultra-Zionists Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy to purchase a 99-year lease on the property in July 2001 which included a reworked insurance policy doubling their coverage in the event of a terrorist attack. The buildings were insured by Ace Limited and Marsh McLennan, both owned by Jules Kroll and Maurice Greenberg, who shortly thereafter sold on the liability to various other companies that would very soon take the hit. After the attacks, Silverstein would be awarded a $4.55 billion insurance payout despite only putting up $14 million of his own money to purchase the properties. It was a classic case of what our forefathers would’ve called ‘Jewish lightning.’ Silverstein is a very close personal friend of Benjamin Netanyahu (Ha’aretz reported they spoke on the phone every Sunday for years), and Frank Lowy was once a member of Israel’s Golani Brigade and the underground terrorist group Haganah. Chairman of the New York Port Authority, Lewis Eisenberg (another Netanyahu crony), negotiated the deal and both Silverstein and Eisenberg were board members of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of New York, the biggest Israel fundraising body in America. If all that wasn’t enough, it just so happens that Lewis Eisenberg’s senior advisor at the time, Michael Glassner, was the Southwest Regional Political Director for mega-Zionist lobby group, AIPAC! After 9/11, WTC co-owner Larry Silverstein was awarded a $4.55 billioninsurance payout despite only putting up $14 million of his own money to purchase the properties. In addition to holding the lease for WTC 1 & 2, Larry Silverstein owned WTC 7, the ‘Solomon Brothers building’ that mysteriously collapsed into its own footprint at free fall speed at 5:20 in the afternoon on 9/11 despite not being hit by a plane. During a Sept. 10, 2002 PBS broadcast of America Rebuilds, Silverstein seemed to admit the building was brought down with the use of pre-planted explosives, recalling:
FDNY chief Daniel Nigro, the aforementioned commander on duty, says he never spoke to Silverstein that day and doesn’t know of anyone who did:
Foreknowledge and Preparation
There are numerous indications of Israeli foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. * Shortly after the attacks on Sept. 11, five Israelis were arrested and held in custody for 71 days. According to ABC News, the men had been filming and celebrating as the first plane struck the North tower, and Ha’aretz (Sept. 17, 2001) reported they had been seen “cheering” and shouting in “cries of mockery” which led to concerned witnesses calling the police. The men were arrested later that afternoon by police in Bergen County, N.J. who revealed they were carrying multiple foreign passports, boxcutters, $4,700 in cash and suspiciously marked maps linking them to the plot. In addition, bomb-sniffing dogs brought in to inspect the van detected explosive residues. Bergen County Police Chief John Schmidig told the media: “We got an alert to be on the lookout for a white Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration and writing on the side. . .Three individuals were seen celebrating in Liberty State Park after the impact. They said three people were jumping up and down.” New Jersey newspaper the Bergen Record reported on the incident the next day in an article for which staff writer Paulo Lima quoted a source who told him, “There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted. It looked like they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.” It was later revealed that two of the men – Sivan and Paul Kurzberg – worked for the Mossad, and the others – Yaron Schmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Maramari – had ties to the intelligence agency as well. They have since become known as the ‘Dancing Israelis.’ The New Jersey-based company these men were working for, Urban Moving Systems, was a known Mossad front. Respected Jewish newspaper The Forward (Mar. 15, 2002), reported that Urban Moving Systems had been recognized by the FBI as a front for Israeli intelligence, and Vincent Cannistraro, a chief of counterterrorism operations with the CIA, confirmed that within the intelligence community this fact was common knowledge. After being interrogated once by the authorities, Urban Moving System’s owner Dominik Suter immediately closed up shop and fled back to Israel in such a haste that he neglected to even clean out his offices. Reporters for ABC News who visited the company’s headquarters described the scene: “It looked as if it had been shut down in a big hurry. Cell phones were lying around; office phones were still connected; and the property of dozens of clients remained in the warehouse.” (Source: ABC News, 6/24/2002) The five men arrested for filming and celebrating the attack were held for 71 days and then released back to Israel on the say-so of Assistant Attorney General/Israeli dual national, Michael Chertoff. A report in Ha’aretz stated there was heavy lobbying on their behalf by ‘two prominent New York congressmen,’ while journalist Christopher Ketcham of Counterpunch (Mar. 7, 2007) reported that none other than Jeffrey Epstein’s disgraced lawyer Alan Dershowitz personally intervened to smooth things over with the U.S. government. Once back in Israel, three of the five men appeared on Yair Lapid’s T.V. show and spoke about their time in America. When asked what they were doing in such close proximity to the scene of the crime, Oded Ellner replied: “…Our purpose was to document the event.”
Three of the five ‘Dancing Israelis’ appeared on Yair Lapid’s television show and admitted they were in NYC on 9/11 to “document the event.”
Fox News reporter Carl Cameron produced a 4-part expose‘ on the spy ring in December 2001 in which he said an additional 60 Israelis had been arrested and detained under anti-terrorism laws in the wake of 9/11, and among them were “a handful of active Israeli military.” Many of these men lived in Hollywood, Florida very close to the alleged 9/11 hijackers. In fact, Hanan Serfaty, Israeli military intelligence officer turned ‘art student,’ rented an apartment at 4220 Sheridan Street while Mohammed Atta was living at 3389 Sheridan Street! Similar ‘coincidences’ in living proximity existed in six additional urban centers in the lead up to 9/11. There can be no doubt the Israelis were up to something inimical to American interests just prior to 9/11. In a May 7, 2002 article for Salon, journalist Christopher Ketcham writes,
Zelikow, who wrote his PhD dissertation on ‘The Creation and Maintenance of the Public Myth,’ was appointed Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission by George W. Bush. Both Ashton Carter (Sec. of Defense under Obama) and John Deutch (Director of the CIA 1995-96) were senior partners of Global Technology Partners, an exclusive affiliate of Rothschild North America, when ‘Catastrophic Terrorism’ was written. Deutch pleaded guilty to mishandling government secrets in 2001 and was pardoned by Bill Clinton during his last day in office.
The company in charge of security and passenger screening at the airports from which the hijacked flights originated was an Israeli company called Huntleigh USA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS). ICTS was founded in 1982 by Israelis Menachem Atzmon and Ezra Harel, and was under the control of Lior Zouker on September 11, 2001. The company employs many agents of Israel’s domestic security agency Shin Bet, which also handles security for Israel’s El Al airline, a company well-known for its role in international cocaine smuggling. Menachem Atzmon was sentenced to prison in 1996 for financial crimes committed while serving alongside Ehud Olmert as co-treasurer of Benjamin Netanyahu’s political campaign. Olmert (prime minister of Israel from 2006 – 2009) would later be jailed himself on corruption charges in 2016. Interestingly, he happened to be in New York City the day before 9/11 but this fact wasn’t reported until years later in a Jerusalem Post article describing Olmert’s September 10, 2001 sale of the Beitar football club to two American/Israeli businessmen in NYC. Olmert was mayor of Jerusalem at the time of 9/11. We’re left to wonder why his visit was kept secret. But I digress… ICTS is based in the Netherlands and has been run by Israeli intelligence operatives since its inception. It’s owned by Cukierman & Co., whose founder Roger Cukierman is a former CEO of the Edmund de Rothschild Group and chairman of the Israel General Bank. Significantly, Roger Cukierman was also a chairman of Boaz Harel’s Catalyst Fund, which appointed Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s son, Yair Shamir, to a leadership position in 1995. ICTS subsidiary Huntleigh USA is run by former members of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Shin Bet. On 9/11 the company controlled security and passenger screening at Boston’s Logan Airport and New Jersey’s Newark Airport, which is significant because whoever actually did hijack the passenger planes must have been allowed to board with weapons more impressive than boxcutters. ICTS has a long history of suspicious security failures and was in charge of security at the following terror sites:
To coverup a crime the magnitude of 9/11, there are three crucial aspects that must be controlled
Ehud Delivers the Narrative On the morning of 9/11, Ehud Barak, a former prime minister of Israel, commando in the elite Sayeret Matkal, and chief of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), was conveniently situated in the BBC studios in London ready to tell the entire world who was responsible for the day’s attacks. At a time of extreme chaos when nobody was supposed to have any idea what was going on and the most sophisticated intelligence/surveillance apparatus the world has ever known was rendered inept an astonishing four times in one day, there was Israel’s former prime minister indicating he knew who did it — “Osama bin Laden” — and that he knew where he was hiding — “Afghanistan.” He then announced it was time for America to launch an “operational, concrete war against terror” in the Middle East, exactly as Israeli strategists had been planning for decades! This explanation of events, delivered from BBC studios mere moments after the attacks and long before the gathering of any evidence had begun, became the official narrative unquestioningly accepted by politicians and media alike. It has never changed. Former prime minister of Israel, Ehud Barak, on BBC News the morning of 9/11 calling for America to launch an “operational, concrete war against terror.” Ehud Barak is connected at every level to the Zionist criminal network responsible for 9/11. As head of Israeli military intelligence (AMAN) in the 1980’s, Barak armed and trained the virulently anti-western Islamic gang of Gulbuddin Hekmatyr, including CIA asset Osama bin Laden, to create the perfect bogeyman for the forthcoming ‘War on Terror.’ He was assisted in this operation by U.S. Congressman Charlie Wilson and his top aide/handler, the Israeli Zvi Rafiah. The man Barak assigned to train bin Laden and Hekmatyr was the Hebrew speaking double agent and CIA asset Ali Mohammad, who somehow disappeared without a trace from the U.S. prison system while serving a life sentence for his role in organizing the bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998. To retail all of Barak’s connections to the international criminal underworld would take a work of considerable volume. However, it’s worth noting that Barak was a close associate and business partner of Jeffrey Epstein through his involvement in a company called Carbyne, on the board of which sat Michael Chertoff. As Gidi Weitz reported in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz (July 11, 2019):
Interestingly, Barak’s first cousin David Brog was long-time chief of staff to Pennsylvania senator Arlen Spector, who, as a young Jewish attorney for the Warren Commission, confected the ludicrous ‘magic bullet’ theory to explain away blatant anomalies in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Israeli fingerprints are all over the assassinations of both JFK and his brother Bobby. Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgement and Laurent Guyenot’s The Unspoken Kennedy Truth are must-read books. Hauer Hour Not long after Ehud Barak informed the entire English-speaking world that America needed to launch an ‘operational war on terror’ in the Middle East, another dedicated Zionist agent began making the rounds on American T.V. On 9/11 Jerome Hauer was the managing director of Kroll Associates, the company in charge of security at the World Trade Center. He had previously served as director of Mayor Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) from 1996-2000 and spear-headed the construction of a pivotal $13 million command bunker on the 23rd floor of WTC 7 from which all New York emergency communications frequencies could be monitored. Like so many others in this saga Hauer has deep Zionist roots. His mother once served as an honorary president for New York’s Hadassah chapter of the Daughters of Zion. Just minutes after the towers came down, Jerome Hauer appeared on CBS News with Dan Rather to deliver the official government story to the network’s viewers. Hauer claimed the towers fell simply due to being hit by planes and the resulting fires, which, he said, weakened the structural integrity of the buildings causing them to collapse. He also warned that ”debris has blocked access to Building 7 and they are worried about the structural stability.” Never before had a steel-framed high-rise collapsed due to fire so for him to say ‘they are worried about its structural stability’ with regard to WTC 7 was ludicrous. What Hauer was actually doing was preparing the public for what he knew was coming later, at 5:20pm, when WTC 7 defied the laws of physics and came crashing down into its own footprint at free-fall speed despite not being hit by a plane and only suffering from relatively minor office fires. Nevertheless, Hauer’s ludicrous fairy tale would go on to become official history and his claptrap about the Twin Towers’ destruction would be adopted three years later by the seriously flawed 9/11 Commission Report, written in its entirety by fellow conspirator Philip Zelikow. Perhaps not coincidentally, it was Hauer’s recommendation that landed former FBI anti-terrorism chief John O’Neil his job as head of security for Kroll Associates. O’Neil had complained bitterly that his investigations into al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden were being sabotaged by people within the FBI itself. He died in the 9/11 attacks, his first day at his new job. Bush & Fleischer As all of this was going on, President George W. Bush was seated one thousand miles away in an elementary school classroom like a dunce being updated on the ongoing events by his Israeli spokesman Ari Fleischer. It’s not possible to know what level of insight the buffoon Boy Bush had into the planning of 9/11. His father, who was meeting with David Rubinstein’s elite Carlyle Group that morning, likely knew much more. Boy Bush was probably regarded as a liability to the operation due to his mental incompetence, which explains why he was maneuvered far out of the way while the Israeli/American dual national Ari Fleischer jumped into action. It was Fleischer who held up a hand-written sign from the back of the classroom for Bush which read ‘Don’t say anything yet.’ He then personally prepared Bush’s address to the nation word-for-word while still at the Emma E. Brooker Elementary School. Incredible! Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn wonders, “How did Fleischer know what the president should say when virtually nothing was known about who was behind the crime?” “Not only was Fleischer a dedicated Zionist, his older brother was the president of an Israeli-owned company, owned and controlled by Israeli air force veterans, one of whom was a business partner in a company with Ehud Barak.” Ari Fleischer is a prime suspect in the 9/11 operation and, unsurprisingly, was a big proponent of the disastrous Iraq war. He’s also a member of Chabad Lubavitch, the extreme Orthodox religious group headed for decades by the appalling gentile-hating racist Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Control of Investigation 9/11 was the worst case of mass murder in the history of America, yet somehow it was never investigated as a crime and no one has ever been held accountable in a court of law. In lieu of standard legal procedures, the government instead declared the attacks an ‘act of war,’ made possible by the strike on the Pentagon, and America rushed off to invade pre-selected countries in the Middle East while the evidence from the biggest crime scene in U.S. history was hastily destroyed. The thousands of tons of steel removed from the WTC site which would have proven whether or not explosives were used to demolish the towers, was cut up into small pieces, mixed with other scrap and shipped to China at a time when the price of steel was just $80/ton, the lowest it had been in fifty years. In a January 2002 article for Fire Engineering magazine, editor Bill Manning denounced the destruction of critical evidence:
The man who oversaw the destruction of this crucial evidence was Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff. Chertoff is an Israeli citizen who co-authored the freedom-busting Patriot Act and was appointed head of Homeland Security in 2005. His mother, Livia Eisen, was one of the first agents of the Mossad and his father, a Talmud-teaching rabbi, taught at NYC’s Jewish Theological Seminary, a prominent yeshiva which links together some of the key players in 9/11 and other Zionist crimes, like the Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme. A 2005 article in USA Today provides some insight to the power Chertoff wielded in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks:
Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff, Israeli citizen and son of a Mossad agent, authored the freedom-busting Patriot Act. But it wasn’t just the government’s initial response to the attacks Chertoff directed; he was also an integral part of the cover up. As head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, it was Michael Chertoff’s job to collect evidence and prosecute the crime of 9/11. Instead of doing this, Chertoff aided in the cover up on behalf of the ethnic network responsible for the crime. It was Michael Chertoff who oversaw the confiscation and destruction of evidence while invoking the Sensitive Security Information (SSI) regulations to deny 9/11 families any access to it. This stonewalling continued for years after he became head of Homeland Security in 2005, the perfect position from which to direct the prolonged cover up. It’s little wonder attorney John H. Clark, who worked to expose the truth about the death of Vince Foster in 1993, once said of Chertoff: “He’s a dishonest bastard. He went along with the Foster cover-up.” Ground Zero’s Jewish Knight The man who Michael Chertoff assigned control of the clean-up effort at Ground Zero to was Richard Sheirer, the director of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management from 2000 – 2002. Sheirer became known by the sobriquet ‘Ground Zero’s Jewish Knight’ after being named an honorary Jewish Knight by the New York Board of Rabbis for his work at Ground Zero. Sheirer was given complete authority over the WTC cleanup effort. An October 15. 2001 article for New York Magazinetitled ‘The Man Behind the Mayor,’ detailed Sheirer’s primary role at the WTC site:
Under Sheirer’s watchful eye all of the steel was taken from the WTC crime scene and transported to two Jewish-owned scrapyards in New Jersey where it was cut into pieces sixty inches and less, mixed with other scrap metal and shipped to China before any inspections could be performed on it. The New York Daily News reported in April, 2002:
Richard Sheirer and Michael Chertoff should both be prosecuted for their roles in destroying the critical evidence of 9/11 and running interference for the criminal network responsible for the crime. There is no other explanation for their actions at the Ground Zero cleanup site. Who were these two Zionist agents covering for? Osama bin Laden? Khalid Sheikh Mohammad? Not likely. In spite of all the corruption, there were still a few honest investigators trying to get to the bottom of what really caused the destruction of the three colossal skyscrapers on the morning of 9/11. By now you might be able to guess what kind of treatment they were afforded. A February 2, 2002 article in the New York Times titled ‘A Search for Clues in the Towers’ Collapse: Engineers Volunteer to Examine Steel Debris Taken to Scrapyards,’ describes the chaotic scene that unfolded as a handful of genuine engineers sought to salvage whatever they could of the wreckage for purposes of investigation:
When Benjamin Netanyahu’s good friend Michael Bloomberg became mayor of New York City for an unprecedented three terms following 9/11, he famously tried minimizing this criminal destruction of evidence by saying, “Just looking at a piece of steel doesn’t tell you anything.” The arch gun-grabber Bloomberg played his part in the cover up by reportedly threatening NYPD and NYFD employees with prosecution and a loss of employment and pensions if they spoke out about what they experienced that day; i.e., explosions in the towers, molten iron in the rubble, etc. An August 26, 2011 New York Magazine article by Chris Smith summed up Bloomberg’s sentiments towards 9/11 widows: “Though 9/11 made Michael Bloomberg mayor, he’s sometimes seemed insensitive about its aftereffects on others—he once memorably said he wanted to tell widows they needed to “suck it up” and move on.” Bloomberg is another Zionist agent who covered for the criminals of the 9/11 atrocity. He is a staunch supporter of the USA Patriot Act (co-authored by Zionist pal Michael Chertoff) and constantly campaigns for the re-writing of the U.S. Constitution on the basis of ‘fighting terrorism.’ In an article for, investigative journalist Whitney Webb details Bloomberg’s connections to historic sex offenders Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein:
Zio Scrapyards The two scrapyards that handled all of the steel from Ground Zero were Hugo Neu and Metal Management. Both companies happened to be owned and operated by Zionists: Alan Ratner at Metal Management and Robert Kelman at Hugo Neu. (Metal Management’s Newark-based operation had just begun recovering from Chapter 11 bankruptcy shortly before 9/11, an event that would provide windfall profits for the troubled firm.) Hugo Neu was a German Jew who founded his first company in the 1930s with partners Meno Lissauer and Walter Rothschild, before founding his own company in the early 1960s under his own name. In 1999 Hugo Neu’s son John opened an offshoot company with the express purpose of brokering deals in Asia. (You’ll recall that Asia is where Shaul Eisenberg was active and it’s where the crime scene evidence from the WTC complex would eventually be shipped.) The new global trading arm was called Hugo Neu Schnitzer Global Trade and it was headed by two Israeli Jews named Nathan Fruchter and Jehuda Saar. Before working for Hugo Neu, Fruchter and Saar had both worked for the mega Zionist criminal and Mossad asset Marc Rich at Glencore International (CEO of which is Ivan Glasenberg). Marc Rich was pardoned for his many crimes including tax evasion, wire fraud and racketeering, by Bill Clinton during his last day in office after being lobbied intensely to do so by former prime ministers Ehud Barak, Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert, along with other leading members of the Israeli state. In his book Solving 9-11, investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn summarizes the various travels of Nathan Fruchter and Jehuda Saar: “From their early days with Marc Rich and Glencore, on to Hugo Neu and the Midland Group, Saar and Fruchter have always worked for companies closely tied to Israel and the Mossad.” Hugo Neu has suspicious connections to Israel’s nuclear project in Dimona through its heavy investing in a company called Agua-Agro and an Israeli named Oren Gafri, who, according to Bollyn, is “a specialist in energetic nano-composite coatings like the ones that pulverized the 220 acres of concrete floors in the World Trade Center.” For his part, Alan Ratner was appointed president of Metal Management in 2000. His managing director was a Jew named Daniel Dienst who was hired in June of 2001. Dienst had previously worked for the investment bank CIBC World Markets (formerly Oppenheimer & Co.) which has very strong ties to the state of Israel. Both Dienst and Ratner seem to have been put in place at ‘just the right time’ to aid in the cover up of 9/11. In 2005, Metal Management and Hugo Neu merged into Sims Group Ltd. As directors of their respective companies, Alan Ratner and Robert Kelman personally oversaw the criminal ‘processing’ of more than 250,000 tons of steel from the WTC before any examination of it could be performed. The New York Times reported that Hugo Neu had a massive workforce working twelve-hour shifts around-the-clock cutting the steel into small pieces to be mixed with other metals before being sent to smelters in Asia. Dr. Frederick W. Mowrer, an associate professor in the fire protection engineering department at the University of Maryland, was quoted in the New York Times (Dec. 25, 2001), as saying: “I find the speed with which potentially important evidence has been removed and recycled to be appalling.”Curiously, the Claremont Channel that allowed ships to access the Hugo Neu yard was dredged a month before 9/11 to deepen it by over 20 feet in some places in order to make it accessible for larger ships. Hugo Neu put $24 million of its own money into the project. What are the odds that the two scrapyards to which the evidence from the worst crime in U.S. history was taken and destroyed were both controlled by Zionist Jews? How about zero? Even the truck transportation company hired to haul away the rubble and debris from the WTC was run by an Israeli. Yoram Shalmon of PowerLoc Technologies, revealed in an interview with just how closely he monitored his drivers with GPS during the clean-up effort:
Jewish people make up just over 2% of the U.S. population, Israelis far less than that. Yet somehow they are found at every single juncture of the 9/11 matrix from beginning to end. Try as you might, dear reader, you will find no organized groups of Afghanis, Russians, Syrians, Iraqis or Chinese involved in the terror plot; only Israelis and s ayanim Jews extremely dedicated to the Zionist cause. Sayanim is a Hebrew word that means ‘helpers’ or ‘collaborators’ and it denotes Jews in countries across the globe who are willing to help the Mossad any way they can. Control of Litigation Another well-placed conspirator who fulfilled his role in the 9/11 coverup was Kenneth Feinberg. Feinberg is a Zionist lawyer who has been involved in many high profile swindles in his ignoble career; he was the man who decided which banks received taxpayer bailout money after the financial crash in 2008, for instance. His wife, Diane Feinberg, is an executive member of the United Jewish Appeal – the organization to which Larry Silverstein and Lewis Eisenberg both belonged – and was also on the board of governors for the Jewish Agency, an elite organization with close ties to the Mossad. Kenneth Feinberg was obviously a man with the right credentials to assist in the 9/11 cover up. Therefore, it’s no surprise he was chosen to head up the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. This fund was organized specifically to prevent victims’ families from speaking out about the attacks or engaging in any future lawsuits against the airlines, government, or security agencies involved on 9/11. Once a grieving family accepted Feinberg’s payout money (provided by the U.S taxpayer), they were prevented from ever speaking publicly about the events or pursuing justice through the courts. It was another stitch up by the Zionist crooks. 97% of families immediately agreed to accept the government’s hush money. The other 3% who declined the offer and chose instead for a day in court were harassed and intimidated by Jewish lawyer Sheila Birnbaum who was appointed to the process as a ‘special mediator.’ In this role Birnbaum was tasked with pressuring families to comply and accept the compensation money offered through Feinberg’s fund. She did her job with a tenacity no doubt honed over her many years as a partner of the international law firm Skadden Arps (headed by Eric Friedman). Skadden Arps has very strong ties to the state of Israel. A senior partner at the firm is Kenneth Bialkin, a former national chairman of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Judge Hellerstein’s ‘Judicial War of Attrition’ Ninety-six families rejected Feinberg and Birnbaum’s hush money opting instead to make use of the courts to learn the facts about what really happened to their loved ones. Unfortunately for the families involved, every one of the cases wound up in the courtroom of Alvin K. Hellerstein, a Zionist judge for the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. Hellerstein rose to his lofty judicial perch in 1998 after receiving a nomination from president Bill Clinton. He is a Talmudic Jew who is connected to some of the same Orthodox institutions in New York City as Michael Chertoff and fellow judge Mike Mukasey, who assisted in the release of Israeli spies picked up after 9/11, including the five ‘Dancing Israelis.’ It was obvious the fix was in from the start as once again a Zionist agent was well-placed to lend his assistance to the ongoing cover up. As the sole judge presiding over all the 9/11 tort litigation Hellerstein so delayed the process and set roadblocks at every turn that finally in 2011, ten years after the attacks, the last family still holding out hope for getting an open trial, the Bavis family of Boston, settled out of court after Hellerstein made a decision related to the case making it impossible for them to continue. Afterwards the family complained that Hellerstein “essentially gutted the case so that the truth about what led to the events of September 11, 2001 would never be told at trial.” Similar frustrations were felt by every family seeking justice through Hellerstein’s corrupt cabbalistic court. A Boston Herald article (Mar. 6, 2010) reported on the struggles with Hellerstein encountered by the family of Sara Low, who was a flight attendant on Flight 11: “A Manhattan judge is being vilified by the grieving family of a Boston flight attendant murdered in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks because they say he has blocked a public trial, forcing them to give up the fight.” Of the 96 families hoping for their day in court, not a single case ever went to trial, precisely as intended by the terrorist network responsible for 9/11. Hellerstein’s co-conspirator, Kenneth Feinberg, applauded the judge’s obstruction of justice, saying: “He knew from the very beginning that the cases had to settle and he got there.” (New York Times, Sept. 9, 2016) Orthodox Jewish Judge Alvin Hellerstein, ensured not a single 9/11 victims’ case ever went to trial. His son, Joseph Hellerstein, worked for a law firm that represented ICTS, a primary defendant in the 9/11 tort litigation. Judge Hellerstein’s Conflict of Interest Hellerstein is a crook, there’s no question about that. His appalling misuse of judicial procedures to protect his Zionist masters responsible for the murder of 2,977 Americans in broad daylight on 9/11 is a sickening indictment of the man. Yet the Jewish-owned media heaped laurels on him as he forced victims’ families one-by-one to settle their cases out of court, while claiming “they decided they’d take money rather than get information.” What the media refused to report, however, was Judge Hellerstein’s glaring conflict of interest that should’ve immediately disqualified him from presiding over the litigation in the first place. Judge Hellerstein’s son, Joseph Hellerstein, is an Orthodox Jewish lawyer in Israel for the law firm Amit, Pollak & Matalon, who just so happened to represent the parent company of ICTS, the very company responsible for airport security on 9/11 and a primary defendant in the tort litigation! Under normal circumstances this would’ve been more than enough to have Judge Hellerstein removed from the case, as the Code of Conduct for United States Judges explicitly states:
But alas, normal circumstances these were not. Far from recusing himself from presiding over the 9/11 tort litigation and lawsuits, Alvin Hellerstein instead dismissed ICTS from the proceedings and the Jewish media dutifully played its part by failing to report on this fundamental conflict of interest. In an article titled Judge Hellerstein’s Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit, Christopher Bollyn writes:
The Legacy
Now we’ve reached the final stage of the 9/11 saga. . . the enduring legacy. For the conspirators, it is imperative to continually condition the public mind with the version of events they wish to be believed. The 9/11 criminals have gone to great lengths to browbeat Americans with the official government fairy tale of 19 Arabs with boxcutters outwitting the world’s most sophisticated surveillance system to bring down three steel-framed high-rise towers with two planes. Zionist ownership of America’s media ensures this is the only story ever heard by the masses. Fortunately, truth activists have been largely successful in spreading awareness of the many absurdities inherent in the government story by way of the Internet. For years now, polls have consistently shown that a majority of Americans have serious doubts concerning the government account of what transpired on September 11, 2001. To combat this skepticism the government and its wholly-owned institutions, so dependent on federal funding, have issued a handful of seriously flawed reports with the aim of convincing the public of their farcical story by lending a pseudo-scientific veneer to it. The most notable of these is the 9/11 Commission Report. The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (The 9/11 Commission) was established on November 27, 2002 after well over a year of stonewalling by the Bush administration. The group published its dubious Commission Report nearly two years later on July 22, 2004, after omitting mountains of evidence disproving the government’s ridiculous narrative and allowing top members of Bush’s cabinet to testify in secret away from the prying eyes and ears of the public. Phillip Zelikow, a big-time administration insider, was the man appointed as executive director of the 9/11 Commission by President Bush after his first choice, Zionist scumbag Henry Kissinger, was forced to resign due to public outcry and his staunch refusal to reveal business clients for his shadowy Kissinger Associates group. Even the New York Times (Nov. 29, 2002) raised an eyebrow at the startling appointment of Kissinger, “…it is tempting to wonder if the choice of Mr. Kissinger is not a clever maneuver by the White House to contain an investigation it long opposed.” As it turns out, Zelikow was the right man for the job. As a student at Tufts University he wrote his PhD dissertation on ‘The Creation and Maintenance of Public Myths.’ If you find it odd that the very guy who presided over the 9/11 Commission Report happened to be an expert on deceiving the public and promoting widely-held ‘public myths,’ you’re not alone. This is exactly what he did with his Commission Report which was such a whitewash that even members of his own staff, like Chairman Thomas Kean, spoke out against it saying, among other things, that it was set up to fail. Zelikow’s deep connections to the very people he was supposed to be investigating created a massive conflict of interest which, like Judge Hellerstein, should’ve immediately disqualified him as the Commission’s executive director. As a member of President Bush’s ‘Task Force on National Security in the Information Age,’ Zelikow authored the White House’s ‘National Security Strategy of the United States of America’ in 2002, which outlined the pre-emptive war doctrine that was used with such devastating effect against Iraq in 2003 as well as other countries that posed no threat whatsoever to America but were perceived as hostile to Israel. Zelikow’s authorship of the doctrine was unknown to the commission staffers, including chairmen Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, when he was appointed Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission. His conflicts of interest were so stark that when he was appointed to his position, Richard Clarke, George Bush’s counter terrorism advisor, presciently noted: “The fix is in…could anyone have a more obvious conflict of interest than Zelikow?” Zelikow dominated every aspect of the investigation from beginning to end ensuring the tail would never be pinned on the tefillin-festooned elephant in the living room. He hired and fired the staff, directed all research efforts, omitted all data that didn’t support the official narrative, and allowed faulty confessions procured through extreme torture to be admitted as evidence, such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammad’s many outrageous claims. American journalist Paul Sperry was one of the very few in America’s media who dared point out the obvious:
Commission member and former U.S. Senator Max Cleland seemed to agree with Sperry’s assessment. Resigning in protest shortly after being appointed, Cleland stated: “This is a scam. It’s disgusting. America is being cheated.” He was right. Zelikow’s 9/11 Commission Report was such a whitewash that it didn’t even mention the free-fall collapse of the 47-story WTC Building 7 at 5:20 in the afternoon. According to fellow commission members, Philip Zelikow already had the report written almost entirely as it would eventually appear even before his ”investigation” began. Benjamin Chertoff Benjamin Chertoff was the Senior Researcher for a Popular Mechanics article titled ‘Debunking 9/11 Lies’ published in the spring of 2005. The article was used as the basis for a book titled Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can’t Stand Up to the Facts published a year later which included Jewish celebrity gossip doyen Jim Meigs of Entertainment Weekly as its Editor-in-chief. With august minds such as Meigs involved, who could possibly doubt the team’s conclusions? Despite boasting on its cover page that “Conspiracy theories can’t stand up to the hard facts,” both Chertoff’s article and the book it inspired failed to produce any coherent explanation for what actually caused the destruction of the three WTC towers on 9/11 or for why the hijacked planes were not intercepted. In spite of this, Chertoff’s work has been cited by many in the mainstream media as the final answer to what they call ‘9/11 conspiracy theories.’ The late, great researcher and theologian, Professor David Ray Griffin, who absolutely demolishes both Popular Mechanics studies in his 2007 book Debunking 9/11 Debunking, writes:
Now, why would Benjamin Chertoff and the CIA-connected Popular Mechanics wish to tarnish their stellar reputation by publishing such a provably unscientific account of what happened on 9/11? Perhaps because Benjamin Chertoff is the cousin of the arch 9/11 conspirator Michael Chertoff! When the indefatigable journalist Christopher Bollyn reached out to Benjamin Chertoff personally and asked him if he was related to Michael Chertoff, the lead researcher of Debunking 9/11 Lies uncomfortably replied, ‘I don’t know.’ When Bollyn reached out to Benjamin Chertoff’s mother in Pelham, New York and asked her the same question, however, she responded, “Yes, of course, he is a cousin.” This inconvenient fact was addressed by Jim Meigs in his ‘Afterword’ to Debunking 9/11 Myths, where he tried his best to downplay the significance of Bollyn’s discovery: “Christopher Bollyn phoned Ben’s mother, who volunteered that, yes, she thinks Michael Chertoff might be a distant cousin…it’s possible that Ben and Michael Chertoff are distantly related.” Note the sly changes by Meigs designed to create some distance. “Yes, of course” becomes “yes, she thinks” and “he is a cousin” is transformed into “might be a distant cousin.” Professor Griffin writes,
NIST Coverup
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released its ‘Final Report of the World Trade Center Disaster Investigations’ in September of 2005. Needless to say it was a typical taxpayer-funded whitewash unworthy of the paper it was printed on. NIST was headed at the time by a crypto-Jew named William Jeffrey (real name Jaffe) who was appointed director of the organization after being nominated by George W. Bush on May 25, 2005. As with so many others in this saga, it appears Jeffrey was put in place at ‘just the right time’ to lend his services to the coverup, taking control of NIST just as the report on the ‘collapse’ of the World Trade Center towers was being prepared and departing three years later, shortly before the Institute’s report on Building 7 was published. William Jeffrey was born to Helen Anna Engelking and Alan Samuel Jaffe, Russian Jews who changed the family name to Jeffrey in 1952. Before becoming director of NIST in 2005 Jeffrey had worked for DARPA (the sinister technological arm of the Pentagon) and was instrumental in setting up the science and technology sector at the Department of Homeland Security. Notably, he served as the Assistant Deputy for Technology at the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office, where he worked on the development of sensors for the RQ-4 Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. It was Jeffrey who oversaw the production of NIST’s report on the destruction of the WTC towers. His lead investigator/program manager for the project was a Jew named Stephen Cauffman, who, at the time of writing, serves as the section chief in the Infrastructure Security Division, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). During NIST’s ‘investigation,’ Jeffrey and his team never once looked for any evidence of explosives having been used to bring down the three steel-framed towers, nor did they examine the presence of molten metal underneath the rubble of the WTC complex. Clearly Cauffman, Jeffrey and their subordinates Shyam Sunder and John Gross were not interested in finding out what really caused the unprecedented destruction of the three massive buildings. Analysts have concluded they are guilty of lying about fire temperatures, thermal expansion of concrete and thermal conductivity of steel, while also falsifying models and omitting critical data. After completing the NIST report William Jeffrey went on to become CEO of Stanford Research Institute (SRI) where nanocomposites are developed in a lab run by an Israeli named Yigal Blum from 1984 – 2018. Blum worked as Associate Director of Chemical Science and Technology for over three decades at SRI. The 9/11 Memorial When I say there are Israeli fingerprints all over 9/11 I mean right down to the most minute detail. The 9/11 Memorial was designed by Michael Arad, an Israeli citizen who once served in the Golani Brigade commando unit and stated he’s a close personal friend of Michael Bloomberg. Arad’s father, Moshe Arad, was the Israeli Ambassador to America and Mexico and served on the board of the Israel Council on Foreign Relations; he died in Tel Aviv in 2019. The official story claims Arad submitted his name into a contest in 2003 to build the 9/11 memorial and wouldn’t ya know it…. he won! Out of 13,683 registrants from all 50 U.S. states and 94 nations around the world, amounting to the single largest design competition in history, the son of the former Israeli Ambassador happened to come out on top. What luck! I’m sure it had nothing to do with his connections to International Zionism and Michael Bloomberg. Perish the thought, conspiracy theorist! Arad’s design for the 9/11 memorial was consistent with the original master plan created by a Polish Jew named Daniel Libeskind who was selected to oversee the rebuilding of the World Trade Center. Libeskind’s designs have been described by many critics as shallow, soulless and uninspiring. The 9/11 memorial is consistent with these descriptors. Today it is practically a religious site to which gentiles make daily pilgrimages to contemplate the horror of that day brought to bear by the very network of people who have constructed the hideous memorial. It is one of the most effective ways those responsible for the crime reinforce their fictitious narrative on impressionable minds. When viewed from this angle the 9/11 memorial is exposed for what it really is: a macabre Jewish nose-thumbing which as an added bonus helps cultivate increased hatred towards Arabs. To add yet one more insult, a group led by David Silverman filed a lawsuit to have the World Trade Center cross removed from the 9/11 memorial. Formed from steel beams unearthed from the WTC debris at Ground Zero, it was hoisted by crane as a touching symbol of hope as it closely resembles the Christian cross. Upon filing his lawsuit, Silverman kvetched to the press:
ConclusionThe information presented above is but a portion of the available data implicating Israel in the worst terror attack in America’s history. Israel is the only country that had the means, motive and opportunity to carry out the attacks and to cover it up afterwards. It is therefore unsurprising that the overwhelming preponderance of evidence leads straight to Tel-Aviv; or as former Director of Strategic Studies at the U.S. Army War College, Alan Sabrosky, put it:
As I have shown, 9/11 served as the casus belli to drag the U.S. military into the Middle East to wage war on Israel’s enemies in accordance with a decades-old agenda formulated by Zionist political and military strategists. Understanding the reasons for 9/11 and the criminal network responsible for the crime helps to make sense of our modern geopolitical landscape, particularly the October 7th incident and its increasingly troublesome aftermath. The War on Terror isn’t meant to end until Israel has expanded its territory from the rivers Nile to Euphrates and cleared Gaza and the West Bank of all non-Jewish inhabitants. In pursuit of this, Israeli agents are once again hard at work trying to haul American troops into the Middle East to fight Hezbollah, the Houthis, Iran and anyone else who opposes Israeli hegemony over the oil-rich region. It will be an absolute disaster for us all if the American people allow themselves to be emotionally manipulated into supporting another war in the Middle East justified by Israeli deceptions. We simply can’t allow that to happen. Take what you have learned here and apply it. Be vigilant, and above all be very suspicious of anything the media is telling you, for lying in furtherance of their agenda is their number one pursuit. In fact, it’s their reason for being.
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