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Boiling Over
TL Davis

Here’s what drives me a lot of the time, but I don’t want to get sucked into the vortex of evil that accompanies it. The amount of child sex trafficking that our government allows, simply allows and even facilitates is mind numbing and infuriating. If there was one reason to stop paying taxes, that would be it. It’s a violation of human rights to force any individual to pay for illegal activity, in a sense forcing them to become unwilling co-conspirators to it. God will not forgive this. 

This is the angle that should be presented as a reason to refuse to pay taxes. We know that somewhere around 340,000 children are missing from the system having come from the southern border. We have been told that there are instances of children being turned over at the border to NGOs that take them and simply give them to anyone who claims them on our side of the border. Pimps, no doubt. They are unverified, or verified by a criminal organization, such as these NGOs. It was said recently that the Haitians coming over on the TPS program made them legal. It was pointed out, I think by J.D. Vance, that illegals being brought over under the color of law did not make them illegal, it made criminals of those who orchestrated it. It is the same with these NGOs. 

As I write this, I am trembling in anger that this situation continues today. That no one, not one single police organization, not federal, not state or local are conducting investigations, filing charges or seeking to incarcerate any of the leaders of these NGOs or actual state agencies, and shutting them down and arresting everyone involved is scandalous. Occasionally, a trove of these children are found and those trafficking them are arrested, but it goes no higher than that. This, at the same time they will arrest parents for speaking out at a school board meeting. For this and this alone, Mayorkas should be removed from office and any replacement who refuses to engage in activities designed to eradicate this practice summarily discharged as well. That we don’t have a president to push this agenda of child non-proliferation is the shame of the United States and one reason that it should also be brought down. 

Intellectually, I know the pitfalls of attempting to correct this, but that does not alleviate the duty of those sworn to it, to do their jobs. “Well, it’s all orchestrated from the top.” I know it is, but when sworn to duty, at any level, it becomes one’s obligation to do it. It is at the lowest level that resistance to the whole scheme should begin. “That’s a good way to get yourself killed.” These are not excuses, they’re testimonies to the completeness of the corruption and utter pointlessness of doing anything other than scrapping the whole system. If corrupted from the top, the middle and the bottom, there is no saving it. We only do disservice to the history of our nation to let it continue. 

There is no election that will suddenly correct it, because the victims of it multiply as seconds click away. Not only the initial victim, but they often become victimizers themselves. One can see the spread of it playing out before one’s eyes. 

If we cannot take one single thing and recognize the horror of it with the completeness of corruption that extends throughout every level of society as child sex trafficking, I’m not sure what purpose there is to such a society at all. That should be the single objective of any administration, because nothing else matters. It’s in how we treat the weakest and most innocent of us that we define ourselves. 

If you want to know how this affects us all, in every walk of life, one need only look to the Kentucky deputy sheriff who shot and killed a close friend of his, a judge no less, for (as I heard it) raping his beautiful daughter. That story alone tells one of the level one might rise to who feels above the lower classes, who has risen to a certain level of government. They are exposed to, and perhaps hazed into, an untouchable cabal, beyond the boundaries of ordinary citizens, those powerless slaves that surround them. I don’t know the particulars of that incident more than what I have divulged here, but I see it as a manifestation of the way in which these attitudes sprout among us as shocking events that, sadly, are not all that uncommon. It is a symptom of the disease that permeates wealth and status. Government employees have anxiously joined with the rich and powerful to leverage what little control they have over the masses to exploit it into a position with the privileged class. The most frustrating aspect of the story is that the shocking part of it is that the deputy did the right and noble thing, so little is that method of consequence presented that it is in its absence that the fury builds. 

The dream of America and Americans is the polar opposite, a land where wealth, power and status are held to the same laws and processes as all others. One might recognize that the rich and powerful enjoy lives of privilege that none of the rest might, but it is in the filtering down to corrupt the lowest reaches of it that marks the wholeness of the corruption. It leads to the moment when there is nothing left of the old America to save. 

The only way to rescue the average American from an unholy future is to wipe this monstrosity away and begin again. The only way to do that is to start from the rotten head and work down to the lowest levels, holding public demonstrations of that action that will revive the soul of those now despondent and horrified by what they are forced to finance with their labor.

Yes, chemtrails, forced vaccinations, poison food, murder motels called hospitals, secure elections, a corrupt judiciary and all the rest must be addressed, but none of that is possible when the horror of child sex trafficking and those responsible for it in our own government is left as an on-going criminal practice. Focus on that, root that out to the end and one will find that many of the other problems correct themselves. That it takes place here with so little response from those in a position to do something about it is both a symptom and a cause of many other sins. In a lot of ways, they’re all the same people. 





A novelist, screenwriter and film producer writes about politics and American culture.

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