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Reuniting America? Forget it!
Look at the two visions of this country displayed at the two political conventions this year. They couldn’t be further apart if they tried. One the one side you have mostly conservative, including many middle of the road folks, who just want to live their lives and be left alone. On the other side you have a ton of screaming meme’s whose fondest wish is for a communist Ameriika and they refuse to be satisfied with anything less! And they are fully willing to force their leftist agenda on the rest of us. So how do you reconcile these two? You don’t. Eventually They will have to fight. If the rightists have any guts at all they must resist the howling leftist hordes. If this sounds like civil war you may be right. I’m afraid it has come down to this, as much as I that the thought of it. The two visions of America can never be reconciled–one free and the other communist. There has to be a separation and I am afraid it will be a bloody one – as it was in 1861 – except that was not a civil war. This one will be, a civil war of communist aggression, which we will be foolish if we do not resist. Not resisting will be the death of America and the birth of Amerika. We had better realize those on the left have a agenda they plan to carry out no matter what. Being “nice” to them will only encourage them and hasten our demise The left is evil and must be resisted – resisted and exposed for the anti-Christs they are. Nothing else will suffice. This is a little something for us to think about.
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