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A Fly in the Ointment
TL Davis

If you want any semblance of the life you now live, however humble it might be, you’re going to have to fight for it. You are going to have to question everything and everyone and become, as John McClane in Die Hard put it, you’re going to have to be “the fly in the ointment, the monkey in the wrench.” You may never live the comfortable life you do now, but fighting back is the only alternative to being used, abused and discarded after they’ve mined your body for reusable parts.

We are being abused right now. There is no Commander in Chief, there just isn’t, unless a president can grow six inches overnight or change the shape of his face and ears, the color of his eyes, from what historical evidence exists. It’s not all that important, when it comes down to it, because the lesson learned is that the whole of congress, Democrats and Republicans, the whole Executive branch is willing to go along with the ruse, because they have no respect or sense of duty to the people. Where that is true, there is no limit to the degradation and defilement they are willing to heap on the masses. We mean less to them than a group of ants on the periphery of one’s lawn, but should that group of ants begin to invade the picnic, there’s no hesitation to dump a load of gasoline on the anthill and incinerate them all.

The toughest part for people who have always been patriotic to the flag and the principles of freedom embodied in the Bill of Rights, is that aside from decorations, that union no longer exists. The only thing holding all of it together are threats and bribery, that’s not a union, that’s just organized crime. 

The best demonstration of what I’m writing about is the recent clashes in the UK. Finally, the Muslims went too far and enraged the whole nation with their murderous tendencies. No, I don’t think the 17 year old of Rwandan descent woke up one day and decided to kill three little white girls, that’s something that has to be planted, nurtured and encouraged throughout one’s life, that doing so is a mark of bravery and faithfulness to a violent god. 

Just when the British people found their strength, after years of abuse, they lashed out in perfectly understandable rage only to have their own government attack and seek to imprison them for their actions. This at a time when there were masked gangs randomly and purposefully hunting down all white Brits with clubs and knives with the support and aid of the police, if even just by being absent. 

It doesn’t get any more stark of a demonstration that the governments of Western nations have switched sides, brought in replacements and turned the government over to them. 

Pre-pandemic, I still thought we could work it out, I didn’t think we would, but I thought we could. That was before I saw the hand-in-glove gaslighting from every sector: media, medicine, government and corporate. Some we knew had sold out long ago, like the media, but I thought that there was no way they would get every doctor, every hospital, every corporation to pursue a set of guidelines and policies that were not only ridiculously ill-thought out, but highly illegal. All it took was a promise not to be prosecuted and they all went straight Stalinist. I admit, that was a shock. It told me that there was no sense of ethics or honesty left within the professions and corporations. they would destroy themselves for the simple joy of killing people without punishment, though most were highly incentivized to do so as well. The corporations, however, did it at a time when their profits had dwindled to nearly nothing. Still, they persisted in going along, even those who remained closed. What few private businesses tried to remain open were hit with penalties and fines, but the strong, the resistant were often vindicated after the hysteria had died down.

The British now see that their government has imported people with a high propensity toward murder to do the work they can no longer achieve via the vaxx. That any resistance to being the victims of those they imported will not be tolerated. Since they have been able to couch it in terms of racism or religious bigotry, the British are expected to offer themselves up for sacrifice to their betters. There was a moment, that quickly passed, when if the British people had come out of their homes to confront the Muslim gangs randomly beating white stragglers, they would have carried the day, deposed their new PM, Keir Starmer, and called for new elections, but they see themselves as too civilized for that. That’s something I fear runs through American bloodlines, too. 

The point is, it doesn’t matter what one believes or thinks anymore. This is the future, like it or not. It may not even matter if we do fight back against it, the fact that so many of the American people are now sterile and the flood goes unabated, there will be nothing left of the once proud American people, it will just be some other plot of land to be exploited by the globalists. Resistance to them and their grand design will cease until they have had their depopulation through war, famine or disease and whatever is left will be controlled by robots. 

That’s why it’s important to stand now, to know what you intend to preserve of the principles of freedom as we step into the future. They won’t get us all and my fear is to be alive after all of this has taken place. I’d rather give my life in punishment to those who planned this, to extract some level of revenge for the beautiful nation they so ruthlessly murdered. That would be enough for me. 




A novelist, screenwriter and film producer writes about politics and American culture.

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