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Thundering toward Armageddon
On Aug. 5, The Daily Doom carried the following headline: Iran plans to attack Israel on the Jewish day of disasters That day, called Tisha B’Av (the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av) in Israel is commemorated as a day of Jewish disasters throughout history. Iran is believed to have chosen this day for its counterattack, in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyehin on Iranian soil, in order to amplify the psychological impact of its planned revenge. Tisha B’Av on the Jewish calendar begins on the evening of Monday, the 12th on the Gregorian calendar and ends after Sundown on Tuesday, the 13th. (Hebrew days go from Sunset to Sunset.) That means Iran’s attack might likely begin tonight if the reports of its scheme are true. Of particular note to Jews on this day is the fact that the two massive historic temples of Judaism were both destroyed on this day, hundreds of years apart. The day has deep religious significance to Christians, too. The destruction of the second temple was prophesied by Jesus, regarding his departure and his return, when his disciples were marveling at the temple, which built elaborately with the help of the Romans:
The temple was, indeed, completely destroyed so that not one of its stones is left standing on the plaza where it was built. Jesus gave this prophecy right after condemning the religious leaders of his time with an excoriating list of hypocrisies then leaving the Temple, after warning,
The destruction of the second temple brought the immediate end times of a major biblical age in that it ended the Old Testament form of Judaism that had been practiced for thousands of years since Moses by removing the ability to carry out the religious sacrifices called for in the Laws of Moses. It was the end of a biblical era that resulted in the diaspora of the Jews from Israel, as well. A whole Jewish way of life came to a close in A.D. 70, 40 years after Jesus was crucified. (Both numbers are significant in Judaism and Christianity. In Judaism, the first Tisha B’Av of importance was the day the Jews were sent wandering in the wilderness for 40 years due to their unfaithfulness.) Jesus saw himself as departing from the Temple and not returning to Jerusalem again until its people were ready to bless him as one “who comes in the name of the Lord.” (Their Messiah.) He hasn’t been back to the Temple Mount since. That brings us to Jews waiting around the Temple Mount today with big plans to bring the age of the Messiah in, though, of course, they are hoping for a different Messiah, and I’ll get to that in a moment. Thus, the 9th of Av in Israel is always one of mourning, fasting, and other forms of self-denial over all that was lost. With the loss of their Temple, the Jews also lost the land, driven out by Rome, which Rome renamed from “Judea” to “Palestine” to try to wipe the name of the Jews off the map. Many other bad things happened to Jews on this historic date of major Jewish disasters:
Yes, when Columbus sailed the ocean blue on behalf of Spain, Jews were sent sailing, too. Jews were also expelled from England on this day in 1290. So, a bad day for Jews. Iran wants to turn Tisha B’Av into another historic day of calamity to add to that list
We have no idea what that response will be. Iran’s last response to an Israeli attack on Iranian land proved to be very ineffective and was thought by many to be intended as a showy shot over the bow where many missiles were fired bit a;; missed important targets on purpose in order to avoid igniting all-out war between Israel and Iran. It was a “this is what we could do, but we’ve chosen not to hit you … this time” response. Their choice to attack now on Tisha B’Av, if the intelligence is true, could indicate Iran intends something more damaging and wants to stick the point home.
If it attacks on this date, it would appear Iran hopes to revive historical traumas and replay historic images of destruction. Maybe Iran needs this amplification because they are NOT planning something big, or maybe they are and they need it to strike disabling terror because they know their will be a massive Israeli (and possibly American) response. I would think amplifying a lesser reprisal over the death of one person would be more likely than starting a massive war as being, by far, the wiser reprisal, but who knows, given Iran’s often stated intent of someday shoving Israel off the map. Maybe this will be the day they have chosen. They have undoubtedly seen that a lot of nations have turned against Israel in this war.
(I doubt that Israel will be that foolish, given how America has just poured more heavy arms into the region to avert this very attack and given the intelligence that already warns it might be coming. A truer surprise would be to build the hype around this date and then wait for the day after when everyone sighs relief that it didn’t happen. However, surprise may be less the goal on Iran’s part than religious and historic significance.)
The latest news out about Iran’s planned reprisal, however, says that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been persuaded by the US and Iran’s president to postpone the attack. What few reports of this I found in the press all originated from a single source, Al-Jarida, a newspaper in Kuwait on Sunday. That’s quite believable, of course, in light of how much Iran stands to lose, given how the US has made clear it will stand strong with Israel in the event of an attack. On the other hand, another report later on Sunday says Israeli intelligence does not believe the postponement report and things Iran will attack very soon:
What better way to try to throw the element of surprise back in, now that word is out about a plan to attack on Tisha B’Av than by promising to postpone and then attacking anyway? We’ll know the answers to all of this by tonight or tomorrow. Is more regime change in store? As for how much Iran stands to lose if it does attack: “One report in The Daily Doom headlines today says the US has threatened to turn this event into regime-change in Tehran if Iran makes a move:
The word out is that the stealth fighters, which do their best work by night, were deployed two days ago to Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, a potential take-off point right across the Persian Gulf from Iran for a rapid-strike attack inside of Iran, should Iran try anything tonight. They could also just be placed there as a first line of defense against any missiles sent from Iran toward Israel, but I’d think they would use surface-to-air missile defense systems for that. Again, we don’t know. Rumor has it that …
That MAY be less of a threat of regime-change of the kind Washington seems to like than it is of the usual covert CIA undermining of a regime. However …
In other words, if Iran does anything truly significant, there is little doubt Israel will literally go ballistic, and the war will be on, and the US will fight by Israel’s side.
David Ignatius is a columnist for The Washington Post. He’s also a writer of spy thrillers. Will Israel and America join in a Middle Eastern war, turning all of this into hard news tonight, or is it the stuff of spy thrillers? Will Iran heed the warning? If it does, what better timing does Iran ever hope to find for the war it keeps saying it hopes to have with Israel someday? Do they now have the nuclear warhead(s) they have long been working toward (and which we’ve been told by Israel they will have in less than a year for more than twenty years now)?
In other words, the last time was a shot over the bow. This time is more likely to be the real thing. Still, we’re all guessing, but we may not be guessing after the present day passes. Zealots at work in the fields of the Lord On that note, I want to turn to another article I read over the weekend about this impending war that has been decades in the making. It’s titled, “The 1948 Irgun Re-Born?” by Alastair Crooke. What I want to call to attention in this article is not its take on how Israel chooses to defend itself, but what it has to say about small groups of Jewish zealots who strive to bring this war on in order to force the timing of the Messiah’s arrival onto their schedule. I’ve followed the activities of one of these groups off and on for forty years—long enough to know Crooke is right about them. Naturally, many in Israel do not want war, but feel they must do whatever they need to do to end the violence that keeps raining down on them in the form of small rockets for year, which came to a head again this year. However, some in Israel DO want war.
So they say, and that is likely true for most people in Israel, but there is this group called “The Temple Mount Faithful,” to name just one that I’m familiar with, that definitely wants war and wants it to come quickly so they can see the “Day of the Lord” in their lifetime. To be more accurate, what that particular group specifically wants is to rebuild the Jewish temple where the Muslim Dome of the Rock sits, even though they know competition with the Dome of the Rock at the holy site on the Temple Mount, where Abraham built an altar to sacrifice his son, Isaac, at God’s command, will light all of Israel on fire. They know that Muslims from all over the Middle East will gather to fight Israel in order to defend their religion against the threat Muslims perceive to their own religious structures, but the Temple Mount Faithful are willing to risk that in order to build their own temple there. To avoid this catastrophe, the Israeli government has been prohibiting this group of zealots from bringing their massive temple cornerstones onto the Temple Mount every year at Passover. The group’s fervor has required constant vigilance by the Israeli government for decades because the zealots don’t care if their actions start a war. They believe the Messiah will come and defend them because of their faithfulness in trying to build the temple. So, they say, “Bring it on!” Just as the US has its issues from its own far Right over imprisoning rioters from January 6th who violently bashed the heads of police, knocked officers to the ground, whacked them with flag poles, moved barricades and broke windows to force entry into the locked Capital, and even brought cuffs for congress, Israel’s government is being challenged by its far right where some are angry about the incarceration of Israeli soldiers accused of raping and sodomizing a Palestinian. And, just as in the US, some of them are part of the government, making Israel a nation divided against itself as much as the US currently is.
I have no idea or opinion on whether the accusations are true. I’m just pointing out that civil unrest in Israel is resulting in the far Right taking matters into their own hands against the majority of their own government, fomented by a few members of the government in the Knesset. It all has a familiar ring to it here in the US. Yet, that recent example is barely the icing on what these Israeli zealots want and how far they will go.
Even that is still just the momentary tip of the spear.
I don’t blame them for celebrating the death of an arch enemy that has brought deaths to Jews in Israel and sought to bring many more. He is a warrior and a rightful victim of war; but there is a fervor in parts of the government that is pushing hard for intensified war for reasons that go beyond ending the violence brought against Jews. The drive to bring all of this to an end after all these years of conflict is palpable and not that hard to understand. However, there is a lot of naiveté about how that will lead to “peace” and “quiet.” The other side has a say on that, and the other side is very, very large, encompassing many nations in a war that will be horrific for all. I’m not saying Israel should cower from taking significant actions to protect itself, but it may not go as well as they think, and the fervor of the far Right is driven by something much different than rationality over what needs to happen for Israel’s defense. It wants the greater war:
For those taking actions against their own government and willing to bring on direct war with Iran, their reasons are not rooted in rational defense, but in religious zealotry that intentionally seeks to bring on the end times so that the Messiah will come. That’s what I really want to point out in this article. “Woe,” say the prophets, to those who hasten the Day of the Lord
They want to ignite the biggest war possible to hasten the end times.
What I want to point out is how those who want to bring the times of the end into their own times would do well to pay attention to some other Jewish prophecies about that kind of zeal and what it leads to, not just to prophecies that talk about how the fighting forces of “Gog and Magog” against Israel, which Crooke says will happen in the Valley of Armageddon (a large plain in central Israel), will cause the Messiah to come in order to deliver Israel from its follies. Whether this great prophesied battle is “The Battle of Armageddon” or not is not clear in the Bible, as those are separate prophecies told hundreds of years apart. The history of the terms Gog and Magog indicate that particular battle will come from Russia, such as if Russia were to join its ally, Iran, in the present conflict. (However, Russia, has just stated this weekend that it will not support Iran in a war against Israel—that doing so is a bridge too far for them—but that can change, too.) Interestingly, one other nation mentioned in the prophecy—Meshech—existed where modern-day Turkey is today, and another one mentioned—Persia—is Iran where the people to this day consider themselves “Persians,” not Arabs. Several other nations are mentioned, whose current location is less clear. These Jewish zealots who would bring the end on as quickly as they can sound like the very people their own prophets wrote warnings to. They might do well to listen to the warnings of their prophet Amos when it comes to wanting to rush the end times so they can see it in their lifetime:
They might also do well to pay attention to the similar warning given by their prophet Isaiah, who warns of a great war in the end that will sweep over Israel from nations all over the world:
In both of these prophecies, whether referring to the same period or not, the people who seek to bring on the end are cut from the same cloth. The day they are seeking to hasten so the Messiah will save them doesn’t exactly sound like a good time for Israel. The prophecies say that, in total desperation, they will turn to their Messiah as the nations of the world are unleashed against them and sweep down upon them. It’s not hard to see the many nations of the world that are Muslim would turn in unison against Israel if the sites Muslims consider sacred on the Temple Mount were threatened, but those nations may also include Russia as an ally of Iran and other nations that turn against Israel—Islamic Turkey seeming more on sides with Russia now than with the US or Israel—because yet another prophecy says that, in these times, Israel will lose its allies:
As with so many of these prophecies, that could refer to events in Jeremiah’s day when Babylon and Assyria swept over Israel. However, history has a way of rhyming with itself, and the re-existence of the nation of Israel is one of those rhymes that echoed during our own lifetimes. Woes are even spoken in both the Amos prophecy and the Isaiah prophecy against those who would hasten the arrival of this time (and likely be the proximate cause of its arrival because of their self-righteous zealotry). All of this sounds like the kind of calamity Iran would love to bring upon Israel, but nothing is spoken of in favor of any of the nations that bring this judgment upon Israel either. Great calamity ultimately sweeps over them, too. (You can read about it in Revelation 16:14-21, which is where the prophecy about the “Battle of Armageddon” is written.) Am I saying Iran and Israel are about to begin the Battle of Armageddon or the Battle of Gog and Magog? I don’t have that kind of knowledge. However, what I do know is that those who want to bring on the great end-times war are doing their best to make such horrific events happen as quickly as they can, and they could find themselves (and all the rest of us) reaping a whirlwind of misfortunate events because of their actions, which could start tonight and continue to escalate into Armageddon someday down the road. They should take warning from their own prophets regarding their zealotry:
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