August 22 2013 |
If You Could Make More Money By Going On Welfare Instead Of Working,
So why bother? It is very difficult to find a job in this economy, especially a good one. As I mentioned yesterday, seven out of every eight jobs that have been "created" since Barack Obama has been president have been part-time jobs. Why slave away flipping burgers, stocking shelves for some retail giant or working for some temp agency when you could just sit home and make more money collecting government checks? Yes, there is definitely a minority of Americans that hate the idea of becoming dependent on the government and would never want to take advantage of the system like that, but that minority seems to be shrinking. At this point, about half the country gets money from the government each month anyway, so why not collect "your share"? If someone is offering to give you something for free, it is only human nature to be at least a little bit tempted. And right now the federal government is making it extremely tempting to give up on work entirely and become a permanent welfare check collector. Before people start getting really upset, let me once again reiterate that most of the people that are receiving financial assistance from the government actually need it. Not everyone is abusing the system, and not everyone is using their food stamps to buy lobster. Poverty in the United States has absolutely exploded in recent years, and our economy simply does not produce enough jobs for everyone anymore. We certainly do not want those without jobs to go hungry or to be sleeping in the streets. But what we have today is a situation where there is a huge incentive in many states to actually give up on work entirely and become a dependent of the state instead. According to the Cato Institute, someone in the state of New York that goes on welfare can bring home more in money and benefits than an entry-level school teacher makes in an entire year...
If you are going to live off of welfare, the key is to pick the right state. Not all states offer the same level of benefits. In some states, you have to make far more than the minimum wage before it pays not to be on welfare. In fact, there are 12 different states where you actually have to make more than $15 an hour before you start doing better than welfare recipients...
Of course not all welfare recipients take advantage of all of the programs that they are eligible for. But if you do know how to work the system, you can live very comfortably at the expense of the government in many states. So what is the solution? Well, it would be great if we had enough jobs for everyone, but that is definitely not the case. In fact, the U.S. economy is probably going to continue to lose good jobs in the years ahead if current trends continue. Unfortunately, that also means that poverty and dependence on the government are likely going to continue to grow, especially when the next major wave of the economic collapse strikes. If you want to get an idea of where we are headed, just look at Detroit. Once upon a time, Detroit actually had the highest per capita income in the entire country. But now it is a rotting, festering, bankrupt hellhole where tens of thousands of stray dogs freely roam the streets...
One Humane Society official that recently visited the city to help deal with the dog crisis described what she witnessed as "almost post-apocalyptic"...
But don't laugh at Detroit. The rest of the country is going down the exact same path. Just recently, Charles Nenner told Newsmax TV that another recession is rapidly approaching that that it is "going to be bad"...
And it looks like the folks in Washington are getting very concerned about all of the economic warnings signs that we have been seeing as well. Just this week, Barack Obama "held a special, closed door meeting with the heads of the U.S. government's financial, monetary and oversight agencies. It included members of the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, the CFTC, the SEC, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency." So why did Obama gather all of the top financial officials for a secret closed door meeting? John Embry told King World News that he thinks it is because the administration is deeply alarmed about what is happening in the financial markets...
And the truth is that our "leaders" in Washington have good reason to be concerned. If interest rates keep going up rapidly we are going to be in for a world of hurt. Sadly, most Americans seem to have already forgotten how painful 2008 was, and that was only a preview of coming attractions. The worst economic crisis in the history of the United States is on the horizon, and most people are going to be absolutely blindsided by it. I hope that you are getting prepared while you still can.
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