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The Clinton-Harris Ticket
Martin Armstrong

Polls are already asking voters whether they would support Hillary Clinton as president. Even international news outlets are posting this information. When did Hillary suddenly enter the race?

Democratic firm Bendixen & Amandi conducted a poll to see how the public would respond to a Clinton presidency. Of the 86% of respondents who watched the disastrous Trump-Biden debate, only 29% believe Biden is mentally fit to serve a second term. I suppose the state of the world was not enough to sway voters until they saw him on stage. Still, 33% of them believe Biden should still be the nominee, while 52% want him to step down to make room for a new candidate.

And who do the people want to fill Biden’s shoes? “Clinton-Harris is in the strongest position among potential Democratic tickets tested, showing a clear edge over the Biden-Harris pairing,” one of the surveyors stated. The only goal the Democrats have right now is to defeat Trump. Trump was still leading in this poll, likely biased, but only by a single percentage point (43% Trump v 41% Biden). When they asked respondents how they felt about a Clinton-Harris ticket, support for the Democrats rose to 43% compared to only 41% for Trump.

Most articles claim Clinton is not “seriously considering” a presidential run; all of this is speculation. Yet, Clinton has been heavily involved in politics, appearing to rebuke every Trump appearance. She has even begun producing merchandise sponsored through her Super PAC. The media is beginning to test the water to see how the public will respond when they switch out Joe for Hillary.

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