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What Would a World Without Personal Property Look Like?
For those of us who haven’t been brainwashed by communism, this likely seems somewhat disturbing. But let us examine just how one can ensure “people don’t own anything.” Let’s look at what a world without personal property looks like. Medical Tyranny
Let’s start with the low-hanging fruit, shall we? John Locke pointed out that “Every man has a property in his own person,” with Paul Skousen further adding that your body is your first piece of original property that you own. If you are to own nothing, does it not follow that your body will no longer be your own as well? We already see the fruits of this type of thinking in forced (or coerced)vaccinations for people to work and travel (and not be arrested). We’ve most certainly seen this with mandatory masking. What could be the further logical progressions of this type of thought, though? Is mandatory sterilization out of the question? What about forced organ donation? Are these indeed that far out of a concept – are they not the next logical step – in a world where you own nothing? Forced Relocation
You will no longer own your house. And if you no longer hold the right to choice, your body, or your property, then you likely won’t have much of a say as to where you would reside either. Perhaps climate change could be argued as a reason to move all people into cities. Maybe racism/equity could be claimed as to why your home is being given to somebody else. Regardless of which form it takes place, there are excellent odds that you would not be permitted to live where you want for long. The Death of the Second Amendment
Your right to defend is centered around your right to life and right to own property. As illustrated above, if you no longer own the right to your own body, you in essence no longer own the right to your own life either. As such, there’s nothing for you to defend. “We – the government – will do that for you.” Likewise, the Second Amendment must be destroyed to crush any potential opposition. In his masterpiece The Road to Serfdom, FA Hayek pointed out that people resist being robbed: whether that be by someone with a ski mask or by someone with a badge. The only way that a collectivist can thus ensure that his mandates are followed is by ever-increasing amounts of violence against resistors. This act is sorely hampered by those who are capable of defending themselves against attack. It is much easier to force an unarmed populace to bend to your every whim (witness current Australia, Canada, or the UK), and thus, America must be disarmed. Vaporization of Savings or Nationalization of Savings
If you are to own nothing, that means that you can no longer have anything in your savings. Any money you have put into a 401k, savings account, safety deposit boxes, or the like will be vaporized overnight. It can come about through three main mechanisms.
The first is through hyperinflation. As John Stormer pointed out in None Dare Call It Treason, hyperinflation was one of the prime reasons for the communization of China. If you can deflate a nation’s currency to the point that it is worthless (partially accomplished by abandoning the gold standard), you can drive a country into ruin. Once that has happened, you can rebuild out of the ashes – Karl Marx’s intentions for communism all along. That destroyed nation is now ripe for the harvest by communists who will swiftly step into the void and create a government of their own.
The second way that savings can be confiscated is through nationalization. When a government simply decides that all retirement accounts will be nationalized, you just lost all of your savings through government-sponsored theft. You will likely be given the balm of, “But look, we’ll take care of you. There’s a government pension for you, a universal basic income, free education, free healthcare, free housing, food stamps. Don’t worry. You don’t have your savings anymore, but this is much better.” If you don’t think this can happen, think back to Cyprus in 2013 when their government locked down accounts for a “bail-in.” Keep in mind that a cashless society makes it far easier for the government to control your every cent.
The third means that savings can be destroyed is through the destruction of a nation via war. In much the same way as hyperinflation, invaders climb over the ruins to craft a “new” currency in a nation. It can occur via outright war/invasion or by “humanitarian aid” following some sort of national tragedy that leaves a nation in ruins. Nationalization of Your Business
Your business is a part of your property. It enables you to produce – with production being true wealth, as Ayn Rand pointed out – and thus, it must be taken from you as well. It will likely come via the nationalization of all businesses. This already happened in the past (e.g., nationalization of railroads) and must be enforced for the WEF’s intentions of a ‘no property planet’ to be realized. Whether you’ll still be permitted to work in your chosen field remains to be seen. Choice is an aspect of freedom (the second domain according to John Stuart Mill), and only a fool would believe that the WEF is about freedom. Thus, it is highly likely that centralized planning would determine where some people would work (e.g., government-sponsored dams, roads, canals, etc.) Anti-Hoarding Laws Endorsing Government Confiscation
If you are to own nothing, that means everything that is currently under your roof will not be yours for much longer either. Government-sponsored confiscation must follow necessity. The easiest method would be for there to be “turn-in” centers where people brought their goods to “collection centers.” Something similar happened in Venezuela and remember when the shelves got cleared before the lockdown and the media blamed preppers? Very severe penalties would be enacted against those who didn’t voluntarily bring all that was required of them. Again, this is of necessity in such a world, as FA Hayek pointed out. Overwhelming shows of force would likely be used against initial resistors with a considerable media dispersal to cow into submission to those riding the fence on the issue. For those who still resisted, door-to-door confiscation would only continue, with armed men doing what it took for them to confiscate what remained. Government-Sponsored Kidnapping of Your Children
Once more, collectivism throughout history has often resorted to children being held in common. Witness the government confiscation of children in ancient collectivist Sparta. Boys were taken at the age of 7. In the collectivist Incan empire, all girls were turned over to the state at 13. A third became involved in religious practices, a third were given away as wives/concubines, and the remaining third were slaughtered at the altar. If we look at more recent history, we can see how the Hitler Youth impacted the future of their nation. The Death of All Human Rights
As Ayn Rand pointed out, once property rights die, all other rights are soon to follow. Property rights are the foundation of all other rights. Given that the destruction of property rights is the end goal of the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset – as illustrated by their own propaganda – this means that free speech, the right to defense, the right to life will not be that far behind. In many cases and many ways, these freedoms are already being chiseled away. Do you want to live in a world where that destruction is brought to completion? What is to Be Done? It may come across to some reading as if I am solely spreading fear for fear’s sake itself. I assure you, that is not the case. I am writing this to you because I am genuinely concerned. Think through the logical progressions for yourself. If you are going to live in a society where you own nothing, what are the logical stepping stones of such a state? What can be inferred? My conclusions on the matter are by no means original. They come from examining what already happened to humanity and looking at the full implications of a world without property. By doing the same, I believe you’ll come to the same conclusions as I.
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