Freedom's Real Enemies
You can mark it down: every major crisis that America has faced over the last several decades has been either manufactured or facilitated by policies and activities originating in Washington, D.C. But at the same time that DC is creating these crises, it categorizes any ideological group it finds distasteful as a convenient scapegoat. These convenient scapegoats can include "angry white guys," "tea party extremists," "a vast right - wing conspiracy," Constitution Party or Libertarian Party "extremists," "Second Amendment extremists" (gun owners), "pro - life extremists," ad infinitum, ad nauseam. Yet, while DC's elitists are plotting America's next crisis and figuring out whom to categorize as America's next "extremist," some real enemies are waging war against the freedoms and liberties of our once - great republic. And, ladies and gentlemen, these enemies are much more subtle, a lot closer, and much more dangerous than almost anything you are being told about. Here are some of freedom's real enemies: Big Cities When the United States was a much smaller - much more agricultural - nation, our freedoms were mostly intact. The mass exodus out of rural America into urban America has been a bane of freedom - and it will continue to be so. Thomas Jefferson addressed this issue astutely when he wrote in a letter to James Madison, "When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become corrupt as in Europe." (Source: The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia, A Comprehensive Collection of the Views of Thomas Jefferson) Jefferson spoke again of this danger in a letter to Benjamin Rush. He wrote, "I view great cities as pestilential to the morals, the health, and the liberties of man. True, they nourish some of the elegant arts, but the useful ones can thrive elsewhere, and less perfection in the others, with more health, virtue and freedom, would be my choice." (Source: Ibid.) Big cities are most always more liberal, more socialistic, more utopian, and more centralist. Citizens living in big cities readily submit to the machinations and designs of Big Government with much greater regularity than do their rural counterparts. In states where a handful of big cities dominate State politics, Big - Government policies almost always take over the politics of the entire State. If you doubt that, just speak with freedom - loving citizens in New York, Illinois, or Maryland. Consider, specifically, the freedom
most necessary to preserve our liberties: the right of
the people to keep and bear arms. People in states that
are less populated enjoy much greater liberty than do
people in heavily populated states. For example, Boston's Gun Bible Here is BGB's breakdown of the most and least free gun ownership states: Most Free States:
Least Free States:
Population density in the "most free" states is less than 50 persons per square mile, while in the "least free" states it is more than 460 persons per square mile. Case closed! While big cities will typically tolerate much more in the way of licentiousness and sexual perversion, they are also the first to tolerate Big - Government socialism. Without a doubt, Thomas Jefferson was right: big cities are "pestilential to the morals, the health, and the liberties of man." If you want to live free in the future, you will probably need to leave the big city - and perhaps the states that are dominated by big cities. The National News Media For the most part, the national news media is no friend of freedom. About all most of them know of the US Constitution is the part about the "freedom of the press" (from the First Amendment, of course). Watch any of the Big Three television network newscasts on any weekday evening, and what will you see? You will see the exact same stories regurgitated over and over again - even with the exact same spin! And that spin is most always tilted toward bigger and bigger government. This goes on night after night, week after week, month after month, and year after year. But this is all just coincidental, right? Get real! The cable news networks are not much better. About the only difference between cable networks is that CNN will provide cover for Big Government Democrats while viciously attacking all things Republican, and FOX NEWS will provide cover for Big Government Republicans while viciously attacking all things Democrat. Face it: the national news media is intoxicated with Two Party Politics. They really don't care nearly as much about the fundamental tenets and principles of liberty as they do about whether a Democrat or Republican wins office. Washington's media elite are wined and dined by the same party politicians that they cover on television or in the newspaper. (What a racket!) Do you really think any major media news personality is going to risk losing his or her job (which is exactly what would happen) by asking too many questions, or boring too deeply, or straying too far off the reservation? Once again, get real! All of these guys and gals know exactly where the line - and the "third rail" - is located. And they all will stay clear of both! It's not about reporting the news, or defending liberty, or anything of the sort. It is about pleasing their big corporate sponsors - corporate sponsors who are in bed with the elites from both major political parties, by the way! As long as the American people continue to allow the national news media to manipulate and spin the news, our liberties will continue to erode. Big Business In fact, Big Anything can be freedom's enemy: Big Business, Big Labor, Big Media, Big Cities, and Big Religion. Big Anything! However, the rate and degree to which Big Business has been able to advance during the last half of the twentieth century - and now into the twenty - first century - is especially problematic for the survival of liberty. Dear friend, it is a mistake to equate Big Business with freedom. Big Business has little to do with capitalism and free enterprise and much to do with monopolism and globalism. Big Business does not want to compete with private enterprise; it wants to crush it! Big Business sees Big Government as a friend and partner. In fact, Big Business and Big Government are conjoined twins. They grow and live as one. Accordingly, it is no accident that when the Bilderbergers got together a few days ago at the Hotel Dolce in Sitges, Spain, for their super - secret meeting, the list of attendees included the cabal of super - elites from Big Government, Big Business, Big Academia, and Big Media. People such as Bill Gates (Microsoft), Roger Altman (former Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury), Martin Feldstein (Harvard University), Niall Ferguson (Harvard University), Philip Gordon (Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs), Donald Graham (The Washington Post), Richard Holbrooke (Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan), Robert Hormats (Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs), Henry Kissinger (former Secretary of State), Klaus Kleinfeld (Chairman and CEO, Alcoa), Craig Mundie (Microsoft), Peter Orszag (Director, Office of Management and Budget), Charlie Rose (Producer, Rose Communications), Robert Rubin (Co - Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; former Secretary of the Treasury), Eric Schmidt (CEO and Chairman of the Board, Google), James Steinberg (Deputy Secretary of State), Lawrence Summers (Director, National Economic Council), Christine Varney (Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust), and Paul Volcker (Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board). And please remember that these are only the names of those that were published. The complete list of attendees is top secret and never released. For example, was Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner there? He is a Bilderberg (and CFR) member. But of course, this meeting - complete with the tightest security and secrecy possible - is only for the purpose of social fellowship and clubmanship, right? That the world's most interconnected business, governmental, and media elites would meet outside the viewing and listening of everyone is supposed to be dismissed as irrelevant and insignificant, right? Well, if you get your news from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or FOX NEWS, that is exactly what you are being led to believe. Yet, Big Business has been conspiring with Big Government for the purpose of personal aggrandizement (at the cost of liberty, of course) for decades - probably centuries. Remember, it took an act of Congress to stop old Prescott Bush (George H.W. Bush's father and G.W. Bush's grandfather) from sending financial assistance to Nazi Germany. Know, too, that international bankers today are supporting governments (some that are openly hostile to the United States) in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Again, Big Business and Big Government are conjoined twins - an interconnected body that grows in unison at the expense of our liberties. Freedom has many more real enemies that could be added to this list, of course; and maybe in the future we can talk more about them. For now, recognize that our liberties are hanging by a thread in this country. And the next time you hear someone in Washington, D.C., or the national news media railing against the latest "crisis" that requires Big Government to fix, please remember who the real enemy is. Dr. Chuck Baldwin is the pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. He hosts a weekly radio show. His website is here. |
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