The U.S. Government Spent Fort Knox Gold—Hundreds of Times
Gary Christianson
Fort Knox Gold: Once upon a time, the Fort Knox Bullion Depository was a vast storehouse for American gold. Official records claimed 20,000 tons in the 1950s. Over 640,000,000 ounces of real money sat behind those massive locked doors.
That gold gradually disappeared until President Nixon refused to exchange dollars for gold in 1971. Officially in 2020, 147,000,000 ounces of gold remain inside those locked vaults.
Fort Knox gold has not been audited since the 1950s. Supposed audits since then have been… unsatisfactory. Don’t ask, don’t tell works in the military, in COVID-19 testing, and with Fort Knox gold.
Legends about gold include:
Yamashita’s gold
The Seven Cities of Gold
Grand Canyon Gold
King Solomon’s Mines
Buffet’s “Bury It” story
The Fed’s “Traditional Asset” dismissal
Fort Knox still contains 147 million ounces of gold
The Better Question is: Does it matter?
The gold exists, is partially gone, or is missing. But there is nothing to be gained by a Treasury Audit. They support the narrative and don’t tell.
Besides, 147 million ounces is “only” worth (2020) $250 billion dollars. Congress just passed (but did not read) a stimulus bill worth over $2 trillion, eight times the supposed value of Fort Knox Gold. Wow!
Congress authorized $250 billion in checks and direct deposits for Americans during the COVID-19 shutdown. That “help” was the equivalent of Fort Knox gold.
Because Congress is tossing around $trillions, does $250 billion in Fort Knox gold matter?
The Fed has quickly increased its balance sheet by over $2 trillion, eight Fort Knox Gold Units. Is Fort Knox gold important?
U.S. official national debt passed $24 trillion. Projections from many analysts suggest this year’s deficit will be $3 – $4 trillion. If congress passes another $2 trillion stimulus package, the increase in national debt for 2020 could be $5 – $6 trillion.
Assume the official national debt jumps by $5 trillion in 2020. That is twenty Fort Knox gold units for this year.
Is Fort Knox gold important when the official national debt will soon reach $30 trillion, over 100 times the national treasure supposedly vaulted in Fort Knox?
1) Yes, gold is important.
2) Gold is real money. This is important when congress and the Fed toss $trillions of fake dollars about like toilet paper.
3) Gold has been valuable for thousands of years. Dollars have purchased less every year for a century.
4) Which will last longer? The value of gold or the purchasing power of seventeen hundred dollars?
5) Russia and China mine gold and do not export it. Russia and China hoard gold.
6) Russia and China have reduced their dollar reserves to buy gold.
7) The Fed claims dollars created from nothing are valuable and gold has no place in the modern financial system. But the Fed has a long history of lying, paying off politicians, and bailing out banks. Should we believe the Fed regarding anything important?
8) Governments, central banks, and the financial and political elite prefer debt-based currency units because they support the “rich get richer and poor get poorer” wealth transfer. Debt increases income inequality while honest money discourages income inequality.
1) No, gold is not important.
2) The global financial system operates on debt-based currency units and credit. The powers-that-be see no place for gold in the current system.
3) Gold is honest money. The political and financial elite hate honest money.
4) Russia and China appreciate gold. Russia and China are enemies. Therefore, the U.S. doesn’t like gold.
5) Gold is inconvenient for politicians. How would they buy votes if they couldn’t create fake money easily?
6) Gold is poison to central bankers. How would they create $trillions to bail out bankers if they used honest money?
7) Gold is dangerous to the fractional reserve banking cartel. Profits would collapse if they used honest money and couldn’t use fractional reserve banking.
People claim insufficient gold exists to back currency in circulation. Hence, we should abandon any thought of gold backing the currency.
There is too much currency in circulation, thanks to deficit spending, $250 trillion in global debt, fractional reserve banking, and central bank “printing.” The problem is too much fake money, not gold. Revalue gold higher, perhaps $20,000 or $50,000 per ounce, balance budgets, eliminate central banking and dream on…
Year National Debt Annual Increase
1971 $400 billion $30 billion
2000 $5,700 billion $120 billion
2016 $20,000 billion $900 billion
2020 $24,400 billion $1,400 billion
2024? $38,000 billion? $4,000 billion?
Graph the annual increase in U.S. official national debt priced in gold. Use a three-year moving average for smoothing. The result is expressed in millions of ounces of gold.
a) Annual increases in national debt rise faster than gold prices. Thank congress.
b) This graph assumes national debt increases of $3.8 trillion in 2020, $3 trillion in 2021, and $3 trillion in 2022.
c) The green center line rises from 500 million to about 900 million in 2023.
d) The formula is: Approximate average price of gold equals the increase in national debt divided by 900 million.
e) If the increase in national debt in 2023 is $4 trillion, then an estimate for the average gold price would be $4,500.
f) Allowing for spikes higher as the world realizes fiat currencies are trash, the price of gold could double or triple to $10,000 to $15,000.
g) Hyper-inflation will make $10,000 per ounce look tiny. Nobody should want hyper-inflation, but our politicians and central bankers may create it.
- Will “printing” trillions in new dollars devalue existing dollars? Of course!
- Will dollars purchase less because too many are printed? Certainly!
- Will inevitable inflation be uniform? No. Stocks might fall and then rise along with inflation. Bonds could fall hard as their yield is near zero in 2020. Gold will rise. Silver will spike higher. Housing prices might collapse again after another credit crunch.
- Will a derivative crash create deflation, hyper-inflation or both?
- Will congress aggravate problems or be part of the solution?
- COVID-19 and the global shutdown are pins that popped the “Everything Bubble.” Where will the next crash occur?
- Should you protect your assets and savings or trust the Fed?
Read and listen: “When the 6 Billion Dollar Gold Dealer Speaks”
Read “The Looming Derivative Crisis” by Alasdair Macleod:
“The powerful forces of bank credit contraction are at the heart of a rapidly evolving financial crisis in global derivatives, whose gross value in over $600 trillion; an unimaginable sum. Central banks are on course to destroy their currencies through unlimited monetary expansion, lethal for bullion banks with fractionally reserved unallocated gold accounts, while being dramatically short of Comex futures.”
Read:“The World Ends With a BANG and a WHIMPER!
Read: “Toothpaste, QE, Gold and Debt”
- Debt is rising rapidly. It is an election year. Congress will “do something.” It will be expensive.
- In years long past, national debt increased by $25 – 50 billion per year. Now it will increase $3 – $5 trillion or more per year. Grim!
- As national debt increases, the value of the dollar falls.
- Trust the Fed… to devalue existing dollars.
- Trust congress… to make problems worse .
- Trust gold to protect your assets.
- Trust silver to rise far more rapidly than gold… someday.
Miles Franklin does not send stimulus checks to Americans and did not shut down the economy. They sell gold and silver to Americans who are suspicious that The Fed and congress will devalue the dollar in the upcoming years. Call 1-800-822-8080.
Gary Christenson
The Deviant Investor
Gary Christenson is the owner and writer for the popular and contrarian investment site Deviant Investor and the author of several books, including “Fort Knox Down!” and “Gold Value and Gold Prices 1971 – 2021.” He is a retired accountant and business manager with 30 years of experience studying markets, investing, and trading. He writes about investing, gold, silver, the economy, and central banking. His articles are published on Deviant Investor as well as other popular sites such as,,,,, and many others.