April 17 2013 |
Complexity of the Modern Algae-Powered Building Algae-powered apartment complex blooms in Hamburg BIQ House ... A 15-unit net-zero energy apartment complex clad with an algae-filled bio-adaptive shell, is completed in Hamburg, Germany, as part of the International Building Exhibition. – Mother Nature Dominant Social Theme: Hard to build a house these days. Free-Market Analysis: It is getting more difficult to live, isn't it? We only need to look at this example in Hamburg, Germany to understand that living in a modern home is an undertaking of a "village" not an individual. Once upon a time, especially in the frontiers of the US, houses were erected in several days. True, they were log cabins but they served as warm, utile homes for those who chose to live there. Today, it takes cutting-edge architecture to build a modern home. The trend inevitably is toward more and more complexity. It is the same sort of thing that happened to the car. A car used to have an engine, mainly. Today, cars are filled with computers and warnings not to try to fix the engine yourself. Many of these electronic items may have something to do with environmental monitoring as well as driver-behavior issues. This last area is growing. Increasingly, what is being installed in the modern era seems to have more to do with taking away an individual's ability to make personal decisions regarding technology than increasing ease-of-use and utility. This article about an algae powered house in Hamburg would seem to be a good example of this trend as well. Here's more from the article:
This is no log cabin! It sounds pretty complicated to us. Plus, we are not sure we want to live in a building covered with panels filled with algae, even if it is energy efficient. And what is so wrong with oil and coal anyway? You can remove these power sources from the ground and use them yourself. But try to figure out how to power your house with algae – at a cost of US$3.4 million. Increasingly, self-sufficiency seems to be defined in ways we never imagined. Self-sufficiency itself seems to take ... a village. And communality seems to be a built-in part of these "green" efforts. The article informs us toward the end that, "Two of the total of fifteen apartments to be housed in the BIQ do not have separate rooms, but rather enable the inhabitants to configure their living arrangements 'on demand.' " Now, this is a novel concept but what it means in reality is that your own apartment comes with a roommate! To its credit the article anticipates this criticism with the following explanation: "Depending on their needs, individual functions of the apartment — bathroom, kitchen, sleeping area — can be swapped about or combined to form a 'neutral zone.'" Glad to know that. Hey, here's an idea: Why not just build individual apartments? And why use algae for power? This sort of building experiment is surely representative of a dominant social theme. The consistent impulse of modern society – under the guise of green empowerment – is to make even simple tasks complex. Conclusion: Life is hard to master without the support of the technocratic state.
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