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Glass-Steagall Essential Banking Regulation
Since this treachery, the country was placed completely under the bondage yoke of debt created money. In the age of J.P. Morgan, the Jackals of Jekyll Island were able to implement the Rothschild scheme of the issuance of money by a private bank with the passage of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. The inevitable reduction in purchasing value of Federal Reserve Notes and increase in the national debt provided the backdrop to the conditions that resulted in Black Tuesday October 29, 1929. The need to establish governmental regulations to restore public confidence was obvious. Given that closing down the Fed, the crown jewel of the money changers was not politically possible, the Glass-Steagall Act was enacted.
The pattern of contrived financial panics was a main argument to create a central bank. However, the practice of lending requires an understanding of the Fractional Reserve Banking System. Loans made to fund commercial financing seems to be the obvious purpose of a bank. Yet before Glass-Steagall, the attraction to use the assets of a bank’s financial statement to gamble on controlling business ventures, fundamentally departed from loaning money to qualified borrowers. In the world of speculation banking, there is no such assurance of a safe investment. With the passage of time and the greater consolidation of the Wall Street Plutocracy, the limitation on their ability to formulate new profit centers and financial instruments, targeted revoking Glass-Steagall. So when Bill Clinton defends repeal of Glass-Steagall, you get a hindsight rationalization of his action to let the banking street to go wild. Surely he or his Fed toadies would never admit that tearing up Glass-Steagall separation had anything to do with the 2008 crash.
James Rickards offers a counter argument in Repeal of Glass-Steagall Caused the Financial Crisis.
When the TARP “so called” rescue bailout proposal was conceived on a three paper outline by Goldman Sachs alumnus, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson in 2008, the cost of capital: Goldman Sachs’ extreme makeover, demonstrated the imperative need to become a commercial bank.
In order to appreciate the abuse of repealing the separation of commercial from investment banking, Understanding How Glass-Steagall Act Impacts Investment Banking and the Role of Commercial Banks, explains the principle. Goldman Sachs had the crucial need for the infusion of major capital to keep itself afloat. With the conversion from a partnership to a public company Goldman gained access to Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion Undisclosed to Congress.
What a surprise! The steal of the century created the “Too Big To Fail” banking system, but only for the special and privileged banksters, who manipulate the establishment. When the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party shares a common position with the GOP, ponder the motivations. The Bernie Sanders camp argues 5 Reasons Glass-Steagall Matters, while the WSJ reports that the GOP Platform Calls for Revival of Glass-Steagall.
For further clarification, Democrats and Republicans agree: Reinstate Glass-Steagall provides a political assessment why both platforms reflect a return to a definition in banking separation that may model the original delineation in Glass-Steagall. While Glass-Steagall was never the holy grail for banking responsibility, it worked quite well for over six decades. Obviously as long as the Federal Reserve cartel of international financial crooks operate under the false reputation of respectability, the implementation of any singular legislation will never patch the leakage in the dikes of a decaying system. Since the 2008 implosion of the debt ridden fiat paper banking ponzi scheme, the central banks are operating on even lower unencumbered capital reserves. The only sure bet to place your wagers on is that the national debt keeps exploding. Commercial banking has long been dormant from writing loans to small businesses or to individuals. Regional banks do not operate under the same protection as the money center mega banks. A reinstated Glass-Steagall will not resolve the vast differentiation in capital availability between a Bank of America and your locally owned community bank. However, it would be tragic that both political parties will fail to work together to revamp the basic rules of the fraudulent money lending system. The long history of usury proves that people do not comprehend the nature of interest bearing loans, much less that the debt bearing funds to lend are created out of thin air. While alternative money generation without the liability of paying tribute to some contrived banking entity is certainly possible, the political feasibility is virtually nil. The ultimate day of reckoning and economic collapse from the next panic cannot be prevented. The scope of a future financial apocalypse will make a $7.77 trillion bail out look like chump change. Wall Street is never held accountable for their uncontrolled greed and criminal practices. Glass-Steagall was one of the few regulatory interventions that served the country well. For that reason alone it was destined for oblivion. The central banksters have proven that they are the definitive parasites in all money matters.
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