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Level Of Democrat Panic Over Musk Freezing USAID "Unlike Anything Ever Seen"
Tyler Durden

A Democratic Party insider says that the level of panic over President Trump and Elon Musk’s DOGE freezing all USAID spending is “unlike anything he’s ever seen.”


The source described the development as “a killing blow to the heart” of the deep state.

The insider says that so reliant on USAID funded schemes were Democrats in order to ram through their agenda, that this is the equivalent of 9/11 scale attack on them.

The insider describes the take down of USAID as Trump’s biggest victory thus far.

The source also claims that Democrats are scrambling to hide their blatantly partisan USAID spending by going hard on talking points regarding initiatives under the program that on the face of it look reasonable.

And they have contingency operations in the works.

Trump and Musk need to shut it down completely.

As we highlighted earlier, Democrats are apoplectic about Trump authorising Musk and DOGE to investigate where on Earth all the USAID money is going.

They keep on coming out of the woodwork.

Why are they so worried about wasteful spending being rectified?


After years of having to watch them suck America and the rest of the free world dry, we are finally seeing their parasitic system being dismantled.

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