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You Don’t Actually Need To Pick a Team
Caitlin Johnstone

You don’t have to pick a team.

You don’t have to side with Democrats because Trump is bad.

You don’t have to side with Trump because Democrats are bad.

You don’t have to give Trump “credit” for anything.

You don’t have to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.

You don’t have to buy into narratives that Trump presents some dangerous new threat that other US presidents did not.

You don’t have to trust right wing media just because the liberal mainstream media are liars.

You don’t have to like Trump just because bad people don’t like him.

There’s this weird assumption that Americans are under some kind of moral obligation to take a side side either with Trump or with his pretend opposition in the Democratic Party, and it’s just silly nonsense. You don’t have to, and you should not.

The US empire is the single most murderous and corrupt power structure on this planet, by an extremely massive margin. Everyone at the upper echelon of empire management is the sort of person who is willing to facilitate the incomprehensible atrocities and abuses that are necessary for the continuation of that empire. Thinking you need to choose a favorite empire manager is like thinking you need to choose a favorite Nazi.

A lucid mind does not look at the turmoil of corruption and psychopathy of the Washington swamp and start calculating which of the vampiric slime beasts are their friend. A lucid mind looks at all the managers of the US-centralized power structure as part of the same enemy.

Sure the swamp monsters bicker and contend with one another along various fronts; you’ll see that under any power structure. That doesn’t mean they’re not all devoted to advancing the interests of an empire that feeds on human blood, and it certainly doesn’t mean they are your friend.

No US president will ever be your friend. No Washington politician, empire manager or oligarch will ever be your friend. Donald Trump is not your friend. Chuck Schumer is not your friend. Elon Musk is not your friend. Hakeem Jeffries is not your friend. Marco Rubio is not your friend. Bernie Sanders is not your friend. JD Vance is not your friend. AOC is not your friend. RFK Jr is not your friend. Elizabeth Warren is not your friend. Tulsi Gabbard is not your friend. Joe Biden is not your friend.

These people have some differences, but what they all have in common is that they have all knowingly made careers out of serving the interests of a globe-spanning empire that can only be maintained by nonstop tyranny, abuse, and murder. That one quality rules them out as anyone you should side with, sympathize with, or support. The only reason this isn’t immediately obvious to everyone is that the entire western world is marinating in a highly controlled information ecosystem where such obvious facts are hidden from our perception.

Whenever I talk about how everyone in Washington is a corrupt monster I get called negative or “blackpilled”, but nothing could be further from the truth. I have plenty of hope for positive outcomes for our world, I’m just not delusional enough to believe those outcomes will ever come from the heart of the power structure most responsible for our world’s problems.

I have plenty of hope in humanity as a collective. Plenty of hope in the real revolutionary movements of the global south. Plenty of hope in the possibilities that could potentially open up with the rise of a multipolar world. I just have no hope in the one power structure on earth nobody should ever place any hope in, in the same way nobody should look to a rapist currently committing rape for solutions on how to curb sexual assault. They are the problem. They are what needs to be fought.

Real solutions will begin emerging as soon as there is sufficiently widespread understanding of our problem. Our task — and it is a difficult one — is to punch through the propaganda matrix of imperial narrative control by circulating as much true information as we can about our world, our rulers, their abuses, and their lies. In this way we can start opening eyes to the reality of our situation and begin organizing together to effect real change using the power of our numbers.

Is that easy? No. Is it harder than casting a vote for your preferred presidential candidate? Yes. But unlike voting and cheerleading for your favorite swamp monster, it stands a chance of actually bringing positive change to our world.







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