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Is Trump a Wrecking Ball or a Flaming Asteroid that Just Hit Earth?
David Haggith

Trump is shaking the whole world more severely than any leader has in the past century, and he hasn’t even been back in office for a month!

Trump is smashing through government agencies with a kind of abandon that fills many who have long hated big government with glee over its rapid demise, but he has also already landed seventy court cases against his government, claiming dictatorial overreach of power. So, a fierce fight has been enjoined and will undoubtedly rage throughout his term.

I can sympathize with those who are glad to see the demise of the Orwellian 1984 government nightmare that burst into being under Biden as well as the elimination of the New World Odor that was emitted throughout this world by the stinking Bushes. The NWO’s deep unelected, globalist rot needs to be dug out of the aging timbers of government.

Having been directly and severely impacted by Biden’s anti-constitutional government that tried to force vaccines on me and then stripped me of my livelihood and right to go into public spaces, including churches, when I stood against them and that censored a lot of my best-paying writing, I’m glad to see government overreach being taken down.

However the present retaliation against all of that is haphazard, often appears to be solely personal, and may be just as unconstitutional. That will be tried in courts over the next four years, just as Biden’s unconstitutional dictates were … sometimes losing. I’m not glad to see one autocratic government replaced by another. At best, the Trump administration is governing from the extreme margins of the Constitution. At worst, its collateral damage is already showing up in some stark ways.

Trump’s government shakedowns are even shaking fragile financial markets because markets don’t like instability. He’s particularly rattling them with constant threats of higher tariffs that seem to have little to do with achieving fair trade. They are more like salvos to get nations to cede their land to our sovereignty. Stock-market fragility measures are now sounding a high-level warning to investors that this year is looking a lot like the days just before the massive dot-com bust around the year 2000:

Economists are warning about record levels of 'fragility' among the biggest US stocks, signaling a warning for the market as a whole…. Major stocks are increasingly vulnerable to big fluctuations. This is much like what happened before the dot-com bubble burst in the late 1990s….

'Stock fragility' is on track to reach its highest level in more than three decades among the largest 50 stocks in the S&P 500 index. That includes tech stocks such as Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Nvidia, bank stocks such as JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, and retail stocks like Costco and Walmart….

Some Wall Street bankers and business executives are also finding their enthusiasm for President Trump begin to falter amid this increased volatility….

'When you combine this with higher bond yields and concerns over tariffs, it has created a much higher level of uncertainty and nervousness than we usually see when the market is near an all-time high.'

Shaking things violently tends to cause unwanted and unnecessary breakage.

Government by high-schoolers and mad men

Only a week or two ago, I raised the concern that, when you slash through government this rapidly with a team of high-schoolers who appear to have had very little security vetting and who are empowered to take broad sweeps, the wreckage you create is likely to be worse than all the waste you eliminate. A stunning example of that recklessness emerged this weekend when DOGE managed to accidentally fire hundreds of people who administer parts of our nuclear weapons program and nuclear waste storage.

“Oops!” cried DOGE, as it discovered whom it had fired. Because the terminated government employees worked for the Dept. of Energy, not the DoD, none of the high-schoolers in charge of the US right now thought the ones being terminated to trim waste might be people in charge of handling nuclear weapons and waste. “False alarm,” cried DOGE. “You’re all hired back! Our bad! Return to work.”

Well, they didn’t quite say it like that, of course, but that is exactly what their words meant because, within hours of issuing the terminations and locking these employees out of their buildings and out of their computers, the DOGE team admitted their huge mistake and implored them to ignore the firing notices and all come back as DOGE rushed to unlock their computers and reprogram their pass cards to work again. Big oops!

This is government by the Keystone Cops to use a reference few will likely understand anymore. So, to put the current deranged display of errors another way, this is the government of Musk & Men (where by “men” I mean weenie, teenage geeks who boast, undeservedly I’m sure, of “big balls”). This is the government you get by turning your entire nation over to the dictatorial authority of an unelected, migrant billionaire who wants to populate Mars via his own endless procreation recreation with multiple wives and not-wives, who is filling our closest nether regions of “space” with his phallic rocket debris and his foul rocket emissions along with the clutter of tens of thousands of satellites faster than ever before in a non-recoverable manner because this stuff will encircle the earth in a cloud forever, except for the parts that rain down on airplanes or our homes.

This is government by a mad man who gains his inspiration from hallucinogenic drugs and who believes cars and semi trucks can safely drive themselves and, if not safely, oh well…. Casualties will happen in the progress of progress. He wants to make Mars a colony and doesn’t seem to care if he destroys earth in the process of getting the chosen among us to live on a barren red rock. He is a champion of free speech so long as it isn’t about him. He functions somewhere along the outer limits of the autism spectrum, so he probably forms no attachment to human beings anyway. And he sounds AI alarms to slow down everyone’s development of AI just so his own AI can catch up.

To this man, President Trump has given carte blanche to do as he will via an intra-government memorandum that says, “Do as he tells you!” Because if Trump loves anything, it’s billionaires and a good fight, and Trump knows billionaires are successful, so he wants them in charge so long as they have gravitated into his loyal orbit because they know how to get things done (even if almost entirely for their own benefit).

Thus, it is not surprising to read that the Trump government, having accidentally fired the people in charge of nuclear weapons, is now hoping those same people will simply disregard their pink slips and return to the job of national security, rather than than fly Trump and Musk the finger.

Private development of national lands

The billionaire boys club that now runs the government is also talking about solving the “affordable housing crisis” (because they care so much about the homeless) by opening up national lands for development. Why do I suspect the lands that will be first to open will be the most beautiful areas that could, in the orange president’s graying gray matter, be envisioned as becoming the enclaves for future Mar-a-lagos that will provide golf courses in spectacular scenery that turns out to have been long held in reserve for the rich, rather than affordable, small, simple homes for the destitute? Maybe some of those government tracts will even become scenic sites for bubble-land bunkers for billionaires. They will need those to hide from the pitch-fork and baseball-bat armed homeless crowd.

With the Trump administration back in power in Washington, politicians, local home builders and residents are eying massive tracts of government-owned land to relieve housing costs across the West.

Uh, huh. Sure that’s their guiding light and motivation.

That attention is especially fixed on Nevada — where more than 80 percent of the land is controlled by the U.S. government — and on Las Vegas, which recently posted the fourth-highest annual home price growth among major cities. The area is expected to run out of room for new homes in seven years, putting more pressure on an already tight market.

It wouldn’t run out of room at all if Trump would get on with the business of deporting illegal aliens, and also shortening the cue of those trying to enter legally. Reduce immigration into an overfull nation that is supposedly running out of water—especially in those exact named desert regions, but even, it was claimed recently, in the rainy Pacific Northwest—by a tidy 2,000,000 immigrants per year, and the over-pressuring of housing prices might abate somewhat.

Trump has made a lot of noise about deportations, but so far he is actually running behind both Obama’s schedule and Biden’s. It does look like he’s trying, but that needs to be his first answer to affordable housing. Stop overpopulating the nation.

Am I being cynical to note the location they’re targeting and remark that Trump does love to develop in places that allow casinos, so his excitement around Vegas looks a little like a billionaire’s lust to find new golf-course community development opportunities and casino opportunities than it does like a concern to solve affordable housing. I suspect the rest of the nation will get stiffed in this con as the most beautiful lands in the nation fall into the hands of billionaire developers who fleece the nation for their own bounty.

Critics are quick to note possible consequences for the environment and conservation. And they argue that such proposals create a slippery slope: Lands may initially be sold off for specific housing needs but then become the go-to solution for private development of all sorts.

Especially the billionaire sorts. I think Trump is a Trojan horse to give billionaires more complete ownership and control over the best parts of country. If you want to believe the disparity of wealth that has been growing for decades will be less after four years of this and believe the average guy will be better off, you’re welcome to live in any fantasy you want to, of course. However, by the time you realize the gap up to the billionaire cloud has grown even more elevated and your nation has been fleeced, it will be too late. It probably already is too late. Still …

Calls against public land sales could gain traction given that Trump nominated oil and gas advocate Kathleen Sgamma to lead the Bureau of Land Management this month.

Hmm. The president of Western Energy Alliance, the massive, extremely well-funded oil lobby. So, we’re still stuck with government that puts top, rich lobbyists in major positions of government supervision over the industries that they have long been lobbying for! And Trump’s supporters are going to argue that is an improvement and that I have Trump derangement syndrome for pointing out that this is the same old crony crap we always see???

I mean, think about it: why would we even want to build more homes in the very desert regions that are more obviously lacking in water than anywhere in the US? Only because the State of Nevada is wide open to casinos, and people who love casinos and the resorts around them love to gather there (and build more casinos there). It’s casino cash gold. Let’s not use our brains at all; let’s satisfy our greed by opening up more areas all around Vegas to build deserts developments with golf courses so we can drain Lake Meade all the way to the bottom. After all, it still has some water. Once we’ve used the last drop of that, we’ll get the US government to pay to run pipelines for water from Canada, which is why we need to control the water rights up there … as well as the oil rights. Come on, Folks, this is all the classic stuff or robber barons.

Still, estimates from the American Enterprise Institute suggest that 1.5 million homes — enough for some 3.5 million people — could be built on developable BLM land within two miles of the Las Vegas city limits alone.That’s about 9 percent of all the land the BLM manages in the area, and about 10 times the total acreage the BLM has sold off over the past 25 years, according to the AEI, a conservative D.C. think tank.

And another million-and-a-half homes in that water-deprived region would make sense, why? Does Las Vegas need to become eternally bigger? Is there never a point where rational thought catches up with greed and says, “This has gone as far as we dare stretch the natural limits of the area?” Or do we just run pipes down from the North Pole and melt icebergs to flow down them supply all the swimming pools with water in the desert because without swimming pools who wants to live in the dusty desert? Without green grass and pretty water hazards, who wants to golf there? So, I guess we now know why we need Canada—water supply via polar pipelines.

What Vegas actually needs is to become so extremely expensive that no one can afford to build there so that capitalism regulates overdevelopment from continuing to happen as the buildable acreage closes up. No extension of water lines that already are not up to providing sufficient supply. So, no water, no build because the Vegas desert was never an area suitable to large-scale human habitation anyway.

Martian Musk

The Vegas desert is, however, a good place for Elon to practice terraforming to see if he can create self-sufficient terrarium towns where the inhabitants have to drink their own perfectly filtered pee in a place called like Mars-a-Lago. It could be a training ground to develop a population of Muskovites who all share some of the mad man’s genes and who are psychologically conditioned to live on a planet that does not have enough natural water to sustain a population of one, let alone the half-million Musk says he envisions sending there on his space arks in another three decades after he finishes wrecking the earth with flaming cybertrucks and crashing rockets. So, welcome to Dune, rather than DOGE.

Las Vegas area development—a no-brainer for low habitation.

But as home prices keep ticking up nationwide, and with a real estate developer back in the White House looking to shrink government, the idea of opening up federal land for private projects is gaining steam amid long-standing frustration over who owns and has access to much of the West.

Federal land ringing the city has “turned Las Vegas into an island,” said Jess Molasky, a third-generation builder whose company, Ovation, is behind the Heirloom at Pebble project. “We’re not an island. People get frustrated when they see empty land and say, ‘What do you mean? Why don’t you just build more?’”

Why don’t you just NOT? Why don’t you get a brain and recognize simple reality where uncommon sense says boundless building in a water-free zone was never smart in the first place! Nothing should be done in order to enable such reality-challenged, hallucinogenic thinking. If you really must colonize naturally uninhabitable deserts, just buy a ticket on Musk’s Martian Mayflower and go terraform the red rock into a survivable nightmare.

You don’t need a government study to look at that Vegas landscape pictured above and realize it is hardly amendable to human habitation outside of a great deal of energy-intensive artificiality to get it there. Maybe Musk could do more to help this problem by sterilizing himself in order to stop overpopulating the planet we have with boss-babies who have been seen recently telling the president of the United States that he is sitting at daddy’s desk and needs to get out of the way. What a circus!

Meanwhile, as Trump is busy expanding his empire to include Canada in order to create a massive never-Trump blue state to the north, and Greenland and Panama and the Gulf of Mexica, he has also solved the Ukraine invasion problem with a plan that will require Ukraine to pay 50% of all the proceeds it gets from its vast natural resources in coveted “rare earths” to the United States as perpetual tribute to the empire. That kind of plunder, of course, is also the major seducer that is stirring the new lust for barren Greenland, the most misnamed place on Earth.

The world is now just Trump’s imperial playing board in a giant game of RISK. Only billionaires may play, but the risks are real for all of us, and we’ll feel them more than the billionaire playboys who are running this kleptocracy.

The collecting carnage

With brazen overreach driving Trump to take entire nations that don’t want to be taken and to claw wealth out of the land of other nations, such as Greenland and Ukraine, as we overdevelop our own land, Trump picked a bad time to fire the people who work with our nuclear weapons. We may be needing them to defend ourselves when the rest of the world wakes up to realize this is not just a nightmare they have been dreaming and decide they want their countries back.

Trump’s latest likely travesty was to approved a vast layoff at the already dangerously understaffed FAA during a time of oddly clustered airplane accidents. I suppose we’ll be reading in a couple of days that they mistakenly terminated air-traffic controllers or their support teams or maintenance of the equipment they need, who are being asked to return to their jobs. At that point, the only birds that will be flying will be the middle fingers of the disgruntled workers.

What will be left of America and its trusted partnerships in this wanton world after the Great Wrecking Ball is finally done swinging through four years of history-in-the-making is anyone’s guess; but it is more clear than ever that I was only a couple months early in predicting the Year of Chaos. Now, that moniker can no longer be applied as a prediction because it’s just a label I’m applying after the fact to 2025. The chaos has begun, and truly no one knows where it ends.

As Zero Hedge reported in an article on Monday,

We’re attacking orthodox thinking on every frontNATO, trade, immigration, climate change, free speech, economic stimulus, deficit spending, central bank independence.

We have also decided to slow China’s ascent.

And while no one knows where this will lead, surely it will change the trajectory of the trends that dominated recent decades.

“…We see that America has now begun to use its economic and military might to take what it wants. And this returns the world to something we have not seen for a very, very long time – where might makes right. To the law of the jungle.

Some of the collateral damage we can see already in this principle-free, and maybe law-free world is that several deeply conservative prosecutors have resigned from the Dept. of Justice because they say Trump is going way too far. Conservative writer Andy McCarthy has torched Trump for using the DoJ simply to “settle the president’s scores.”

Trump said he was going to end “lawfare,” but, in fact, he has entirely embraced it … so long as it is firing all of its guns at the side that is against him, not at him. Again, it’s the same old thing, just with different beneficiaries. The rule of law is lying in ruins around us already. So, expect chaos to rise with a lot of noise and fire.

We’ve seen the mistakes already. DOGE admitted a drastic mistake when it instantly reversed its firing of nuclear workers, proving the high-schoolers in charge were thinking with their balls and not their brains; and Putin and Netanyahu are now very, very happy over the new seaside development opportunities that are emerging for them under Trump in the Crimea and the Mediterranean.

The world is a billionaires’ paradise now!







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