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New Year’s Day 2025 and Terrorism in America
The two incidents, today, look more and more like they are connected. The Tesla contained a bomb and/or fireworks. “Explosives” were found in the Ford F-150 Lightening. Both vehicles were rented from the same agency – Turo. Isn’t it interesting to discover that Shamsud Din Jabbar was a U.S. Army Veteran? This story is certain to become even more convoluted and disturbing, as the full court press is ongoing to find his accomplices, who are currently still running free and loose to commit more acts of terror at their leisure. America shouldn’t be required to extinguish, eradicate, its own culture and traditions by Her communists and the current hordes of Islamofascists, all a conglomeration of secularists, atheists and Sons of Allah who hate America, the Constitution, freedom and Christianity. We used to refuse communists and other subversives and radicals entry to America, and our cessation of that practice has enabled those enemies of America to subvert Her society to some large degree. Islam is simply just one more segment associated with such subversive and destructive efforts aimed at ending this republic. America has been besieged by Islamization problems in every major city in our country, from Minneapolis to New York, Dearborn to Boston and Nashville and Dallas and even smaller cities like Murfreesboro, TN and Fairfax, Virginia, including the undermining of its culture. “Inclusion” of any group of people should never mean the sacrifice and elimination of one’s own tradition’s, culture and America’s heritage. Each person who values freedom must demand that our leaders halt all Muslim immigration now, or pass legislation that forbids Muslims U.S. citizenship and any voice in regard to America’s future, since the Islamic path isn’t a path any American of sound mind would choose or prefer. ~ J.O.S. Exile All Muslims: Call Me “the Ugly American”
It’s highly likely that his accomplices were Muslims who entered the nation illegally, since the truck used in this attack had been regularly recorded going over the southern border and back again in recent months. And several of them were caught on video as they planted the explosive devices, which fortunately were not detonated. Anyone with two brain cells absolutely understood that the U.S. was well overdue for such an attack, although the recent lull in terrorist attacks between 2022 and the present had authorities far too comfortable and using outdated security precautions. After the large number of intense and horrific terrorist attacks America experienced between September 11th 2001 and 2022, no one should have thought anything so optimistic as “well, maybe they’ve decided to stop”. Islam never has and never will stop its quest to defeat the Dar el-Harb [House of War and everything outside of the House of Islam] and either convert everyone to Islam or kill them over time. Speaking at a news conference early this afternoon [January 1st 2025], Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) stated in part: “I wish I understood better why bad things happen to good people. For those people who don’t believe in objective evil, all you have to do is look at what happened in our city early this morning.” As of 5:00 pm [CST], according to Fox News, there are fifteen confirmed dead with scores more seriously and critically injured in the hospital. One should note at this point that a Tesla cybertruck also exploded outside the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas at 8:40 am today, killing one person and injuring seven others. Coincidence, you say? HhMmmmmm … Somehow I think not. For those who don’t believe in objective evil, all you have to do is read the Koran, Haddith and the core doctrines of Islam, the most evil, vile, racist, tyrannical and violent ideology in the history of mankind and the bane of humanity and the world, since its advent in the 7th century bursting forth upon the world from the Arabian Peninsula to rob, murder and conquer all who stood before it or stood in its way. And then there are the pundits asking the same question today that they’ve asked for the past twenty-three years, in regard to Muslims who commit acts of terrorism, that reveals a marked ignorance about the workings of Islam and the existential any significant Muslim population in any host nation represents. “Who radicalized him”, they ask, as if mystified.
Muslims, whether first, second, third or even fourth generation, never fully assimilate and integrate within the host nation their ancestors entered. History does not detail any example – not one – of large numbers of Muslims ever assimilating into a non-Islamic culture. In fact, just the opposite occurs. As the Muslim population grows, it strives for preeminence and the domination of its host nation, just as witnessed in India, Cyprus, Lebanon, Nigeria, Serbia and many other nations. Several U.S. cities across America, from Michigan to Tennessee and California to New York to Minneapolis, are quite close to becoming “No Go” zones and sanctuaries for Islamofascist terrorists, similar to the thousand or so “Sensitive Urban Areas”, that now exist in France and Great Britain and Germany, too – Germany where the world just witnessed the playbook for the truck attack used by Shamsud Din Jabbar in New Orleans today. And we have also known that Al Qaeda has still been operating in all 50 states over the past decade. Yes, Muslims do have the First Amendment tight to “worship” in any manner they choose, although one should note that only 14% of the Koran actually deals with anything spiritual and the rest is a guide-book on how to deal with Christians and Jews and non-believers. They can worship their Three Cranes, the moon, Mohammed, Isa – Islam’s false portrayal of Jesus and Allah. However, they do not have any right whatsoever to circumvent any righteous U.S. law, create parallel Sharia Law courts within our communities and override or supplant every premise and concept of liberty and equality under the U.S. Constitution in the name of Islam, as they have attempted in years past in Michigan, Florida and numerous other states. For well over forty years I have called for a halt to all immigration from Islamic nations, for this very reason, just as millions of past Americans, including the author of our Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, have warned about the inability for Western and Christian principles to coexist alongside those foreign antithetical precepts and tenets of Islam, which is largely Asiatic even though it also contains many converts from all races and nationalities. Muslims’ worldview embraces submitting to the tyranny of the Theocratic State built in the name of Islam and Allah and its culture of death, whereas Christianity has long promoted free will, freedom and liberty and full, thriving lives for all, since its reform during the Enlightenment, a reform Islam has never attempted. In 2013, Shaker Elsayed, the imam of Dar al-Hijrah – one of America’s largest mosques in Falls Church, Virginia – and a longtime advocate of violent jihad and Islamic terrorism, stated:
How many times have millions of Americans watched videos of Islam’s imams proclaiming that Sharia Law will rule America one day? How many more attacks by these Islamofascists must America suffer before Her people rise up and act decisively to halt all Muslim immigration now and deport and exile all those who follow the path of Mohammed and the Verses of the Sword? Does anyone really think that the so-called “religion” of Islam – an ideology that produces monstrously murderous men who will eat the heart of an enemy [see Syria 2013], draw and quarter American contractors and hang them over the Euphrates River, or murder 300 school children in Beslan, Russia [September 2004] in the name of Allah, here and now in the 21st century – will ever reform itself? America never should have allowed such a “faith” into the country that had a core mission to subvert our republic and endanger the country at large. And while every Muslim isn’t necessarily a hell-bent terrorist like Jabbar, each is in fact a potential terrorist awaiting a trigger and a call to action by their imam or ayatollah or some high-ranking Islamic cleric. Whatever one may think of President-elect Donald J. Trump, his instincts were spot on accurate when he proposed his “Muslim ban” during his first term.
Consider the violent nature at the heart of Islam and it is beyond reformation during this century, and then come to grips with the fact that most Muslims are simply terrorists in a queue waiting for their imams’ call [fatwa] to “holy war” and martyrdom; that many mosques, most in fact, such as the Islamic Center of Boston and Nashville and Orange County, all carry and advocate Islam’s message of hate and violence. Consider the decades list of Muslim immigrants, Muslim converts and American born Muslims – second and third generation — who have plotted and/or committed acts of terrorism against America and U.S. soldiers serving across the Middle East, from Ramzi Yousef, Anjem Shukrijuma and Adam Gadan to Mir Amal Kansi, Anwar Awlaki and on to the Tsarnaev brothers and Syed Farook — and now Shamsud Din Jabbar – and one can only determine that Muslim immigration should be halted immediately and permanently. One might think it cold-hearted for America to turn away Muslim “refugees”, but it is even more cold-hearted for Muslims to be given entrance to our homeland to smile and caress Lady Liberty upon their arrival, as they bear their plots to destroy Liberty and American lives on another day; and short of any immediate successes, they instill in their children the same hatred for America and Her Western and Christian principles, raising them to carry on the “holy war” against Western civilization. If America on the whole no longer wishes to play this game of appeasing Islam and Muslims and wants to leave our current path towards Islamization, we must not give in to the constant badgering across university campuses and in our inner-city areas, and we certainly must fight back hard against any renewed efforts at implementing European-style hate-speech “laws” that directly contravene our First Amendment Right; we must not be cowed, as they are in Eurabia. And we need to elect leaders who properly understand the existential threat of Islam who will advocate for laws to be passed that demand the deportation of Muslims and the eradication of its influence and presence within our country. All Muslims must be expelled from America and all mosques destroyed or repurposed. ![]() Call me “the Ugly American“, if you must, but I could give two damns less as to why any Muslim hates America and the West. I quit trying to figure them out a long time ago, and it’s simply good enough for me to know that virtually every damned one of them wishes America ill, no matter how many cases of “good Muslims” you might present. I could give a damn less about Muslim “sensitivities” or what any American born Muslim or foreign Muslim infiltrator thinks of U.S. foreign policy, so long as it is righteous; and I really don’t need to understand anything at all about Islam, since I have witnessed its evil. murderous heart over my entire lifetime, from Cyprus and Bangladesh to Lebanon and Serbia and on to the bombing of the giant twin Buddhas in the Bamiyan Valley in Afghanistan and the jet airliners crashing into America’s Twin Towers taking the lives of 3000 innocent souls. I recall my own tears for America, from the love of country and the white-hot anger I felt on that infamous, fateful day, an anger that has never quite subsided – never subsided at all in reality. No, I’ve not forgotten the lessons from September 11th 2001 – or all the subsequent acts of Islamic terrorism that soon followed – as I was slapped awake to the fact that what I was seeing on the television that morning wasn’t some new version of H.G. Wells ‘War of the Worlds” – rather, it was a new reality for all America and a war between civilizations that has yet to end. I haven’t forgotten the burning towers, their collapse and the newscasts exhibiting the black, gray and white clouds of hot smoke amid mangled masses of steel and flesh and so many thousands of survivors covered in white ash and choking, chalky dust, the ashy, burnt remains of people incinerated by the flames, the flames that burned for days. America forgets that Islam is its enemy, to Her own peril and the peril of us all.
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