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American Pravda: Israel and the Holocaust Hoax
I read or reread more than a dozen books for my long review article, and also glancingly mentioned an additional one, which I’ve now digested as well. My main focus had been on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and The Seventh Million by Tom Segev only slightly touched on that topic. But his descriptive subtitle “The Israelis and the Holocaust” suggested a related subject of inquiry that proved quite fruitful. Born in 1945, Segev is generally regarded as one of Israel’s leading journalists, the author of numerous widely-praised histories regarding Israel’s origins and its various wars. Although his 1991 bestseller was controversial, the back cover carried glowing praise from such top Israeli figures as Abba Eban and Amos Elon, as well as important Holocaust scholars such as Prof. George L. Mosse and leaders of the Jewish diaspora such as Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel. I found it quite enlightening, though perhaps not entirely in the way the author intended. Even aside from its main theme, the first chapter provided some extremely useful information. Back in 2018, I’d drawn upon the shocking research found in the books of maverick leftist Lenni Brenner to publish a long article on the surprising relationship between the various Zionist factions and Nazi Germany, which spent most of the 1930s working together in a close economic partnership that laid the basis for the creation of the State of Israel. American Pravda: Jews and Nazis Although Brenner’s documentary research seemed rock-solid and had never been seriously challenged, I’d always had a few slight doubts at the back of my mind. I had wondered whether such utterly astonishing facts could really be true and yet remained totally concealed for generations by virtually all of our journalists and academics, but Segev’s brief discussion completely put those concerns to rest. Segev is a very mainstream pro-Zionist Israeli writer and he probably despised Brenner, a radical anti-Zionist Trotskyite, never mentioning the name of the latter anywhere in his nearly 600 pages of text. But Segev drew upon the same underlying archival sources to fully confirm all of Brenner’s most incendiary historical claims and even added a few additional ones, though all of this similar material was obviously presented in a very different fashion. By the 1920s the mainstream leftist Zionist movement was heavily influenced by Marxism and led by Russian-born David Ben-Gurion, who modeled himself after Lenin, but those Zionists still eagerly formed a 1930s economic partnership with Nazi Germany based upon an obvious commonality of interests. Hitler was eager to encourage the departure of Germany’s problematical 1% Jewish minority while the Zionists were just as eager to receive them, along with the huge infusion of financial and industrial capital they could provide. During this period, important SS leaders including Adolf Eichmann were invited to Palestine as honored Zionist guests and then published their flattering accounts of the successful development activities of their Zionist partners in Joseph Goebbels’ leading Berlin Nazi newspaper. Some Zionist leaders reciprocated, traveling to Germany for very friendly meetings with their Nazi counterparts, and they reported how well the Jews of that country seemed to be doing despite Hitler’s supposedly harsh new regime. Indeed, Segev’s figures demonstrate the enormous prosperity of German Jews, explaining why the Zionists were so eager to arrange for them to relocate to impoverished Palestine. The Nazis agreed that every such Jewish emigrant could take with him the present-day equivalent of $200,000 in foreign currency, plus another $250,000 or more in German merchandise. These were huge sums for what had been the desperately poor society of Weimar Germany, and such Jewish wealth had obviously been one of the major sources of anti-Semitic resentment in that country. If the main Zionist groups cooperated with Nazi Germany on purely utilitarian grounds, their right-wing Zionist rivals had more ideological motives since they had modeled their movement after that of Mussolini, and always regarded themselves as fascists as did their bitter opponents. Many of these Zionists even considered Hitler’s notorious anti-Semitism as a mere political blemish rather than as an insupportable obstacle preventing their admiration. In 1933 a leading Zionist writer ranked the German dictator among the world’s “shining names,” alongside Mussolini, Ataturk, and the various other right-wing heroes of his movement, while another Zionist figure had loudly declared that “Hitler saved Germany.” Even after World War II began, one of these Zionist factions led by a future prime minister of Israel repeatedly sought to enlist in the Axis Powers, hoping to join the military alliance led by Hitler and Mussolini. One of the interesting points made by Segev is that although a large majority of ordinary Jews around the world were intensely hostile to Hitler’s regime, the leadership of most of the different Zionist factions quietly became fierce competitors for German patronage, with those that lost out then sometimes hypocritically denouncing the Nazi affiliations of their more successful rivals. These bitter words led to the 1933 assassination of one of the top mainstream Zionist leaders in Palestine at the hands of his right-wing critics. Although this Nazi-Zionist partnership was controversial at the time, it obviously became much more so following the Axis defeat and the concerted Allied effort to demonize the Nazis through the Nuremberg show trials and other propaganda spectaculars, so the newly established State of Israel made every effort to hide this dark secret of its recent past. When those 1930s historical facts later threatened to leak out in the mid-1950s due to the legal problems of an important Israeli political figure, the man was assassinated, and Segev suggested that Israel’s government had probably arranged the killing in order to permanently shut his mouth. After that rather surprising first chapter, the bulk of Segev’s narrative shifts to a very different topic, namely Israel’s tangled relationship with the Holocaust, the deliberate extermination of some six million helpless Jewish civilians by Nazi Germany, mostly in the gas chambers of various World War II concentration camps. On these basic facts, the author’s views seem absolutely conventional ones, and at several points he notes the bestial cruelty of the diabolical Nazi plan to erase all Jews from the world. But although references to the Holocaust, gas chambers, or the most famous concentration camps such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, and Dachau are sprinkled across a large fraction of all these pages, Segev largely avoids discussing the details of that industrial slaughter, apparently assuming that all of his readers are thoroughly familiar with the standard narrative account produced by modern Holocaust scholarship, which began in the wake of Raul Hilberg’s seminal 1961 volume. Ironically enough, Segev notes that as of the date of his writing, Hilberg’s classic work still remained untranslated into Hebrew, probably because it had reported that all those many millions of Jews had willingly gone to their deaths, shepherded by their own community leadership and without ever showing any signs of active resistance. However, Israeli society is unusual in that such a substantial fraction of its founding population consisted of postwar Holocaust survivors, “the seventh million” of Segev’s title, individuals who had themselves passed through the various Nazi death camps. Therefore, their gripping personal accounts seem to have provided much of the understanding of those momentous events for the Israeli public, including Segev himself, who was born just weeks before Hitler’s suicide and the collapse of his German regime. Perhaps because Segev’s first chapter documented the close Nazi-Zionist partnership of the 1930s, which might disconcert his readers, he preceded this discussion with a Prologue that recounted the utter horrors of the Holocaust that soon followed chronologically. He focused upon the books of a particular Auschwitz survivor named Yehiel De-Nur, who had spent two years at that notorious death camp, and although the name of that writer means little in America these days, he became a celebrated postwar author in Israel. Although all of De-Nur’s several autobiographical volumes were published under a pseudonym and his true identity remained concealed for many years, his works constituted some of the earliest Holocaust literature in Israel and were hugely influential in bringing the horrifying details of that catastrophe to Israeli popular attention, with a special literary prize established in his honor, awarded every two years by Israel’s president. Indeed, Segev explained that he and most other Israeli teenagers of his generation first learned the extremely disturbing details of the Holocaust from De-Nur’s books, so when he managed to arrange a personal interview with the author, he did so with great trepidation. De-Nur’s writing had always emphasized the sadistic acts that were a daily part of life at Auschwitz, including the widespread sexual abuse of young Jewish boys and girls by their Nazi captors, and Segev describes the works as considerably pornographic. According to Segev, De-Nur had been a young Yeshiva student in pre-war Poland with huge literary pretensions, desperately trying to get his writing into print when the war came along and he ended up at Auschwitz. De-Nur later claimed that Eichmann had personally condemned him to that fate so he served as a leading witness at the 1961 Eichmann trial, with his testimony ended in a fainting spell, supposedly reflecting the unspeakable personal memories that still haunted him even decades later.
As it happens, I also recently read Hannah Arendt‘s 1963 classic Eichmann in Jerusalem, and De-Nur was one of the few witnesses whom she also focused upon, treating his testimony far less gently than did Segev. According to her account, De-Nur’s bizarre, rambling monologue included a heavy focus upon astrology and all sorts of other strange things, considerably embarrassing the serious legal proceedings. When the prosecutor finally interrupted to ask a couple of basic, factual questions, De-Nur immediately collapsed in a hysterical fit, allowing the judge to salvage the situation by ordering the witness permanently removed from the stand. Arendt suggested that De-Nur’s testimony demonstrated the tremendous difficulty that emotional eyewitnesses sometimes have in distinguishing between their actual memories of events from many years earlier and the products of their own vivid imagination. Indeed, Segev seemed to confirm Arendt’s observation, explaining that De-Nur had been so emotionally broken by his experiences at Auschwitz that he required many years of psychiatric counseling and also began a series of LSD treatment-sessions, in which he recalled visions of his days in the camp. Eventually, he produced a new Holocaust manuscript that included presumably imaginary scenes of such brutal events as an SS guard murdering the Jewish boy who had been the victim of his sexual perversions, then grilling the boy’s body on a spit and devouring the flesh piece by piece. These bizarre pages of the Prologue apparently represent much of the Holocaust narrative as understood by most Israelis and I found it rather disconcerting that they were immediately followed by the chapter describing the mundane details of the Nazi-Zionist partnership of just a few years earlier, an extremely odd juxtaposition of such radically different situations. Thus, according to Segev’s apparent reconstruction, the friendly and respectful business arrangements between German Nazis and Zionist Jews of the late 1930s were suddenly replaced in the early 1940s by a diabolical and sadomasochistic effort by the Nazis to totally exterminate all of the world’s Jews, an extremely strange transformation that raised serious questions in my mind.
Equally bizarre and scatological stories had also been found in The Painted Bird by writer Jerzy Kosinski, which in 1976 became America’s first widely popular Holocaust memoir. But that huge bestseller was later revealed to be totally fraudulent, and the plagiarizing author eventually committed suicide. Indeed, there have been so many fake Holocaust memoirs over the years that they nearly constitute a literary genre of their own. Probably the most world’s most famous Holocaust survivor was Elie Wiesel, who parlayed the stories of his wartime suffering into becoming an enormous political celebrity, capping his career with a Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, whose announcement declared him “a messenger to mankind.” Yet journalist Alexander Cockburn has persuasively argued that Wiesel was simply a fraud, and his famous autobiographical work Night just another literary hoax. According to Segev, one odd element of Israeli Holocaust dogma has been the widespread, almost universal conviction that the Nazis had rendered Jewish bodies into soap, with even top government leaders firmly describing that atrocity as fact. Not only was this a notorious hoax, but Segev explained that Yad Vashem, Israel’s most authoritative center of Holocaust research has fully debunked it as totally fraudulent. Meanwhile, even some of the less gruesome stories that Segev passes along seem rather doubtful. According to a prominent Israeli attorney who later claimed to have liberated death camps as a Jewish officer during the war, a large group of men, women, and children were herded into one of the gas chambers, but because their numbers were insufficient, the penny-pinching Germans didn’t want to waste a full dose of gas on them, so they were forced to stand there naked for a day and a night awaiting additional victims, only to be rescued from death when their camp was suddenly liberated. In reading Segev’s account of the role of the Holocaust in Israeli society and the sort of outrageous Holocaust stories that dominated the narrative in that country, I couldn’t avoid noticing a strong connection to much more recent events.
The latest wave of very doubtful claims has focused upon second-hand stories of Hamas gang-rapes and sexual mutilations. These accounts only came to light two months after the events in question and lacked any supportive forensic evidence, with many of the claims coming from the same individuals behind the beheaded babies hoax, suggesting that they are equally desperate propaganda ploys. Journalists Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, and others have discussed the extreme credulity of the Times and other media outlets in promoting these blatantly fraudulent stories. Many of these points are summarized in a brief video discussion:
Meanwhile, consider the very strong evidence from silence. According to news reports, small GoPro cameras were worn by the attacking Hamas militants, which recorded all their activities, and the Israelis recovered many of these from their bodies and began carefully examining hundreds of hours of this extensive video footage. They surely would have soon released a video compilation providing any incriminating evidence that they found, yet I’m not aware of a single public clip that shows any such brutal atrocities or mass killings, strongly suggesting that very little of that occurred. Indeed, the Gray Zone demonstrated that the main photograph provided of an allegedly raped and murdered Israeli woman actually turned out to be that of a female Kurdish fighter from years earlier that had been plucked off the Internet, demonstrating the apparent desperation and dishonesty of the pro-Israel propagandists promoting these stories. These developments bring to mind a couple of paragraphs I’d published in 2018 on similar matters:
The Gray Zone editors noted that any skeptical analysis of those outrageous Hamas atrocity stories has prompted pro-Israel advocates to fiercely denounce such critics while stubbornly refusing to provide any solid evidence. This is obviously correct. However, I think an equally skeptical approach must also be applied to the conventional narrative of the Holocaust, which constitutes the central ideological pillar of the Jewish State, its political leadership, and its committed supporters, both Jewish and Gentile alike. Unfortunately, applying such analytical methods may be quite psychologically difficult for many Westerners because over the last couple of generations Hollywood has elevated that historical event of the 1940s into something resembling a quasi-religion. As I wrote in 2018:
In the same very long 2018 article, I described how I’d become curious about the evidentiary basis of the Holocaust, and after careful investigation concluded that the Holocaust was largely, perhaps almost entirely a hoax. In particular, I found strong indications that during the years immediately following World War II, most of America’s mainstream journalists and academics seem to have quietly recognized that the stories claiming that millions of Jews had been killed in gas chambers by the Nazis were merely crude wartime propaganda, not dissimilar to the First World War accusations that the Germans had raped Belgian nuns and eaten Belgian children. One important piece of evidence was my discovery of a book written by Prof. John Beaty, who had served as a colonel in Military Intelligence during the war.
Given his crucial wartime role, there probably would have been few Americans better informed of our Intelligence information than Prof. Beaty, and his huge 1951 bestseller casually dismissed the Jewish Holocaust stories as nonsense. His book was strongly endorsed by many of our leading generals, and although the ADL and other Jewish groups ferociously attacked him on every other point, none of them ever challenged his statements on the Holocaust. I went on to explore the striking absence of any significant mention of the Holocaust during those years:
On that matter, I quoted a very interesting passage by Prof. Robert Faurisson, who became one of France’s leading Holocaust Deniers in the 1970s:
Consider the full implications of these facts. As Faurisson emphasized, during the years 1948-1959, Eisenhower, Churchill, and de Gaulle published their memoirs and histories, which totaled more than 7,000 pages. These individuals were the greatest victorious heroes of World War II and the massive works they had published were intended to permanently establish their places in history, not merely for the next few years, but for many decades and even centuries to come. Mainstream Holocaust scholars have reasonably argued that the event they study was probably the greatest crime ever committed in the history of the world, the rapid extermination of six million innocent victims by one of the world’s most highly-educated countries using diabolically advanced scientific means. Those three leaders had led the global campaign to defeat the country responsible for the Holocaust, which had only occurred about a decade earlier. Yet no one reading those 7,000 pages of text would have ever suspected that any Holocaust had even occurred. How can that possibly be explained under the standard historical narrative? My own contrary explanation is a very simple one. All three of those top leaders knew perfectly well that the Holocaust was merely a hoax, a ridiculous concoction of wartime propaganda. They were sure that within another five or ten years, twenty at the most, the Holocaust hoax would have been completely debunked and universally recognized as absurd, just as had happened with the atrocity-hoaxes of the First World War. So they believed that if they mentioned it in their books, they would be endlessly ridiculed by future generations, and they wanted to avoid that embarrassing fate. I’ve never looked into it, but I assume that all the prominent Allied leaders who published their histories and memoirs after WWI were very careful to avoid including any claims that the Germans had raped Belgian nuns or eaten Belgian children. The “rediscovery” of the Holocaust in Western historiography only occurred at the beginning of the 1960s, and some of those very ironic circumstances seem to point towards the same controversial conclusion. As I wrote in my 2018 article:
Yet another strange element, thoroughly documented but rather difficult to square with the traditional Holocaust narrative is that large numbers of part-Jewish Germans served loyally in Hitler’s armies, with some of them holding very high military ranks:
I discussed all of these issues and many others as well in my very long 2018 article, as well as a related piece published the following year: For those who prefer to absorb some of this same information in a different format, I was interviewed last year by Iranian broadcast television on a number of the highly-controversial topics excluded from the Western media, and two of the half-hour segments focused on the Holocaust. Channel Four of the Iran Broadcasting Corporation is one of the country’s largest, having a potential audience of ten million, and after the segments were put online, I had them video-captured and uploaded to a Rumble channel: Analyzing the Holocaust, Part I • 25m Analyzing the Holocaust, Part II • 32m Although totally ignored by our dishonest Western media, over the last two generations principled Holocaust investigators have uncovered and accumulated an enormous volume of persuasive evidence, demonstrating the utter and complete falsehood of the traditional historical narrative on a very wide range of different grounds. One of the earliest major works was originally published in 1976 by Prof. Arthur R. Butz of Northwestern and after having been updated several times since then, his volume still constitutes one of the most comprehensive introductions to the subject. The book bears the very appropriate title of “The Hoax of the Twentieth Century” and although it was purged by Amazon several years ago, it is still easily available here and elsewhere. The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry As I discussed in my 2018 article, the most important recent addition to this extensive collection of material was probably published about a decade ago by a respected science historian.
Dr. Kollerstrom’s excellent book was purged from Amazon, but is freely available on the the Internet or can be easily downloaded in various formats, and I would highly recommend it to those interested in the topic. Much of his important material was presented in an interesting two hour interview on Red Ice Radio, eventually purged from Youtube but still available elsewhere on the Internet: A couple of decades earlier, German chemist Germar Rudolf had been similarly purged and later imprisoned for his skeptical investigation of the scientific evidence for the Holocaust. Rudolf eventually created the most comprehensive published collection of Holocaust Denial literature, one that includes the works of Butz and Kollerstrom as well as dozens of other books by various scholars, nearly all of them freely available for downloading;
For those who prefer to receive their information in video format, that same website has a considerable collection of such video documentaries and I would particularly recommend the following three very long ones, all produced around 15 years ago by a San Francisco resident. Although they lack the lavish production values of a big budget Hollywood film and the quality of the narration is only so-so, I think the volume of factual material presented in these videos is extremely comprehensive and persuasive, just as I had remembered from originally watching them four or five years ago. One-Third of the Holocaust • 4h15m Buchanwald, a Dumb, Dumb Portrayal of Evil • 2h21m The Auschwitz Hoax – Why the Gas Chambers are a Myth • 50m
I think that anyone who has carefully investigated the subject would soon conclude that there is an overwhelming volume of strong factual evidence against the reality of the Holocaust, which appears to be almost entirely fictional, just as fraudulent as the recent claims of forty beheaded babies. But that Holocaust myth has nonetheless remained in place and steadily grown for more than three generations, having seemingly become a lie too enormous to ever be challenged. One likely reason for such impunity has been the successful transformation of the historical Holocaust into the quasi-religion of Holocaustianity, which in many respects reigns as the dominant faith of much of today’s deeply secular West. I have noted that although Pope Benedict XVI and his successor had been willing to accept deviations from the canonical doctrines of their Catholic Church on numerous questions, no skepticism towards the Holocaust could possibly be tolerated. Many otherwise courageous individuals are very reluctant to challenge such a religious faith, especially one in which they themselves have been immersed from their early childhood, perhaps without even recognizing that process. However, belief in such pernicious falsehoods may sometimes prompt acts of the most dreadful nature, just as the recent Israeli atrocity-hoaxes have been used to enable the horrific ongoing massacre in Gaza. According to Segev’s book, the widespread postwar belief among the Jews of Palestine that the Germans had exterminated six million of their people provoked a group of Zionist militants to plot the extermination of six million German civilians in retaliation, spending months infiltrating the water supply facilities of Occupied Germany and securing large quantities of the deadly poison that they planned to introduce. Fortunately, their project failed and although Segev seems convinced that the plot was real and came close to success, I am personally more skeptical. But the mere possibility that the most enormous mass-murder in all of human history might have been prompted in retaliation for an imaginary Holocaust crime is a sobering one. Soon afterward, the Zionists leveraged the same Holocaust story to provide themselves the political cover they required for their brutal war of aggression and expulsion towards the native inhabitants of Palestine, seizing nearly 80% of the land and forcing 80% of the longstanding Arab population to flee as pitiful refugees. During the many decades that followed, that same get-out-of-jail-free Holocaust card has been endlessly played, invoked by Israel’s leaders and its fierce advocates to justify every naked violation of international law and every grisly war crime, culminating now in the destruction of defenseless Gaza. Over the last three months, more than 22,000 bodies of dead civilians have been identified by the Gaza Health Ministry, and with so many thousands more still missing, their bodies buried in the rubble of 100,000 destroyed buildings, the true death-toll is probably well above 30,000. Without doubt, this is the greatest televised slaughter of helpless civilians in the history of the world, and some of Israel’s top leaders have used explicitly genocidal language to describe their plans for the millions of Palestinians. Meanwhile, the rest of the world watches, either unwilling or unable to halt the killing. After more than three months of this unending massacre, the government of South Africa has now filed an 84-page legal brief condemning Israel for this ongoing “genocide.” In our own country, popular progressive slogans advocating for a single unified secular democratic state of Palestine have been demonized as calling for “Jewish genocide.” When several elite college presidents refused to suppress criticism of Israeli policy on their campuses, they were browbeaten by Congressional interrogators and billionaire Jewish donors, with two of them already forced to resign. The Israel Lobby appears to possess near total control of our political system, government, and media organs, and most observers see no prospect of change, agreeing that it would take an unprecedented ideological earthquake to dislodge such control. But surely the collapse of the Holocaust narrative would constitute exactly that sort of unprecedented ideological earthquake, perhaps causing the total disintegration of the entire Zionist project built upon it. For most pro-Israel partisans, the reality of the Holocaust is the fundamental cornerstone of their understanding of the world, and calling it into question would threaten the complete annihilation of their entire system of beliefs. Those who wish to end what they regard as the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians must recognize that one of their best and only chances to achieve that goal may involve their courageous willingness to challenge a purported genocide from eight decades ago, a genocide that never took place, but has subsequently been used to justify an enormous catalog of war crimes and massacres. I can only repeat the closing paragraphs of my original 2018 article on Holocaust Denial:
And the Holocaust is merely one of many enormous falsehoods regarding the central shaping events of the twentieth century that I had discussed in several pieces last year:
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