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The only prediction that really matters for 2017: The global debt collapse begins, followed by the rise of fascist, totalitarian government
While the entire fakestream media was arrogantly reporting that Hillary Clinton had already won well before election day, I knew that was a lie. I knew everything was rigged and even wrote a popular article listing all the things that were rigged, including the polls, the news, the DNC and the voting machines in Democrat-controlled voting areas. Now, as readers are asking me what to expect for 2017, I’ve spent most of the Christmas and New Year’s break pondering the best way to share that insight with you. At first, I thought about putting together a list of 25 bold predictions for 2017, but in the end I realized only one prediction really matters. It makes everything else almost irrelevant. The era of cheap money and free debt is going to come to a catastrophic end To understand the implications of this one prediction, you need to grasp the reality that we are approaching the end of the era of cheap money, endless debt and fiat currency money creation. I don’t have the time to go into all the details of why, but the upshot is that the “experts” running the Fed are delusional. They are wrong. The de-coupling of the U.S. dollar from gold in 1971 by Richard Nixon set into motion an inevitable dollar collapse and economic apocalypse. Since that day, the dollar has existed in a state of eventual demise, with no question whatsoever that the currency would one day collapse. For decades, presidents and central bankers kicked the can down the road, printed new fiat currency and spent the nation into financial oblivion. President Obama, America’s first Muslim President, doubled the federal debt in just eight years, spending insane amounts of money on left-wing handouts and boondoggles designed to win political allies and voter loyalty. Now, with Trump getting sworn into office on January 20, 2017, the globalists no longer want to prevent the debt collapse from taking place. Instead, they are taking steps to make sure it happens during President Trump’s first term. As the engineered crash unfolds, they will use it to discredit Republicans, fiscal conservatives and Trump in particular while unleashing massive social chaos, riots and even the threat of starvation across America’s inner cities. The only way this can be delayed is if Trump sells out to the globalist banksters. There are indications that Goldman Sachs may already be a little too cozy with the Trump administration, but we’ll have to see how that plays out. If Trump defies the global banking order, they will either “JFK” him with a lone assassin or destroy his administration with the planned economic apocalypse described here. Unless Trump caves to the globalists, the economic sabotage will be unleashed during his first term The goal of Obama and the globalists — if Trump doesn’t agree to play ball — is to “poison pill” America and thrust President Trump into the most catastrophic economic nightmare imaginable. Obama, a malicious enemy of America, has already begun to put plans into motion to gut the economy and plant “political landmines” across the bureaucracy that will blow up in Donald Trump’s face. Obama is the first soon-to-be ex-U.S. President who literally seeks to sabotage the country on his way out of office. The timing of all this is during Trump’s first four years. The plans will be set into motion in early 2017, and the mechanisms for engineering a crash will be initiated almost immediately after Trump’s inauguration. The effects of those actions, however, will take time to wreak havoc in their intended way. Importantly, no one can accurately predict the timing of when those actions will release the avalanche of global debt collapse. This is because no one can predict so-called “emergent properties” of vast, highly complex economic interactions. No human mind (or even a supercomputer) is capable of accurately simulating all the variables, but what we do know is that once the avalanche begins, it will be unstoppable until it hits bottom. A good metaphor to understand all this is to imagine someone running around with a concrete drill, trying to bring down a large skyscraper building by drilling holes in the large support pillars of the building’s foundation. The saboteur can drill large numbers of holes — perhaps tens of thousands — and the building still stands. No one knows exactly how many holes will cause the building to crumble, but at some point, one more hole becomes the straw that breaks the camel’s back… and the entire building catastrophically collapses. It’s impossible to predict which hole will unleash the collapse, just as it’s impossible to predict which additional snowflake will unleash an avalanche on the side of a snow packed mountain. But we do know that a massive, catastrophic event is inevitable if the deliberate sabotage doesn’t stop. That’s where we all sit right now in terms of the global debt avalanche that’s poised to occur. The timing is impossible to predict, but the inevitability of it is easy to predict. NOTE: One thing that could delay the collapse of the U.S. system is if the European Union crumbles first. As the EU collapses and the ECB freaks out, flight capital will flee to U.S. shores, dumping hundreds of billions of dollars into U.S. stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets. This will be a “mini bubble” and it will be short lived. But as it takes place, Republicans will herald the “Trumponomics revolution” with no regard to the real reason why it’s happening. Before long, the EU crash ripple effects will strangle U.S. markets as well, and then it’s game over until the correction hits bottom. Once it happens, President Trump will have little choice but to declare martial law and roll out an expanded police state Now here’s where all this gets interesting (and more than a little disturbing). As the debt collapse unfolds, we’re going to see the freezing of banking transactions, government payments and food stamp debit cards. The stock market will collapse (or be frozen), pensions will collapse, many banks will implode, the FDIC will go bankrupt, real estate will collapse, international banks will save themselves with “bail ins” and so on. It’s going to be financial Armageddon on a scale no living person has ever witnessed before. Should all this unfold, President Trump will fight the deliberate sabotage by invoking all the emergency measures of Government that President Obama signed into law as executive orders. Very few Americans realize, for example, that executive orders are right now on the books that will allow President Trump, with a simple signature, to seize all gold, dollars and financial assets of every American. In addition, Obama also signed executive orders that would allow FEMA to confiscate all food, seeds, fuel, tractors, livestock and farmland from every American, all across the nation. That order was signed on March 16, 2012. I’ve covered the details of it in this Natural News article. In case you’re so uninformed that you think I’m making this up, you can read the White House announcement of this executive order at this link. (And stop being naive. I don’t make things up. That’s the job of the Washington Post.) In essence, Obama laid out a blueprint for the totalitarian rise of a police state federal government to be invoked during times of emergency. What I’m telling you now — and this is the single most important prediction for 2017 and the rest of Trump’s first term — is that President Trump will invoke these emergency orders out of a desperate need for self-preservation of the U.S. government. Obama created the perfect police state, thinking Clinton was going to inherit it Every piece of tyranny and overbearing government control that Obama signed into law — incorrectly believing Hillary Clinton would inherit the new police state powers — will soon reside in the executive portfolio of President Trump. What’s crucial to understand here is that even if Trump believes in democracy, liberty and American patriotism, he will have no choice but to unleash a police state response to the social chaos and subterfuge being set into motion by Obama and the globalists… all enemies of Donald Trump. In essence, you should get ready to live under temporary martial law and a federally run police state dictatorship. You should understand that governments always use crisis to ratchet up their power, invoking the “emergency” of the day to radically expand their power and reach over the citizenry. (It’s called “Shock Doctrine.”) Even more astonishingly, realize that even you will beg for martial law because the violence, looting and social chaos being pursued by the lawless left will be so outrageously out of control that you’ll gladly give up more liberty in exchange for the promise of security. I hope at this point you understand the real danger in all this. The danger is not the martial law in and of itself. The danger is not the government responding to the chaos with force. The danger is that the police state expansions never end. Because the more the radical left resists the initial police state actions, the more quickly this all descends into a left-wing armed rebellion that forever justifies a militant police state run by the government to enforce “security.” Governments rarely give up power voluntarily The real danger in all this, you see, is that President Trump’s inevitable response of martial law and police state tactics is so effective at clamping down on the left-wing violence that it becomes a permanent fixture of American society. The danger is that we wake up and find ourselves living in the totalitarian police state system described by John. W. Whitehead in his must-read book, Battlefield America. Government habitually ratchets up its power during times of crisis, but it is very slow to let go of that newfound power as circumstances settle down. Once we have an effective, high-security police state under President Trump that stops the left-wing violence and looting, how do we ever return to a society that’s no longer functioning in a state of martial law? If the police start to back down, the violent, insane leftists start looting everything in sight. They may even be joined by all the tens of millions of former government workers who will one day wake up and realize their pensions have been obliterated. If they take to the streets as well, we’ve got the makings of a real uprising / popular revolt on our hands… and that’s exactly what justifies an expansion of the police state. (I wouldn’t even be surprised if many left-wing bombings turn out to be false flags carried out by those who stand to benefit the most from a totalitarian police state society.) Make no mistake: President Trump is extremely capable of making the kind of tough military-style decisions necessary to protect his administration from attempted uprisings. He’s got highly capable military generals abundantly represented in his cabinet, for one thing, and these are true American patriots who aren’t going to let anarchists destroy the Trump administration. But that’s not the real question in all this. The real question is how much liberty will we have remaining after the uprising is smashed? If Trump abandons the liberty principles that got him elected, it will rapidly escalate the anti-government rebellion across all political lines Will the Trump administration, under extreme pressure from citizens in cities being devastated by violence and chaos, eventually attempt radical, anti-liberty actions under the cover of a “national emergency” such as banning the Second Amendment? If so, that would put the government in a state of war with most patriots, effectively escalating a state of war with the very same people who got Trump elected. Will President Trump radically expand police powers in order to quell inner city protests? For example, could he authorize the rounding up of protesters and securing them in FEMA camps while they await prosecution? (Hey, we finally figured out how to use those FEMA camps!) Could police forces throughout the United States be given authorization to shoot protesters on sight? If so, that would place the United States government into essentially a state of kinetic warfare against the mostly left-wing citizens of high population cities. None of the aftermath scenarios in that circumstance are desirable. Very few people think about how this all plays out. Most Americans are hardly capable of thinking just one move ahead on the chessboard. But people like myself — the true remaining independent journalists of America — think five or six moves ahead, which is exactly why we’ve been so correct on our predictions about what you’re seeing unfold right now. (There wasn’t a single mainstream media journalist who predicted a Trump victory. They all got it wrong.) Donald Trump is not to blame… he’s being positioned as a scapegoat by Obama and the globalists What my strategic mind is screaming at me right now is that we will all face the rise of aggressive police state government as President Trump responds to the coming collapse of social order (caused by a combination of economic collapse and the rise of radical leftist anti-government forces). For the record, this is not a criticism of Trump. He is not the person who put all this in place… he’s being positioned as the scapegoat to blame for what unfolds. It’s actually Obama and the globalists who have engineered this situation with malicious intent. They’ve rigged everything to thrust Trump into a scenario that’s almost impossible to survive without invoking a police state response. They’ve backed him into a corner, leaving him no options but to invoke emergency powers. Once he does that, the fakestream media will pounce on him and label him a “dictator” with all the usual comparisons to Adolf Hitler. Yet, one ray of good news in all this is that Donald Trump has already proven he is extraordinarily clever and resilient. He may yet maneuver a way out of this that the globalists did not foresee. After all, Trump survived the Republican primary and the brutal presidential campaign. He has proven that he’s very, very hard to defeat. That may work in our favor as Trump faces the greatest challenge of any President in United States history: the engineered collapse of the nation’s currency and debt. If Trump can survive all that and still avoid radically expanding the police state powers of the federal government, it will be, simply put, the most extraordinary political victory in our nation’s history… and it would make President Trump the greatest leader our nation has known since George Washington. Can he succeed in all this? I can’t predict that yet. There aren’t enough data points to plan that far ahead. But whether he succeeds or fails, 2017 is the year you’d better be ready to survive the most radical and unpredictable scenarios ever considered. Stay informed at Natural News, where our intelligent analysis is obviously vastly more informed than anything you’ll ever see from the fakestream media.
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